16:00:30 <primeministerp> #startmeeting hyper-v 16:00:31 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 9 16:00:30 2013 UTC. The chair is primeministerp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:35 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'hyper_v' 16:00:41 <primeministerp> hi everyone 16:00:43 <luis_fdez> hi 16:00:44 <primeministerp> it's been a while 16:00:48 <primeministerp> hey luis 16:01:21 <primeministerp> let's wait for the others 16:01:26 <primeministerp> I don't see alex here yet 16:01:58 <luis_fdez> ok 16:02:04 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: so let's start w/ the puppet modules while waiting 16:02:08 <luis_fdez> ok 16:02:11 <primeministerp> #topic hyper-v puppet modules 16:02:18 <schwicht> primeministerp: hi everyone 16:02:33 <luis_fdez> have you looked at the last pull requrest? 16:02:33 <primeministerp> i renamed the module and merged your pull requests last night 16:02:49 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: I haven't looked since last night 16:02:56 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: you had 2 16:03:02 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: i merged them both 16:03:09 <primeministerp> the changes to the vswitch and the rename 16:03:14 <luis_fdez> yes 16:03:15 <primeministerp> for module conformance 16:03:21 <primeministerp> I also renamed the project 16:03:23 <primeministerp> to match 16:03:25 <luis_fdez> perfect 16:03:36 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: so go ahead and add your other changes 16:03:51 <primeministerp> schwicht: Hi frank 16:04:04 <primeministerp> ociuhandu: hi tavi 16:04:04 <luis_fdez> ok, one of the pull request is just a refactoring creating a new hyper-v.pp class 16:04:08 <alexpilotti> hi guys 16:04:13 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: perfect 16:04:22 <luis_fdez> to extract the installation of Hyper-V and configuration .... it can be the future init.pp of the hyper-v module 16:04:24 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: i was thinking we need to move some into general windows 16:04:30 <primeministerp> class as well 16:04:42 <alexpilotti> sorry me and Tavi were in a meeting 16:04:49 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: no problem 16:04:51 <luis_fdez> the other one is a proofofconcetp? hehe of how the nova_config type looks as in nova puppetlabs... but it adds one dependency 16:04:57 <zehicle> Hello! 16:05:01 <ociuhandu> hi all 16:05:16 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: I need to add a puppetfile for dependencies 16:05:21 <luis_fdez> ((last time we talked about it I was wrong saying that it wont add new dependency)) 16:05:40 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: I don't mind adding dependencies 16:05:49 <luis_fdez> also.. I extracted windows_feature as a separate define 16:05:53 <primeministerp> then we can reuse 16:06:08 <luis_fdez> to make the code cleaner and also follow the style rules 16:06:15 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: that works too, because if using hyper-v server the role is already there 16:06:36 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: perfect 16:06:58 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: is there anything else we need to discuss? 16:07:05 <luis_fdez> now... I'm looking to the download question and.... opened to new proposals... can i give you a hand on something related with python? 16:07:51 <alexpilotti> luis_fdez: any BP you'd like to work on? :-) 16:08:15 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: it needs to be there 16:08:15 <luis_fdez> I'll take a look... now... im a puppet man... i have to revisit my compute driver profile :) 16:08:19 <primeministerp> at least for the start 16:08:21 <primeministerp> or 16:08:25 <primeministerp> we have it as a seed 16:08:27 <primeministerp> also 16:08:33 <primeministerp> once we move to all source 16:08:41 <primeministerp> we won't necessarily need it 16:08:45 <primeministerp> bc we can move to a git pull 16:08:50 <primeministerp> for all that 16:08:51 <primeministerp> however 16:08:59 <primeministerp> if we're going to use the public bins 16:09:19 <primeministerp> we need to have a way to pull them 16:10:10 <primeministerp> that's my 2c 16:10:19 <luis_fdez> yeps, I think for the start the public bins is the best option 16:10:34 <primeministerp> ok 16:10:45 <primeministerp> let's move on topic wise 16:10:49 <luis_fdez> do you have changes to be committed or can I changes thinks on the python part? 16:10:49 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: ready 16:11:00 <luis_fdez> pasdfadf 16:11:00 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: no I've been working on the provisioning side 16:11:04 <primeministerp> had some stuff to clean up 16:11:04 <alexpilotti> sure 16:11:12 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: where do we want to start? 16:11:19 <primeministerp> wmiv2? 16:11:29 <alexpilotti> yep 16:11:37 <primeministerp> #topic wmiv2 16:11:53 <alexpilotti> so 2012R2 Preview is publicly avlaible 16:11:59 <primeministerp> haha 16:12:04 <primeministerp> why yes it is 16:12:10 <alexpilotti> and the V1 namespace is gone :-) 16:12:20 <primeministerp> why yes it is 16:12:22 <primeministerp> ;) 16:12:32 <alexpilotti> so it's time to do some testing of Havana on 2012R2 16:12:58 <alexpilotti> to get there, the first BP that we are releasing this week is teh WMIV2 one 16:13:01 <primeministerp> is the wmiv2 code upstream 16:13:08 <primeministerp> perfect 16:13:09 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: ? 16:13:13 <alexpilotti> ok 16:13:17 <primeministerp> you answered my question 16:13:43 <alexpilotti> thanks to the Grizzly refactoring it was a fairly contained work 16:14:13 <alexpilotti> a factory is instantiating the relevant utils classes based on the OS: < 2012: V1, >= 2012 V2 16:14:37 <alexpilotti> a separate pachset will be released for the Neutron agent 16:14:42 <primeministerp> awesome 16:14:52 <schwicht> nice work 16:14:55 <primeministerp> in the same timeframe? 16:14:58 <alexpilotti> one that's in place, we'll need also to update the installer 16:15:16 <alexpilotti> I'd love to get both (Nova, Quantum) in for H2 16:15:39 <primeministerp> ok 16:15:47 <primeministerp> that would be great 16:15:49 <alexpilotti> we'll need a lot of help in testing 16:15:57 <primeministerp> schwicht: ..... 16:16:23 <primeministerp> schwicht: will your folks be able to take a look 16:16:25 <schwicht> primeministerp: we'll need to chat off line 16:16:30 <primeministerp> schwicht: np 16:16:32 <alexpilotti> one of the reasons I want to have those bits out early is that they replace the layer that interacts with the OS 16:16:55 <alexpilotti> which cannot be tested with unit testing, only system / integration testing 16:17:12 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: i'll be able to try them tomorrow 16:17:14 <alexpilotti> and sicne we need a CI for that, the only alternative is having some hands doing it ;-) 16:17:19 <schwicht> is the testing the WMIv2 testing? 16:17:27 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: yes I know 16:17:28 <alexpilotti> schwicht: yes 16:17:50 <alexpilotti> schwicht: basically doing a lot of regression testing 16:17:55 <schwicht> we will have both funtional (IBM speak IVT) and SVT testing for the base stuff 16:18:14 <alexpilotti> schwicht: great tx! 16:18:43 <schwicht> however we are investigating the scope of the testing atm 16:18:57 <primeministerp> gotcha 16:19:39 <primeministerp> so next topic? 16:19:47 <alexpilotti> Dynamic memory 16:19:50 <primeministerp> sure 16:19:56 <primeministerp> #topic dynamic memory 16:20:23 <alexpilotti> We have this patch ready as well, I'm reviewing it internally, but is basically ready for public review 16:20:25 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: i'm assuming you've completed it as well? 16:20:43 <alexpilotti> we have 2 new options: 16:20:57 <alexpilotti> one to enable / disable the feature 16:21:06 <alexpilotti> and one for the overcomit ratio 16:21:28 <alexpilotti> for teh second one, we just reused the option coming from teh scheduler filter 16:21:45 <schwicht> is the ratio part of the flavor ? 16:22:00 <alexpilotti> no, it's a configuration in the nova scheduler 16:22:06 <schwicht> oh 16:22:07 <alexpilotti> default's to 1.5 16:22:17 <alexpilotti> so if the host that 100GB memory 16:22:22 <schwicht> understood 16:22:23 <alexpilotti> it overcommits to 150GB 16:22:33 <schwicht> I was hoping we can do that for each instance 16:22:33 <alexpilotti> on HyperV this was not possible before 16:22:51 <schwicht> and that I thought we would drive with a flavor attribute 16:23:06 <alexpilotti> as w/o dynamic memory there's no balooning and the mem is allocated 1:1 16:23:12 <schwicht> QoS (and overcommit are instance attributes) 16:23:28 <schwicht> alexpilotti: understood 16:23:35 <schwicht> we do that on other hypervisors ... 16:24:14 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: anything else on the topic? 16:24:16 <alexpilotti> the reason for reusing the same option is that they have anyway to match 16:24:26 <alexpilotti> not really 16:24:37 <alexpilotti> only one question 16:24:48 <schwicht> same page sharing is not a feature supported, right? 16:24:58 <alexpilotti> should we default to true or false on enabling this feature? 16:25:08 <alexpilotti> schwicht: not on Hyper-V 16:25:11 <schwicht> k 16:25:21 <alexpilotti> schwicht: it's not efficient with SLAT 16:25:41 <alexpilotti> schwicht: unlike e.g. ESXi 16:25:45 <schwicht> yep 16:25:53 <schwicht> I was thinking at KSM .. 16:25:55 <schwicht> but that is ok 16:26:12 <schwicht> openstack can not offer more than the base hypervisor 16:26:17 <alexpilotti> can you guys please vote on the above question? :-) 16:26:28 <alexpilotti> > should we default to true or false on enabling this feature? 16:26:37 <primeministerp> I would say false 16:26:50 <alexpilotti> schwicht: ? 16:27:10 <alexpilotti> pnavarro is not joining us today? 16:27:10 <schwicht> VMware uses false ... 16:27:34 <alexpilotti> schwicht: cool, consistency is important 16:27:43 <alexpilotti> I vote for false as well 16:27:54 <alexpilotti> It's a risky feature 16:28:05 <primeministerp> agreed 16:28:08 <schwicht> what happens on overcommit isues? 16:28:10 <alexpilotti> I prefer the deoployer to know what he / she is doing 16:28:12 <schwicht> halt the VM ? 16:28:24 <alexpilotti> schwicht: yes 16:28:38 <alexpilotti> schwicht: which usually means that a lot of VMs get stopped 16:28:46 <schwicht> oh ok 16:28:51 <alexpilotti> there's also a "safety buffer" option 16:28:52 <schwicht> I thought the iggest gets supsended 16:28:56 <schwicht> biggest 16:29:08 <alexpilotti> the one requesting for the memory gets suspended 16:29:35 <alexpilotti> the safety buffer makes sure that an extra memory percentage is available (e.g. 20%) 16:30:07 <alexpilotti> so a new VM cannot be started if there's less than the expected memory 16:30:40 <alexpilotti> ok, that's it on the topic on my side 16:31:02 <primeministerp> ok 16:31:10 <primeministerp> anything on the RDP side of things? 16:31:38 <alexpilotti> not yet, we put the WMIV2 into priority 16:31:51 <alexpilotti> I'll probably send in a patch for RDP as well for H2 16:32:10 <primeministerp> ok 16:32:13 <alexpilotti> knowing that the review will take some time 16:32:58 <alexpilotti> I'd like to discuss if we should support or not the serial console 16:33:23 <primeministerp> o yes 16:33:56 <primeministerp> #topic serial console 16:34:00 <schwicht> alexpilotti: I like the serial console a lot 16:34:02 <alexpilotti> OpenStack at the moment has only the option of getting the output 16:34:13 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: you want to describe 16:34:13 <schwicht> r/o ? 16:34:20 <alexpilotti> schwicht: yep 16:34:32 <alexpilotti> we us it r/w a lot for troubleshooting 16:34:40 <schwicht> yep 16:34:42 <alexpilotti> both on Linux and on Windows 16:34:59 <alexpilotti> on Windows we created a service that provides a command prompt 16:34:59 <schwicht> logging boot issues is cool, messing with network etc 16:35:28 <schwicht> primeministerp: the OVS issue we usually debug with a serial console 16:35:32 <alexpilotti> schwicht: yep 16:35:43 <primeministerp> schwicht: ;) 16:35:54 <alexpilotti> on Windows we use it to set the user name, reboot, setting network details 16:36:07 <alexpilotti> diskpart for resizing the partitions, etc 16:36:29 <alexpilotti> enabling RDP if it was not enabled 16:36:53 <schwicht> so as long openstack does not support r/w it is merly a debugging, logging tool 16:37:03 <schwicht> and for that not as important for my use cases 16:37:06 <alexpilotti> It'd be great to have in in OpenStack with an HTML5 websocked based VT100 emulator :-) 16:37:15 <schwicht> since I can attach a console on the hyperV host 16:37:49 <alexpilotti> schwicht: yes, we a simple powershell script that attaches it and starts putty 16:38:33 <alexpilotti> schwicht: but the logging part is already cool to detect issues with cloud-init, to detect why e.g. the instance does not get SSH connections 16:38:43 <schwicht> yes it is 16:38:55 <schwicht> (we SOL enable all physical hosts for the same reason) 16:39:20 <alexpilotti> ok, I wanted to introduce the topic, I have a working proto, just need to file up a BP and polish up the patch 16:39:50 <primeministerp> nice 16:39:52 <primeministerp> well good work 16:40:42 <alexpilotti> cool, tx 16:41:11 <alexpilotti> I'm running a bit late, we organized the second Python event in Timisoara 16:41:14 <primeministerp> ok 16:41:18 <primeministerp> let's finish up 16:41:27 <primeministerp> is there anything else we're missing? 16:42:07 <alexpilotti> We have issues with OVS on RDO 16:42:25 <alexpilotti> but let's discuss about this next time once we have a solution :-) 16:42:26 <primeministerp> schwicht: this is what we were discussing earlier 16:42:33 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: can you discribe it 16:42:40 <alexpilotti> very simple: 16:42:44 <schwicht> alexpilotti: do you have a pointer with more details? 16:42:58 <alexpilotti> not yet, it came out this sunday 16:43:06 <alexpilotti> in brief: 16:43:13 <alexpilotti> multinode setup: 16:43:33 <alexpilotti> controller, network, kvm compute and hyperv compute 16:43:52 <alexpilotti> based on CentOS 6.4 16:44:14 <alexpilotti> everything works except networking 16:44:16 <schwicht> 802.1Q ? 16:44:29 <alexpilotti> anything, VLAN or flat 16:44:55 <schwicht> what physical ethernet adapter? what switch? 16:45:00 <alexpilotti> looks like either the datapaths or the flows are not working 16:45:04 <alexpilotti> OVS 16:45:17 <alexpilotti> no phisycal switches 16:45:19 <schwicht> the physical switch between the KVM and and the hyperV node 16:45:56 <alexpilotti> cloud be virtual switches on ESXi / Fusion / workstation (testing) 16:46:03 <schwicht> ah ok 16:46:08 <alexpilotti> or any L2 switch when testing a flat network config 16:46:09 <schwicht> stacked ... 16:46:12 <alexpilotti> yep 16:46:38 <schwicht> do you use portgroup 4095 on ESXi ? 16:46:40 <alexpilotti> at the beginning I was thinking about an issue due to the stacking 16:47:01 <alexpilotti> nope 16:47:20 <alexpilotti> as I was saying the issue can be reproduced even with flat networking 16:47:25 <schwicht> we probably should move that off the meeting discussion 16:47:46 <alexpilotti> I can tcpdump the traffic 16:47:54 <alexpilotti> at the ethx level 16:48:17 <alexpilotti> it's simply not getting forwarded to the proper bridge / tap device 16:48:30 <alexpilotti> (in OpenVSwitch) 16:48:58 <alexpilotti> I'm gonna get in touch today with the RDO guys and see 16:49:15 <alexpilotti> oki guys, I really have to run unfortunately 16:49:19 <schwicht> are your br-eth and br-int bridges up? 16:49:19 <primeministerp> ok 16:49:20 <alexpilotti> Ah, one more thing 16:49:27 <alexpilotti> schwicht: yep 16:49:45 <alexpilotti> This week we start committing the Crowbar upport for Hyper-V :-) 16:50:26 <primeministerp> awesome! 16:50:59 <primeministerp> so 16:51:46 <primeministerp> anyone have anything else 16:51:49 <primeministerp> to add? 16:52:10 <primeministerp> if not, I'm going to end it. 16:52:29 <primeministerp> thanks alexpilotti for the updates 16:52:37 <primeministerp> #endmeeting