13:00:55 <Luzi> #startmeeting image_encryption
13:00:55 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Mar  6 13:00:55 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is Luzi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:00:55 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
13:00:55 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption'
13:01:06 <fungi> ohai!
13:01:11 <Luzi> #topic Roll Call
13:01:15 <Luzi> hi fungi
13:01:39 <Luzi> i want to make it short today... caught a cold and don't feel so well-.-
13:01:48 <Luzi> #topic Barbican Consumer API Update
13:02:38 <Luzi> the Barbican folks mentioned, that they did not had a release of castellen with the consumer API in time for Antelope - so they want to release it very early in the next cycle
13:02:52 <Luzi> #topic Image Encryption WIP-Patches
13:04:40 <Luzi> and actually i don't mind waiting for that last bit - we want to test our complete patchset with the antelope release first so we can check for bugs before we made the patches
13:05:12 <Luzi> but as i am on vacatoin in early april this will not happen until mid or end of april
13:05:21 <Luzi> so thats the timeline from now on
13:07:05 <fungi> sounds good, thanks for the update!
13:07:45 <Luzi> for now i think i will not hold meetings until April 17th - i will attend the ptg though
13:08:03 <Luzi> do you have any other thing you want to discuss?
13:08:58 <fungi> i did not, just following along
13:09:13 <fungi> i'll be attending the ptg as well
13:09:26 <fungi> should have the security sig timeslot scheduled for it soon
13:09:37 <fungi> i'll announce it on the mailing list too
13:09:50 <Luzi> ok thank you for reminding mee
13:10:03 <Luzi> an thank you for joining this meeting and have a nice week
13:10:14 <Luzi> #endmeeting image_encryption