12:00:34 <david-lyle> #startmeeting HorizonDrivers 12:00:35 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 18 12:00:34 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is david-lyle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:36 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 12:00:38 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'horizondrivers' 12:00:42 <david-lyle> anyone around? 12:00:43 <robcresswell> o/ 12:01:25 <robcresswell> Well. Bet you're glad you got up for this one. 12:02:40 <david-lyle> wondering about the long term benefit of this time 12:02:51 <david-lyle> for a meeting 12:03:19 <david-lyle> the attendance is generally sparse and the usual suspects typically show for the 2000 UTC 12:03:24 <david-lyle> :/ 12:03:42 <masco> o/ 12:04:05 <david-lyle> I looked at the bug list yesterday, > 1000 12:04:05 <robcresswell> Yeah, we can just do it every other week at 200UTC I guess 12:04:14 <robcresswell> :( 12:04:53 <robcresswell> I just don't have the time to get to get on top of it right now 12:05:06 <mrunge> o/ 12:05:08 <david-lyle> me either, looked at many yesterday 12:05:24 <david-lyle> some are very old, and I'm not sure still valid 12:05:36 <david-lyle> but checking them all is very time consuming 12:05:56 <robcresswell> Agreed 12:06:07 <masco> may be interested people dived with us and validate 12:06:24 <masco> and we can discuss during the meeting 12:06:50 <robcresswell> How would you like to scope cleanup of bugs? I'm inclined to be more aggressive about it, like I was with the bps. 12:07:13 <david-lyle> we could organize a bug day too for horizon 12:07:33 <david-lyle> just have people focus on triaging and classifying bugs 12:07:42 <david-lyle> and cross talk on questions 12:07:42 <mrunge> that'd be helpful 12:07:48 <doug-fish> I thought we already tried the bug day thing 12:07:56 <doug-fish> wasn't Wednesday supposed to be bug day? 12:08:06 <david-lyle> doug-fish: ? 12:08:26 <mrunge> who can set the status of a bug? 12:08:31 <masco> but we are not following the bug day, i guess 12:08:38 <robcresswell> It was brought up a few weeks back 12:08:38 <david-lyle> mrunge: anyone on the horizon-bugs team 12:08:43 <mrunge> I mean, who can remove assignees? 12:09:01 <robcresswell> mrunge: I think anyone can assign themselves, unsure about just removing 12:09:13 <david-lyle> see my above answer 12:09:19 <mrunge> got you 12:09:25 <mrunge> thanks 12:09:34 <david-lyle> horizon-bugs is core + a few 12:09:55 <david-lyle> although most of the few are now core I think :-) 12:10:08 <robcresswell> :D 12:10:27 <david-lyle> I didn't follow through with scheduling a bug day yet, if we agreed to that in the past 12:10:39 <mrunge> I can't remember that 12:10:42 <robcresswell> I definitely recall a discussion 12:10:43 <david-lyle> which I don't remember 12:10:49 <robcresswell> May be going mad... 12:10:55 <doug-fish> Maybe it didn't happen. Maybe I'm having visions of the future? 12:11:03 <david-lyle> well I'm forgetful at 5 am too 12:11:17 <betherly> doug-fish: time travel 12:11:19 <mrunge> that hurts, david-lyle 12:11:32 <betherly> btw, hi all! :D 12:11:32 <doug-fish> betherly: could be. What year is it? 12:11:36 <betherly> 2080 12:11:38 <mrunge> when do you have dst switch? 12:11:47 <doug-fish> :-) 12:12:24 <doug-fish> mrunge: daylight savings change was about 2 weeks ago 12:12:33 <david-lyle> while we were in tokyo went to off DST, not back on until spring 12:13:01 <betherly> dst is annoying 12:13:08 <mrunge> doug-fish, aha, same for us. I assumed, those times would become saner for you. apparently it did not 12:13:15 <mrunge> they did not, I meant 12:13:55 <mrunge> I like the idea of cleaning bugs 12:14:23 <mrunge> that could even mean, scrub bugs not touched for > 1 year 12:14:37 <robcresswell> First though; do we want to keep this meeting slot? 12:14:53 <mrunge> I'm +1 for moving to 20 UTC 12:15:11 <doug-fish> 20 UTC is better for me 12:15:11 <robcresswell> Of the cores its only myself and matthias that this is easier for and usually attend I think 12:15:25 <mrunge> but that will exclude amotoki 12:15:38 <robcresswell> And I'll nearly always attend the respective 2000UTC anyway 12:15:40 <robcresswell> Ah, true 12:15:54 <mrunge> but yes robcresswell you're right 12:16:14 <mrunge> masco, does a meeting at 20 UTC work for you? 12:16:19 <mrunge> that is in about 8 hours? 12:16:24 <masco> no way 12:16:26 <robcresswell> haha 12:16:32 <masco> it is 1 am in india 12:16:34 <robcresswell> There is still the usual Horizon meeting 12:16:45 <robcresswell> This is just the drivers meeting we're talking about changing. 12:17:07 <mrunge> david-lyle, robcresswell the other idea would be to switch session chairs 12:17:23 <robcresswell> That also works 12:17:27 <mrunge> since usual suspects like robcresswell and me will attend the other meeting anyways 12:17:38 <robcresswell> Although, then it would just be me and mrunge, I expect :p 12:18:16 <mrunge> and masco, amotoki and a few others, who could not attend at 20 UTC 12:18:35 <robcresswell> Sure 12:18:38 * mrunge looking at timur 12:18:51 <robcresswell> Ah yes, he's on PTO I believe 12:19:15 <robcresswell> david-lyle: How does that sound? Me or mrunge could just chair so you don't have to be dragged out of bed at 5am. 12:19:56 <robcresswell> The counter point tbh though, is that there isnt much value in a bp discussion with 4/5 people, vs 10 - 20. 12:19:58 <david-lyle> robcresswell: I don't mind being here at 5am, my concern was more around having a quorum 12:20:08 <mrunge> and we could use this time for example to clean up bugs 12:20:13 <mrunge> right 12:20:34 <david-lyle> but triaging bugs is a worthy goal as well 12:20:36 <robcresswell> Alternate bug/bp cleanup? 12:20:48 <robcresswell> That sounds sensible 12:20:54 <mrunge> sounds good to me 12:20:57 <masco> +1 for alternate 12:21:35 <david-lyle> so do we want to do bps or bugs today? 12:22:11 <mrunge> I would like to talk about the bp we left undecided last time 12:22:19 <mrunge> (the local-settings.d one) 12:22:28 <mrunge> but it was quite controversial 12:22:49 <mrunge> it might be fairer to move that to the weekly meeting at 20 UTC? 12:22:50 <robcresswell> I just commented a small while ago 12:23:19 <mrunge> I just saw that 12:23:19 <david-lyle> mrunge: agree that might be better for 2000 12:24:05 <robcresswell> Shall we run through a few bugs then? 12:24:13 <mrunge> yes please 12:24:17 <masco> +1 12:24:49 <david-lyle> sure 12:24:54 <mrunge> unfortunately I have to drop off, kid#1 just arrived, demanding lunch 12:25:10 <robcresswell> dammit kid#ยก 12:25:14 <david-lyle> mention bugs and people run ;-) 12:25:20 <robcresswell> ha 12:25:22 <mrunge> hahaha 12:25:26 <david-lyle> mrunge: no worries 12:25:42 <mrunge> at least, I didn't try to assign people to bugs 12:25:54 <robcresswell> We might assign some to you while you're gone 12:26:30 <david-lyle> so I started looking at bugs again yesterday 12:26:42 <david-lyle> only about the first 400 even have a priority 12:27:03 <david-lyle> the next 602 are still undecided 12:28:34 <david-lyle> but that's not to say all that have a priority set are still valid either 12:29:19 <masco> fix got merged but still in inprogress https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1461047 12:29:19 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1461047 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "description column is missing in firewall tables" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Masco (masco) 12:29:22 <robcresswell> I think it might help to define at what point we can just cut a bug and wait for it to be revived if its still an issue 12:30:30 <david-lyle> masco: fixed 12:30:31 <david-lyle> thanks 12:30:42 <masco> no problem 12:31:00 <david-lyle> robcresswell: bugs are harder to cut IMO 12:31:21 <david-lyle> they really only get cut if they are invalid 12:31:39 <david-lyle> just because no one has worked on it in 2 years, it can still be a bug 12:31:41 <masco> i think that should be fix released i guess 12:32:00 <doug-fish> masco: it is again - that was my mistake 12:32:12 <david-lyle> while for feature addition, it's just an idea and we can just remove 12:32:57 <masco> doug-fish, no problem 12:33:12 <david-lyle> I would say that most bugs around for 2 years that are valid are either low priority, or blocked 12:33:30 <robcresswell> Sure. I'm just wondering if there's much value in having 800 low bugs that nobody has either the time or money to be inclined to solve. 12:34:06 <robcresswell> We can definitely work on prioritising those 600 that are just unreviewed though 12:34:14 <masco> https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1461018 same issue 12:34:14 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1461018 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "description column is missing in vpn tables" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Masco (masco) 12:35:27 <robcresswell> masco: Done 12:35:37 <masco> thanks rob 12:38:56 <doug-fish> what about https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1282089 ? that's been open for a long time and is "high" priority 12:38:56 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1282089 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "keystone client is leaving hanging connections to the server" [High,Confirmed] 12:40:10 <david-lyle> doug-fish: not entirely sure on that one. 12:40:36 <doug-fish> I'll spend a few mins with it and see if it is still recreatable 12:40:48 <david-lyle> thanks! 12:41:04 <david-lyle> yeah a lot of these take a fair amount of effort to reproduce 12:41:41 <robcresswell> Speak to neillc, it looks like he looked over it recently 12:42:05 <doug-fish> robcresswell: sure, sounds good! 12:43:40 <robcresswell> I'm not sure group discussion of bugs is that helpful? We just need to spend time on it, probably instead of meetings. 12:44:30 <masco> yes rob, if anything needs to discuss then we can talk in meetings. 12:44:58 <david-lyle> robcresswell: true 12:45:10 <david-lyle> I think a bug day is more effective 12:45:23 <david-lyle> everyone dives into some and cross-talks as necessary 12:45:30 <robcresswell> Yup 12:45:40 <doug-fish> works for me 12:45:52 <doug-fish> Some tips for what to do on bug day: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/BugTriage 12:46:59 <masco> i saw some bugs with abandoned patch, what action need to taken on that? 12:47:33 <david-lyle> masco: probably best course on those is to remove the owner 12:47:54 <doug-fish> masco: maybe reset from in-progress to new as well 12:48:00 <david-lyle> if the patch is abandoned and not quickly revived, I don't think they are actively working on it 12:48:09 <masco> looks good 12:48:28 <david-lyle> robcresswell: what linting tool are you proposing for SCSS linting? 12:48:35 <masco> i don't have permission to do that. 12:48:42 <david-lyle> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/scss-lint 12:48:54 * david-lyle went back to bps :P 12:48:55 <masco> if i find anything i will ask some of you guys 12:49:04 <robcresswell> david-lyle: Oh, you can scrap that 12:49:19 <robcresswell> I was chatting with diana the other day and considering adding something 12:49:31 <robcresswell> after about 10 minutes I noped outta there 12:49:41 <david-lyle> gone 12:49:53 <david-lyle> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/scss-lint marked obsolete 12:51:14 <robcresswell> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/bootstrap-theme-preview << This one, possibly? 12:51:15 <david-lyle> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/integrate-magic-search approved per summit discussions 12:52:44 <david-lyle> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/bootstrap-theme-preview approved 12:52:49 <david-lyle> I did mark it low 12:53:31 <robcresswell> too much markup..? 12:54:20 <david-lyle> exactly 12:58:14 <robcresswell> When did we want to hold this bug day? 12:58:25 <robcresswell> I'm sure previously we said thursday, but I cant find it in the logs 12:58:42 <robcresswell> Which worries me, because now I think I may have dreamed of Horizon having a bug day. 12:58:51 <doug-fish> no! it happened! 12:59:02 <masco> we planed 12:59:14 <masco> but not executed 12:59:35 <david-lyle> I must have missed an action assigned to me 12:59:56 <doug-fish> hmm, maybe this explains the low participation 12:59:57 <robcresswell> So... Thursday bug day? 13:00:19 <masco> no issue for me 13:00:23 <david-lyle> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/address-scopes marked drafting 13:01:07 <doug-fish> maybe make it clear its "Bug Triage day", not a day to find more bugs! 13:01:22 <masco> i think it is about adding a new panel for address scope 13:02:44 <david-lyle> #info https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/bp-cisco-fwaas-horizon marked obsolete 13:03:14 <david-lyle> time's over, but... 13:03:47 <david-lyle> I think if we continue to hold this meeting, it needs to stay on bps and leave bug triage for bug days 13:04:35 <david-lyle> I'm going to sidestep the action this time 13:04:50 <robcresswell> I honestly don't think we really need it. We still have the usual horizon meeting anyway. This was just for bps, and all the attending cores are happy to do 2000UTC... 13:04:51 <david-lyle> does someone want to post an email to the dev mailing list re: bug day? 13:05:10 <robcresswell> Sure. Are we intending it to be weekly? 13:05:16 <david-lyle> robcresswell: oh no 13:05:21 <robcresswell> haha 13:05:28 <david-lyle> I would like to hold one and see how it goes 13:05:40 <robcresswell> Shall we say a week on Thursday then? 13:05:50 <david-lyle> if we get decent numbers we can make significant progress 13:05:56 <david-lyle> robcresswell: sure 13:06:01 <doug-fish> Thanksgiving 13:06:08 <david-lyle> err no then 13:06:12 <robcresswell> >.< 13:06:26 <robcresswell> Lets discuss later when its not 5am. 13:06:34 <david-lyle> ok :) 13:06:37 <masco> :) 13:06:39 <robcresswell> And then I'll send out an email :) 13:06:48 <david-lyle> thanks 13:07:15 <david-lyle> Thanks everyone! 13:07:19 <masco> thanks 13:07:21 <david-lyle> #endmeeting