15:00:08 #startmeeting horizon 15:00:08 Meeting started Wed Jul 12 15:00:08 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:08 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:08 The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:00:41 o/ 15:00:55 Hello everyone 15:00:58 o/ 15:01:47 agenda of meeting can be found here https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L32 15:02:06 let's start the meeting 15:02:19 #topic Notices 15:03:14 A casual reminder about the schedule, This week is R-12 week. 15:03:37 For more info about schedule please refer https://releases.openstack.org/bobcat/schedule.html 15:03:52 moving to next announcement 15:04:16 Dates for next the PTG is announced on open-discuss ML. 15:04:41 https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-July/034363.html 15:05:10 It is going be virtual ptg from October 23-27, 2023. 15:05:47 Registration is going be free like previous virtual PTG. 15:05:56 So please signup if you are planning to attend it. 15:06:15 Link for registration https://ptg2023.openinfra.dev/ 15:06:53 I have no other announcements for this week. 15:06:58 moving to next topic 15:07:15 #topic Release priorities 15:07:33 Update on horizon-integration job 15:08:22 You may know I have change horizon-integration job to non-voting so that upper-constarints.txt patch got merged https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/887933 15:08:43 So please be careful before merging any patches in horizon. 15:09:07 I have already pushed a patch to make the job voting again https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/888114 15:09:25 but still some test fails randomly. 15:10:34 Does anyone have any other updates to share about this topic? 15:10:38 It looks like they fail with the same issue: clicking on menu dropdown 15:10:59 I am investigating it now 15:11:00 another javascript error? 15:11:08 yeah because Xstatic-jQuery is not updated yet for the job 15:11:18 oh 15:11:49 Ah 15:12:11 These 2 patches needs to be merged for that https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/888145 and https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/887933 15:12:12 I rebased cromebrowser patch to get some console information 15:12:30 tmazur: good. 15:15:07 Some times all integration tests are passing without any issue see https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/887548 15:16:00 there must be some race condition that triggers that js error 15:16:36 ok 15:20:05 tmazur: are you getting same warning in your local env. like this one https://storage.gra.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_f7b/886867/23/check/horizon-integration-tests-with-chrome/f7ba5de/tox/test_reports/TestAdminInstancesPagination.test_create_delete_instance/browser.log 15:21:26 I am not able to reproduce it locally 15:21:38 If you test the same integration test manually 15:21:41 tmazur: ok 15:22:50 moving to next topic 15:22:58 #topic open-discussion 15:23:11 Does anyone have any other topic to discuss? 15:26:43 if no other topic to discuss, let's end this meeting 15:27:01 thanks for joining, See you next week! 15:27:15 #endmeeting