15:57:13 <primeministerp> #startmeeting hyper-v 15:57:14 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 5 15:57:13 2013 UTC. The chair is primeministerp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:57:15 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:57:17 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'hyper_v' 15:57:22 <primeministerp> hi everyone 15:57:36 <alexpilotti> hi guys 15:57:42 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: pedro's not going to make it 15:57:49 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: although I think we'll be quick today 15:57:55 <alexpilotti> darn, I had to ask him a few questions 15:58:08 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: take them up via email pls 15:58:16 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: he's in meetings 15:58:18 <alexpilotti> volumes are not getting live migrated 15:58:24 <primeministerp> alexpilotti o 15:58:27 <primeministerp> that's not good 15:58:47 <alexpilotti> yep. I'm doing it now for clod migration 15:58:59 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: file a bug 15:59:03 <alexpilotti> so if he gives me confirmation I can add the to live mifration as well 15:59:07 <primeministerp> o 15:59:15 <primeministerp> even better 15:59:30 <primeministerp> ok reach out via email then 15:59:31 <primeministerp> please 15:59:51 <primeministerp> I wanted to discuss the work on the windows cloudinit bits 15:59:54 <alexpilotti> so, no problem, I just need to know what his plans were in the "old" Folsom times :-) 16:00:01 <alexpilotti> sure 16:00:13 <primeministerp> as well as the stuff we did yesterday 16:00:26 <primeministerp> if you think it's ok 16:00:46 <primeministerp> for others to try 16:01:46 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: care to discuss the new cloudinit bits? 16:01:56 <alexpilotti> sure 16:02:05 <alexpilotti> so what we have now is: 16:02:22 <alexpilotti> support for all the WIndows OS currently supported by MS: 16:02:34 <primeministerp> +1 16:02:40 <alexpilotti> 2003, 2003 R2, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 16:02:56 <alexpilotti> both x86 and x64 16:03:14 <alexpilotti> and also the workstation OSs for VDIs: vista, 7 and 8 16:03:22 <iben> nice! 16:03:29 <alexpilotti> I have to admit that we didn't bother to test on Vista :-D 16:03:42 <iben> no one cares about vista 16:03:48 <alexpilotti> but it has the same kernel as 2008 16:04:00 <alexpilotti> that's my point as well ;-) 16:04:01 <iben> i don't know of any companies using vista 16:04:04 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: did you complete the rest of the cloudinit integration of the unattend.xml? 16:04:16 <primeministerp> .. and sysprep etc 16:04:27 <alexpilotti> I have to add cloud init 16:04:42 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: are you going to use a rapper to dl it 16:04:56 <alexpilotti> to recap that feature, as iben might be interested 16:04:59 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: i.e. you can always do it in multiple post exec scripts 16:05:02 <primeministerp> o yes 16:05:24 <primeministerp> iben: so alexpilotti and I did some work on a unattend 16:05:29 <alexpilotti> we put together an unattended.xml to create a KVM Windows image 16:05:36 <alexpilotti> with "no hands" 16:05:47 <iben> ok 16:05:49 <primeministerp> *nod* 16:06:02 <primeministerp> it could be used to create any image 16:06:02 <alexpilotti> this is due to the need to select Virtio drivers during setup, adding drivers for network later etc 16:06:10 <primeministerp> it just also slipstreams the drivers in 16:06:25 <alexpilotti> I wanted a solution to simplify it as much as possible 16:06:39 <alexpilotti> as unfortunately we cannot provide Windows Glance images for doenload 16:06:43 <alexpilotti> du to licensing 16:06:46 <alexpilotti> *due 16:06:54 <primeministerp> but we can provide really easy ways to build them 16:06:56 <primeministerp> ;) 16:07:07 <iben> yes - the documentation will be key 16:07:10 <alexpilotti> yep :-) 16:07:10 <iben> I can help with that 16:07:15 <primeministerp> iben: perfect 16:07:17 <alexpilotti> cool 16:07:42 <alexpilotti> ok, the next feature in cloudinit is the set password 16:07:44 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: i also merged the kvm drivers into my pxe bits 16:07:56 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: fwiw 16:08:10 <alexpilotti> there's a new feature in Grizzly 16:08:24 <alexpilotti> to set the password in Windows and get it from nova client 16:09:01 <alexpilotti> it is encrypted w the SSH public key beloging to the keypair assigned to the VM 16:09:17 <alexpilotti> and is decrypted with the corresponding private key 16:09:39 <alexpilotti> so now, to get a VM password the user needs simply to do a: 16:09:54 <alexpilotti> nova get-password vm1 ./ssh/id_rsa 16:09:58 <alexpilotti> (for example) 16:10:28 <alexpilotti> it's a pefectly secure way of handling the password issue 16:10:31 <primeministerp> nice 16:10:52 <alexpilotti> Windows cloud-init does the main work 16:11:08 <alexpilotti> 1) getting the SSH key from teh metadata 16:11:27 <alexpilotti> 2) extracting the RSA key (we don't have openssh on Windows) 16:11:39 <alexpilotti> 3) generating a random password 16:11:43 <alexpilotti> 4) encrypting 16:12:01 <alexpilotti> 5) posting the encrypted data to the metadata service 16:12:27 <alexpilotti> 6) creating / updating the user with the given password 16:12:45 <alexpilotti> at this point any client can get the password, by simply providing the private key 16:13:01 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: great job 16:13:04 <iben> alexpilotti: what user id is being set with this process? Is it just one or can many users be setup using this method? 16:13:36 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: local admin correct? 16:13:38 <alexpilotti> one user, the user name is set in the cloud-init configuration 16:13:49 <iben> and does the user need to exist in the initial image or can users be created? 16:13:49 <alexpilotti> let me fetch you a snapshot 16:13:52 <primeministerp> even better 16:14:11 <alexpilotti> iben: no, the servcei checks if the user exists and creates it as needed 16:14:18 <iben> okay 16:14:20 <iben> thanks! 16:14:38 <iben> please cover this in the release notes as I'm sure we will get asked this many times... 16:14:39 <alexpilotti> also, the user is added to a set of local groups provided in the configuration 16:14:48 <alexpilotti> tipically "administrators" 16:14:48 <iben> excellent 16:15:11 <iben> most enterprises have changed away from the defaults 16:15:25 <alexpilotti> iben: second snapshot here: http://www.cloudbase.it/cloud-init-for-windows-instances/ 16:15:28 <primeministerp> iben: have you tried alessandro's installers? 16:15:31 <primeministerp> yet 16:15:31 <iben> so local admin would not be "administrator" 16:15:47 <alexpilotti> iben: you can set "administrators" if you prefer 16:15:53 <iben> primeministerp: we are usign them in our lab 16:15:57 <primeministerp> iben: great 16:16:00 <alexpilotti> for security reasons, as you said companies prefer to avoid it 16:16:07 <primeministerp> iben: how is that going 16:16:27 <iben> so far so good - we are verifying the configuration of the various OS support 16:16:35 <iben> originally w2k3 was not working 16:16:47 <iben> but I think we moved past that - right alexpilotti? 16:16:59 <alexpilotti> iben: tep, I wrote Chris about it 16:17:00 <primeministerp> iben: and hyper-v? 16:17:04 <iben> alexpilotti has been a great resource - kudos!!! 16:17:10 <alexpilotti> iben: do you know if he managed to test it? 16:17:13 <iben> so far all this is on Ubuntu KVM 16:17:16 <alexpilotti> iben: tx! :-) 16:17:19 <iben> and Essex 16:17:23 <primeministerp> iben: gotcha 16:17:29 <iben> we will be moving to folsom eventually 16:17:52 <iben> and we have yet to discuss licenses 16:18:01 <iben> that may impact out hypervisor choice 16:18:04 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: we keep on getting requests for Essex, we might think about supporting it 16:18:12 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: we can't 16:18:16 <primeministerp> from a hyper-v perspective 16:18:21 <primeministerp> w/ the main codebase 16:18:22 <alexpilotti> iben: Hyper-V is free :-) 16:18:33 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: kind of 16:18:39 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: only for Cloud-init 16:18:39 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: only for not running windows 16:18:42 <iben> well - if a company owns many MS windows licenses 16:18:46 <iben> they can license the hyper-v 16:18:53 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: o gotcha 16:18:53 <iben> and save on the guest VM license cost 16:18:57 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: then definatley 16:19:06 <iben> other wise 16:19:07 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: we should support essex w/ the cloudinit bits 16:19:09 <alexpilotti> iben: what we, do is using SPLA licenses 16:19:11 <iben> we can use a free hypervisor 16:19:28 <iben> and then we need to license each guest vm instance 16:19:40 <alexpilotti> iben: we use Windows Server SPLA licenses 16:19:45 <alexpilotti> datacenter edition 16:19:46 <primeministerp> iben: only windows guests 16:19:54 <iben> okay - we will look into this 16:19:59 <alexpilotti> they retail around 70 USD / month / socket 16:20:08 <alexpilotti> unlimited virtualization rights 16:20:16 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: but that's licensed on datacenter 16:20:22 <alexpilotti> so with 2 sockets and ca 50-70 VMs per host 16:20:23 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: not at the vm layer 16:20:35 <alexpilotti> that's the point 16:20:41 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: i.e. you're using windows server vs hyper-v server 16:20:48 <alexpilotti> you end up paying 1-2 USD / month per guest :-) 16:20:49 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: datacenter 16:21:28 <alexpilotti> it's independent from the host (Hypervisor) OS 16:21:47 <alexpilotti> so you can use Hyper-V / KVM / ESXi / Xen etc 16:22:08 <alexpilotti> the same license includes also the host license 16:22:16 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: and you're sure that's cheaper than licensing the spla datacenter/core w/ hyper-v 16:22:25 <iben> this brings up a new topic to put on our agenda for discussion later on - I'd like to propose a talk for the portland summit in april about the work I'm doing with you guys. 16:22:28 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: honestly I have no idea 16:22:32 <alexpilotti> you don't license hyper-v! 16:22:41 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: i know you don''t 16:22:47 <iben> i will research all this stuff and present the "official" story 16:22:51 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: but you license the windows server core it need s to run on 16:23:06 <primeministerp> i.e. for unlimited guests 16:23:09 <iben> if you work for Microsoft then you probably don't worry too much about licensing 16:23:17 <alexpilotti> why do you need to license a windows erver core?? 16:23:18 <primeministerp> iben: and I work on open source 16:23:25 <primeministerp> iben: so i care even less 16:23:27 <primeministerp> ;) 16:23:30 <alexpilotti> lol 16:23:35 <primeministerp> licensing 16:23:42 <primeministerp> er about licensing 16:23:42 <iben> and same thing goes for a lot of the really big enterprises with thousands of licenses and a KPL server 16:23:48 <primeministerp> yes 16:23:57 <alexpilotti> what about moving this topic to the hyper-V channel after the meeting? :-) 16:23:57 <primeministerp> that's the problem 16:24:02 <primeministerp> that's infe 16:24:04 <primeministerp> er fine 16:24:12 <primeministerp> #topic resize 16:24:21 <iben> when we bring servers or workstations on line they get licenses from the active directory domain automatically and it's someone elses issue to make sure we're in compliance 16:24:45 <primeministerp> iben: that's how most places seem to work 16:24:50 <primeministerp> ;) 16:25:16 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: move onto resize 16:25:25 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: did we agree that vhdx is for I 16:26:27 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: sure, here we go 16:26:44 <alexpilotti> so resize is going on very well, I should be able to finish it in 2-3 days 16:27:11 <alexpilotti> I had most of the code from the Folsom times 16:27:27 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: yes I remember 16:27:38 <alexpilotti> I'm thinking about fitting even the "rescue" feature in G 16:27:45 <alexpilotti> if we finish everything 16:27:55 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: and vhdx, is that for I 16:28:02 <alexpilotti> but before that I'd like to squeeze in NVGRE on Quantum 16:28:09 <primeministerp> i would like to see that 16:28:11 <primeministerp> as well 16:28:14 <alexpilotti> yes, VHDX requires WMI V2, which is scheduled for I 16:28:42 <primeministerp> ok perfect want to make sure I account for that in our list 16:28:46 <alexpilotti> thanks to the huge refactoring we did last week, it's now way easier to do it 16:28:53 <alexpilotti> but not in 2 weeks ;-) 16:28:58 <primeministerp> *nod* 16:29:12 <iben> so for us noobs - what is "I" 16:29:25 <primeministerp> the release after H 16:29:42 <iben> wow - that's far out 16:29:47 <alexpilotti> sorry guys! 16:29:49 <primeministerp> iben: i actually meant h 16:29:50 <primeministerp> not i 16:29:50 <alexpilotti> I meant "H" 16:29:57 <alexpilotti> all that stuff is for Havana 16:30:03 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: yes 16:30:05 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: my slip too 16:30:24 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: it's the damn fiscal cycle 16:30:29 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: throws me off 16:30:38 <alexpilotti> we are too used to think 1 version ahead :-) 16:30:52 <primeministerp> ok 16:30:59 <primeministerp> #ci progress 16:31:09 <iben> that's good - there's no mention of "I" anywhere here.. http://wiki.openstack.org/ReleaseNaming 16:31:10 <primeministerp> #topic ci progress 16:31:23 <alexpilotti> ociuhandu: is having some amazing progress on CI 16:31:25 <primeministerp> iben: thats why we call it i 16:31:32 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: good, we needed to catch up 16:31:43 <alexpilotti> I saw a full puppetized controller running here today ;-) 16:31:43 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: did you finish the network controller bits? 16:31:55 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: the controller is working with all the bits 16:32:09 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: network and compute? 16:32:14 <ociuhandu> not the config, i went back to the main controller to fix the keystone ssl issues 16:32:24 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: so we still have ssl issues 16:32:31 <ociuhandu> no, it's fixed 16:32:35 <primeministerp> o 16:32:38 <primeministerp> you fixed it? 16:32:46 <primeministerp> great 16:32:49 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: the "main controller" is deploying fine 16:32:58 <primeministerp> I'll run one out of pxe today 16:33:03 <ociuhandu> with all configs 16:33:23 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: the only bit left is the enter required during the pxe on LVM 16:33:35 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: there isn't one 16:33:42 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: ;) 16:33:56 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: we might have to rebuild the preseed clean 16:33:57 <ociuhandu> there is, i deployed 3-4 ubuntu machines in the last 2 days and it's the same 16:34:19 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: I'll check it, but I have no prompts 16:34:29 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: did you check the order in the preseed? i think i sent you some info 16:34:33 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: is the disk dropping out? 16:35:00 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: they were saying that the default order is not right (for the options in the preseed) 16:35:15 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: no, it just does not take the confirmation to write the LVM config 16:35:19 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: let's talk after and I'l lcheck 16:35:23 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: like i said 16:35:31 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: we might just need puppet to rebuild that file 16:35:39 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: sure 16:35:41 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: but I have no prompts on preseeds 16:35:46 <primeministerp> during lvm creatoin 16:35:48 <primeministerp> when I run it 16:36:19 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: network controller is deploying, installing from git the quantum but the config is not finished templating 16:36:26 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: ok good 16:36:36 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: on my side 16:36:44 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: i have the windows iso's automounting 16:36:53 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: once we also have the windows bits we can also test the compute, as the puppet part ofr that should be done already 16:36:54 <primeministerp> however we still have to put it onto the system manually 16:37:03 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: yes 16:37:08 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: great 16:37:08 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: that's my goal 16:37:20 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: I ended up using a defines 16:37:30 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: bc we need to know the iso name 16:38:01 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: I'm going to generate all the scripts for launching the unatted.xml install from there 16:38:17 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: also for time sake I may skip the part we discussed the other day 16:38:27 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: as I have to still tweak the startnet.cmd 16:39:06 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: i think i also got the direction for identifying the machines from puppet through puppetdb 16:39:20 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: good 16:39:25 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: let's touch base after this 16:39:38 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: e.g. getting the ips of all machines having a certain module deployed 16:39:42 <ociuhandu> primeministerp: sure 16:39:54 <primeministerp> #general discussion 16:39:59 <primeministerp> gah 16:40:06 <primeministerp> #topic general discussion 16:40:15 <primeministerp> so anyone have anything else to dadd 16:40:17 <primeministerp> er add 16:40:20 <primeministerp> o 16:40:31 <primeministerp> btw luis_fdez thanks helping w/ testing the cloudinit bits 16:40:48 <iben> I'd like to propose a talk for the portland summit in april about the work I'm doing with you guys. 16:40:52 <luis_fdez> primeministerp: :) 16:41:09 <iben> is anyone else here planning any talks? 16:41:17 <primeministerp> iben: we were going to have talk 16:41:17 <iben> want to make sure we don't overlap 16:41:24 <primeministerp> re: the new features 16:41:27 <iben> and there is some strategic direction 16:41:27 <primeministerp> and work that was done 16:41:35 <alexpilotti> iben: when do you plan to move to Folsom? 16:41:40 <primeministerp> also I know alessandro was going to have an additional discussion on cloud init 16:41:59 <iben> so - I am an advisor helping many companies with cloud technology 16:42:09 <iben> one of my larger customers is using essex now 16:42:31 <iben> when folsom is released (is it production yet?) they will start setting up new clusters with it 16:43:06 <primeministerp> iben: folsom was already released 16:43:22 <iben> i don't think there's a clean upgrade path to take 2000 Ubuntu servers in production with 10,000 virtual machines and just upgrade it 16:43:30 <iben> I'm not sure on that though 16:43:30 <primeministerp> I would agree 16:43:39 <primeministerp> there might be some challenge 16:44:04 <iben> so as new racks come on line we can setup this new code 16:44:16 <iben> but there is the large legacy installation to account for 16:44:41 <primeministerp> iben: gotcha 16:44:45 <iben> Yahoo is also setting up a 20,000 redhat based openstack - pretty sure they will use folsom 16:44:59 <iben> and they will want to run windows vms on there too 16:45:21 <primeministerp> iben: which specific part do you want to speak about at the conference? 16:45:44 <iben> the challanges of getting traditional corp workloads onto openstack 16:45:50 <primeministerp> iben: perfect 16:45:50 <iben> networking 16:45:54 <iben> licensing 16:45:59 <iben> cloudbaseinit 16:46:09 <iben> sort of an overview with pointers 16:46:43 <iben> from the trenches with a been there done that perspective 16:46:47 <primeministerp> iben: sure 16:46:50 <primeministerp> iben: sounds good 16:47:03 <iben> specifically enterprise focused 16:47:22 <iben> a lot of openstack work is targeted towards devops - which is fine 16:47:47 <iben> but we sometimes leave out the bread and butter of the enterprise apps 16:48:09 <alexpilotti> iben, primeministerp: would you like to setup a meeting on Skype on those 3 topics? 16:48:10 <iben> i didn't even know it was possible until we started talking here with you guys 16:48:19 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: that's a great ide 16:48:20 <primeministerp> er idea 16:48:23 <alexpilotti> (networking, licenseing cloudbase-init) 16:48:27 <iben> so it's great news and we need to help spread the word! 16:48:35 <primeministerp> iben: sounds good 16:48:45 <primeministerp> iben: let's schedule a skype to discuss more 16:48:49 <hanrahat> primeministerp: please include me in that meeting 16:48:53 <iben> excellent! 16:49:02 <primeministerp> hanrahat: sure thing 16:49:46 <iben> switching to skype 16:49:48 <primeministerp> iben: would you mind starting that thread w/ your avilability 16:50:04 <primeministerp> ok 16:50:10 <primeministerp> anything else? 16:50:10 <iben> not at all 16:50:25 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: anything to add? 16:50:51 <luis_fdez> nothing primeministerp, by CERN side I've been working on image creation and specific cern stuff... 16:51:10 <iben> have you had good success to create images? 16:51:24 <iben> luis_fdez 16:51:29 <primeministerp> ok guys i'm closing the meeting 16:51:38 <iben> ok 16:51:39 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: iben #openstack-hyper-v? 16:51:51 <primeministerp> #endmeeting