15:59:39 <primeministerp> #startmeeting hyper-v 15:59:40 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Nov 13 15:59:39 2012 UTC. The chair is primeministerp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:59:41 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:59:42 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'hyper_v' 15:59:48 <primeministerp> Hi Everyone 16:00:20 <primeministerp> going to wait a couple more minutes for some others to join 16:02:17 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: are you going to stand in for apilotti? 16:03:22 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: yes, he's joining also but i guess he got delayed in traffic 16:03:26 <primeministerp> ahh 16:03:27 <primeministerp> ok 16:04:06 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: alessandro! 16:04:19 <primeministerp> great let's begin 16:04:25 <alexpilotti> hi everybody! 16:04:36 <alexpilotti> sorry for being late, just arrived! 16:04:37 <primeministerp> so I sent out a brief agenda 16:04:42 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: no worries 16:04:53 <primeministerp> ok so updates 16:05:05 <primeministerp> let's start w/ the new bits that have been added 16:05:13 <primeministerp> #topic cloudrive 16:05:45 <primeministerp> so has the clouddrive code made it through approvaL 16:05:53 <alexpilotti> did anybody have the occasion to check out the configdrive / cloudinit bits? 16:06:14 <primeministerp> alexpilotti:I know you were working on that yesterday 16:06:52 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: still waiting for reviewer's love :-) 16:06:52 <primeministerp> sorry configdrive 16:06:56 <primeministerp> not clouddrive 16:07:01 <primeministerp> ok 16:07:04 <alexpilotti> I had to split it further 16:07:08 <primeministerp> who do we need to poke to get it to happen 16:07:26 <primeministerp> o into smaller commits? 16:07:32 <alexpilotti> we need to ping the nova core guys 16:07:43 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: yep. 2 of them got approved 16:07:48 <alexpilotti> 2 are waiting 16:07:58 <primeministerp> vishy: ping 16:08:23 <alexpilotti> and I also added documentation for the testing framework: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/15930/ 16:09:53 <alexpilotti> ociuhandu and me tested it quite well on ubuntu, finding a couple of bugs in cloudinit 16:10:04 <alexpilotti> we submitted them and those are going to be fixed 16:10:21 <alexpilotti> in the meantime we are using a patched version of cloudinit 16:10:35 <primeministerp_> heh 16:10:37 <primeministerp_> sory about that 16:10:40 <primeministerp_> er sorry 16:10:56 <alexpilotti> cloudinit, being outside of Openstack, is not benefitting of Jenkins / OpenStack 16:10:57 <primeministerp_> ok 16:11:02 <alexpilotti> sorry, SmokeStack 16:11:12 <primeministerp_> alexpilotti: what did i miss 16:11:21 <alexpilotti> so regressions and generic errors are common 16:11:57 <alexpilotti> primeministerp_: nothing special, just a rough debugging weekend ;-) 16:11:59 <primeministerp_> ok 16:12:04 <primeministerp_> i guess moving on 16:12:16 <alexpilotti> about cloudinit, I took a look at the Windows versions available 16:12:20 <primeministerp_> is there anything else to discuss re: configdrive 16:12:25 <alexpilotti> IMO none of them are up to the task 16:12:26 <primeministerp_> or cloudinit? 16:12:37 <primeministerp_> alexpilotti: did you already cover cloudinit? 16:12:52 <primeministerp_> ahh thx 16:12:53 <alexpilotti> cloudinit / configdrive? 16:12:53 <primeministerp_> that's what i missed 16:13:16 <alexpilotti> so the idea is to write a new windows implementation or to port the Linux version 16:13:17 <primeministerp_> alexpilotti: so, suggestions? 16:13:31 <primeministerp_> alexpilotti: new windows implemenation? 16:13:41 <alexpilotti> I'd like an implementation that can be easily injected in a VHD w/ dependencies 16:13:45 <alexpilotti> so no .Net 16:13:48 <primeministerp_> agreed 16:14:04 <primeministerp_> so you want something regardless of guest platform 16:14:07 <alexpilotti> I'd either go w a port of the Python code or a C++ version 16:14:31 <primeministerp_> alexpilotti: ok 16:14:33 <alexpilotti> cloudinit is written in quite modular and decoupled way 16:14:53 <alexpilotti> so it could be possible to port it w/o wasting time 16:15:05 <primeministerp_> alexpilotti: ideally we don't waste any time 16:15:08 <alexpilotti> on the other side, it's probably faster to come up with a C++ version 16:15:18 <alexpilotti> the objectives are: 16:15:26 <alexpilotti> 1) hostname config 16:15:45 <alexpilotti> 2) user creation / password / group memmbership 16:15:53 <alexpilotti> 3) static network injection 16:16:15 <alexpilotti> 4) userdata scripts (powershell in this case) 16:16:16 <primeministerp_> which basically all means, just a harness to run powershell 16:16:19 <primeministerp_> ;) 16:16:34 <alexpilotti> not really, I'd avoid powershell as a dependency as well 16:16:58 <primeministerp_> and use wmi to calls to create users 16:17:14 <primeministerp_> and such 16:17:20 <alexpilotti> or simple "net user xxx yyy /add" invocations 16:17:41 <primeministerp_> at that point why not just use powershell 16:17:52 <primeministerp_> if you're invoking those commands 16:18:01 <alexpilotti> wmi is a bit of a PITA when it's about usr management 16:18:12 <alexpilotti> no, just a plain shell 16:18:32 <alexpilotti> think about Windows 2003 guests 16:18:42 <primeministerp_> ahh 16:18:44 <primeministerp_> gotcha 16:18:46 <alexpilotti> I want to be sure that every possible Windows workload is supported 16:18:49 <primeministerp_> i forget about those 16:18:53 <primeministerp_> ok 16:18:55 <primeministerp_> fair enough 16:19:10 <alexpilotti> w/o forcing the installation of any additional component 16:19:10 <primeministerp_> native os only 16:19:13 <primeministerp_> I agree 16:19:17 <alexpilotti> that's the idea 16:19:24 <primeministerp_> perfect then 16:19:32 <alexpilotti> Python is a good compromise, as we can do a simple xcopy deployment 16:19:45 <alexpilotti> so I'm looking at those two options. 16:19:50 <alexpilotti> any ideas? 16:19:50 <primeministerp_> ok 16:19:52 <alexpilotti> :-) 16:20:03 <primeministerp_> python sounds good to me 16:20:17 <pnavarro> JAVA ! no, I'm joking... 16:20:21 <primeministerp_> pnavarro: any input? 16:20:23 <primeministerp_> haha 16:20:29 <primeministerp_> o man 16:20:34 <primeministerp_> too funny 16:20:35 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: lol 16:21:04 <pnavarro> nothing to add.. 16:21:14 <primeministerp_> alexpilotti: pnavarro: so the two of you discussed quantum bits last week. 16:21:19 <primeministerp_> #topic quantum 16:21:30 <primeministerp_> any positive outcome? 16:21:38 <primeministerp_> pnavarro: I know you are extremely busy 16:21:58 <alexpilotti> on our we got blocked by the cloudinit bugs / review 16:21:58 <primeministerp_> alexpilotti: moving ahead as planned? 16:22:14 <primeministerp_> alexpilotti: understood 16:22:20 <primeministerp_> alexpilotti: more work than expected 16:22:22 <alexpilotti> yeah, we wasted a few days but things are moving as fast as usual ;-) 16:22:40 <primeministerp_> are we still on timeline for G1 or offically looking at G2 16:23:06 <pnavarro> I've started a basic implementation from the basis of the linux bridge one 16:23:08 <alexpilotti> G2 at this point, there's no need IMO in spending night coding 16:23:17 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: cool! 16:23:22 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: please don't 16:23:36 <pnavarro> but, as I have the volume bits to commit... 16:23:38 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: save that for the week before "G" 16:23:51 <primeministerp> pnavarro: o please get those in asap 16:23:59 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: +1 16:24:16 <primeministerp> pnavarro: I wasn't aware that they didn't get in yet 16:24:31 <pnavarro> they are ready for commit, just live migration testing are failing because I have no the environment ready 16:24:43 <alexpilotti> pnavarro primeministerp: should we give the plugin a different name and kkep them both? 16:24:58 <alexpilotti> like appending a "V2" at the end? 16:25:08 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: that works for me for backward compat 16:25:18 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: yep, that was the idea 16:25:21 <alexpilotti> pnavarro? 16:25:40 <pnavarro> what to you mean by V2? 16:25:48 <alexpilotti> plugin version 2 16:25:50 <primeministerp> pnavarro: bascially have version 1 and version 2 16:26:03 <alexpilotti> so if the class name is 16:27:12 <alexpilotti> I wanted to paste the real class name, but my VM is stuck :-D 16:27:21 <primeministerp> hehe 16:27:22 <pnavarro> volumeutils ? 16:28:03 <primeministerp> pnavarro: in a nutshell having multiple versions of the driver 16:28:16 <primeministerp> pnavarro: going forward ... i.e. win9 16:28:25 <primeministerp> pnavarro: there is no wmiv1 namespace 16:28:37 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: whatever, I'll find it 16:28:57 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: the idea is to give the user a choice, or even better automatically choose the version based on the OS 16:29:08 <alexpilotti> I'd go with the second 16:29:21 <alexpilotti> you just need to add a simple factory 16:29:56 <pnavarro> mmm ok, I thought the no-WMI version should be deprecated 16:30:08 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: in driver.py 16:30:14 <alexpilotti> when you do: self._volumeops = volumeops.VolumeOps() 16:30:33 <alexpilotti> you replace that with afactory method that goes like: 16:30:44 <alexpilotti> if os < 2012: 16:30:56 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: return volumeops.VolumeOps() 16:30:59 <alexpilotti> else: 16:31:05 <alexpilotti> return volumeops.VolumeOpsV2() 16:31:15 <pnavarro> ok, I got it 16:31:29 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: what do u think? 16:32:11 <pnavarro> it's ok for me 16:32:37 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: great tx! we are going to do the same also the vmops and the rest 16:32:54 <primeministerp> ok 16:32:55 <primeministerp> good, 16:33:00 <alexpilotti> for example VHDX require the WMI api V2 16:33:04 <primeministerp> no pnavarro get that code in 16:33:06 <primeministerp> er so 16:33:10 <alexpilotti> so we'll have to rewrite spawn and all the rest 16:33:10 <primeministerp> ;) 16:33:45 <pnavarro> ok 16:33:53 <primeministerp> esp if we're going to work on anything going fwd 16:33:56 <primeministerp> ;) 16:33:57 <primeministerp> ok 16:34:03 <primeministerp> anything on that? 16:34:14 <pnavarro> I've realised that tests stubs are duplicated 16:34:33 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: which ones? 16:35:26 <pnavarro> you know, the stubs changed depending on they are launched from /nova/tests or /nova 16:35:42 <alexpilotti> ?? 16:35:45 <pnavarro> so they fully qualified name of the stub changes 16:36:05 <alexpilotti> I got it 16:36:17 <alexpilotti> d'oh 16:36:22 <pnavarro> https://github.com/openstack/nova/tree/master/nova/tests/hyperv/stubs 16:37:18 <primeministerp> ok 16:37:24 <primeministerp> #topic ci update 16:37:39 <pnavarro> so, we should add this convention in some dev doc 16:38:01 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: perfect timing i guess 16:38:04 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: we should fix that! 16:38:18 <pnavarro> alexpilotti: +1000 ! 16:38:19 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: re: devdoc and the mocs 16:38:34 <primeministerp> ok ci stuff 16:38:56 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: and ociuhandu are coming to cambridge the week of dec 2 16:39:22 <primeministerp> we'll be bringing up the smokestack/devstack tests and lighting up the ci infrastructure 16:39:34 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: also, they are asking to change the format from pickle to json 16:39:49 <primeministerp> pnavarro: I'll work on giving you access to the infrasture at that time 16:40:10 <pnavarro> that'd be great ! 16:40:10 <primeministerp> mordred: did you want to come up? 16:40:10 <alexpilotti> as a general rule, let's execute them in nova\tests for the moment 16:40:21 <pnavarro> alexpilotti: ok ! 16:41:20 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: does that require much work? moving to json 16:41:44 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: just changing the serialization layer 16:41:44 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: from the pickle files 16:42:03 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: 2 lines if the python code works well 16:42:07 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: and it would align with the project better 16:42:16 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: as they are already using a lot of json 16:42:27 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: hence the request i'm sure 16:42:28 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: a lot of swearing if it happens like with Python 2.6 16:42:31 <mordred> primeministerp: maybe - I've got to sort out a different work thing today before I can know 16:43:14 <pnavarro> alexpilotti: thierry carrez mentioned the other day in Paris that the TComittee started discusions to forget Python 2.6 16:43:15 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: and alos if would be asy to read them and inject manually code 16:43:15 <primeministerp> mordred: we'll if you're interested let me know 16:43:30 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: yes 16:43:35 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: no gz 16:43:51 <alexpilotti> I'd like to get rid of the gzs 16:44:11 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: i'm sure every one else would too 16:44:14 <primeministerp> ;) 16:44:26 <primeministerp> it's the source of a lot of questions 16:44:29 <alexpilotti> if the json files don't bloath as much as the picled ones! :-) 16:45:03 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: we need to have a discussion after this if possible 16:45:14 <primeministerp> does anyone have anything else to add? 16:45:22 <alexpilotti> sure 16:45:32 <alexpilotti> let me say thanks to sagar_nikam! 16:45:40 <primeministerp> o yes 16:45:40 <alexpilotti> he's doing a great testing work! 16:45:53 <primeministerp> sagar_nikam: thanks for your help w/ testing 16:46:01 <sagar_nikam> i have started the tests for live migration 16:46:04 <primeministerp> sagar_nikam: you're doing a great job 16:46:11 <primeministerp> sagar_nikam: feel free to file bugs 16:46:15 <sagar_nikam> thanks all 16:46:19 <primeministerp> sagar_nikam: also thanks for keeping me in the loop 16:46:24 <alexpilotti> and talking about testing, we need to fix glance_client. Volunteers? ;-) 16:46:48 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: it's broken? 16:46:49 <ttx> pnavarro: actually the discussion should start at today's meeting. 16:46:54 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: we are going to open a page to file bugs for the installer 16:47:09 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: good 16:47:16 <pnavarro> ttx: thanks for the note ! 16:47:19 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: badly. It doesn't work on Hyper-V 16:47:33 <primeministerp> ttx: which one? 16:47:33 <alexpilotti> jaypipes: hi! 16:47:44 <ttx> the py2.6 one 16:47:48 <primeministerp> ahh 16:47:49 <alexpilotti> jaypipes: we have some issues with glance_client :-) 16:48:55 <pnavarro> guys, I have to go ! 16:49:03 <pnavarro> bye ! 16:49:49 <primeministerp> bye pedro 16:50:00 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: email him? 16:50:12 <primeministerp> ok i"m going to call it 16:50:18 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: let's chat now if that's ok 16:50:23 <primeministerp> #endmeeting