13:00:39 <Luzi> #startmeeting image_encryption 13:00:40 <openstack> Meeting started Mon May 18 13:00:39 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Luzi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:41 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption' 13:00:48 <Luzi> #topic Roll Call 13:00:58 <rosmaita> o/ 13:01:16 <Luzi> hello rosmaita :) 13:01:22 <rosmaita> hello 13:01:47 <Luzi> lets wait a few minutes maybe redrobot or moguimar will join 13:01:53 <rosmaita> sounds good 13:03:09 <fungi> welcome back! 13:03:36 <Luzi> thank you fungi 13:05:33 <Luzi> i have to apologize, there were so much stress in the last weeks, I totally missed the meetings :/ 13:05:59 <rosmaita> that is completely understandable 13:06:05 <redrobot> \o 13:06:35 <Luzi> hi redrobot :) 13:06:38 <Luzi> lets start 13:06:48 <Luzi> #topic Barbican Consumer API Update 13:07:20 <Luzi> what's up on Barbican side, redrobot ? 13:08:09 <redrobot> Not much progress since last time we talked about the Consumer API. The Microversinos patch still needs work. 13:08:26 <redrobot> As soon as I have it ready I'll post it for reviews 13:08:47 <Luzi> thank you :) 13:09:09 <Luzi> #topic Image Encryption Specs/WIP 13:10:00 <Luzi> I currently want to move the glance spec to the victoria schedule 13:10:24 <rosmaita> was that spec ever merged? 13:10:27 <Luzi> no 13:11:00 <Luzi> the glance guys wanted a WIP patch to see what would be addressed 13:11:00 <rosmaita> i haven't looked at it in a while, were there revisions to make, or did it just need to get some reviews? 13:11:07 <rosmaita> oh 13:11:35 <Luzi> so I provided a WIP back in february or so 13:11:50 <rosmaita> and i guess that got lots of reviews :P 13:12:32 <rosmaita> abhishekk asked about the general status of this effort at last week's glance meeting 13:12:39 <Luzi> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/705445/ you name it :D 13:12:53 <rosmaita> sounds like you need to revise the spec patch, proposing it to victoria 13:13:04 <Luzi> yes, thats what i am doing now 13:13:07 <rosmaita> and maybe rebase the WIP patch to freshen it up? 13:13:13 <Luzi> sure 13:13:28 <rosmaita> ok, if you can get those done before Thursday's glance meeting 13:13:47 <rosmaita> i will push everyone to address them in this 2 week sleepy period before the PTG 13:14:14 <rosmaita> (though, of course, you can't expect the glance people to especially listen to me) 13:14:21 <Luzi> yeah I will do that, i currently only have a config problem with gerrit :D 13:14:50 <rosmaita> fungi: what's the best way to troubleshoot that kind of thing 13:14:54 <fungi> let me know if you need help with your gerrit account 13:15:18 <rosmaita> i had a 2 or 3 week period where connections to gerrit were really slow, both for git fetch --all and for git review 13:15:53 <Luzi> i think its just some config thing. Could not fetch gerrit - i remember that issue 13:16:53 <Luzi> nevertheless thank you rosmaita for just reminding people :) 13:17:01 <Luzi> thats all from my side 13:17:09 <rosmaita> Luzi: for cinder, i will move your spec to victoria 13:17:21 <Luzi> are there any questions or other topics you want to talk about? 13:17:24 <rosmaita> i have been telling people that we are aiming for Milestone-1 for the os-brick stuff 13:17:36 <Luzi> how kind, thank you :) 13:17:38 <rosmaita> and i have to admit i haven't looked at that patch 13:18:05 <rosmaita> but that's another one, if you can get that rebased before wednesday's cinder meeting, i will push for reviews 13:18:17 <rosmaita> and there people may listen to me (a little) 13:18:23 <fungi> troubleshooting really depends on how you're configured to communicate with gerrit. by default, git review is configured to use gerrit's ssh-based "command-line" api, but can be manually set to use the https-based "rest" api 13:20:13 <fungi> easiest way to resolve it is to remove the "gerrit" remotes from the repository's .git/config file and then run back through https://docs.opendev.org/opendev/infra-manual/latest/gettingstarted.html#setting-up-your-gerrit-account 13:20:29 <Luzi> fungi, i think i will do that, thank you :) 13:20:45 <rosmaita> fungi: yes, thanks for that link 13:21:02 <fungi> double-check account settings are correct and that you're using the expected commands for the git review workflow 13:21:31 <fungi> and if you have any particular errors, let us know in #opendev and i or others can take a look 13:22:22 <Luzi> okay are there any other topics you want to talk about? 13:22:43 <rosmaita> i have a question while fungi is here, but slightly off topic 13:22:56 <Luzi> go ahead 13:22:58 <Luzi> #topic Open Discussion 13:23:03 <rosmaita> what's the difference between #openstack-infra and #opendev ? 13:23:31 <rosmaita> i mean, which kind of questions should be addressed where 13:23:52 <fungi> the shortest answer is that #openstack-infra is the channel used by https://governance.openstack.org/sigs/tact-sig.html 13:24:24 <fungi> while #opendev is the channel used by the opendev sysadmins and collaborators 13:25:15 <fungi> so #openstack-infra is more for discussing things like openstack-specific job configuration 13:25:29 <rosmaita> ok, so if there's a question about some current gate job failing, should ask in #opendev ? 13:26:27 <rosmaita> something like: configuration -> #openstack-infra, runtime problems -> #opendev ? 13:26:44 <redrobot> Luzi next Monday is a holiday in the US, so I will not be joining this meeting. 13:27:07 <fungi> if it's a job only used to test openstack projects then #openstack-infra might be more appropriate, but we're not going to chide anyone for asking in one vs the other (though if conversation veers hard in a particular direction we may suggest relocating discussion between them) 13:27:22 <rosmaita> fungi: ok, that works for me -- thanks 13:27:35 <rosmaita> Luzi: same for me, holiday next week 13:27:41 <Luzi> redrobot, okay thank you for telling me - in two weeks we have a holiday here in germany 13:31:24 <Luzi> ok if thats all, have a nice week and see you at the virtual PTG :) 13:31:40 <fungi> thanks Luzi! 13:31:53 <rosmaita> bye! 13:31:56 <Luzi> oh and fungi i reconfigured it and now it works again :) 13:32:04 <Luzi> #endmeeting image_encryption