13:00:55 <Luzi_> #startmeeting image_encryption 13:00:56 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Mar 23 13:00:55 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Luzi_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:57 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:59 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption' 13:01:13 <Luzi_> #topic Roll Call 13:02:07 <Luzi_> i double logged in today :D 13:03:34 <jokke_> ;) 13:03:56 <jokke_> oh and o/ 13:03:57 <Luzi_> hi jokke_ 13:04:26 <jokke_> hey, quiet it seems 13:04:49 <Luzi_> usually redrobot and/or moguimar are around too 13:05:04 <Luzi_> maybe its a little bit early for them 13:05:12 <redrobot> \o 13:05:17 <Luzi_> hi redrobot 13:05:21 <redrobot> hi Luzi 13:05:44 <Luzi_> #topic Barbican Consumer API Update 13:05:56 <Luzi_> lets start, are there news from barbican side? 13:06:07 <redrobot> No news since last week. 😅 13:06:40 <Luzi_> are you still at work, or do you also have to work in home office? :D 13:07:21 <redrobot> I'm a remote worker, so nothing has changed for me. :D 13:07:43 <Luzi_> #topic Image Encryption Specs/WIP 13:08:44 <Luzi_> well I have to work from home since last week and germany is in kind of a shutdown state.. 13:09:01 <Luzi_> so we spent the last week adjusting to home office with the team 13:09:45 <Luzi_> i attended the cinder mid cycle meeting, but it seemed that my micro on my notebook does not work... 13:09:51 <Luzi_> so no one could here me... 13:10:23 <jokke_> it's not necessarily easy transition, so please reach out if you need pointers 13:10:47 <jokke_> There's plenty of us who have been living #lifeofaremotee for years 13:11:12 <Luzi_> well i hope i can be a little bit more active with the WIP patches soon again 13:11:51 <Luzi_> jokke_: we adjusted quite good i think, but we will see how that plays out in the next weeks 13:12:04 <Luzi_> so nothing new from my side 13:12:19 <Luzi_> are there any questions concerning the patches? 13:12:32 <Luzi_> jokke_ from your side, since you are here :D 13:12:53 <jokke_> I just came over to see what's the current state and how are you doing to get this going ;) 13:13:53 <Luzi_> i wanted to talk to the cinder guys last week, but without my microphne prevent it :D 13:14:18 <Luzi_> i will ping them and ask about feedback for the patch in os-brick 13:14:44 <Luzi_> did you had time to look through the WIP for glance? 13:15:44 <Luzi_> abhishekk wanted such a patch to better understand the impact of image encryption on glance 13:16:58 <jokke_> I haven't lately no, I was kind of hoping for TL;DR (since summit). Honestly I'd be surprised if the initial patch is something massive, like we discussed the glance side is your easy one 13:17:56 <Luzi_> its not big and i wanted to work on it again, when Barbican has the secret consumers ready 13:18:36 <fungi> #link https://review.opendev.org/705445 WIP adding Image encryption parameters 13:18:40 <fungi> that one? 13:18:59 <jokke_> yeah, that sounds like a good plan for me 13:19:03 <Luzi_> yes, thank you fungi 13:20:05 <Luzi_> the next topic would be the virtual PTG 13:20:25 <jokke_> And please add any documentation, with clear instructions, you can. I had a go with barbican recently and holy crap that thing is not clear at all when you don't know what you are looking at 13:20:59 <jokke_> So please spend a bit of time and make it easy for the users ;) 13:22:47 <Luzi_> jokke_, yeah I definitely want to do that (we have a user docu for out team already) 13:23:06 <redrobot> jokke_, let me know if you have barbican questions... or suggestions for where the docs need improvement 13:23:41 <Luzi_> is the glance team having a virtual PTG time already? 13:24:08 <jokke_> We're mentally preparing for it, nothing locked down yet 13:24:13 <fungi> there's an infra spec up for some tooling which might help with the virtual ptg: 13:24:16 <fungi> #link https://review.opendev.org/714189 meetpad: a jitsi-meet + etherpad based video conference system 13:25:21 <fungi> there's already been some proof of concept work done to test the idea, and work in progress to set up configuration management for it 13:25:39 <fungi> so ought to be up and running in plenty of time 13:25:51 <Luzi_> thank you fungi :) 13:26:11 <fungi> you'll probably want to get your microphone working for that though ;) 13:26:17 <Luzi_> redrobot, do you plan something PTG like? 13:26:50 <Luzi_> fungi, i now use my headset, which has a working microphone ;) 13:27:06 <fungi> you're all set then! 13:28:45 <Luzi_> #topic Open Discussion 13:28:58 <Luzi_> so are there any other topics you would like to discuss? 13:31:07 <Luzi_> doesn't seem so 13:31:26 <Luzi_> then thank you for joining this meeting and have a nice week :) 13:31:36 <fungi> thanks Luzi_! 13:31:36 <jokke_> thanks, take care! 13:31:38 <Luzi_> #endmeeting image_encryption