20:00:19 <david-lyle> #startmeeting horizondrivers 20:00:19 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep 30 20:00:19 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is david-lyle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:20 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:00:22 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'horizondrivers' 20:00:51 <david-lyle> any one like driving horizons around? 20:01:25 <mrunge> o/ 20:03:27 <david-lyle> well mrunge, we have a packed house today 20:03:38 <mrunge> *yay!* 20:04:05 <david-lyle> time to reject all open bps \o/ 20:04:21 <mrunge> exactly 20:04:43 <tsufiev> (+_+) 20:04:57 <TravT> o/ 20:05:11 <mrunge> btw, we had one question about adding a ironic dashboard 20:05:20 <mrunge> but nothing written yet 20:05:56 <mrunge> I *think* we could use a table/whatever in Tokyo to collect ideas 20:06:56 <tqtran> [=_=]/ 20:07:46 <mrunge> I must admit, I'm badly prepared and relied on robcresswell to provide a list of blueprints to discuss 20:08:00 <mrunge> do we have such a list (just in case?) 20:08:07 <tqtran> i admit the same thing lol 20:08:12 <tqtran> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Horizon/WeeklyBugReport#Blueprints 20:08:17 <tqtran> yeah he had a list posted earlier 20:08:31 <david-lyle> I'm having terrible network issues today 20:08:37 <david-lyle> no, I just usually sort the launchpad page 20:08:44 <TravT> i've noticed you dropping in and out 20:08:58 <mrunge> ah, ok. there are 3 new blueprints proposed 20:09:00 <TravT> so, what is the status on rc2? what is the current criteria for a bug? 20:09:03 <david-lyle> TravT: you looked to enjoy it so much 20:09:12 <david-lyle> I thought I'd emulate :) 20:09:18 <TravT> yeah, i think they finally fixed my network issues... 20:09:21 <tsufiev> tqtran, that's a list for notifying people to look already exsiting/approved bps 20:09:39 <tqtran> oh... well then, ignore my link earlier lmao 20:09:49 <tqtran> thanks for pointing that out tsufiev 20:09:52 <david-lyle> rc2 has some bugs that could potentially be included 20:10:03 <david-lyle> but nothing overly terrible 20:10:23 <david-lyle> the d-o-a bug is a separate release 20:10:36 <tsufiev> tqtran, well, at least I know it about integration tests bp, 2 others are about angular stuff - still terra incognita for me :/ 20:10:46 <david-lyle> https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bugs?field.tag=liberty-rc2-potential is the list for RC-2 20:11:47 <david-lyle> #chair mrunge 20:11:48 <openstack> Current chairs: david-lyle mrunge 20:12:06 <david-lyle> if my internet dies, mrunge can close 20:12:08 <david-lyle> :) 20:12:18 <mrunge> will do david-lyle 20:12:41 <david-lyle> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/volumes-tagging 20:12:45 <TravT> maybe not important enough to be included, but we've got a couple more magic search widget fixes that i'd ask to be considered to be added to the list... for reasons i can explain. 20:13:16 <mrunge> TravT do you have links to bugs? 20:13:18 <david-lyle> I suppose we should talk through RC-2 first 20:13:44 <david-lyle> if the bug is not high or critical I'm against including it 20:13:58 <TravT> ok, i don't think we can call it high or critical at this point 20:15:13 <david-lyle> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1415712 20:15:13 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1415712 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) ""Volumes" tab doesn't show up if cinder v1 isn't registered" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Akihiro Motoki (amotoki) 20:15:21 <david-lyle> would be good to get in if we can clean it up 20:15:44 <mrunge> that is true for kilo as well, imho 20:15:48 <david-lyle> v2 is purported to be stable in liberty, so it's conceivable folks would stop using v1 20:16:05 <mrunge> I mean the bug is in kilo, too 20:16:26 <david-lyle> but I think the patch needs a revisit IIRC 20:16:59 <david-lyle> the two subnetpool bugs would be nice since that's new functionality in Liberty 20:17:20 <david-lyle> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1498926 20:17:20 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1498926 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "Unable to create subnet from IPv6 subnetpool" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Frode Nordahl (fnordahl) 20:17:21 <david-lyle> and 20:17:31 <david-lyle> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1495191 20:17:31 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1495191 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "Create subnet from subnetpool fails in stable/liberty" [Medium,Fix committed] - Assigned to Frode Nordahl (fnordahl) 20:18:56 <mrunge> this is a backport to liberty? 20:19:39 <david-lyle> the functionality was added in late liberty, and should be backported yes 20:20:48 <mrunge> unfortunately, this fix is not covered by a test 20:23:19 <mrunge> I don't feel like we have the time to ask the contributor to provide a test case for this, squashing both commits in one for the backport 20:23:48 <david-lyle> RC-2 will happen next week 20:23:55 <david-lyle> so yeah, not a lot of time 20:24:07 <david-lyle> but some new functionality is just broken at this point 20:24:22 <tsufiev> I'd like to suggest another bugfix for rc2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1286099 20:24:22 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1286099 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "UpdateProjectQuotas doesn't pay attention on disabled_quotas" [Low,In progress] - Assigned to Timur Sufiev (tsufiev-x) 20:25:13 <mrunge> Timur, I thought we'll only add high or critical bugs to rc2 20:25:41 <tsufiev> mrunge, yes, Matthias, right 20:26:01 <david-lyle> let's get that cleaned up in M 20:26:13 <david-lyle> agree would be nice, but 20:26:20 <tsufiev> okay, shall wait for M, procedures should be done as usual... 20:26:35 <mrunge> disabled quotas are still more or less broken 20:27:11 <david-lyle> any other issues people have come across that we haven't discussed that would be worth holding up a release for? 20:27:27 <david-lyle> personally I think the db is the only one that really qualifies 20:27:29 <mrunge> david-lyle, do we have a bug for translations? 20:27:46 <mrunge> or do we need a bug for translations? 20:27:51 <david-lyle> mrunge: not that I'm aware of 20:27:59 <david-lyle> but would be good for tracking 20:28:32 <mrunge> translations will be proposed automatically without adding the tracker bug though 20:29:06 <david-lyle> either way, and since the only factor for RC-2 is really translation, they likely won't get overlooked 20:29:13 <david-lyle> we can skip for now 20:29:39 <david-lyle> should we clean up some old bps in the remaining time ? 20:29:49 <mrunge> yes please! 20:30:15 <david-lyle> #topic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/volumes-tagging 20:31:05 <david-lyle> that one looks like it didn't even make it through the cinder side 20:31:46 <mrunge> scrap it 20:31:46 <david-lyle> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/volumes-tagging marked obsolete 20:31:56 <mrunge> tightly connected: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/tag-volume 20:32:05 <mrunge> code is abandoned 20:32:10 <david-lyle> yes 20:32:16 <mrunge> and it's a blocker for the other bp 20:32:56 <mrunge> If anyone comes up with a new proposal, let's discuss that. 20:33:26 <david-lyle> #topic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/trove-vertica-cluster-support 20:33:44 <mrunge> tagging is obsolete david-lyle ? 20:33:55 <mrunge> just for reference... 20:34:13 <david-lyle> I marked the bp obsolete 20:34:23 <mrunge> ok, thanks. 20:34:37 <mrunge> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/tag-volume marked obsolete 20:34:56 <david-lyle> mrunge: I don't know about the cinder one 20:35:08 <tsufiev> Cluster and topology view - love these words 20:35:23 <mrunge> david-lyle, oh, I misunderstood you 20:35:43 <mrunge> david-lyle, I would mark that one as obsolete as well, if nobody objects 20:36:01 <david-lyle> well I typically don't mark cinder bps 20:36:05 <david-lyle> nor do I think I can 20:36:19 <david-lyle> permissions wise 20:36:22 <tsufiev> Unfortunately, don't understand what other things are about ) 20:36:27 <mrunge> errr. my mistake 20:36:39 <david-lyle> vertica is a proprietary db 20:37:00 <david-lyle> I don't think we need to support a particular db backend in tree 20:37:00 <mrunge> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/tag-volume undecided. 20:37:10 <mrunge> we should not 20:37:27 <david-lyle> that should be plugin content 20:37:40 <mrunge> it's the same as adding vendor specific driver support 20:38:01 <TravT> i guess the question is, do we have proper support to enable that then? 20:38:38 <mrunge> uhm, isn't trove just moved to contrib to be removed in mitaka cycle? 20:38:56 <david-lyle> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/trove-vertica-cluster-support marked obsolete 20:39:02 <david-lyle> I left a note in the bo 20:39:04 <david-lyle> *bp 20:39:11 <mrunge> but TravT s question is valid. 20:39:17 <david-lyle> mrunge: most likely, need to discuss with Trove team 20:39:28 <doug-fish> I'd say if we don't have the needed support, adding it is a fair request 20:39:35 <mrunge> do we have enough support for plugins... 20:39:37 <david-lyle> TravT: I don't see how we don't 20:39:48 <TravT> me neither, but i just don't know 20:39:56 <mrunge> doug-fish, or we need to fix that first 20:40:02 <lhcheng_> TravT: interesting question, for the vertica backend, they need to inject fields and logic to existing forms. 20:40:06 <TravT> i guess if all of trove is in its own repo, then there shouldn't be a problem 20:40:12 <tsufiev> TravT: reimplementing d3 topology graph in every plugin would be a shame 20:40:31 <david-lyle> I think these are unique views 20:40:56 <david-lyle> d3 is the tool, topology considerations are unique to the content 20:41:23 <tsufiev> Challenge accepted ) 20:41:44 <TravT> i suppose that if there are specific things they need in the horizon framework, that should be a separate bug or blueprint. 20:41:59 <david-lyle> TravT: I agree 20:42:01 <lhcheng_> TravT: making sure we have the plugin support for that use case would be useful for other deployments 20:42:04 <lhcheng_> ++ 20:42:42 <TravT> i'll add that as comment on the BP 20:42:56 <david-lyle> but again I'm not sure how much more commonality there is than at the d3 level 20:43:41 <david-lyle> but I suppose abstract call-outs etc, could be generalized 20:43:58 <david-lyle> #topic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/trove-support-cluster-grow-shrink 20:44:12 <tsufiev> david-lyle: I was meaning angular topology graph https://review.openstack.org/#/c/199063/ 20:44:33 <tsufiev> But agree, their use cases may be very different 20:45:05 <david-lyle> tsufiev: I won't argue there's potential, but I wouldn't over invest unless we're pretty sure there's value 20:45:33 <tsufiev> Sure 20:45:37 <david-lyle> I think the trove one is a yes, as long as trove support is in horizon 20:45:46 <david-lyle> grow/shrink that is 20:46:10 <david-lyle> any argument? 20:46:34 <mrunge> I would say: yes. accept 20:46:47 <mrunge> as long as trove support is in 20:47:21 <david-lyle> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/trove-support-cluster-grow-shrink approved 20:47:34 <mrunge> I've had the request of redis support in horizon 20:47:50 <mrunge> and that's a dependent patch 20:48:53 <david-lyle> so stepping back a sec 20:49:33 <david-lyle> I think I want to have the conversation with trove first 20:49:43 <david-lyle> before reviewing the list of trove bps 20:49:51 <mrunge> makes sense 20:49:55 <TravT> +1 20:50:01 <david-lyle> because I think the vertica one makes perfect sense for them 20:50:04 <david-lyle> just not us 20:50:26 <TravT> hey all just FYI that I have to leave for an appointment right now. thanks! 20:50:36 <mrunge> thanks TravT 20:50:45 <david-lyle> #action david-lyle talk to Trove about in-tree vs plugin 20:51:10 <david-lyle> thanks TravT 20:51:25 <david-lyle> #topic https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/show-all-floating-ips 20:51:51 <mrunge> ugh. 20:51:55 <david-lyle> :) 20:51:59 <mrunge> not much content here 20:52:25 <david-lyle> so list all active floating IPs in the cloud? 20:52:25 <mrunge> I've heard this as an operator feedback more than once 20:52:43 <mrunge> yes, in best case, include connected vms 20:53:19 <david-lyle> how big is the list before unusable? 20:53:20 <lhcheng_> related to Floating IP, Cern/Yahoo had to manually hide Sec Group and Floating IP in horizon through manual patches. 20:53:40 <david-lyle> because of nova net? 20:54:24 <mrunge> those patches should be avoidable with the finer granular plugin system 20:54:28 <david-lyle> well I think it's certainly a neutron only issue for listing all floating IPs 20:54:37 <mrunge> yes, probably 20:54:40 <lhcheng_> Isn't Floating IP more used for public cloud consumer? 20:55:06 <mrunge> uhm, and if you want HA? 20:55:34 <mrunge> not sure, if HA is possible with nova net 20:55:40 <david-lyle> it's not 20:56:19 * david-lyle says authoritatively, but is only fairly sure 20:56:45 <mrunge> the question remains, how many fips to show here, before it becomes unusable 20:57:01 <tsufiev> mrunge: pagination? 20:57:03 <lhcheng_> david-lyle: could be because of nova net, but we have a different system for managing networks 20:57:29 <mrunge> tsufiev, not sure if that's supported here 20:57:50 <david-lyle> lhcheng_: are FIPs a configuration option in neutron, or always on? 20:58:10 <tsufiev> mrunge: I think it' supported by neutron, not by nova-net 20:58:35 <david-lyle> I'd like to see this fleshed out more before moving forward 20:58:37 <mrunge> I think we could restrict this to neutron 20:59:25 <mrunge> ok, thanks 20:59:31 <david-lyle> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/show-all-floating-ips marked discussion 20:59:34 * tsufiev curious how long nova-net should be supported by horizon 20:59:46 <david-lyle> tsufiev: as long as it is in nova 20:59:49 <lhcheng_> mrunge: yeah, finer grained plugin system should help. 21:00:05 <mrunge> tsufiev, as long as the used api is the same? 21:00:16 <lhcheng_> mrunge: have to go back to drawing board what more extension point we need to have. 21:00:36 <mrunge> lhcheng_, extension point for what? 21:00:58 <tsufiev> We did a study regarding pagination support, neutron looks much better 21:01:06 <mrunge> lhcheng_, disabling fips panel? 21:01:51 <lhcheng_> mrunge: not just disabling fips panel, some fips/sec group code are embedded in other panels 21:02:18 <mrunge> right 21:02:53 <mrunge> lhcheng_, adding checks around those codes should help 21:03:07 <mrunge> time's up? 21:03:31 <lhcheng_> mrunge: yeah, could work. worth trying out. 21:03:47 <lhcheng_> mrunge: you can end the meeting :P 21:03:52 <mrunge> #char david-ly_ 21:04:00 <mrunge> #endmeeting