15:00:11 <tmazur> #startmeeting horizon 15:00:11 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Mar 19 15:00:11 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmazur. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:11 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:11 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' 15:00:48 <tmazur> Hello everyone and welcome to the weekly meeting! 15:00:50 <jjasek> Hello :-) 15:01:20 <omcgonag> hello 15:02:54 <tmazur> Let's begin 15:03:16 <tmazur> Today's agenda is here: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-release-priorities#L33 15:03:36 <tmazur> #topic Notices 15:03:52 <tmazur> This week is R-2 week. Schedule: https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html 15:06:00 <tmazur> Epoxy cycle is approaching to its end 15:06:33 <tmazur> Flamingo PTG is in 2.5 weeks 15:07:04 <tmazur> I have started to put things together for it 15:07:32 <tmazur> I have booked our usual time for the sessions 15:08:03 <tmazur> Tuesday April 8, 2025, 14 UTC - 16 UTC 15:08:17 <tmazur> Wednesday April 9, 2025, 14 UTC - 16 UTC 15:08:31 <tmazur> PTG etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-flamingo-ptg 15:08:44 <tmazur> Horizon sessions: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-flamingo-ptg#L26 15:09:28 <tmazur> Please feel free to book a session 15:12:14 <tmazur> jjasek, thanks :) 15:12:51 <tmazur> We will also have one cross project session on Wednesday, Observability UI 15:13:54 <jjasek> Is there any docs or blueprint or something about Observability UI? I have only very very fuzzy idea what is it about. 15:15:31 <tmazur> And sean-k-mooney had raised a good topic yesterday, about Horizon contributors tutorials. They are obsolete, and we need to discuss and plan the improvements 15:15:50 <tmazur> So that's another session idea, not sure about the time slot yet 15:16:15 <tmazur> jjasek, I will be pinging them about the exact time and some initial documentation, yes 15:16:31 <jjasek> Okay, thanks! :) 15:21:07 <tmazur> That's all the announcements from me for today. 15:21:55 <tmazur> #topic Release priorities 15:22:26 <tmazur> All the SDK patches have been landed, thanks everyone for your reviews! 15:23:41 <tmazur> 2-factor authentication patch has been merged as well, thanks everyone! 15:24:06 <jjasek> yeeeeey :-))) 15:24:28 <tmazur> jjasek, I made a follow up patch fixing the warning message for special symbols: 15:24:37 <tmazur> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/horizon/+/944946 15:25:01 <jjasek> Perfect, thank you! 15:25:02 <tmazur> So it is not forgotten :D 15:25:13 <jjasek> xD 15:26:18 <tmazur> As for the AngularJS removal track, we made some good research, but we don't have any patches yet. 15:26:42 <tmazur> Epoxy is in Feature Freeze now, so we will have to plan it for the next release 15:29:16 <tmazur> Moving to the next topic 15:29:33 <tmazur> #topic Open reviews 15:29:50 <tmazur> https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/horizon+status:open 15:29:57 <tmazur> We have a lot 15:31:49 <tmazur> I am planning to invest some time to go through them, and I strongly encourage everyone to do the same. The cycle is about to end, so it would be nice to include as many fixes as we can 15:32:49 <tmazur> And that's it from me for today 15:32:51 <tmazur> #topic Open discussion 15:32:54 <omcgonag> I will try to spend some good time this week (I know, said that before...) 15:33:05 <tmazur> Do we want to discuss anything else? 15:33:34 <tmazur> omcgonag, yes please! Every review matters :) 15:33:34 <jjasek> Nothing from me, thanks Tatiana! 15:33:49 <omcgonag> all set 15:34:56 <tmazur> Good, let's wrap it up then. Have a good week everyone and see you next Wednesday! 15:35:05 <tmazur> #endmeeting