15:00:16 #startmeeting horizon 15:00:16 Meeting started Wed Apr 26 15:00:16 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:16 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:16 The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:01:22 o/ 15:01:37 Hello everyone 15:04:14 only two of us, anyway let's start the meeting. 15:04:45 agenda of meeting can be found here https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L32 15:05:23 I have no announcements for this moving, so moving to Release priorities topic 15:05:29 #topic Release priorities 15:06:07 o/ 15:06:42 small update on jQuery migration 15:07:21 First of all thank you rdopiera tmazur for quick approval on my patches. 15:07:57 I am working on fixing few more jQuery deprecated function, will try to push them asap. 15:08:36 moving to next thing. 15:09:04 horizon doesn't support setuptools 67.3.1 15:09:24 https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/2007574 15:09:43 rdopiera: any update on this bug? 15:10:15 I remember you were saying we just need to import xstatic packages in ``setup.py file``. 15:10:27 https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/setup.py 15:10:28 vishalmanchanda: no, I forgot again, I will make a pull request after the meeting 15:10:37 rdopiera: ok, thanks 15:10:53 vishalmanchanda: the problem for me is that my github account is set up on my personal computer not my work computer 15:11:09 so I forget about it by the time I get to it 15:11:13 sorry 15:12:51 So we just need to do "from xstatic import pkg_resources" in setup.py file and this will fix the issue? 15:13:15 Also, just curious it is the right way or some workaround to fix it. 15:13:56 I mean, do we need to change anything on xstatic packages side, but we don't have people to do it? 15:14:23 no, we need 'import pkg_resources' in xstatic's setup.py 15:15:01 it's just a single pull request for a single package 15:15:36 rdopiera: ok and we need to do it for all packages? 15:19:17 maybe I will understand more once your patch is up. 15:20:31 moving to next item 15:21:37 Devstack team might update cirros version to 0.6.1 and due to this our integration job will start failing. 15:21:43 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/881437 15:22:09 vishalmanchanda: as I understand it, we only need it for the "xstatic" package itself 15:23:58 rdopiera: ok 15:24:37 I will push a patch to update cirros version for horizon-integration job. 15:25:39 that's all update from my side for this week. 15:26:01 #topic open-discussion 15:26:24 Does anyone have any topic to discuss? 15:29:28 If no other topic to discuss, let's end this meeting 15:29:28 https://github.com/xstatic-py/xstatic/pull/11 15:30:15 rdopiera: thanks, hope it fixes the issue. 15:31:23 #endmeeting