16:06:18 <alexpilotti> #startmeeting hyper-v
16:06:19 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 27 16:06:18 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is alexpilotti. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:06:20 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
16:06:22 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'hyper_v'
16:06:32 <alexpilotti> Hello everybody!
16:06:41 <alexpilotti> who's around today?
16:07:42 <alexpilotti> looks like it's going to be a quick meeting :-)
16:08:33 <alexpilotti> there's no trace of primeministerp, so we'll do a quick recap of the status
16:08:44 <alexpilotti> #topic Blueprints
16:08:54 <alexpilotti> All the blueprints have been implemented
16:09:42 <alexpilotti> we have a pretty long list of items under review
16:09:58 <alexpilotti> covering Nova, Neutron, Cinder and Ceilometer
16:10:57 <alexpilotti> there's a total of 17 reviews out there
16:11:42 <alexpilotti> in the -dev ML there's quite some discussion about the frustration led by the lack of reviews
16:12:06 <alexpilotti> it's a common scenario, definitely not regarding Hyper-V only
16:12:54 <alexpilotti> It will generate some timing issues as probably reviews will happen altogether
16:12:55 <pnavarro> I have to say, that cinder guys have reviewed quite fast
16:13:08 <alexpilotti> the fact that the patches are interdependent does not help of course :-)
16:13:31 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: yeah, I was definitely amazed by their level of support compared with the rest :-)
16:14:18 <alexpilotti> the neutron BP, being marked as High priority has also been reviewed with a +2
16:14:30 <alexpilotti> waiting now for the +2a
16:14:31 <pnavarro> yes, that helps too
16:14:54 <pnavarro> cinder one was high priority too
16:15:11 <alexpilotti> the rest has been mostly reviewed, with +1s and some +2s along the way
16:15:17 <alexpilotti> so I expect mostly minor work
16:15:57 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: would you like to add something on the Cinder BP side?
16:16:35 <pnavarro> yeah, I think after two weeks of reviewing
16:17:05 <pnavarro> the review will finish in a couple of days
16:17:35 <pnavarro> I'm quite attentive because there are some patches in review that are not very windows friendly
16:17:48 <pnavarro> so, I'm -1ing too
16:19:11 <alexpilotti> that's great!
16:19:35 <alexpilotti> tx for all your work!
16:19:54 <pnavarro> you are welcome !
16:20:03 <alexpilotti> BTW we still have to fix the issue with the service startup on WIndows
16:20:15 <pnavarro> yeah, that's true !
16:20:17 <alexpilotti> Lucian did some work and made it work, do you have updates on that?
16:20:34 <alexpilotti> or should I ask him to prepare a patch on what we have?
16:20:40 <pnavarro> well, I have refactored the code so match...
16:20:43 <pnavarro> much
16:21:37 <pnavarro> I think once the code will be landed
16:21:54 <pnavarro> because, some code I've moved to core clases
16:22:28 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: ok, so we wait for your patch to land before starting
16:22:33 <pnavarro> yeah
16:22:37 <alexpilotti> cool
16:22:38 <alexpilotti> next
16:22:52 <alexpilotti> #topic Oslo service bug
16:23:14 <alexpilotti> We found a bug in Oslo while testing the ceilometer agent
16:23:45 <alexpilotti> fetching it… :-)
16:24:03 <alexpilotti> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo/+bug/1217043
16:24:05 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1217043 in oslo "service.py is broken on Windows due to SIGHUP addition" [High,In progress]
16:24:25 <alexpilotti> this is blocking ANY service that uses it from running on Windows
16:24:59 <alexpilotti> this is the 3rd issue this month that we faced due to similar issues, that can be traced to the lack of a Windows CI gate
16:25:10 <alexpilotti> in this case SIGHUP support has been added
16:25:20 <alexpilotti> and since signal.SIGHUP does not exist...
16:25:40 <alexpilotti> on Windows I mean, we have some problems
16:26:03 <alexpilotti> I already committed a patch, it needs some refactoring (it was a very quick and dirty one)
16:26:23 <alexpilotti> but the Oslo team put it as high priority, so life is good :-)
16:26:47 <pnavarro> cool
16:26:49 <alexpilotti> #topic Crowbar
16:27:18 <alexpilotti> on the Crowbar side the Hyper-V integration is done and under review for Pebbles
16:27:45 <alexpilotti> if anybody wants to help in the review process, we'd be very thankful :-)
16:28:16 <alexpilotti> On my side I'm done
16:28:23 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: anything to add?
16:28:39 <pnavarro> I know crowbar very well, how can i help you with the review
16:28:59 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: wow, cool!!
16:29:12 <alexpilotti> ociuhandu: do you have some links for pnavarro?
16:29:20 <pnavarro> you know, I was the first community contributor ;-)
16:29:33 <ociuhandu> pnavarro: great :)
16:30:30 <pnavarro> ociuhandu, you can send me an e-mail with the information
16:30:47 <ociuhandu> pnavarro: we have a barclamp for installing the compute/networking components on hyper-v / windows server 2012: https://github.com/cloudbase/barclamp-hyperv-compute
16:31:06 <ociuhandu> pnavarro: great, will collect all other bits and pieces and send you an email with what we did :)
16:31:24 <pnavarro> great
16:31:42 <alexpilotti> oki guys
16:31:52 <ociuhandu> pnavarro: thanks :)
16:31:56 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: thanks!
16:32:19 <alexpilotti> I think we are done with the topics for today
16:32:27 <pnavarro> Have a nice review !
16:32:35 <alexpilotti> tx ;-)
16:32:44 <pnavarro> Ciao/Adios !
16:33:20 <alexpilotti> pnavarro: hasta luego!
16:33:26 <alexpilotti> #endmeeting