15:00:10 #startmeeting horizon 15:00:10 Meeting started Wed May 24 15:00:10 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:10 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:10 The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:00:16 o/ 15:00:30 Hello everyone 15:01:25 o/ 15:02:21 hi 15:02:24 let's start the meeting 15:02:36 agenda of meeting can be found here https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L39 15:03:34 I have no announcements for this week, so moving to release priorities topic. 15:03:46 #topic Release priorities 15:04:11 Update-jQuery 15:04:45 I have pushed a patch to bump XStatic-JQuery-Migrate version from> and horizon-integration job also pass. 15:05:02 Please take a look https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/883660 15:05:53 The next step would be updating the XStatic-jQuery version from> in horizon CI jobs. 15:07:23 I hope it doesn't broke the CI jobs. 15:07:40 specifically horizon-integration job. 15:08:06 moving to next thing 15:08:40 the failure rate of the integration job is already super high, so I don't think we can evaluate whether the version bump affects it :-( 15:08:40 Setuptools issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/2007574 15:09:45 amotoki: yeah, but I am testing it manually for all the panels but few things I may miss in my testing. 15:10:32 vishalmanchanda: the failure rate of the integration job is another topic. perhaps we need to discuss it separately 15:11:42 amotoki: yes, I was saying it didn't breaks due to changes I am doing for jQuery update. 15:11:51 For setuptool, patch to use latest version of XStatic =1.0.3 is merged in both openstack/requirements and openstack/horizon. 15:12:17 Now it is using XStatic =1.0.3, see https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/730cdebb1a864d6289d0afca99d6e39e/log/kolla/build/horizon.log#145 15:12:35 but still getting the same error https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/730cdebb1a864d6289d0afca99d6e39e/log/kolla/build/horizon.log#1883 15:13:31 rdopiera: did you get the time to look into it? 15:14:07 vishalmanchanda: no 15:14:27 vishalmanchanda: I suppose that means we have to make that change to all xstatic packages... 15:14:45 but before we do that, I need to test it 15:14:52 on some fake packages 15:16:15 rdopiera: yes, we start with XStatic-Moment-Timezone pypi 15:18:40 that's all update from my side on this topic 15:19:16 moving to next topic 15:19:25 #topic open-discussion 15:20:15 I have pushed a patch to rename x/xstatic-angular-fileupload->openstack/xstatic-angular-fileupload but getting some errors. 15:20:25 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/883995 15:21:28 Does anyone have any idea how to fix it? 15:21:56 we hit the same issue on xstatic-fond-awesome too 15:22:00 I think this series of patch needs to be merged till stable/ussuri branch to fix it https://review.opendev.org/q/I9c75b084705dfdc6df52aca1659f89444c8a1728 15:22:08 amotoki: yes. 15:22:08 I think it is better to ask it to the opendev infra team 15:22:34 amotoki: ok, I will check with them 15:22:41 stable/ussuri syntax error is just what we see 15:22:55 it is just because ussuri branch zuul config is checked first 15:23:08 ohh. 15:23:11 I think we will hit the same error one branch by one 15:24:12 but it is just my guess, so let's discuss it with the TACT SIG member 15:24:32 yeah, we have to rename x/xstatic-angular-fileupload and remove xstatic-font-awesome in a single patch in stable branches, but anyway I will check with them 15:26:22 We have 1 new bug reported this week https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/2020630 15:26:52 I haven't looked at the bug yet, If anyone get some time please take a look. 15:27:45 I will take a look. Might be connected to the angular upgrade. 15:28:09 tmazur: thanks. 15:29:19 Does anyone setup keystone Federation env. on devstack and provide me some references? 15:29:25 as I mentioned above, the failure rate of the integration job is super high https://grafana.opendev.org/d/260356fb6c/horizon-failure-rate?orgId=1&from=1684335968345&to=1684940768345&viewPanel=4 15:29:39 does it happen for purely random test? 15:29:49 or does it happen in a specific set of tests? 15:30:33 if it fails in a specific set of tests, over 90% failure might be a good indicator to skip them 15:32:48 I have noticed pagination and filteration related integration tests fails too much. 15:33:41 we can also rewrite those random failing tests rather then skipping it. 15:34:12 theose tests often fail for long.... but the failure rate these weeks are too high. I wonder something has changed 15:34:42 at least "recheck random failure" mesage is confusing 15:35:30 hmm, we can add more detail info. while rechecking for a patch. 15:35:44 vishalmanchanda: do you suggest to continue recheck recheck recheck.... until we succeed to rewrite them? 15:36:56 amotoki: you want to skip those failed tests? 15:37:09 rdopiera and I were also thinking about rewriting integration tests as scenario-based. This will help to decrease the amount of tests running 15:37:31 vishalmanchanda: IMHO we can skip them once and explore how to make them stable 15:38:21 we are wasting CI resources and power. we are not energy friendly :p 15:38:47 Basically we test create something, and then we test update the same thing, and for this we run create again. So we can skip the create test and include it into the scenario 15:38:53 ok, I am fine with that but just wondering about side-effect of that. 15:40:04 tmazur: I like the idea. 15:40:25 we are doing almost the same thing as "bare recheck" and other tests verifies the basic operation, so I think we can skip them 15:40:43 amotoki: that's true. 15:45:49 what we can do now, make a list of these random failing integration tests and then decide to skip that test or not. 15:47:05 where we can save these type of data about the failed integration test which everyone of us can see and update? 15:47:10 etherpad? 15:47:29 or somewhere else in tabular format. 15:47:59 I think we can use etherpad and collect failing tests for example last week 15:48:34 +1 for etherpad 15:48:47 ok 15:48:58 launchpad bug can be used as an entry point too (as it allows us to link a bug from a gerrit change) 15:49:20 but we can collect stats on failing tests in an etherpad 15:49:55 I will create a new etherpad and add some info. their. 15:50:24 Feel free to update and add some more info. there. 15:50:37 thanks 15:52:05 https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/random-failed-horizon-integration-tests 15:52:36 Does anyone have any other topic to discuss? 15:56:12 none from me 15:56:21 nothing 15:58:03 Does anyone of you ever setup Keystone Federation env. on devstack and provide me some references? 16:00:46 ok let's end this meeting. 16:00:50 I have no experience on it. devstack itself does not support it and perhaps you need extra config after running devstack 16:01:03 Never did that 16:01:08 ok 16:01:17 thanks, everyone for joining. 16:01:26 #endmeeting