13:00:52 <Luzi> #startmeeting image_encryption 13:00:52 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon May 23 13:00:52 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Luzi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:52 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:52 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption' 13:01:01 <Luzi> #topic Roll Call 13:01:11 <ade_lee> o/ 13:01:17 <Luzi> hi ade_lee 13:01:22 <ade_lee> hey Luzi 13:01:42 <Luzi> unusual time to see you :D 13:02:02 <ade_lee> Luzi, Doug is going to be out for the next two weeks - so I'm his proxy 13:02:11 <Luzi> okay 13:02:22 <Luzi> let's start 13:02:24 <Luzi> #topic Barbican Consumer API Update 13:02:36 <Luzi> do you have news from the Barbican side? 13:02:47 <ade_lee> so -- we've made some progress on getting things in 13:03:14 <fungi> awesome 13:03:17 <ade_lee> on the server side, there are a few patches in progress that have gotten reviewed 13:03:31 <ade_lee> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/barbican/+/840712 13:03:49 <ade_lee> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/barbican-tempest-plugin/+/841329 13:04:00 <ade_lee> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/barbican-tempest-plugin/+/840969 13:04:22 <ade_lee> so those and a doc patch are all that is needed on the server side at this point. 13:04:29 <ade_lee> everything else has merged 13:05:04 <ade_lee> we expect to get the rest merged within the next week or so. 13:05:32 <ade_lee> on the client side, doug has been working hard on getting all the gates working for python-barbicanclient 13:05:49 <ade_lee> and as of now, they're all working all the way back to train 13:06:08 <ade_lee> I am working on adding what is needed to barbicanclient 13:06:27 <ade_lee> first microversions support and then ssecrey consumers 13:06:44 <ade_lee> I hope to have some good patches together by the start of summit 13:06:57 <Luzi> wow that's awesome - you got a lot done :) 13:07:11 <ade_lee> so next couple of weeks -- but we'll see . there's a lot to do 13:07:22 <ade_lee> and I've got to prep for the summit too 13:07:42 <Luzi> yeah, thank you for working on this :) 13:07:59 <Luzi> i am also preparing for the summit and working on a presentation :D 13:08:12 <ade_lee> np - it'll be nice to get in 13:08:25 <Luzi> #topic Image Encryption WIP-Patches / Spec Repropose 13:09:38 <Luzi> so, while i was working on my summit presentation, there is also still the open reproposed spec for cinder 13:09:54 <Luzi> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/841110 13:10:20 <Luzi> unfortunately i did not manage to have time for the cinder meetings (there are a little bit to late for me) 13:10:37 <Luzi> i will try to ask them to approve it this week 13:11:01 <ade_lee> yeah - not sure if doug has been attending any of these -- unlikely 13:11:30 <Luzi> i don't think so 13:12:04 <ade_lee> when are the cinder meetings> 13:12:07 <ade_lee> ? 13:12:38 <Luzi> wednesday 14:00 UTC 13:13:50 <ade_lee> yeah doug and I are in a meeting from 13:33 to 14:30 at that time 13:14:23 <ade_lee> I might be able to join for the latter half of the meeting 13:14:44 <ade_lee> (I have some fips related questions to ask folks in any case) 13:15:00 <ade_lee> assuming the meeting continues past 14:30 13:15:16 <Luzi> i also made an alarm now :D 13:15:29 <Luzi> if i am still working that time... 13:15:58 <Luzi> well, that's all from my side so far... 13:16:09 <Luzi> do you have any other topics or questions? 13:16:14 <ade_lee> Luzi, if not then, I can raise this with a couple of the cinder folks offline too 13:16:32 <Luzi> that yould be nice ade_lee 13:16:53 <ade_lee> ok will do. let me know if you do make the meeting on wed or not 13:17:16 <ade_lee> nothing else from me/doug 13:19:10 <Luzi> yeah, most likely i will not make it :/ 13:20:06 <Luzi> okay if that's all... 13:20:43 <Luzi> thank you for joining this meeting and have a nice week 13:20:43 <fungi> thanks Luzi! 13:20:50 <ade_lee> cool - see you next time ! 13:20:53 <Luzi> #endmeeting image_encryption