16:00:15 <primeministerp> #startmeeting hyper-v 16:00:16 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 28 16:00:15 2013 UTC. The chair is primeministerp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:17 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:19 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'hyper_v' 16:00:24 <primeministerp> ok 16:00:27 <alexpilotti> I'm checking in at the hotel 16:00:33 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: fair enough 16:00:40 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: I think this is going to be quick anyway 16:00:41 <alexpilotti> On the iphone now :-) 16:00:48 <ociuhandu> hi all 16:00:51 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: I know you're on your way to a conf 16:01:10 <alexpilotti> Yep, very nice location btw 16:01:21 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: is there anything specific that we need to address while we have you on 16:01:22 <alexpilotti> Openstack CEE 16:01:38 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: perfect 16:01:44 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: and you're presenting a session? 16:01:52 <alexpilotti> Well we discussed almost every important stuff last time 16:01:57 <alexpilotti> Yep 16:02:07 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: yes, I wasn't sure if we missed something 16:02:14 <primeministerp> also, I'm hoping someone from dell show's up 16:02:20 <alexpilotti> A part of the one in Portland plus the new stuff :-) 16:02:31 <primeministerp> considering they announced thier involvement 16:02:44 <primeministerp> anyone from dell present? 16:02:49 <alexpilotti> Ah, I guy from dell is recording interviews for their website 16:03:21 <alexpilotti> Like a 5'-10' thing 16:03:47 <alexpilotti> Take a look at the agenda, it's quite interesting 16:03:53 <pnavarro> #link http://openstackceeday.com/agenda 16:03:59 <primeministerp> pnavarro: thx 16:04:05 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: Tx :-) 16:04:20 <alexpilotti> EmilienM: Ping 16:04:34 <alexpilotti> EmilienM: Has a session as well :-) 16:04:47 <pnavarro> just after you 16:05:04 <primeministerp> awesome 16:05:12 <primeministerp> so no one from dell here 16:05:40 <primeministerp> I was hoping to hear how they are getting involved 16:05:42 <alexpilotti> There's a guy 16:05:42 <alexpilotti> From dell 16:05:52 <primeministerp> no i mean on this channel now 16:05:59 <primeministerp> is rob there? 16:06:47 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: anything else to add? 16:06:48 <alexpilotti> Will see tomorrow 16:07:03 <alexpilotti> Questions on the bps? 16:07:19 <primeministerp> bps? 16:07:25 <pnavarro> blueprints 16:07:27 <primeministerp> o 16:07:29 <primeministerp> thx 16:07:37 <primeministerp> too many acronyms 16:07:53 <primeministerp> quantum ones still need to be added I assume? 16:08:13 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: that going to start after this event? 16:08:55 <alexpilotti> Yep 16:08:59 <alexpilotti> Tpfkaq 16:09:15 <primeministerp> ok 16:09:26 <primeministerp> schwicht: anything you want to bring up? 16:09:36 <alexpilotti> The project formerly known as quantum :-) 16:10:25 <schwicht> primeministerp: yes liuxpei: and I were wondering, if there is a new patch for #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1177927 in the works? 16:10:28 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1177927 in nova "VHD snapshot from Hyper-V driver is bigger than original instance" [Undecided,In progress] 16:10:58 <alexpilotti> We're working on it 16:11:17 <primeministerp> schwicht: ^ 16:11:36 <alexpilotti> If you guys want to send in a patch I'll happily review it ;-) 16:11:46 <primeministerp> schwicht: ^ 16:11:48 <schwicht> good point ... 16:12:14 <primeministerp> so aside from schwicht and liuxpei getting working on that patch... ;) 16:12:35 <primeministerp> anything else that needs to be addressed today 16:12:52 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: we'll talk directly after this if that's ok 16:12:58 <luis_fdez> primeministerp: ok 16:13:01 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: assuming i have your skype info in my inbox 16:13:33 <primeministerp> still suprised no representation from dell today 16:14:08 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: anything else, if not I'm going to end the meeting 16:14:19 <pnavarro> nothing from my side 16:14:37 <pnavarro> alexpilotti: could you assign me the bp for ephemeral? 16:14:59 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: Sure! 16:15:37 <primeministerp> pnavarro: perfecto 16:15:46 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: Take care that we might have to commit the snapshot bug patch first! 16:15:57 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: Tx! :-) 16:16:12 <pnavarro> I'll be attentive, no problem 16:16:30 <pnavarro> good luck for tomorrow alexpilotti ! 16:16:36 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: good luck 16:16:44 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: Tx guys! 16:16:47 <primeministerp> ok everyone closing meeting 16:16:49 <primeministerp> thx for the time 16:17:10 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: Ping me on Skype when you want to talk about the Bp 16:17:10 <primeministerp> #endmeeting