13:00:32 <Luzi> #startmeeting image_encryption 13:00:33 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jul 29 13:00:32 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Luzi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:36 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption' 13:00:54 <rosmaita> o/ 13:00:54 <Luzi> #topic Roll Call 13:00:58 * fungi waves to all the nice people 13:01:02 <Luzi> good morning everyone 13:01:15 <rosmaita> good morning 13:01:22 <moguimar> o/ 13:04:22 <redrobot> \o 13:04:26 <mhen> o/ 13:04:38 <Luzi> #topic Barbican Consumer API Update 13:05:12 <efried> o/ 13:05:13 <moguimar> I have this on my plate to start working tomorrow 13:05:58 <Luzi> okay, that does sound good :) 13:07:11 <Luzi> #topic Image Encryption Specs 13:07:42 <Luzi> as i thought, we didn't met the spec freeze with all three specs 13:08:06 <Luzi> now only the cinder one got merged 13:09:02 <rosmaita> you may still have time on glance, erno tends to have a late spec freeze 13:10:24 <fungi> so the nova spec didn't make it for this cycle? 13:10:37 <Luzi> i'm on the fence, whether it would be good to still land this or maybe it merged at the beginning of the next cycle 13:11:11 <Luzi> the problem is, that our changes in glance and nova depend on the Barbican secret consumers 13:11:38 <rosmaita> Luzi: my advice it to land it if possible so that it's out of the way 13:11:59 <Luzi> rosmaita, okay do you know when the spec freeze is for glance? 13:12:01 <rosmaita> unless the consumer API is going to change in some major way during implementation 13:12:26 <rosmaita> Luzi: i do not, but it's definitely before M-3 13:12:37 <fungi> is there a feel for how close the nova spec was to being approved before the freeze? 13:12:53 <Luzi> we got a +2 from efried 13:12:54 <fungi> still a lot of rewrites requested, or just not enough reviews? 13:13:00 <efried> I feel like the nova spec was pretty close, but I couldn't seem to rouse enough interest for that second +2 in the end. 13:13:19 <efried> There's a "spec freeze exception" process which is the obvious next step 13:13:39 <efried> if all the other stars are aligned and you feel like you still want the nova side in Train. 13:13:49 <rosmaita> i imagine you'll be in a strong position if the other specs are approved and the consumer API implementation is underway 13:13:53 <fungi> yeah, i wouldn't want to count this out just yet, if it's a coordinated effort involving entangled specs in three projects and the others merge or look like they're going to for this cycle 13:13:57 <rosmaita> (basically, what efried said) 13:13:59 <efried> #link nova spec freeze exception process http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-July/008060.html 13:15:27 <Luzi> yes it would be good to have all three specs accepted in this cycle 13:15:50 <Luzi> efried, I will ask for an sfe after this meeting 13:16:56 <Luzi> rosmaita, I will also speak to erno about the spec freeze and the spec itself 13:17:15 <rosmaita> i'm the one holding up the glance spec, let me know if you have any questions about my comments 13:18:02 <Luzi> I will look into them again :) 13:18:46 <rosmaita> ok, cool, i will try to respond as quickly as possible 13:19:18 <Luzi> are there any more questions regarding the specs? 13:20:31 <efried> Luzi: Note that the next meeting is going to be in the middle of the night for you. 13:20:32 <Luzi> #topic Open Discussion 13:20:41 <efried> Do you have a US timezone delegate you can send? 13:20:53 <efried> Or you can just try to do everything via email. 13:20:55 <Luzi> efried, no, I don't have.. 13:21:15 <efried> Otherwise, the meeting the following week is in a good time for EU 13:21:16 <Luzi> but I have sleeping problems so I might be awake :D 13:21:23 <efried> but that's getting pretty far into the cycle. 13:21:45 <efried> I feel like if we could get johnthetubaguy to have another look, it might go. 13:21:57 <efried> He wasn't around last week 13:22:50 <Luzi> efried, that would be nice, 11pm might be late for a work day, but still managable I think 13:23:36 <Luzi> are there other topics, questions, problems? 13:26:27 <Luzi> doesn't seem to be the case 13:26:57 <Luzi> thank you for joining this meeting :) 13:27:04 <rosmaita> you're welcome! 13:27:09 <Luzi> #endmeeting image_encryption