15:04:12 <alexpilotti> #startmeeting hyper-v 15:04:13 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 2 15:04:12 2013 UTC. The chair is alexpilotti. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:04:14 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:04:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'hyper_v' 15:04:38 <alexpilotti> #topic Grizzly tests 15:05:04 <alexpilotti> Not having a CI infrastructure in place yet, we need to rely to massive testing before the release 15:05:16 <alexpilotti> and it looks like this is the time to do it :-) 15:05:56 <alexpilotti> I guess that the call for testers didn't attract too many people today :-D 15:05:57 <pnavarro> do you have news about the chinese guys who were having issues with storage? 15:06:05 <alexpilotti> nope 15:06:30 <alexpilotti> I'm going to ping him to see what's going on 15:06:51 <alexpilotti> well I guess we can move on, lol 15:06:58 <pnavarro> hehe 15:07:01 <pnavarro> +1 15:07:05 <alexpilotti> lol 15:07:17 <alexpilotti> #topic Windows Cloud-Init 15:07:27 <alexpilotti> plenty of new features here 15:07:38 <alexpilotti> Including partition resize 15:07:54 <alexpilotti> based e.g. on the flavor 15:08:22 <alexpilotti> when cloud-init starts it looks for empty storage extents and extents the adjacent partitions 15:08:45 <alexpilotti> the cool part is that it works on 2003's system partitions as well (diskpart doesn't for example) 15:08:53 <alexpilotti> 100% writte in Python, no external tools 15:09:05 <pnavarro> cool bits ! 15:09:14 <alexpilotti> Another feature is sysprep integration 15:09:32 <alexpilotti> now the installer executes sysprep automatically at the end of the setup 15:09:56 <alexpilotti> more EC2 bits have been contributed by Mirantis 15:10:13 <alexpilotti> so compatibility with Essex improved a lot 15:11:00 <alexpilotti> Ok, moving on :-) 15:11:05 <pnavarro> hehe ! 15:11:18 <alexpilotti> #topic General discussion 15:11:30 <pnavarro> so the design session has been approved? 15:11:39 <alexpilotti> preapproved afaik 15:12:00 <alexpilotti> let me check the status of the others 15:12:42 <alexpilotti> looks like 20-30% are scheduled 15:12:50 <alexpilotti> all the others are preapproved 15:12:56 <alexpilotti> #link http://summit.openstack.org/ 15:13:32 <alexpilotti> plus a huge bunch of unreviewed or refused 15:14:06 <alexpilotti> with this amount of sessions we'll need a 6 months summit, not release cycle, lol 15:14:24 <pnavarro> jaja ! 15:14:57 <alexpilotti> Changing subject 15:15:08 <alexpilotti> added Qpid support in the Nova Compute installer 15:15:19 <alexpilotti> in the interface as well 15:15:32 <alexpilotti> plus a bunch of default values for resize 15:15:45 <alexpilotti> running_deleted_instance_action, running_deleted_instance_poll_interval, resize_confirm_window 15:15:58 <alexpilotti> and: resume_guests_state_on_host_boot 15:16:26 <alexpilotti> we're almost done with the Dashboard as well 15:16:40 <pnavarro> you mean, RDP ? 15:16:43 <alexpilotti> yep 15:17:06 <pnavarro> nice, I'm looking forward to looking at it ! 15:17:10 <alexpilotti> the only issue is that we are using some private Nova APIs 15:17:11 <ociuhandu> Hi all :) Sorry to be late :) 15:17:17 <alexpilotti> lol 15:17:34 <alexpilotti> the meeting room is overflowing! 15:18:11 <alexpilotti> so we discussed about adding a public HTTP API to validate the nova-consoleauth token 15:18:17 <ociuhandu> well, with 199 members … ;) 15:19:04 <alexpilotti> we'll discuss this at the Summit in the Nova design sessions 15:19:21 <alexpilotti> alright, anything to add guys? 15:19:52 <pnavarro> nopes 15:20:20 * alexpilotti is eyeing a BigMac, which is meant be a late lunch :-) 15:20:58 <hanrahat> make that an egg mcmuffin for me :-) 15:21:36 <alexpilotti> lol, unfortunately we don't have many choices at the office today 15:22:23 <alexpilotti> ok guys, if there are no more topis, we can end the meeting 15:23:17 <alexpilotti> Great, looking forward for the release this week! 15:23:22 <alexpilotti> #endmeeting