16:01:24 <primeministerp> #startmeeting hyper-v 16:01:25 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 17 16:01:24 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is primeministerp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:26 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:28 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'hyper_v' 16:01:35 <primeministerp> hi all 16:01:40 <luis_fdez> hi 16:01:43 <primeministerp> hey luis 16:01:58 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: I just sent out the agenda 16:02:03 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: but you're high on my list 16:02:17 <luis_fdez> hehe 16:02:30 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: i've got resources to add on it, and they should be starting on itby the end of the week 16:02:52 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: so we need to touch base as to where all your refactoring is 16:02:59 <primeministerp> and what needs to be addressed immediately 16:03:18 <primeministerp> do you want to have the discussion now? 16:03:38 <luis_fdez> yeah, it's ok for me... as you wish 16:03:45 <primeministerp> #topic puppet work 16:04:16 <primeministerp> so I know the vswitch parts are in place and you did work to clean up the part retrieval and python stack integration 16:04:17 <luis_fdez> ok, the last PR I sent is the one that adds the creation of the service itself 16:04:27 <primeministerp> yes you moved it to sc 16:04:33 <luis_fdez> yes, I have to test it 16:04:44 <primeministerp> so my guys should be testing it now 16:04:49 <primeministerp> but I have to follow up 16:04:51 <luis_fdez> I had problems iwth our puppet infra , but now itÅ› fixe so I'll be albe to test it this week 16:05:00 <primeministerp> ok 16:05:02 <luis_fdez> aah , perfect also! 16:05:06 <primeministerp> so also 16:05:24 <primeministerp> I want to dedicate one of them towards building from source 16:05:41 <primeministerp> starting at python 16:05:45 <luis_fdez> ok, it's a good one 16:05:52 <primeministerp> luis_fdeso 16:05:54 <primeministerp> er 16:05:59 <primeministerp> so the python stack is complete 16:06:03 <primeministerp> you're saying 16:06:17 <primeministerp> just needs to be tested 16:06:23 <luis_fdez> yes, it can be improved (in terms of passing parameters more efficiently) but all the elements are there 16:06:29 <primeministerp> sure 16:06:43 <luis_fdez> we can even start think about spliting 16:06:48 <primeministerp> so I have been 16:06:56 <primeministerp> i wanted to talk about a winlib 16:06:59 <primeministerp> for functions 16:07:07 <primeministerp> that are common 16:07:10 <primeministerp> across windows 16:07:17 <primeministerp> or think of it 16:07:21 <primeministerp> sorry 16:07:22 <luis_fdez> like a "windows tool kit"module? 16:07:25 <alexpilotti> Hi guys 16:07:25 <primeministerp> yes 16:07:25 <alexpilotti> sorry, my Colloquy frooze 16:07:29 <primeministerp> that's it 16:07:31 <primeministerp> for example 16:07:36 <luis_fdez> yes, I think it's a good idea 16:07:38 <primeministerp> all the misc powershell tidbits 16:07:56 <primeministerp> at puppet conf I spoke w/ some guys who were doing a lot of powershell/puppet work 16:08:06 <primeministerp> rather than having all these modules 16:08:08 <luis_fdez> my point of view is that a lot of modules in the forge are to small (for windows case) 16:08:11 <primeministerp> for powreshell commands 16:08:19 <primeministerp> have one good one 16:08:27 <primeministerp> w/ the most useful ones 16:08:28 <luis_fdez> I agree 16:08:31 <primeministerp> ok 16:08:34 <primeministerp> then 16:08:43 <primeministerp> I want to start a thread 16:08:47 <primeministerp> w/ the puppet folks 16:08:52 <primeministerp> and get thier buy in 16:09:02 <primeministerp> bc i'm sure they have stuff they could add 16:09:18 <primeministerp> but basically i'm thinking powershell -> wintools? -> hyper-v 16:09:24 <primeministerp> as a start 16:09:31 <primeministerp> bc the base functionality 16:09:33 <primeministerp> of some of that 16:09:36 <primeministerp> can be moved 16:09:42 <primeministerp> or integrated into other modules 16:09:47 <primeministerp> additionally 16:09:47 <luis_fdez> ok, yes 16:09:52 <primeministerp> should things like ntp 16:09:59 <zehicle_at_dell> I'm here - sorry I was late 16:09:59 <primeministerp> be moved into upstream ntp module 16:10:03 <primeministerp> and add windows support 16:10:05 <primeministerp> np rob 16:10:10 <primeministerp> just talking puppet work 16:10:18 <luis_fdez> the ntp is in my todo list as I'd like to integrate at cern 16:10:24 <primeministerp> ok 16:10:27 <primeministerp> perfect 16:10:35 <primeministerp> i'm sure we have most 16:10:37 <primeministerp> of it already 16:10:43 <primeministerp> it's just matter of formalities 16:10:57 <luis_fdez> there is also the vswitch forge moduel, I don't know if we could mix it easily 16:10:58 <primeministerp> of moving the code and adding params 16:11:02 <primeministerp> hmm 16:11:04 <luis_fdez> is focuse in ovs but 16:11:07 <luis_fdez> ... i dont know... 16:11:10 <primeministerp> i say we keep that in the hyper-v module 16:11:23 <luis_fdez> ok, better 16:11:36 <primeministerp> as it's specific to the hyper-v virtual switch 16:11:41 <primeministerp> once we have the ovs work complete 16:11:53 <primeministerp> maybe integrate w/ the upstream ovs module there 16:12:05 <primeministerp> however short term 16:12:16 <primeministerp> let's move towards a common tools lib 16:12:32 <primeministerp> virt functionality in the hyper-v module 16:12:34 <luis_fdez> ok, I like the idea 16:12:45 <primeministerp> including hyper-v virtual switch 16:12:50 <primeministerp> I think as a rule 16:13:03 <primeministerp> if the bits can be used in core windows 16:13:06 <primeministerp> and not just hyper-v 16:13:18 <primeministerp> put it in this tools module or something else 16:13:42 <luis_fdez> yes, if the tools module gets big... we can split it again 16:14:02 <luis_fdez> the python part is one that should be also reused 16:14:27 <primeministerp> yes 16:14:29 <primeministerp> definately 16:15:39 <luis_fdez> can we have a meeting by the end of the week in #openstack-hyper-v to coordinate also with the new resources? 16:15:59 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: i would like to do that 16:16:37 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: I was hoping at least tim would be on this one today 16:16:57 <primeministerp> however there's still some rampup in progress so bare with us 16:17:11 <luis_fdez> are they there at MS? 16:17:14 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: i'll schedule something for this week 16:17:16 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: yes 16:17:19 <primeministerp> all ms 16:17:20 <primeministerp> people 16:17:21 <luis_fdez> ok 16:17:27 <primeministerp> 5 of us total 16:17:29 <primeministerp> now 16:17:39 <primeministerp> they are transitioning from the lis side of things 16:18:01 <iben> wow! Congrats Peter - your team there is growing? 16:18:08 <primeministerp> yes 16:18:09 <primeministerp> it has 16:18:15 <primeministerp> so 16:18:25 <iben> that's a great validation of what we're doing! 16:18:30 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: what time works for you 16:18:47 <primeministerp> iben: there's validation coming from all over the place ;) 16:19:03 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: our biggest issue is they are in redmond 16:19:12 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: so time zones can be difficult 16:19:17 <luis_fdez> ummm what time is there now? 16:19:42 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: so it's noon on 12:20pm in cambridge and 9:20 in redmond 16:19:54 <luis_fdez> wops... 16:20:07 <primeministerp> that's 9:20am 16:20:09 <primeministerp> so 16:20:27 <primeministerp> what works best for you 16:20:43 <primeministerp> i'll get them to attend 16:21:09 <luis_fdez> the same time as the meeting is ok? later? 16:21:15 <primeministerp> let's shoot for that 16:21:25 <primeministerp> tomorrow work? 16:21:29 <primeministerp> or thurs? 16:21:36 <luis_fdez> I'm already at home but it's not a problem... meeting with sleepers is always confortable 16:21:48 <primeministerp> ok 16:21:54 <luis_fdez> tomorrow? ok 16:22:09 <primeministerp> sounds good, I'm going to send out a meeting request to the group involved 16:22:12 <primeministerp> ok 16:22:15 <luis_fdez> perfect 16:22:23 <primeministerp> one more thing related to this 16:22:34 <primeministerp> what should we call it 16:22:38 <primeministerp> the common module 16:22:59 <luis_fdez> windows_common? windows_toolkit? 16:23:19 <primeministerp> windows_common 16:23:22 <luis_fdez> ok 16:23:23 <primeministerp> sounds good 16:23:47 <primeministerp> ok 16:24:04 <primeministerp> let's move on 16:24:14 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: ping 16:24:17 <luis_fdez> ok 16:24:26 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: do you have anything else to cover 16:24:33 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: hey 16:24:34 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: before we do 16:24:36 <luis_fdez> not... well, just one more thing.... 16:24:44 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: one sec 16:24:47 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: shoot 16:24:48 <luis_fdez> is your talk at puppetconf already available online? hehe 16:24:56 <primeministerp> o 16:24:57 <primeministerp> yes 16:25:00 <primeministerp> one sec 16:25:06 <primeministerp> i'll find the url 16:25:35 <luis_fdez> thanks :) 16:26:13 <primeministerp> #link http://puppetlabs.com/presentations/using-puppet-deploying-hyper-v-openstack-compute-nodes 16:26:21 <primeministerp> ok 16:26:22 <luis_fdez> ok, I'm done 16:26:27 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: ready 16:26:47 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: you wanted to discussion 2012r2 16:26:53 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: oki 16:27:02 <primeministerp> #topic 2012r2 16:27:10 <alexpilotti> just a quick note on the fact that 2012 R2 RTM is out 16:27:30 <alexpilotti> we updated the installer for 2012 R2 and we are doing heavy testing 16:27:52 <schwicht> alexpilotti: I thought we need new APIs to support R2 ? 16:27:57 <alexpilotti> additionally, ceilometer works at bed on 2012R2 16:27:58 <schwicht> (hi) 16:28:08 <alexpilotti> schwicht: hi there 16:28:08 <primeministerp> schwicht: we did the work 16:28:12 <alexpilotti> schwicht: we have them 16:28:20 <schwicht> contained in Havana? 16:28:24 <alexpilotti> yes 16:28:26 <schwicht> wow 16:28:40 <alexpilotti> we plan also to back port the Havana driver to Grizzly 16:28:44 <alexpilotti> outside of the tree of course 16:29:14 <schwicht> alexpilotti: Havana is fine for us ... 16:29:41 <alexpilotti> so, Hyper-V 2012R2 has some additional metrics for disk I/O that are not available in 2012 16:29:54 <alexpilotti> Ceilometer uses them 16:30:04 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: good work btw 16:30:15 <alexpilotti> we're also updating the installer to add the Ceilometer agent 16:30:19 <alexpilotti> tx! 16:30:28 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: does that help you guys now? 16:30:36 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: the celometer support? 16:30:43 <luis_fdez> yeah of course, it's great alexpilotti 16:30:49 <alexpilotti> Ceilometer was largely done by claudiub, one of our guys @cloudbase 16:30:51 <luis_fdez> the linux side is already running ceiloemeter 16:30:52 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: perfect 16:31:03 <alexpilotti> I mean, the Ceilometer Hyper-V stuff 16:31:06 <luis_fdez> having it for windows will be perfect :) 16:31:33 <alexpilotti> luis_fdez: we'd love some help on testing Ceilometer with Hyper-V ;-) 16:32:02 <luis_fdez> ok alexpilotti, I'll do my test to have time to do it, :) 16:32:13 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: thanks luis_fdez 16:32:18 <alexpilotti> lol, lapsus? 16:32:39 <alexpilotti> s/test/best/ I assume :-) 16:32:48 <luis_fdez> hehe yes 16:33:03 <alexpilotti> luis_fdez: tx, looking forward to hear from you :-) 16:33:32 <alexpilotti> primeministerp: we have a new commit going in today 16:33:50 <alexpilotti> Hyper-V agent API support in Neutron 16:34:11 <alexpilotti> it's necessary for ML2 16:34:30 <alexpilotti> that's why it's marked as bug and it will get into H-RC1 16:34:55 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: o good 16:35:16 <primeministerp> alexpilotti: for some reason I thought it was already in 16:35:38 <alexpilotti> nope, we were testing all the possible combinations 16:36:17 <primeministerp> great 16:36:43 <primeministerp> btw 16:36:59 <primeministerp> schwicht: great job on the snapshot bug fix 16:37:12 <schwicht> I will tell them 16:37:21 <primeministerp> schwicht: please do 16:37:31 <alexpilotti> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/31228/ 16:37:45 <alexpilotti> yeah, thanks schwicht! 16:37:51 <alexpilotti> it took a bit but it looks good now 16:38:18 <alexpilotti> I reviewed it, we have a +2, we miss the last one 16:39:39 <primeministerp> do we have anything else to cover? 16:39:47 <primeministerp> zehicle_at_dell: anything you want to add 16:39:51 <luis_fdez> one question 16:39:55 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: yes 16:40:05 <zehicle_at_dell> no, I'm ok 16:40:29 <luis_fdez> alexpilotti, console/rdp access? what's the status ? I saw some bits under review 16:40:57 <alexpilotti> luis_fdez: they didn't manage to review it in time 16:41:31 <alexpilotti> actually there's a lot of discussion on management issues on this release for Nova, but that's another topic 16:41:31 <luis_fdez> is it feasible to test it in a grizzly deployment? 16:42:22 <alexpilotti> sure the code is complete, it can be backported 16:42:44 <luis_fdez> ok, thanks! I'll add it to my "teststack" 16:42:56 <alexpilotti> can you send me an email, I'm going to point you to the right repo 16:43:14 <luis_fdez> ok, perfect, I'll ping you when I have time for it 16:43:32 <primeministerp> great 16:43:40 <primeministerp> anything else? 16:43:49 <primeministerp> schwicht: zehicle_at_dell iben ? 16:44:13 <luis_fdez> primeministerp, 16:44:18 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: yep 16:44:46 <luis_fdez> I'm also working in a simple puppet module to deploy a flume agent on windows... we are using it now to send the compute logs 16:44:50 <zehicle_at_dell> no other issues 16:44:59 <primeministerp> hmm 16:45:01 <primeministerp> flume? 16:45:08 <primeministerp> you have a link never heard of it 16:45:24 <luis_fdez> http://flume.apache.org/ 16:45:59 <luis_fdez> for monitoring... we are sending logs to HDFS, elasticsearch... and you can take a look and query it with kibana dashboard... 16:46:09 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: are you only sending compute? or eventlogs as well 16:46:23 <luis_fdez> only compute log now 16:46:32 <primeministerp> when you get there 16:46:46 <primeministerp> i've been using some code out of google summer of code project 16:46:49 <primeministerp> evt2syslog 16:46:54 <primeministerp> i belive is the name 16:47:02 <luis_fdez> ok, I'll take a look to it 16:47:27 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: let's talk more about this 16:47:35 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: I may be into using flume as well 16:47:43 <primeministerp> luis_fdez: I just started eyeing log solutions 16:47:56 <luis_fdez> this combination is like the open alternative to splunk... 16:48:42 <primeministerp> yeah looks like that 16:49:09 <primeministerp> ok 16:49:14 <primeministerp> if that's it 16:49:21 <primeministerp> i'll end it 16:49:38 <primeministerp> going once 16:49:43 <primeministerp> . 16:49:46 <primeministerp> 2x 16:49:51 <primeministerp> #endmeeting