15:00:10 #startmeeting horizon 15:00:11 Meeting started Wed Nov 8 15:00:10 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:11 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:11 The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:01:54 hi, anyone around for the horizon weekly meeting? 15:02:24 rdopiera: tmazur: janjasek:^^ 15:03:18 o/ 15:03:39 hello 15:04:29 only two of us, let's start the meeting. 15:04:45 agenda of meeting can be found here https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L39 15:04:55 #topic Notices 15:05:59 rdopiera: in case you want to check what topic we discussed in Caracal PTG, here is etherpad link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-caracal-ptg#L44 15:06:30 thanks, I saw that 15:07:41 nice. 15:08:01 just a casual reminder about the schedule. 15:08:06 This week is R-21 week, next week is Caracal-1 milestone 15:08:26 for more info. about the schedule please see https://releases.openstack.org/caracal/schedule.html 15:08:45 I have no other announcements for this week, moving to the next topic. 15:09:00 #topic Release priorities 15:09:48 From our Caracal PTG discussions, below are the features/bugs which are going to prioritize in this release. 15:10:19 I will update the same in etherpad https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L14 15:10:33 Switch from current tests to new pytest-based selenium tests. 15:11:12 I guess janjasek is main owner of above feature. 15:11:26 Next one is Migrate to Django version =>4.2 from Django 3.2. horizon currently using Django 3.2 version 15:12:21 I am also investigating this feature, I am trying to make horizon work with atleast Django 5.0 version. 15:12:53 Soon I will push a patch to update upper bound to Django=4.2 in openstack/requirements. 15:14:01 Also, we have discussed to backport to django version 4.2 support in few stable branches atleast till bobcat or antelope release. 15:14:54 rdopiera: one question does your patch ready to review https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/891828 ? 15:16:31 vishalmanchanda: I think so. It didn't work when I uploaded it, but Takashi fixed it, I'm not sure what he changed 15:17:36 This is the changes he done https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/891828/4..7/test-requirements.txt 15:17:52 that's unrelated, it worked before it 15:18:20 he added some changes to devstack https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/898302 15:18:36 that would do it 15:22:08 I think with your patch tempest related job were failing and Takashi devstack patch fix those issues. 15:22:44 that's great 15:23:48 ok I will +2 on the patch, Please update the P.S. in case if anything left. 15:24:51 next topic is Nodejs LTS version to v20. 15:25:21 this topic I am discussing with TC, if it required or not https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/900224 15:26:34 I don't how can I check Ubuntu 22.04 support nodejs v20 but I am investigating. 15:26:46 let me know if anyone how can I check that. 15:27:37 next topic is Switching to openstacksdk https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/891205 15:28:21 Next one is Use placement API for the hypervisor stats https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/890525 15:29:38 One feature from previous release Switch the SCSS library 15:30:02 we basically have two options there 15:31:30 ok 15:32:09 we might also consider switching to sass 15:32:27 as the scss compilers don't seem to be well supported 15:32:42 and we can automatically convert scss to sass 15:33:32 ok, you mean this way https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/794809 15:34:23 no, that's still using scss as the format 15:34:36 just using sass as the compiler 15:34:42 ok 15:34:58 but the problem is that the currently supported sass compiler no longer supports the scss mode 15:35:03 so this is using an old one 15:36:46 ohh, then how should we proceed here? 15:36:55 if we converted all the scss files to sass, we could use a supported sass compiler, or library 15:37:03 I don't really know 15:37:39 hmm. 15:38:02 personally, all three options are fine for me 15:38:32 if we convert to sass, we can also use the bootstrap library directly, not the scss version 15:38:51 but we would need another xstatic pacakge for it 15:39:24 which xstatic package? 15:39:39 right now we use bootstram-scss 15:39:46 bootstrap-scss 15:39:59 but if we switch to sass, we will just want bootstrap 15:40:30 ok. 15:41:29 rdopiera: Could you please summarize all these things here in etherpad for the future reference https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L23 15:42:49 under "Switch the SCSS library" 15:43:30 yeah, I need to do a bit more research to form an opinion 15:43:47 thanks. 15:44:02 TBH, I also have not much idea about this. 15:44:19 I will also do some research. 15:45:38 All above are the priority feature items for the Caracal release from the PTG discussion. 15:45:58 I will update them in release priority etherpad. 15:46:43 let me know if anyone planning to work on any other feature items, we can add them as well. 15:47:06 that's all from my side for this week. 15:47:13 #topic open-discussion 15:47:34 Does anyone have any other topic to discuss? 15:48:41 I don't 15:48:57 ok, then let's end this meeting. 15:49:05 thanks for joining. 15:49:43 #endmeeting