15:00:26 <vishalmanchanda> #startmeeting horizon 15:00:26 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Jan 11 15:00:26 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:26 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:26 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:01:03 <ganso> o/ 15:01:13 <vishalmanchanda> hello 15:01:48 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera:amotoki :tmazur: e0ne: ping, anyone around for horizon weekly meeting? 15:03:30 <vishalmanchanda> let's start the meeting. 15:03:52 <vishalmanchanda> agenda of meeting can be found here https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L34 15:04:55 <vishalmanchanda> #topic Notices 15:05:33 <vishalmanchanda> A casual reminder about schedule. 15:05:46 <vishalmanchanda> This week is R-10 week. 15:06:16 <vishalmanchanda> We have around 1 month left for feature freeze. 15:07:00 <vishalmanchanda> if anyone is working on some feature item, please let me know in advance. 15:07:18 <vishalmanchanda> So we can do reviews on those patches. 15:07:35 <vishalmanchanda> For more info about schedule please refer https://releases.openstack.org/antelope/schedule.html 15:07:58 <vishalmanchanda> moving to next annocement 15:08:13 <vishalmanchanda> It is about Gate Health 15:08:48 <vishalmanchanda> You may have noticed horizon master and stable branches gate started failing. 15:09:08 <vishalmanchanda> Please hold your rechecks until it is fixed. 15:09:19 <vishalmanchanda> It is due to tox4 changes. 15:09:38 <vishalmanchanda> Initial fix done by amotoki patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/868542 15:10:00 <vishalmanchanda> but but today I noticed we are getting more error in master branch. 15:10:24 <vishalmanchanda> See https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/866840 15:11:28 <rdopiera> oof, sorry, I wasn't prepared 15:12:15 <vishalmanchanda> I am investigating this issue, one thing we can do is pin tox <4 f or master branch as well like I did for stable branches to fix the gate for now , and once we fix that we can revert it. 15:12:24 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: np, welcome back. 15:13:48 <vishalmanchanda> About stable branches, as discussed on open-discuss ML, I have purposed patches for a few stable branches to use tox <4 for the npm jobs. 15:14:18 <vishalmanchanda> Please review them https://review.opendev.org/q/I3652d87d817030bcd3855d26bfa41b8b7061d08e 15:15:36 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: tmazur : wdys we should do similar workaround for master branch as well for now to make CI happy? 15:17:08 <rdopiera> vishalmanchanda: I am afraid that sooner or later we will have to unpin it, because the old version will no longer work with new python or something like that 15:17:25 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: yeah that's true 15:17:33 <tmazur> vishalmanchanda: I'd prefer a workaround for master branch for now but we will have to fix it properly at some point 15:18:05 <vishalmanchanda> so let's try our best to fix these tox4 issue asap in master branch. 15:18:21 <vishalmanchanda> for stable branches we will pin them to use tox < 4. 15:19:20 <vishalmanchanda> I have no other announcements to make, if anyone have any announcement to make. please go ahead. 15:20:53 <vishalmanchanda> moving to next topic 15:21:04 <vishalmanchanda> #topic Release priorities 15:21:18 <vishalmanchanda> there is no update on this topic from my side. 15:21:31 <vishalmanchanda> I have no updates on jquery. 15:24:12 <vishalmanchanda> moving to next topic 15:24:31 <vishalmanchanda> #topic On-Demand Agenda 15:25:12 <vishalmanchanda> more maintainers are being added in PyPi maintainer list of xstatic-font-awesome repo without OpenStack way 15:25:38 <vishalmanchanda> This topic is raised by gmann from TC. 15:28:49 <vishalmanchanda> looks like I got disconnected. 15:30:10 <vishalmanchanda> I was saying TC recently noticed a member (ReimarBauer) who is not a member of horizon core team or openstack maintainer but maintainer of XStatic-Font-Awesome, Xstatic-jquery-ui packages which is used by horizon. 15:30:55 <vishalmanchanda> Tc main concern is these non-openstack-maintainer can change and merge anything in code which horizon team don't know. For e.g. https://github.com/openstack/xstatic-font-awesome/pull/2 15:31:48 <rdopiera> yay open source 15:31:54 <rdopiera> you gotta have some drama 15:32:17 <vishalmanchanda> Now TC wants input from horizon team if you want to cleanup (remove those non-openstack maintainer ) or hand over this repo (or xstatic-* other repo is there is any external maintainer there) to those external maintainers? 15:33:00 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: I thought only horizon core team or some old horizon maintainer can merge these changes.... 15:33:40 <rdopiera> xstatic-font-awesome was created byt the moinmoin wiki project 15:35:11 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: ok. 15:36:18 <rdopiera> see https://github.com/moinwiki/moin/issues/1326 15:37:23 <rdopiera> if our TC doesn't want us to cooperate with other open source projects, we can fork it 15:38:29 <vishalmanchanda> fork it, sounds good to me. 15:39:02 <gmann> its not about not corporates with other OSS but to have single set of maintainers in single place for easy to maintain 15:39:07 <vishalmanchanda> I guess it's not like TC doesn't want us to cooperate with other project 15:39:24 <gmann> fork seems more dangerous then current situation 15:39:55 <vishalmanchanda> but we don't know what code they merge 15:40:03 <gmann> if that is used by other porjects than OpenStack also then may be it can be maintained outside of openstack and openstack can be one of the users of it like any other deps 15:40:17 <rdopiera> if we are afraid of some dangerous changes getting into horizon, we can always pin the version 15:40:46 <vishalmanchanda> yeah otherwise uc version updates to 6.2.1 15:40:58 <gmann> true, and giving the ownership to them and remove it from openstack deliverables seems best way ahead ? 15:41:08 <vishalmanchanda> I personally don't look at the code which they merged. 15:41:21 <gmann> unless they are ok to come and maintain/help it in openstack 15:42:14 <gmann> its more about having communication with external maintainers and check what they also think as they are impacted/and should be involved in any decision we take 15:43:49 <rdopiera> ok, I will talk with them, and see what they think 15:44:01 <gmann> +1, rdopiera thanks 15:44:11 <rdopiera> it's the moinmoin wiki project, they used to be on freenode 15:44:39 <gmann> collaboration in both side and maintaining it in single place is best solution but we should avoid two independent maintenance place 15:44:44 <rdopiera> I guess they are at liberachat now 15:45:23 <vishalmanchanda> till then I will pin xstatic-font-awesome to use old version i.e. which we currently using in horizon https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/requirements.txt#L60 15:45:56 <vishalmanchanda> I mean horizon use old version of this package. 15:45:59 <gmann> vishalmanchanda: but is new version breaking horizon? if not then may be we can keep latest ? 15:46:15 <rdopiera> unless there is a security issue, I doubt we will ever need to upgrade it 15:46:36 <vishalmanchanda> rdopiera: ++ 15:47:05 <vishalmanchanda> gmann: we have to check that. 15:47:23 <gmann> ack 15:48:29 <vishalmanchanda> gmann: thanks for raising this issue. 15:48:51 <vishalmanchanda> moving to next topic 15:49:08 <vishalmanchanda> https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/2002008 added by ganso 15:49:10 <gmann> thanks vishalmanchanda rdopiera for discussion and followup on this 15:49:17 <ganso> o/ 15:49:22 <ganso> so I wanted to discuss that bug 15:49:36 <ganso> #bug cannot set project quotas 15:50:02 <ganso> as described in the bug, project quotas can be set through the CLI, if the user is a project-admin 15:50:21 <ganso> but through horizon, there is a code check to show the button, and it is only shown it the user is a cloudadmin 15:50:26 <ganso> so the behavior is not the same 15:50:35 <ganso> I wonder if there is a specific reason for it to be different 15:51:53 <ganso> this is the code that performs the check: https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/b8648536c6422023354b28575d870f0326182d3e/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/identity/projects/tables.py#L149 15:52:18 <ganso> does it sound sane to submit a change to remove that check and validate only whether the user is a project admin? 15:54:22 * ganso crickets... did I disconnect? 15:55:12 <vishalmanchanda> ganso: no it is good change, but please add proper commit msg and some api-ref. which justify your change. 15:56:14 <ganso> vishalmanchanda: ok. And considering this change, do you think it would be backportable? 15:56:14 <vishalmanchanda> honestly I am also not that old so I can say if that check is added for some specific reason. 15:57:32 <vishalmanchanda> backport is little tricky... 15:59:20 <vishalmanchanda> same thing you can done via CLI in branches you are planning to backport? 16:00:17 <ganso> vishalmanchanda: well, the bug has been there forever, and the ability to do it through the CLI has been there forever as well... so, I would think plausible to backport it as far back as ussuri 16:00:50 <vishalmanchanda> ok, then go ahead. 16:00:59 <ganso> vishalmanchanda: alright =) thanks! 16:01:08 <vishalmanchanda> more thing we can discuss at the time of reviews. 16:01:20 <ganso> that's all I had. I will start working on it and we'll see how the patch turns out 16:01:28 <vishalmanchanda> cool 16:01:41 <vishalmanchanda> we are almost out of time. 16:01:54 <vishalmanchanda> Does anyone have any other topic to discuss? 16:02:31 <vishalmanchanda> ok, thanks everyone for joining. 16:02:36 <vishalmanchanda> #endmeeting