13:04:02 #startmeeting image_encryption 13:04:02 Meeting started Mon Aug 26 13:04:02 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Luzi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:04:02 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:04:02 The meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption' 13:04:14 #topic Roll Call 13:04:15 ahoy! 13:04:24 hi fungi 13:05:00 #topic Image Encryption Patches 13:05:22 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22LUKS-image-encryption%22 13:05:40 the os-brick patch got merged 13:06:14 i have WIP patch for the data-migration in the glance db, but somehow on my devstack this doesn't work 13:06:29 awesome 13:06:44 i asked for reviews and guidance in the glance channel last thursday and will ask again today 13:07:20 are your local failures also showing up in upstream devstack setup? 13:07:32 in zuul jobs i mean 13:07:39 unfortunately due to different time zones this is often a bit difficult, because i only work until 13:30 UTC in summer 13:08:27 well i have one image with the cinder_encryption* parameters, that should be changed - but it seems, the data-migration does not run :/ 13:08:44 i think there are some glance cores in eu (jokke at least? i'd need to skim the list and don't have it in front of me) 13:09:12 yeah, i will just askk again 13:09:52 well that is all from my side currently 13:10:09 that's a lot! 13:10:09 mhen is also working on the cinder patch i think 13:10:55 do you have anything you want to talk about? 13:11:34 i didn't 13:11:55 but thanks for the excellent update, and your (and mhen's) hard work on all this 13:12:26 I already re-integrated the old metadata names in the glance and cinder patches 13:12:36 to support them during the deprecation period 13:12:42 yeah that was what i meant 13:13:30 okay 13:13:40 very cool 13:13:43 thank you for joining this meeting and have a nice week 13:13:57 #endmeeting image_encryption