13:00:35 <mhen> #startmeeting image_encryption 13:00:36 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Nov 25 13:00:35 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mhen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:37 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:39 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption' 13:00:59 <mhen> #topic Roll Call 13:01:55 <redrobot> o\ 13:01:56 <redrobot> \o 13:02:12 <mhen> redrobot, hey :) 13:04:31 <mhen> so, I'm stepping in for Luzi today due to her being on a business trip 13:05:15 <moguimar> o/ 13:05:24 <mhen> hi moguimar 13:05:33 <moguimar> hi 13:06:17 <mhen> #topic Summit Roundup 13:06:56 <mhen> I haven't been able to, but Luzi attended the summit 13:08:02 <fungi> i even got to talk to her about nova specs for a few minutes 13:08:54 <mhen> she had a talk with someone from the Nova team (I don't have all the details sorry), and turned out Nova would prefer having ephemeral storage encryption using native LUKS first, before implementing image encryption 13:09:47 <fungi> do they already have work in progress toward ephemeral disk encryption? 13:10:00 <mhen> afaik, they don't 13:10:11 <mhen> but don't quote me on that 13:10:35 <fungi> yeah, i know you're getting that info second-hand 13:10:50 <mhen> they do have ephemeral disk encryption for LVM backend but that's not helpful for productive setups 13:11:03 <mhen> even then that's not native LUKS at all 13:11:12 <mhen> in contrast to Cinder 13:11:24 <fungi> just wondering if it was a case of prioritizing against other in-progress encryption work, or that they felt image encryption didn't make sense until ephemeral disks are encrypted? 13:11:42 <mhen> the latter 13:12:44 <fungi> i would be interested to hear more of the logic there. it sounds like two tangentially-related features to me, so i have a hard time believing they would block work which has volunteers waiting for something nobody is working on 13:13:35 <mhen> we are currently considering primarily pushing the work forward for Glance and Cinder for now, since we can't stem any additional workload currently (i.e. implementing native LUKS) 13:13:55 <fungi> understandably 13:15:13 <mhen> so we could provide the Glance specification with a library base implementation and Cinder as its first 'consumer' implementation 13:15:36 <fungi> and that covers the case for boot-from-volume i guess? 13:15:43 <mhen> it does 13:17:02 <mhen> we think this would be the best way moving forward without blocking more progress than necessary 13:17:41 <fungi> that sounds like a reasonable plan to me too 13:20:05 <mhen> redrobot, moguimar, any objection from your side about shifting the focus more towards Glance and Cinder implementation for now, postponing the Nova part? 13:21:33 <redrobot> mhen, no objections here 13:24:08 <mhen> good, then we'll do just that :) 13:24:36 <mhen> let's move on 13:24:42 <mhen> #topic Open Discussion 13:24:50 <mhen> anything else to discuss? 13:26:39 <fungi> i'll try to get more details from nova folks on their position regarding the spec reproposal, though that may not be until next week depending on how many of them are on holiday 13:28:23 <mhen> fungi, that's great; thanks for your support! Let's keep track of this in the regular meeting. 13:29:10 <fungi> sounds good 13:30:09 <mhen> luckily, the Nova implementation is a modular part that can easily be left out for now and can be added at any point in the future, in my opinion 13:35:27 <mhen> okay then, thanks for joining this week and see you next monday! 13:35:45 <mhen> #endmeeting image_encryption