15:00:36 #startmeeting horizon 15:00:36 Meeting started Wed Apr 19 15:00:36 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:36 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:36 The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:02:05 o/ 15:02:08 o/ 15:02:26 Hello everyone 15:03:32 let's start the meeting 15:03:37 agenda of meeting can be found here https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L32 15:04:16 I have no announcements for this week, so moving to Release priorities topic 15:04:21 #topic Release priorities 15:05:19 thanks rdopiera for reviewing Jquery migration patches. 15:05:21 https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:update-jquery 15:05:53 tmazur: Could you also review them. 15:06:04 Sure, will do today 15:06:24 let me know in case if you have any doubt in those patches. 15:06:27 tmazur: thanks. 15:10:04 I will try to fix more deprecated method and once it done, I will update the XStatic-JQuery-Migrate version to and then later JQuery version 15:10:30 moving to next item 15:11:42 I look into setuptool bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/2007574 but I still not able to reproduce this issue. 15:12:27 it depends on what order things are being installed 15:12:28 one time I hit the same issue mentioned in the bug, but now it is working in my local env. 15:12:57 rdopiera: ohh. I see. 15:13:05 we just need to add an import to the base xstatic setup.py 15:13:18 I keep forgetting to make a PR 15:14:50 rdopiera: could you please do it atleast for one pypi i.e. XStatic-term.js 15:15:18 If similar changes required in other pypi as well, I can help. 15:15:20 we just need it for the xstatic itself 15:16:21 just 'import pkg_resources' in the setup.py for xstatic package 15:16:55 I will do it 15:17:29 rdopiera: that will be awesome. 15:17:33 thanks. 15:18:44 I have nothing more to discuss on release priority topic. 15:19:16 moving to next topic 15:19:26 #topic open-discussion 15:20:33 we have a new blueprint 15:21:07 https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack/?searchtext=action-to-export-credentials-in-users-menu 15:22:44 yeah a patch is also up for this bp https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/879163 15:23:00 It's on my review list. 15:24:26 rdopiera: you want to discuss something about this bp? 15:25:11 not particularly, I just find it curious, might be a candidate for a contributor 15:27:13 ack. 15:28:52 rdopiera: you remember 2 weeks back while removing the external contributors from pypi packages you removed everyone except openstacci for font-awosome pypi, even moinwiki contributors and then you added him back. 15:30:40 So gmann and fungi want to know if this is possible, if someone removes themself, can also add themselves back as a maintainer for a pypi? 15:31:04 no, I asked the pypi admin to add me back 15:31:23 and it involved some verification 15:31:36 rdopiera: ok thanks for confirming. 15:32:13 asked via an issue on github i guess? 15:32:31 via e-mail to admin@pypi.org 15:32:37 aha, thanks 15:34:04 I have one query on your patch using double quotes for HTML attribute https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/879490 15:34:21 Please reply on it, so we can merge it. 15:36:51 that's all from my side for this week. 15:37:19 Does anyone have any other topic to discuss? 15:41:38 If no other topic to discuss, we can end this meeting. 15:42:44 thanks, everyone for joining. See you next week. 15:43:07 #endmeeting