15:00:03 #startmeeting horizon 15:00:03 Meeting started Wed Aug 2 15:00:03 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:03 The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:00:39 o/ 15:01:19 Hello everyone 15:01:35 o/ 15:02:22 hi 15:02:41 agenda of the meeting can be found here https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L38 15:03:37 #topic Notices 15:03:55 I have no announcements for this week. 15:04:22 if anyone have any announcement to make for this week, please go ahead. 15:05:50 Looks like nothing, moving to the next topic. 15:06:02 #topic Release priorities 15:06:30 Update on jQuery Migration 15:07:18 Now horizon is using XStatic-jQuery=== in the CI job. 15:07:47 Patch to update upper-constraints merged this week. 15:07:58 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/890081 15:08:52 I also pushed a patch to bump lower bound of jQuery in horizon Bump minor version of XStatic-jQuery 15:09:08 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/890217 15:09:19 Please take a look once you have time. 15:09:51 Now I thing this migration is completed after above patch got merged. 15:10:09 \o/ 15:10:26 Yay 15:10:35 I will push more patches if I see any deprecation warning with latest jQuery version. 15:10:58 I am not going to bring this topic in upcoming horizon weekly meeting. 15:11:07 marking it as completed. 15:11:45 moving to the next topic. 15:13:16 As discussed in the last weekly meeting, I am going through the docs how to switch to SCSS library or any other alternatives. 15:13:49 that's is all update from my side on this topic. 15:14:49 Does anyone have any update to share on this topic? 15:16:18 vishalmanchanda: I think the relevant docs is https://django-compressor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/settings.html#django.conf.settings.COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS 15:16:33 vishalmanchanda: we can specify a command line command in there for scss 15:18:10 rdopiera: ok thanks, will through the doc. link 15:20:31 moving to the next topic 15:20:40 #topic open-discussion 15:20:55 I have one topic to discuss here. 15:22:02 adding xstatic-angular-fileupload as part of release repo 15:22:13 deliverables 15:23:17 There is a patch up to add "xstatic-angular-fileupload" as a release deliverables but CI is failing for the patch. 15:24:22 Error msg is "ERROR: Could not find Command '['git', 'show', '']' returned non-zero exit status 128." 15:24:53 https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/9e394cd3dc7849dea8811dba376a5851/log/job-output.txt#7342 15:25:44 If I look at pypi.org "" version is not available there https://pypi.org/project/XStatic-Angular-FileUpload/#history 15:26:22 Anyone have any idea how to fix this CI issue? 15:26:49 have you seen the error a few lines up? 15:26:52 ERROR: tarball-base for openstack/xstatic-angular-fileupload is set to 'XStatic-Angular-Fileupload' but the sdist name is actually 'XStatic-Angular-FileUpload'. It is too expensive to determine this value during the site build, please set it explicitly. 15:27:07 maybe it's related? 15:28:59 rdopiera: thanks, updated let's see if it got resolved now. 15:32:08 Does anyone have any other topic to discuss? 15:34:16 I submitted the patch making room for the new tests 15:35:10 it should pass the gate tests now, I eventually decided to put everything in openstack_dashboard/test/selenium 15:35:26 I made sure the new tests are not run automatically 15:35:54 next I will look into using the new memcached driver 15:37:59 rdopiera: thanks, i will test your patch in my local env. 15:39:44 the tests themselves fill probably fail at the moment 15:40:06 they need more work, but we want to be able to do it properly, through patches with review, not in one big patch 15:41:20 yeah, make sense. It will be difficult to review. 15:43:05 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/889385 still fails 15:43:10 rdopiera: ^^ 15:44:34 rdopiera: You have updated xstatic-angular-fileupload version but it is not released/published on pypi.org https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/xstatic-angular-fileupload/+/703626 15:48:25 Anyway I will check with release team if they can help here. 15:51:10 If we have no other topic to discuss here, let's end this meeting. 15:51:29 thanks everyone for joining, See you next week. 15:51:42 #endmeeting