13:03:15 <Luzi> #startmeeting image_encryption 13:03:15 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Nov 25 13:03:15 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Luzi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:03:15 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:03:15 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption' 13:03:25 <Luzi> #topic Roll Call 13:04:11 <fungi> ohai! 13:04:37 <Luzi> hi fungi 13:04:50 <Luzi> #topic Image Encryption Patches 13:05:04 <Luzi> We got reviews on the updated glance-spec and the glance patch 13:05:54 <Luzi> the spec one is a +2 and i tried to answer the comments on the glance patch itself, while mhen is on pto 13:06:28 <Luzi> that is all that has happened 13:06:44 <fungi> that's encouraging progress nonetheless 13:07:33 <Luzi> yeah, well i hope we still make some progress this year :D 13:08:33 <Luzi> i try to raise attention to these patches, even though i can barely make it to the glance or cinder meetings 13:09:06 <Luzi> i usually start working at 6 UTC in Winter :D 13:09:57 <fungi> makes sense, i'll see if i can help remind them too when i'm aruond 13:10:20 <Luzi> so do you have anything you want to talk about? 13:10:22 <Luzi> thank you 13:11:00 <fungi> i do not, no 13:11:29 <Luzi> okay, thank you for joining this meeting and have a nice week 13:11:36 <Luzi> #endmeeting image_encryption