19:02:16 <jeblair> #startmeeting infra 19:02:17 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 18 19:02:16 2013 UTC. The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:02:21 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:02:37 <jeblair> #topic Rename of the project formerly known as mutnuaq (mordred) 19:02:46 <mordred> oh wow. I'm first 19:02:53 <mordred> markmcclain: around yet? 19:03:08 <mordred> so - mutnuaq has gotten names back from legal 19:03:09 <jeblair> (the only action from last meeting has a this-meeting agenda item) 19:03:17 <mordred> nice 19:03:26 <mordred> and we _believe_ they've picked a name 19:03:28 <jeblair> yay 19:03:29 <mordred> which means - 19:03:31 <mordred> drumroll 19:03:34 <mordred> now we actually have to rename it 19:03:39 <jeblair> oh man 19:03:48 <mordred> which, being mutnuaq, means it's WAY more complex than any rename we've ever done 19:03:52 <jlk> o/ 19:03:52 <mordred> because things consume it 19:03:55 <jlk> forgot to waive earlier. 19:04:01 <markmcclain> o/ 19:04:02 * mordred waves at jlk 19:04:17 <mordred> markmcclain: how solid are we on that provisional name choice? 19:04:36 <markmcclain> 98% 19:04:47 <mordred> that's so much closer than we were before 19:05:11 <mordred> I think the first step is to do renames in the repos with compatibility packages 19:05:17 <fungi> how ingrained is the old name beyond that project/client and devstack{,-gate} and infra/config? is it deeply embedded in other projects? 19:05:30 <mordred> fungi: nova consumes quantumclient at least 19:05:36 <fungi> joyous 19:05:38 <mordred> yeah 19:05:47 <clarkb> mordred: can we just depend on both? 19:05:55 <mordred> well, the working idea 19:05:55 <clarkb> then after the switch remove the old name? 19:05:58 <mordred> is in the current repos 19:06:00 <markmcclain> nova is the big one.. I need to look over ceilometer and heat to double check 19:06:10 <mordred> add do the package rename and then add a new package in the same repo 19:06:20 <mordred> that does a bunch of from newname import * 19:06:24 <mordred> in its __init__.py files 19:06:32 <sdague> grep -r 'quantum' nova | grep '\.py:' | wc -l 19:06:32 <sdague> 1798 19:06:42 <sdague> just to get an idea of how much that name is in nova 19:06:46 <mordred> so that then the dependent projects can start working on getting their renames done 19:07:03 <fungi> gah 19:07:14 <jlk> that's going to be fun 19:07:17 <mordred> yup 19:07:29 <jlk> good opportunity for upstream commits :) 19:07:35 <mordred> jlk: hehe 19:07:44 <mordred> then we'll need to schedule a gerrit renaming downtime 19:07:46 <sdague> please tell me it's 7 characters? 19:07:54 * markmcclain counts 19:07:55 <markmcclain> yep 19:07:56 <sdague> so we aren't in pep8 19:07:58 <sdague> hell 19:08:05 <sdague> well, that's something :) 19:08:08 <mordred> sort order might change slightly for hacking hell 19:08:10 <fungi> grep -c ^.......$ /usr/share/dict/words 19:08:27 <mordred> question is - 19:08:37 <sdague> yeh, the imports will be one thing, at least it won't require massive reformatting though 19:08:45 <mordred> do we try to make devstack and destack-gate attempt to clone from both names? 19:08:47 <jlk> oh yeah that would suck 19:08:54 <mordred> or do we force-push changes to those when we do the rename? 19:09:09 <jeblair> mordred: i'd rather force-push those changes 19:09:13 * mordred too 19:09:32 <clarkb> it creates a definitive switch point which is nice 19:09:33 <mordred> I think the in-python trickery with double package names is enough trickery for one rename 19:09:44 <clarkb> and is simpler if you can live with a potentially broken gate over the shrot term 19:09:45 <fungi> i think that is the least complicated, even if it does mean possible breakage and subsequent manual patching to get going again 19:10:29 <mordred> I'm assuming we shoudl schedule a non-trivial downtime - like, an assumption the gate may be down for a couple of hours while we sort it and make sure it's good to move forward 19:10:36 <clarkb> ++ 19:10:52 <mordred> BUT - I think we want the in-code renaming to be finished first, yeah? 19:10:52 <fungi> i suspect a couple hours is probably being optimistic 19:10:57 <jeblair> and it would be good to have markmcclain and some core devs from other projects around to help during the maint window 19:11:08 <clarkb> jeblair: yes 19:11:29 <markmcclain> let me know when I'll be around 19:11:43 <jeblair> fungi: it's true that our test cycle is an hour, so it could take a while. 19:11:52 <fungi> any project we might conceivably have to cram patches into should probably have representatives awake and responding 19:12:13 <mordred> ++ 19:12:18 <jeblair> mordred: i think that's a sensible way to proceed (code rename first) 19:12:46 <jeblair> mordred: i'm not sure it's necessary from a gating standpoint, but probably makes the most sense overall. 19:12:49 <mordred> cool. so, markmcclain will come back to us when the code-level rename is done and we're ready to move forward with repo+devstack+devstack-gate rename? 19:13:02 <mordred> jeblair: yeah. I mean, I'ts just one less thign to do that day 19:13:14 <mordred> or, yeah, no, you're right 19:13:17 <mordred> it could go in either order 19:13:58 <jeblair> mordred: but this way we won't ever produce a newthing tarball that only contains quantum 19:14:20 <jeblair> mordred: we'll be making quantum tarballs that are future-compat with newthing, and newthing tarballs that are backwards compat with quantum 19:14:22 <jeblair> which seems nicer 19:14:38 <jeblair> and possibly able to accomadet problems we're not anticpating. :) 19:14:38 <mordred> yeah 19:14:44 <mordred> +100 19:14:48 <mordred> this is going to be a fun one 19:15:23 <jeblair> mordred: eot? 19:15:26 <mordred> I think that's all I had, yeah 19:15:32 <jeblair> yay a plan! 19:15:58 <jeblair> #action markmcclain will come back to us when the code-level rename is done and we're ready to move forward with repo+devstack+devstack-gate rename 19:16:08 <jeblair> #topic Asterisk (jeblair, reed) 19:16:17 <jeblair> i don't think reed can make the meeting 19:16:34 <jeblair> but i think he's becomming more keen on having an asterisk server 19:16:51 <fungi> he did seen rather cool with the idea 19:16:55 <fungi> er, seem 19:16:58 <jeblair> for: (a) user-group remote participation 19:17:03 <jeblair> (b) summit remote participation 19:17:13 <jeblair> (c) foundationy things 19:17:44 <jeblair> (the usual conf call sorts of things -- a conference call resource like the eclipse foundation has) 19:17:45 <fungi> so... what was the scale of conference call you were on with eclipse foundation folks? tens? hundreds? 19:17:53 <jeblair> fungi: tens 19:17:54 <mordred> tens 19:17:58 <jlk> oh we've done that before in Fedora infrastructure 19:17:58 <jlk> (ran an Asterisk server) 19:17:58 <jlk> it had very low participation 19:17:58 <mordred> but it was SO CLEAR 19:18:08 <clarkb> jeblair: I could even see it being useful when freenode is having a hard time :) 19:18:20 <fungi> clarkb: that's what oftc is for ;) 19:18:29 <mordred> jlk: did you have regular conference calls and people chose to use something else? 19:18:36 <mordred> jlk: or just people didn't care to make voice calls? 19:19:52 <jlk> mordred: people didn't care to make voice calls 19:19:53 <jlk> and there were a lot of codec and mute and echo problems 19:20:50 <jeblair> so maybe we should send an email to the infra list and see if folks want to chime in on setting one up? 19:21:00 <jlk> While not OSS, at work we use Team Speak. Seems to be much better voice quality, and push to talk was pretty important 19:21:10 <clarkb> jeblair: ++ I have a feeling that folks like pabelanger would be interested 19:21:21 <clarkb> and I think there are many of us that don't have the bandwidth for that right now 19:21:29 <mordred> jlk: jeblair and I were on a call with eclpse foundation the other day 19:21:39 <mordred> jlk: and it was literally the clearest conference call I've ever been on 19:21:43 <jlk> heh 19:21:44 <fungi> for use cases a and b this is basically conference/speaker phone allowing remote participation with the in-room conversations, and in a way that is less bandwidth-intensive and nonfree/proprietary than g* hangouts 19:21:45 <jlk> yeah it can be awesome 19:21:47 <jeblair> it was beatiful 19:21:54 <mordred> SO much better than HP's conference call system 19:21:55 <jlk> this was a few years ago though, so some of these problems may be better 19:22:46 <jlk> Also, the VOIP client set may be better these days. Back then on Linux it wasn't a great set of choices 19:23:14 <jlk> and communicating the settings for those clients was … fun. That all said, all this could be better, I'm not going to be a Debbie Downer ;) 19:23:20 <fungi> my voice client of choice is a telephone anyway 19:23:51 <mordred> yeah. I was dialed in to the asterisk server with my cell phone 19:23:56 <fungi> but understood that voip software is a nice addition 19:24:12 <jeblair> jlk: yeah, and i think with webrtc, we can have an in-browser client 19:24:45 <jeblair> jlk: which i think will be especially good for the remote-listening case. 19:25:32 <jeblair> mordred: i was dialed in on a SIP phone through my asterisk server over POTS :) 19:25:41 <mordred> nice 19:26:00 <jeblair> mordred: but that's just because i didn't notice their SIP url until right before the call. 19:26:10 * mordred imagines opening iax ports for jeblair's asterisk server so we can all get to him by dialing a special extension on the foundation server 19:26:35 <fungi> okay, so basically we bug pabelanger and... who else? was Ryan_Lane the other person expressing interest in helping with it? 19:26:45 <jeblair> fungi: russellb was 19:26:49 <fungi> right! 19:27:07 * fungi recalibrates his branes 19:27:18 <jeblair> i asked the eclipse folks about their voip provider, so i have their recommendations there 19:27:30 <mordred> awesome 19:27:36 <mordred> because their provider was great 19:28:04 <jeblair> yeah, there are a lot of bad ones out there, so having a good one to start with should be a huge benefit 19:28:16 <russellb> yep, happy to help with some asterisk config 19:28:26 <russellb> at least manual config ... i would be a n00b at puppetizing it 19:28:33 <jeblair> woo! 19:28:43 <jeblair> perhaps pabelanger has some puppet laying around 19:28:46 <russellb> he does 19:28:47 <fungi> russellb: i think pabelanger said he already had soe 19:28:49 <fungi> some 19:28:58 <jlk> Fedora project probably still has some puppet laying around in a git repo somewhere too 19:28:58 <jeblair> #action jeblair start a ml thread about asterisk 19:29:00 <jlk> ages old 19:29:13 <jeblair> jlk: if you can find that, i'd love to see it 19:29:19 <fungi> jlk: awesome! we use ages old puppet ;) 19:29:31 <russellb> and if there's anyone really keen on learning asterisk, i can hook you up with a PDF of the book 19:29:41 <russellb> just msg me 19:30:35 <jeblair> russellb: thanks! 19:30:45 <jeblair> #topic Progress on reviewing git web interfaces (pleia2) 19:30:52 <jeblair> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1182179 19:30:53 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1182179 in openstack-ci "Create a git.openstack.org mirror system" [Low,Triaged] 19:31:00 <pleia2> right, so last week we talked about evaluating some git web things 19:31:06 <pleia2> I took some notes here: 19:31:08 <pleia2> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/git-1182179 19:31:43 <pleia2> I think we don't want gitlab, it has all kinds of stuff we really don't need, pretty much tries to be an open source github 19:32:10 <pleia2> which leaves us with cgit, gitblit or just same old gitweb 19:32:16 <jlk> not gitweb 19:32:20 <pleia2> so my question is - what is it we want exactly that gitweb is failing us with? 19:32:25 <jlk> cgit has been the better performing tool 19:32:41 <jlk> with Fedora repos, gitweb would just stall out and crash servers 19:32:45 <pleia2> ouch 19:33:03 <pleia2> cgit is very compelling, but I don't know if it lacks features people want 19:33:16 <mordred> does cgit work now without libgit? 19:33:35 <mordred> like, wasn't there a time where it was impossible to package because it used non-supported git internal apis? 19:33:36 <jlk> good question 19:33:42 <jeblair> i added https://git.kernel.org/cgit/ to the etherpad as a demo for cgit 19:33:56 <pleia2> jeblair: thanks 19:34:02 * mordred believes that's the reason we did not switch to cgit when the guy from libreoffice suggested it a while back 19:34:04 <pleia2> mordred: I don't know 19:34:14 <mordred> I like the cgit index page, btw 19:34:22 <jlk> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ 19:34:24 <jlk> that's Fedora's 19:34:36 <mordred> it's not in ubuntu 19:34:46 <jeblair> ooh it's prettier 19:34:49 <jlk> Fedora switched it it in…. 2011 or so 19:34:51 <jeblair> (fedora's cgit) 19:35:05 <jeblair> though i don't know why there are a bunch of numbers at the bottom 19:35:14 <pleia2> gitblit isn't packaged either, so I think either one will have challenges (though we do have WMF folks to poke about gitblit, since they use it) 19:35:20 <jeblair> oh those are pages. 19:35:23 <jlk> Fedora has it in Fedora releases and CentOS 19:35:26 <jlk> er 19:35:28 <jlk> EPEL 19:35:34 <clarkb> we could potentially use centos + epel then 19:35:49 <dprince> we almost have Fedora slaves *in the mix*. 19:35:58 <mordred> good point 19:36:02 <dprince> Just one postgres module issue that I know off but that wouldn't effect this... 19:36:05 <jlk> I don't see any libgit deps here http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/rpminfo?rpmID=4034369 19:36:14 <mordred> I'm ok with using it if there are packages from someone 19:36:27 <jeblair> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=515793 19:36:28 <uvirtbot> Debian bug 515793 in wnpp "RFP: cgit -- C-code Web Front-end to GIT" [Wishlist,Open] 19:36:31 <jlk> then again, I don't see any requirements on git itself either. wat 19:36:35 <mordred> I do like the org groupings in the kernel.org index page 19:37:56 <mordred> yeah. looks like the outstanding issue is the "this requires git internals to work" one 19:38:38 <jeblair> mordred: reading down to the end, i think they're okay with creating a cgit package from the git source, but there's no volunteer to mantain it. :( 19:38:50 <mordred> yah 19:38:59 <mordred> I seem to remember this is where we stalled last time 19:39:21 <jlk> I would just suggest using the EPEL packages 19:39:29 <jlk> since that's what Fedora is doing, shared interest in keeping them working. 19:39:37 <jlk> also likely what kernel.org is doing 19:40:13 <mordred> yeah. I mean, we at least know there are other folks looking at it 19:40:30 <jeblair> https://git.wikimedia.org/activity/ 19:40:30 * fungi wonders if red hat are bundling a private copy of libgit in the package 19:40:47 <mordred> ooh 19:40:57 <jlk> fungi: I doubt it 19:41:06 <jlk> we're pretty uptight about that kind of thing 19:41:12 <jlk> but you can easily clone and find out! 19:41:17 <mordred> I mean, gitblit does have going for it that wikimedia run it too, and all the rest of our stuff is identical 19:41:23 <pleia2> mordred: yeah 19:41:38 <fungi> gitblit does have a lot of sparkle, for sure 19:41:39 <clarkb> mordred: also lucene but that may not be useable without a lot fo work 19:41:46 <jeblair> rss feeds 19:41:48 <jlk> or rather browse http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/cgit.git/ 19:42:00 <fungi> heh 19:42:17 <jlk> oh geez 19:42:25 <jeblair> my inclination is to use cgit unless we feel we really need something gitblit provides 19:42:29 <jlk> welp, I'm wrong 19:42:37 <jlk> that spec has both the git source and the cgit source 19:42:44 <jlk> and it uses both to build the package. 19:42:55 <fungi> looks like... yeah 19:42:57 <pleia2> we spoke with Ryan_Lane and ^demon about some of their gitblit problems and it didn't sound very pleasant 19:43:15 <pleia2> re: searching, lucene 19:43:15 <jeblair> i doubt the activity stats will be compelling for us since we have at least 3 entire programs around trying to get meaningful stats 19:43:39 <jeblair> and we have an rss feed thing too. 19:44:01 <mordred> jeblair: I thnk we're up to 4 stats programs now 19:44:06 <jeblair> i think the most likely thing from gitblit we'd be interested in using is the searching. 19:44:07 <pleia2> heh 19:44:10 <mordred> 5. I count five 19:44:22 <jeblair> and it doesn't sound like we're actually interested in dealing with those problems right now. :) 19:44:22 <fungi> always room for a sixth! (seventh? eighth?!?) 19:44:26 <mordred> jeblair: ++ 19:44:43 <jeblair> so maybe lets focus on cgit then? 19:44:45 <pleia2> fixing search is something ^demon at WMF is looking at, but it's low on his priority list 19:44:46 <fungi> yeah i'm leaning toward cgit as well, based on the options 19:44:47 <mordred> fungi: don't make too many jokes, I know of an unannounced sixth 19:44:55 <mordred> fungi, jeblair: ++ 19:45:05 <mordred> cgit on centos/fedora then? 19:45:18 <pleia2> I can spin up cgit on a centos hpcloud instance to test how it goes 19:45:22 <clarkb> cgit on centos/fedora sounds fine to me (with a preference for centos) 19:45:31 <fungi> that sounds reasonable. we can already use the launch script to do centos with no further tweaking 19:46:00 <fungi> since we build centos unit test slaves with it now 19:46:05 <pleia2> fungi: ah, coolo 19:46:06 <pleia2> -o 19:46:40 <jlk> I've already stated my opinion, but I'll state it again, cgit on centos is where I'd go. 19:46:47 <pleia2> thanks jlk 19:47:05 <mordred> jlk: looks like you won this time 19:47:10 <jeblair> sounds good to me 19:47:27 <jlk> crap, now you're going to make me do it aren't you? 19:47:34 <fungi> curses. and gitweb would have gotten away with it too if it weren't from you meddling kids 19:47:35 <pleia2> haha ++ 19:47:52 <pleia2> ok, how do we want to action this forward? 19:47:53 * fungi can't type. sigh 19:48:20 <jeblair> pleia2: do you want to continue working on it? work with jlk? give the whole project to jlk? :) 19:48:36 <fungi> pleia2: i would suggest getting a skeleton for the server in puppet and i'll be happy to spin up a vm for that 19:48:45 <jeblair> i think the next step is to merge a change that defines the host, then we spin it up, then we reconfig gerrit to replicate there 19:48:57 <jeblair> as fungi said. :) 19:49:36 <pleia2> ok, I'll get it rolling and ask jlk for help :) 19:49:46 <jeblair> awesome 19:50:02 <jlk> yup, I'll lend whatever hand I can 19:50:07 <fungi> the gerrit replication part is fairly trivial. we'll also want some fancy rewrites on review.o.o to punch its gitweb links that direction 19:50:19 <jlk> which may mostly be asking my Fedora contacts how they did whatever. 19:50:23 <jeblair> #action pleia2, jlk make git.openstack.org exist 19:50:26 <clarkb> fungi: I think you can do that in the gerrit config too 19:50:32 <pleia2> jlk: great, thank you 19:50:35 <fungi> oh, even better 19:50:43 <jeblair> clarkb, fungi: yeah, we'll have gerrit just link there directly 19:50:47 <mordred> yup 19:51:11 <fungi> as long as it's flexible enough to be able to build the urls cgit expects, sounds ideal 19:51:29 <fungi> or other way around (cgit smart enough to handle gitweb queries) 19:51:43 <mordred> jeblair: do you know if it's possible to make gerrit's fetch links redirect there too? 19:52:00 <mordred> jeblair: would be neat if the fetch/pull/cherry-pick stuff gave people git.o.o links 19:52:05 <jeblair> https://review.openstack.org/Documentation/config-gitweb.html 19:52:46 <jeblair> mordred: i don't know, but that may be overkill 19:53:23 <jeblair> mordred: i doubt they get used all that often 19:53:59 <jeblair> #topic open discussion 19:54:03 <fungi> i know i only use them when i want to check out a change on a machine where i don't have git-review 19:54:43 <fungi> but maybe there are lots of people who don't use git-review or don't know about its -d option 19:54:43 <clarkb> logstash.opensatck.org is now reverse proxying a subset of the elasticsearch API so that sdague (and hopefully others) can do programmatic search queries 19:54:53 <sdague> cool 19:54:57 <jeblair> hey, so zuul is using gearman to send jobs to jenkins now 19:54:57 <clarkb> you can hit that with a base url of http://logstash.openstack.org/elasticsearch/ 19:55:16 <clarkb> jeblair: \o/ 19:55:18 <mordred> jeblair: woot! 19:55:34 <jeblair> clarkb: we can use that to write something that searches logstash for queries embedded in launchpad bugs 19:55:38 <mordred> davidlenwell is working on an owncloud server 19:55:42 <clarkb> jeblair: yup 19:55:43 <fungi> oh, some progress on the py3k testing. dprince made an awesome pip3 puppet package provider which i was able to get working on precise with the help of zul's ppa 19:55:49 <jeblair> clarkb: to auto-identify new instances of bugs we know about. that'll be neat. 19:56:10 <jlk> so,this NY bootstrap thing 19:56:13 <pleia2> as I told the triplo folks yesterday, lxc-based testing is going well, hopefully just hunting down the final gremlins 19:56:13 <zaro> mordred: is there anything we need to do to prepare for training next week? 19:56:17 <mordred> jlk: yup? 19:56:20 <jlk> mordred: can you tell us more, and what will happen on each day? 19:56:39 <mordred> I don't know that jeblair and I have gotten that far in the planning yet 19:56:40 <jlk> I could probably get funding to go for one day, but it'd be a tough sell, and I"d have to fly home that night on a red eye or something 19:57:11 <pleia2> mordred, jeblair - let me know if you need help with anything 19:57:46 <mordred> jeblair: we shoudl probably brainstorm what we think the general structure is going to be at least 19:57:53 <fungi> jlk: where are coming from? 19:58:07 <jeblair> mordred: yes, i think we can do that 19:58:15 <jlk> fungi: Seattle 19:58:24 <jlk> long ass flight, I'm --- not likely going to come 19:58:27 <mordred> zaro: and I don't know that we've identified any homework needed - I think I'm assuming there will be at least one person there who has never heard of anything we do 19:58:34 <jeblair> mordred: i can work with you on that today or thursday. 19:58:34 <fungi> jlk: oof, yeah that's a rough day trip 19:58:40 <mordred> jeblair: let's say thursday 19:58:50 <clarkb> I can help thursday too if you need more brains/eyes 19:58:53 <jlk> I've done the boot strap thing with clarkb a couple months ago, that's probably sufficient 19:59:09 <fungi> jlk: since you're in seattle you can likely convince the locals there to rehash for you after 19:59:09 <mordred> jlk: indeed. it'll probably be largely like that except with more people 19:59:11 <clarkb> yeah we had a good short brain dump thing at linuxfest NW 19:59:35 <jlk> ok, I feel better about missing it. 19:59:43 <jlk> I've been wanting an excuse to get to NY, but not for just one day 19:59:47 <CaptTofu> greets 19:59:54 <jeblair> jlk: yeah, i think it might be redundant, so don't worry about it. 19:59:56 <mordred> o hai CaptTofu 20:00:03 <fungi> and that's time ;) 20:00:10 <CaptTofu> heya mr. mordred 20:00:10 <zaro> jlk: come to convention center if you want more. but definately more fun in NY. 20:00:16 <ttx> jeblair: time to close :) 20:00:21 <jeblair> thanks everyone! 20:00:23 <jeblair> #endmeeting