15:00:15 #startmeeting horizon 15:00:15 Meeting started Wed Sep 20 15:00:15 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:15 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:15 The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:00:33 o/ 15:00:42 hello everyone 15:03:05 o/ 15:03:48 agenda of today's meeting can be found here. 15:03:51 https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L39 15:04:04 let's start the meeting 15:04:06 #topic Notices 15:05:09 I have pushed a patch which cut the final release of horizon and going to use for creating stable/2023.2 branch 15:05:15 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/895823 15:05:43 Hope it got merged soon 15:06:09 Once release patch got merged, master is open for 2024.1 cycle. 15:06:45 If you want to get any patch merge in bobcat release, you have to backport it in stable/2023.2 branch after it got merged in master branch. 15:07:04 moving to next announcement. 15:07:38 I have created a etherpad for Carcel Virtual PTG, please add your name if you are going to attend the PTG. 15:07:50 https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-caracal-ptg 15:08:09 Also, start adding the topics which you would like to discuss during the PTG. 15:09:56 I am thinking to book the same slot which we book during the last virtual PTG which are below: 15:10:54 24th October 2023, Tuesday 14 UTC - 16 UTC (2 hour slot) 15:11:13 25th October 2023, Wednesday 16 UTC (1 hour slot) 15:12:03 oh, I'm on vacation :( 15:12:04 Please let me know if anyone have any issue with above time slots, then I will try to book some other time slots which works for everyone. 15:12:27 rdopiera: ohh:( 15:12:45 vacation for complete week? 15:12:54 whole month 15:13:08 starting in two weeks 15:13:17 ok. 15:13:24 tmazur: what about you? 15:13:33 All works for me 15:13:59 rdopiera: when you will came back from vacation? 15:17:13 November 15:17:25 sorry, it's for health reasons 15:17:32 no issues. 15:18:25 I am thinking, if we can do this PTG in November because only 3 of us actively contributing in horizon. 15:19:08 or we can do it next week? 15:19:19 what you say? 15:19:33 either works for me, but I wouldn't want to be the problem 15:19:47 I am fine with shifting the PTG 15:20:23 I don't think there is any issue in that I will check with openstack foundation member about the process 15:21:12 I guess we only needs to send a mail on open-discuss ML that we are changing the time 15:21:32 So if anyone interested can joins the meeting. 15:21:43 We can still have a forum session during the official PTG in case somebody outside of Horizon wants to discuss something 15:21:58 tmazur: yeah sounds good. 15:22:48 rdopiera: or one more option I see we can discuss your topic later in some other weekly meeting when you join the office. 15:25:06 I will check and let you know soon. 15:25:35 that's all announcement from my side for this week. 15:25:58 moving to the next topic 15:26:25 #topic Release priorities 15:27:02 I am investigating py3.11 job issues this week but no success so far. 15:27:43 I bumped Django version till 4.2 in my local env. but still hitting the same error. 15:28:47 is it still the regexp error? 15:28:59 yes. 15:29:09 did you look at that file with the regexp for a field valiadation? 15:30:40 yes 15:30:49 openstack_dashboard/dashboards/project/containers/utils.py 15:31:25 instead of r'^(?u)[^/]+$' in should be r'(?u)^[^/]+$' 15:31:32 but Voulmebackup tests are failing and trackback logs are here https://paste.openstack.org/show/bmNEBAOSrYE3YLXOFH9W/ 15:32:00 that's this regep 15:32:12 fixing it should fix that 15:32:14 ohh 15:33:25 it looks like it's inside django, because django uses that regepx to validate the field, but it's actually defined in our code 15:34:17 ok, updating in that file 15:34:32 I searched our code to see if we don't have any other such regexps, but we don't 15:34:55 looks it fix that error. 15:35:16 now I am hitting some other error which is for django 4.2 15:35:24 rdopiera: thanks I fix the issue 15:35:42 I will push a patch after the meeting. 15:38:01 moving to the next topic 15:38:07 #topic open-discussion 15:38:17 Does anyone have any other topic 15:38:27 to discuss? 15:40:22 nothing 15:41:55 nothing from me 15:42:13 if no other topic to discuss, let's end this meeting. 15:42:30 Thanks everyone for joining, See you next week! 15:42:38 #endmeeting