13:00:47 <Luzi> #startmeeting image_encryption 13:00:49 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jan 27 13:00:47 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Luzi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:50 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:52 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption' 13:00:57 <Luzi> #topic Roll Call 13:01:01 <fungi> aloha 13:01:05 <mhen> o/ 13:01:14 <Luzi> hi fungi :) 13:02:44 <redrobot> \o 13:03:26 <Luzi> hi redrobot 13:03:28 <Luzi> #topic Barbican Consumer API Update 13:03:44 <Luzi> are there any news from barbican side? 13:05:10 <redrobot> We accidentally broke TripleO with the API changes. 13:05:38 <Luzi> oh 13:05:41 <Luzi> how that? 13:06:00 <redrobot> The client can't handle any changes to the JSON responses 13:06:14 <redrobot> so the cinder encryption scenario broke 13:06:23 <redrobot> We had to comment out the API changes 13:06:39 <redrobot> and we'll have to implement the microversion header before we can uncomment that stuff. 13:07:12 <Luzi> ah I see 13:08:01 <fungi> was it more than field additions? 13:08:06 * mordred isn't really up to speed on anything - but if there are fragile clients like that in use - should we be adding support for something to sdk and then switching things to not use fragile clients? 13:08:22 <redrobot> fungi, nope just a new property in the json object for Secrets 13:08:47 <mordred> redrobot: which client can't handle that? 13:08:59 <redrobot> mordred yeah, the plan is to get openstacksdk support to match the barbicanclient feature set and then we'll deprecate barbicanclient. 13:09:06 <mordred> woot! 13:09:20 <mordred> ok. I'm going to consider myself having succeeded at today 13:09:28 <fungi> not that i have anything against versioning responses, but i agree with mordred the client sounds fragile 13:09:58 <redrobot> fungi indeed it is. Which is why we're adding microversions to the API 13:10:01 <mordred> yah. I mean- microversion header also sounds good to have and whatnot - good practices etc etc 13:10:14 <redrobot> we'll also try to make barbicanclient a bit less brittle. 13:10:37 <mordred> but fwiw - sdk in general will not break if there are extra unknown things in json responses - they might not be available anywhere, but it won't break anything 13:10:38 <redrobot> but I think the main focus for now is getting openstacksdk up to snuff. 13:10:41 <mordred> ++ 13:10:54 <mordred> I think that will produce much happiness and joy 13:10:57 <fungi> cool 13:10:59 <redrobot> Sounds like we're all in violent agreement. :D 13:11:08 * mordred violently agress with everyone 13:11:43 * fungi has normal nonviolent agreement 13:12:07 * mhen is against violence but likes agreements 13:12:42 <Luzi> okay, thats a very nice meeting so far :D welcome mordred btw :) 13:13:28 * mordred waves to all the nice people 13:15:22 <Luzi> so to conclude: Barbican Secret Consumer API is on its way :D 13:15:31 <Luzi> #topic Image Encryption Specs 13:16:50 <Luzi> i should change this topic for the next week, because mhen and I try to have some WIP patches in Glance up this week. 13:17:58 <Luzi> it seems like abhishekk agrees with our spec so far 13:18:16 <Luzi> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/609667/ 13:18:16 <patchbot> patch 609667 - glance-specs - Spec for the Glance part of Image Encryption - 8 patch sets 13:18:53 <Luzi> are there any questions regarding the specs? 13:19:29 <mhen> btw, will the consumer API client-side implementations be added to barbicanclient and sdk or just to barbicanclient at first? 13:20:24 <mhen> we'll need to use either for that in the Glance impelementation 13:22:08 <fungi> does openstacksdk currently call into barbicanclient for missing methods? 13:23:42 <fungi> redrobot: ^ 13:25:25 <fungi> i guess he's stepped away 13:26:24 <Luzi> we can ask him later or tomorrow in the barbican meeting 13:26:35 <Luzi> #topic Open Discussion 13:26:56 <Luzi> are there any other topics you would like to discuss? 13:27:47 <fungi> i didn't have any 13:28:15 <Luzi> okay, thank you all for joining today :) 13:28:18 <fungi> thanks Luzi! 13:28:22 <Luzi> #endmeeting image_encryption