15:58:55 <primeministerp> #startmeeting hyper-v 15:58:56 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 8 15:58:55 2013 UTC. The chair is primeministerp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:58:57 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:58:59 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'hyper_v' 15:59:11 <primeministerp> hi all 15:59:33 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: pedro's not going to be able to make it today right? 15:59:53 <alexpilotti> hi! 16:00:09 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: do we have any others? 16:00:15 <alexpilotti> yep, pnavarro said that today he'll not be able to attend unfortunately 16:00:30 <primeministerp> and I don't see the CERN folks 16:00:45 <primeministerp> guess this will be quick then 16:00:57 <alexpilotti> I guess too :-) 16:01:06 <primeministerp> hanrahat: hi tom 16:01:07 <luis_fdez> hi primeministerp 16:01:12 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: hi luis 16:01:15 <alexpilotti> Not a bad think considering that I have to send the Quantum review 16:01:17 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: glad you made it 16:01:33 <hanrahat> primeministerp: hi 16:01:33 <luis_fdez> my first day after holidays break... 16:01:37 <alexpilotti> hi luis_fdez ! 16:01:37 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: great 16:01:47 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: hopefully you had a good one! 16:01:57 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: sure there's lots of email to catch up on 16:02:03 <primeministerp> ok let's begin 16:02:11 <primeministerp> #topic quantum 16:02:28 <luis_fdez> primeministerp: lots of email yes... 16:02:31 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: you've been working like crazy on this so I'll let you have the floor 16:02:47 <alexpilotti> great tx. 16:02:48 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: would you care to share the current state of the hyper-v vlan driver etc 16:03:03 <alexpilotti> So, habemus pluginus. :-) 16:03:14 <primeministerp> hehe 16:03:19 <alexpilotti> It's in the process of getting merged 16:03:35 <alexpilotti> meaning that it's undergoing the usual microscopic review 16:03:44 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: as expected 16:03:45 <alexpilotti> as bad as it was for Nova last year :-) 16:04:00 <alexpilotti> which is good, as I like that they care about the code quality 16:04:11 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: that is good 16:04:11 <alexpilotti> they asked to keep it as simple as possible 16:04:24 <alexpilotti> which means that this first release is going to be VLAN only 16:04:50 <alexpilotti> I didn't push to have it in G-2 at any cost 16:05:10 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: are you ready to test quantum bits on your side luis_fdez? 16:05:13 <alexpilotti> as due to this crazy G-2 scheduling the Quantum team has a lot of high priority stuff to review 16:05:33 <alexpilotti> and it was pointless to force them to do it now, resulting in a sure refusal 16:05:44 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: the short cycle w/ the holidays didn't help matters 16:05:52 <luis_fdez> primeministerp: yeah, let me some days catching up with other things and I'll try it 16:05:55 <alexpilotti> yep, that was the main issue 16:06:10 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: perfect 16:06:18 <alexpilotti> anyway, this are going very well I'd say, we need testers as usual :-) 16:06:32 <alexpilotti> luis_fdez: do you volunteer? ;-) 16:06:46 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: he just did --------^ 16:06:55 <primeministerp> hehe 16:07:03 <luis_fdez> alexpilotti: i'll do my best hehe 16:07:06 <primeministerp> any of our IBM friends on the channel 16:07:06 <alexpilotti> cool! I as busy writing and didn't see it! lol 16:07:30 <alexpilotti> tx luis_fdez. Your beers credit (and your karma) will benefit! 16:07:40 <primeministerp> hopefully we can get them to take a look too 16:08:02 <luis_fdez> alexpilotti: a recommended testing environment? 16:08:12 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: hyper-v server 2012 16:08:16 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: devstack 16:08:21 <luis_fdez> ok, perfect then 16:08:22 <alexpilotti> 2 devstack nodes and 1-2 HyperV 2012 16:08:47 <alexpilotti> I usually run all the stuff in VMs (including the HyperVs) 16:09:07 <primeministerp> ok 16:09:10 <alexpilotti> 1 devstack: controller 16:09:18 <alexpilotti> 2 devstack: networking 16:09:32 <alexpilotti> 2 is needed for layer 3 tests only 16:09:55 <primeministerp> ok 16:10:02 <primeministerp> shall we discuss RDP 16:10:08 <primeministerp> ahh 16:10:09 <alexpilotti> why not 16:10:10 <primeministerp> tom left 16:10:26 <primeministerp> was hoping to ask him the status of email request 16:10:33 <primeministerp> for help on the custom ssp provider 16:10:38 <primeministerp> o well 16:10:47 <primeministerp> #topic RDP 16:11:19 <primeministerp> So I pushed on the custon SSP provider questioin with Neil internally 16:11:30 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: I sent you the response 16:11:44 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: I'm going to followup with him today 16:11:51 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: didnt get it 16:12:01 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: you did, you responded 16:12:07 <alexpilotti> ah, that one 16:12:16 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: that it was the information you had already looked at 16:12:25 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: is there anything additional i should request? 16:12:27 <alexpilotti> yeah, we need access to more than that 16:12:42 <alexpilotti> no, for SSH is everything clear IMO 16:12:57 <alexpilotti> the RDP part is crucial now 16:13:02 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: right but for the custom provider, do we still need assistance from msft internal? 16:13:11 <alexpilotti> yep 16:13:16 <primeministerp> isn't the custom provider needed for RDP 16:13:17 <alexpilotti> we need a decent sample 16:13:20 <primeministerp> ok 16:13:23 <primeministerp> perfect 16:13:27 <alexpilotti> no the custom SSP is needed for SSH only 16:13:36 <primeministerp> ahh 16:13:37 <primeministerp> ok 16:13:56 <primeministerp> I thought the custom ssp was to use ssh keys for rdp auth 16:14:08 <primeministerp> then what is needed for rdp? 16:14:09 <alexpilotti> yep, but not RDP as in clnsole RDP 16:14:17 <primeministerp> gotcha 16:14:28 <alexpilotti> we need to have FreeRDP connecting reliabily to the HyperV console 16:14:35 <alexpilotti> and the latest version is not 16:14:39 <primeministerp> do you have additonal questions for console rdp, which I need involve others? 16:15:00 <alexpilotti> not for now, as it is all fairly well documented 16:15:39 <alexpilotti> but based on the FreeRDP work it might become necessary 16:15:46 <primeministerp> ok 16:16:07 <primeministerp> make sure you alert me asap if something comes up so I can push for help internally 16:16:13 <alexpilotti> sure, tx! 16:16:24 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: ping 16:16:27 <alexpilotti> now the project is still in an early stage 16:16:37 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: ok 16:16:44 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: anything else to add? 16:16:48 <primeministerp> on RDP 16:16:58 <alexpilotti> we are working on the HTML5 gateway 16:17:07 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: o perfect 16:17:16 <alexpilotti> unfortunately the guy who did the project is not mantaining it 16:17:28 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: html5 -> rdp? 16:17:37 <alexpilotti> which means that we are refactoring it to support the latest FreeRDP version 16:17:40 <alexpilotti> yes, that one 16:17:41 <ociuhandu> hi all, sorry for being late, just got back and was reading 16:17:43 <primeministerp> perfecto 16:17:51 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: TAVI! 16:18:05 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: glad you could join, I was just going to start picking on you 16:18:08 <primeministerp> ;) 16:18:11 <ociuhandu> :) 16:18:23 <primeministerp> anything else on rdp? 16:18:32 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: was actually catching up with the things you talked on until now 16:18:43 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: no owwories 16:18:50 <primeministerp> er worries 16:18:55 <primeministerp> so on that note 16:18:59 <primeministerp> #topic ci 16:19:19 <primeministerp> as usual the battle for more resources continues 16:19:34 <primeministerp> currently working on getting more bandwidth for the pipe 16:19:43 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: to resolve your connectivity issues 16:20:04 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: I'm pushing for 50mb minimum 16:20:23 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: if they give me a green light I can prob have it w/in 2 weeks 16:20:25 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: i'm gong to create a pxe'd VM today to start testing all the scripts i've been writing 16:20:29 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: 16:20:32 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: perfect 16:20:46 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: everything is pretty much updated 16:21:12 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: I'll be adding the hostname bits after this meeting 16:21:29 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: hoping to get back to the windows parts by end of week 16:21:46 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: i'll be here all day as well so let me know if you have any issues 16:21:56 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: I can be in the DC to assist 16:22:12 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: great, thanks 16:22:22 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: on that note with recent events regarding testing and such, this is becoming more and more critical 16:22:22 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: will let you know how it goes 16:22:36 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: right now there's a menu in palce 16:22:46 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: i can hard set it for your mac 16:22:48 <primeministerp> if needed 16:22:54 <primeministerp> but use the vm preseed 16:22:58 <primeministerp> when you deploy 16:23:19 <primeministerp> it will do a clean install then 2 reboots after running the scripting 16:23:30 <primeministerp> one after install and one after puppet 16:23:33 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: ok 16:24:34 <primeministerp> still need to get in touch w/ mordred to discuss the integration into the ci 16:24:51 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: however the delays w/ my move and holidays put us back a bit 16:25:11 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: hopefully we'll be back on track and having the first ring up by next week 16:25:46 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: i was working on the scripts locally so we have made progress 16:25:47 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: have you completed your puppet bits? 16:25:55 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: which ones? 16:26:10 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: you've made progress 16:26:12 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: for the controller and for creating a new VM 16:26:14 <primeministerp> i've made a few baby steps 16:26:31 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: ok hopefully i can finish catching up this week 16:26:49 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: have you puppetized your hyper-v bits? 16:27:01 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: are you using the cloudbase installer or installing from source? 16:27:31 <luis_fdez> no primeministerp, we don't have hyper-v puppetized... 16:27:40 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: perfect then 16:27:46 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: hopefully you can use some of our efforts 16:27:58 <luis_fdez> the rest (controller, kvm nodes are puppetized) 16:28:19 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: ociuhandu did a great job refactoring my original bits 16:28:34 <primeministerp> hanrahat: ping 16:28:43 <luis_fdez> yeah, one of the next steps should be to try to mix your puppet bits with the structure used here 16:28:52 <primeministerp> hanrahat: glad your back, is there any response on the custom ssp help? 16:29:00 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: ^^ 16:29:13 <luis_fdez> I think your work could reduce my headaches hehe 16:29:21 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: defaintely 16:29:56 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: would you like to start an email thread to discuss further? 16:30:15 <luis_fdez> primeministerp: the last puppet bits are still on you github? or ociuhandu has other? 16:30:29 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: there is entirely new ones 16:30:35 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: i'll have to get cleared to share 16:30:42 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: hence the email discussion 16:30:43 <ociuhandu> luis_fdez: your puppet scripts for the controller use the latest git or install the stable release from the repos? 16:32:17 <luis_fdez> ociuhandu: our current system is an essex environment with some patchs to adapt to CERN.... we're starting a new one based on Folsom on February 16:32:43 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: great 16:32:48 <ociuhandu> luis_fdez: ok, great 16:33:07 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: i'm assuming that's when the hyper-v integration will begin as well? 16:33:37 <luis_fdez> yeah primeministerp, we hope an important boost on HyperV hypervisors for the next version 16:33:47 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: please let jan and tim know i'm here to help in any way possible 16:34:11 <luis_fdez> ok, I'll let them know! thanks 16:34:25 <primeministerp> ok 16:34:30 <primeministerp> anything else anyone would like to add 16:34:36 <primeministerp> hanrahat: ? 16:34:51 <luis_fdez> primeministerp: about RDP 16:34:56 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: yes 16:35:23 <luis_fdez> I know it's in an early stage but... is there a timelin aprox? 16:35:43 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: we're shooting for the G release 16:36:02 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: but not sure when bits will be there for testing 16:36:11 <luis_fdez> do you think it could be feasible to port it to folsom? 16:36:13 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: any rough ideas? 16:36:25 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: hmm 16:36:40 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: I'll have to look into that 16:37:08 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: it's pretty tight from a resource perspective, and we've not really thought about backporting 16:37:11 <primeministerp> yet 16:37:41 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: however i can look into it 16:37:51 <luis_fdez> ok, I'd like to integrate it in our next release, as it's an attractive improvement for endusers on Wndows 16:37:54 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: and see if we can put it on the radar 16:38:00 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: definately 16:38:14 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: it's key for windows workloads 16:38:17 <luis_fdez> ok, thank you :) 16:38:33 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: no problem 16:38:54 <primeministerp> ok 16:38:58 <primeministerp> anything else? 16:39:00 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: ? 16:39:09 <luis_fdez> primeministerp: another thing... 16:39:10 <luis_fdez> hehe 16:39:12 <alexpilotti> nothing new for the moment :-) 16:39:29 <primeministerp> ok then, I'll call the meeting, thanks everyone 16:39:31 <alexpilotti> but G-3 is behind the corner, so I guess that we'll have quite a lot of news soon :-) 16:39:39 <luis_fdez> what about the resizing of the instances on hyperv? 16:39:39 <primeministerp> #endmeeting