19:00:54 <fungi> #startmeeting infra 19:00:55 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 30 19:00:54 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is fungi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:56 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:00:58 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:01:12 <mordred> o/ 19:01:13 <fungi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 19:01:15 <VijayTripathi> Hello everyone 19:01:16 <AJaeger_> o/ 19:01:24 <VijayTripathi> This is Vijay Tripathi from Microsoft 19:01:31 <clarkb> hi there 19:01:39 <primeministerp> hey there 19:01:44 <fungi> we have a long agenda so i'm going to try to burn though it quickly in hopes we can fit it all into the hour 19:01:47 <ociuhandu> hi all 19:01:55 <primeministerp> hey VijayTripathi 19:01:57 <primeministerp> hi ociuhandu 19:02:11 <fungi> #topic Actions from last meeting 19:02:24 <fungi> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2014/infra.2014-09-23-19.02.html 19:02:46 <fungi> nibalizer file a story with a task for each project for http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/puppet-modules.html 19:02:55 <fungi> looks like you did? 19:02:58 <fungi> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/302 19:02:58 <anteaya> o/ 19:03:32 <zaro> o/ 19:03:50 <fungi> i will take his silence as assent, as well as a sign that he'll volunteer for any unclaimed action items henceforth ;) 19:04:02 <fungi> jeblair send project-config announcement to -dev list 19:04:08 <fungi> he's not here today, but he did 19:04:10 <krtaylor> o/ 19:04:16 <fungi> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-September/047207.html 19:04:30 <fungi> mordred to write up autoincrement plan for infra bug import 19:04:34 <fungi> looks like krotscheck did that 19:04:42 <fungi> #link https://review.openstack.org/123821 19:04:47 <krotscheck> Ayup. 19:04:51 <fungi> krotscheck make list of infra projects in launchpad for krotscheck to use in testing 19:04:52 <krotscheck> Landed 19:04:56 <krotscheck> Also done. 19:05:02 <fungi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/infra-storyboard-migration 19:05:05 <fungi> awesome 19:05:06 <krotscheck> Furthermore, testing complete, and bugs encountered have been landed. 19:05:15 <clarkb> krotscheck: you landed more bugs :P 19:05:22 <krotscheck> I did! 19:05:36 <krotscheck> clarkb: A ladybug and a grashopper. 19:05:43 <fungi> and now we come to the last action item, which breaks our "accomplish all the things" mantra 19:05:45 <fungi> fungi get devstack.org served by openstack rackspace dns account 19:06:00 <fungi> minor snag with cruft in the provider's dns, blocked on service provider ticket 140930-ord-0001529 19:06:07 <anteaya> woooo 19:06:19 <clarkb> fungi: is there a tl;dr for that? 19:06:39 <clarkb> (I don't think the majority of folks here can see that ticket, I assume its a request for authority tarnsfer?) 19:06:45 <fungi> yeah, the dns interface complains when i try to add devstack.org that there is a subdomain of that belonging to another tenant 19:06:49 <anteaya> well that knocks my item lower in the agenda off the list for this week 19:06:58 <anteaya> fungi: terrific 19:07:01 <fungi> likely cruft in their database 19:07:32 <fungi> anteaya: no problem. we can discuss that when we get to it, or skip and move it to next week, or address out of band in #openstack-infra later 19:07:40 <anteaya> yup 19:07:44 <anteaya> your call, chari 19:07:44 <fungi> #topic Kilo summit topic brainstorming pad 19:07:47 <anteaya> chair 19:07:52 <fungi> chair's perogative 19:08:05 <fungi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-infrastructure-summit-topics 19:08:10 <fungi> seems we didn't have one yet 19:08:21 <fungi> let's all take some time to throw spaghetti at that and see what sticks 19:08:25 <fungi> but not in this meeting 19:08:38 <pleia2> we'll need to chat with translators at some point, but I'm not sure whether that's our track or theirs (historically theirs I think?) 19:08:48 <anteaya> put it down 19:08:52 <pleia2> right 19:08:55 <nibalizer> o/ yes i made a the story 19:08:55 <fungi> k 19:08:56 <AJaeger_> translators don't have a track AFAIR 19:08:57 <anteaya> and then we can find the best home after 19:09:02 <fungi> #topic Priority Efforts (fungi) 19:09:10 <fungi> Puppet 3 Migration 19:09:28 <clarkb> I think the old master is still alive 19:09:32 <fungi> is there pending cleanup out there for this? i think we can nail the coffin shut now right? 19:09:35 <clarkb> but other than that we are basically done 19:09:42 <fungi> cool 19:10:03 <nibalizer> i think it can be killed yea 19:10:05 <fungi> #action fungi delete old ci-puppetmaster.openstack.org 19:10:15 <fungi> Swift logs 19:10:23 <fungi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/swift_logs_next_steps 19:10:41 <fungi> jhesketh is around or still asleep? 19:10:47 <pleia2> fungi: can close bug 1263164 when that's done (puppetmaster) 19:10:48 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1263164 in openstack-ci "Need to rebuild Puppet Master server" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1263164 19:11:52 <fungi> pleia2: oh, thanks 19:11:55 <clarkb> fungi: I haven't seen him, must be sleeping. We are now running swift log uploads for more infra jobs though 19:12:02 <clarkb> fungi: which should give us better performance data 19:12:04 <fungi> yep, saw that 19:12:08 <anteaya> yay 19:12:09 <fungi> we should probably wait and collect stats 19:12:18 <AJaeger_> he was around during my morning, hacking long into the night... 19:12:22 <clarkb> yup I think next step is to come back here with a bit more data 19:13:02 <fungi> #agreed continue watching infra project logs in swift for signs of bugs and performance issues, revisit next meeting 19:13:24 <fungi> Config repo split 19:13:43 <clarkb> thanks to the hard work of a lot of people that seems to have gone really well 19:13:44 <fungi> that is still pending the rename to system-config 19:13:53 <anteaya> yes 19:13:57 <fungi> but yes, the hard part is behind us 19:14:01 <fungi> thank you everyone 19:14:07 <anteaya> yes thank you, and it did go well 19:14:11 <clarkb> are there any other outstanding cleanup changes? 19:14:14 <nibalizer> yes good job everyone! anteaya and corvus especially! 19:14:18 <clarkb> I know we are still sorting out jobs so that they work properly 19:14:21 <anteaya> nibalizer: thanks 19:14:21 <nibalizer> sorry i was way out of this because of conference 19:14:29 <anteaya> nibalizer: np 19:14:37 <fungi> i went looking for further cleanup an hour ago and found one more to approve 19:14:44 <anteaya> the jjb compare-xml merged I think 19:14:47 <anteaya> fungi: oh? 19:14:53 <AJaeger_> anteaya: yes, it merged 19:14:58 <anteaya> AJaeger_: yay 19:15:03 <fungi> but in general now we're just treating anything else outstanding as bugs and attacking as they crop up 19:15:13 <fungi> anteaya: your deletion change for layout-dev.yaml 19:15:18 <anteaya> yes 19:15:25 <anteaya> did that merge yet then? 19:15:32 <fungi> i think so 19:15:34 <clarkb> have a link or number? 19:15:36 <anteaya> k, thanks 19:15:40 <clarkb> oh if it merged then nevermind 19:15:52 <clarkb> in any case point me at changes like that and I will happily prioritize them 19:15:59 <fungi> same here 19:16:00 <anteaya> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/124898/ 19:16:09 <anteaya> missed removing a file 19:16:29 <anteaya> but there were no updates to it recently, so I didn't have to backport any content with it 19:16:34 <fungi> so anyway, next phase for this spec is the rename, right? 19:16:38 <anteaya> yes 19:16:46 <anteaya> shall we schedule that 19:16:58 <clarkb> ya it will require gerrit downtime 19:16:59 <fungi> is anyone already working on those bits or do we want to defer discussion to a later time? 19:17:04 <anteaya> we can piggyback the stackforge renames 19:17:08 <clarkb> I am not working on it 19:17:15 <anteaya> I am not working on it 19:17:20 <fungi> presumably we can take care of the outstanding stackforge project renames in te same window, assuming their changes are ready 19:17:28 <fungi> er, what anteaya said 19:17:37 <anteaya> the changes are in project-config and look ready to me 19:17:41 <anteaya> for stackforge 19:18:05 <clarkb> did someoen want to volunteer to start prepping changes for the system-cofnig rename? 19:18:10 <fungi> so next we need rename changes for openstack-infra/config or at least some digging to see how much will break when we do that 19:18:17 <clarkb> there are probably quite a few locations that need to be renamed 19:18:20 <anteaya> I don't know what to do to prepare 19:18:26 <anteaya> I don't have a test env locally 19:18:30 <fungi> i can take a stab at it 19:18:35 <clarkb> anteaya: (and others) we will need a change to do a normal project rename 19:18:44 <anteaya> that I can do 19:18:50 <fungi> but if someone else wants to volunteer for it, all the better 19:18:52 <clarkb> along with changes that update url paths everywhere that we clone openstack.org/openstack-infra/config 19:18:57 <anteaya> but not the testing stuff, though I can review the testing stuff 19:19:06 <fungi> thanks anteaya 19:19:06 <clarkb> since we clone that path for image builds and puppet installs and so on 19:19:14 <clarkb> anteaya: sounds good and thank you 19:19:29 <anteaya> kk 19:19:38 <fungi> #action anteaya take a stab at writing the openstack-infra/config rename changes 19:19:58 <fungi> Nodepool DIB 19:20:03 <fungi> what's the current state? 19:20:07 <fungi> we have nodes now, right? 19:20:14 <mordred> yay nodes! 19:20:24 <clarkb> we do 19:20:27 <fungi> and i think some tests got run on them and passed? 19:20:33 <clarkb> and we have jobs under d-g experimental and they pass 19:20:41 <fungi> what's the current situation in rax? 19:21:02 <clarkb> ianw has written a nodepool patch that needs reviewing. It allows us to set image metadata when we upload images 19:21:12 <clarkb> that patch allows us to set the things we need for rax 19:21:40 <clarkb> so I think what I would like to do is switch hpcloud-* devstack-trusty to run off of the dib image, then put the devstack-trusty-dib image in rax 19:22:13 <clarkb> but we are in rc time so not sure how comfortable we are with that 19:22:25 * clarkb gets link to nodepool change 19:22:27 <fungi> have a link 19:22:28 <fungi> ? 19:22:43 <fungi> ianw_pto seems to be on vacation 19:22:53 <clarkb> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/123639/ 19:23:04 <clarkb> ya he is out but I asked for the change to go up so that we can keep iterating 19:23:23 <fungi> which i assume means i can also scratch his agenda items for today unless others are taking them on 19:23:41 <clarkb> probably 19:24:19 <clarkb> is there opposition to moving hpcloud devstack-trusty to the dib image because it is RC time? 19:24:20 <mordred> I don't see any problem switching hpcloud over 19:24:27 <mordred> if the tests are passing 19:24:37 <clarkb> mordred: ya the mysql and postgres normal jobs are passing 19:24:40 <mordred> like, I don't expect these nodes to all of a sudden be flaky 19:24:52 <mordred> I expect them to diaf if we didn't get something installed right :) 19:24:58 <clarkb> good point 19:25:11 <nibalizer> thats the golden image manifesto 19:25:14 <clarkb> I will also be proposing devstack-precise-dib images asap 19:25:23 <fungi> okay, awesome 19:25:34 <fungi> any specific action items here or just revisit next week? 19:25:52 <clarkb> not really, I will keep at it as able and beg peopel for reviews :) 19:26:00 <clarkb> but please review that nodepool change 19:26:39 <fungi> Docs publishing 19:26:46 <fungi> anything new on this?> 19:26:54 <mordred> I like publishing docs 19:26:54 * annegent_ sits on the edge of her seat 19:27:11 <clarkb> I think that is mostly needing humans to be thrown at it 19:27:21 <annegent_> clarkb: they bounce you know 19:27:45 <fungi> or raisinettes. those actually stick 19:27:48 <anteaya> I want to work on this after devstack and system-config 19:27:48 <clarkb> there is a spec though so volunteers can start throwing code up for that 19:27:56 <anteaya> because I think I can do something here 19:28:10 <anteaya> but someone else is welcome to beat me to it since it is down my list 19:28:20 <fungi> #link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/doc-publishing.html 19:28:39 <annegent_> I will share at Rackspace in case anyone is interested 19:28:56 <fungi> okay, sounds like nothing new on this front yet. sorry to get your hopes up annegent_ 19:29:01 <AJaeger_> thanks, annegent_ and anteaya ! 19:29:06 <annegent_> fungi: no worries :) 19:29:07 <fungi> annegent_: and thanks for the advertising ;) 19:29:22 <fungi> Jobs on trusty 19:29:57 <fungi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/py34-transition 19:30:00 <clarkb> still holding on new py34 ya? 19:30:06 <fungi> yeah 19:30:20 <fungi> and there are a few projects down at the bottom of that etherpad which still need investigating 19:30:45 <fungi> anyone with some spare cycles who wants to debug random projects, try cloning those and running their py34 tox envs 19:30:54 <fungi> on a generic ubuntu trusty box 19:31:24 <fungi> but we can't cut over until at least the backport in 1367907 is addressed 19:31:29 <fungi> #link https://launchpad.net/bugs/1367907 19:31:31 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1367907 in python3.4 "Segfault in gc with cyclic trash" [High,In progress] 19:32:03 <fungi> okay, that covers the priority efforts 19:32:12 <fungi> #topic Call for help: lists.o.o and wiki.o.o (reed) 19:32:48 <fungi> just a quick heads up that our community volunteer admins who were taking care of projects related to lists.openstack.org and wiki.openstack.org haven't been around much lately 19:33:15 <fungi> we have a few outstanding bugs for them which could use some attention if there are mediawiki or mailman experienced people with free time to devote 19:33:25 <fungi> #link https://launchpad.net/bugs/1254911 19:33:26 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1254911 in openstack-ci "UniversalLanguageSelector breaks wiki skin" [Medium,Triaged] 19:33:40 <clarkb> I wonder if hashar has interest in the mediawiki things? 19:33:48 <clarkb> maybe we can draft hashar into doing that :P 19:33:51 <fungi> #link https://launchpad.net/bugs/1339284 19:33:53 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1339284 in openstack-ci "Import mailman archive for General list" [Medium,Confirmed] 19:33:59 <fungi> #link https://launchpad.net/bugs/1182690 19:34:00 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1182690 in openstack-ci "Add mailman templates in other languages" [Medium,Triaged] 19:34:24 <fungi> and yeah, maybe we can shanghai him with our press gang when we find him in paris ;) 19:34:45 <fungi> #topic Fedora/Centos testing updates (ianw) 19:35:11 <fungi> looks like the change for "Initial centos7 support for build-image.sh" conflicted with the project-config split and got abandoned 19:35:18 <fungi> not sure if it's been reproposed to project-config yet 19:35:31 <anteaya> I haven't seen it 19:35:33 <fungi> with ianw_pto on vacation, we can probably defer discussion to next week 19:35:45 <fungi> #topic Log Download (ianw) 19:36:08 <fungi> looks like he had a review for "Add ability to download log bundles" he also wanted to discuss 19:36:15 <fungi> #link https://review.openstack.org/122615 19:36:29 <fungi> so we can defer that discussion to next time he's around as well 19:36:41 <fungi> #topic Publish devstack.org content under infra (anteaya) 19:36:45 <anteaya> I'm wrong 19:36:48 <anteaya> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/124256/ 19:36:49 <AJaeger_> fungi, it was reproposed 19:36:52 <fungi> anteaya: defer while we work on my failure to execute? 19:37:01 <anteaya> yes 19:37:07 <fungi> AJaeger_: anteaya: thanks 19:37:16 <fungi> #topic StoryBoard Migration (krotscheck) 19:37:21 <krotscheck> Wooo! 19:37:22 <fungi> take it away, krotscheck 19:37:29 <hashar> clarkb: unlikely :/ 19:37:32 <krotscheck> So, issues raised in the meeting last week have been addressed. 19:37:47 <krotscheck> The list of commands that need to be run are here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/infra-storyboard-migration 19:37:57 <krotscheck> The outstanding issue is that we don’t have full infra features ready yet. 19:38:01 <hashar> clarkb: but I will be happy to relay your MediaWiki related issues to our community. 19:38:09 <anteaya> hashar: thanks, that works 19:38:29 <krotscheck> So that’s my update, and I’ll be actively pestering all of you over the next few weeks as we get those features polished. 19:39:15 <krotscheck> A discussion on whether y’all want to do a test migration of one of the projects before throwing the big switch might be good. 19:39:20 <clarkb> krotscheck: full infra features? 19:39:41 <fungi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/infra-storyboard-migration 19:39:44 <krotscheck> clarkb: The version 1.1 features agreed to in Atlanta. Outstanding is Project Groups, Emails, Subscriptions. 19:39:57 <clarkb> gotcha 19:40:07 <krotscheck> clarkb: Oh, and tags. 19:40:21 <krotscheck> The active list is in our meeting notes, here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard 19:40:30 <ttx> o/ 19:40:51 * krotscheck is done 19:40:54 <fungi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StoryBoard 19:40:55 <krotscheck> Unless anyone has questions. 19:41:20 <fungi> no questions from me. did we need to discuss migration timeline now or wait a week? 19:41:54 <mordred> I mean, I'm keen to just do it even without all of those things 19:42:02 <mordred> but people should maybe ignore me 19:42:04 <clarkb> mordred: ya part of me thinks that may help snowball the process 19:42:11 <clarkb> mordred: but those features sound usefull too :) 19:42:11 <fungi> we could just migrate everything while jeblair's away, to keep him on his toes 19:42:18 <anteaya> ha ha ha 19:42:23 <anteaya> that makes him happy 19:42:40 <pleia2> hehe 19:42:48 <krotscheck> Hey, I’m just building the tools. Using them for good or ill is up to you crazy people :D 19:42:50 <mordred> he has to be expecting SOMETHING big 19:42:54 * krotscheck suggests a vote :D 19:43:45 <fungi> #vote Migrate any infra project bugs to Storyboard this week? none, some, zomgeverything 19:44:00 <fungi> er, i always forget the syntax 19:44:08 <anteaya> #vote some 19:44:19 <clarkb> you want startvote 19:44:23 <fungi> #startvote Migrate any infra project bugs to Storyboard this week? none, some, zomgeverything 19:44:24 <openstack> Begin voting on: Migrate any infra project bugs to Storyboard this week? Valid vote options are none, some, zomgeverything. 19:44:26 <openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 19:44:37 <anteaya> #vote some 19:44:37 * AJaeger_ abstains 19:44:41 <fungi> yeah, just found our documentation ;) 19:45:06 <fungi> #vote none 19:45:08 * krotscheck none 19:45:11 * nibalizer abstains 19:45:12 <krotscheck> #vote none 19:45:18 <fungi> i'd like to see how much further the featureset comes first 19:45:21 <krotscheck> The world won’t end if we wait a week. 19:45:27 <clarkb> #vote none 19:45:29 <pleia2> #vote none 19:45:30 <clarkb> you guys have convinced me 19:45:39 * anteaya is out on the cliff dancing alone 19:46:02 <pleia2> anteaya: very brave spot :) 19:46:13 <anteaya> and a fool sometimes too 19:46:24 <anteaya> but the view is awesome 19:46:33 <pleia2> I know jeblair wants them mvoed soon, another bug day with lp might kill him 19:46:58 <anteaya> we could vote on which thing jeblair would hate more 19:47:04 <fungi> last call 19:47:08 <mordred> #vote zomgeverything 19:47:13 <mordred> just for completeness 19:47:16 <lifeless> #vote vote 19:47:17 <fungi> awesome 19:47:17 <openstack> lifeless: vote is not a valid option. Valid options are none, some, zomgeverything. 19:47:30 <SergeyLukjanov> #vote none 19:47:33 <krotscheck> Oh, forget it. 19:47:36 * anteaya sees mordred far ahead in the distance, dancing on clouds 19:47:38 <krotscheck> #vote zomgeverything 19:47:47 <krotscheck> Because, really, what could possibly go wrong. 19:47:51 <mordred> BOOM! 19:47:52 <krotscheck> (tm) 19:47:57 <fungi> #endvote 19:47:57 <openstack> Voted on "Migrate any infra project bugs to Storyboard this week?" Results are 19:47:58 <openstack> zomgeverything (2): mordred, krotscheck 19:47:59 <openstack> none (4): SergeyLukjanov, pleia2, fungi, clarkb 19:48:00 <openstack> some (1): anteaya 19:48:18 <anteaya> SergeyLukjanov is here? 19:48:23 <anteaya> there you are 19:48:32 <fungi> okay, so let's revisit next week and see if we think we have cycles to give it a shot 19:48:49 <SergeyLukjanov> anteaya, yup, trying to be here 19:48:52 <anteaya> cool 19:48:53 <fungi> #topic Havana EOL (fungi) 19:48:57 <anteaya> yay 19:49:01 <pleia2> nice work fungi \o/ 19:49:07 <AJaeger_> indeed 19:49:14 <clarkb> ++ 19:49:18 <fungi> pubic service announcement: havana is dead 19:49:23 <fungi> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-announce/2014-September/000286.html 19:49:53 <mordred> yay!!! 19:50:06 <fungi> keep an eye out for any unanticipated breakage, but i plan to delete the stable/havana branches of official projects listed in that announcement later today 19:50:18 <anteaya> cool 19:50:52 <fungi> i'm thinking we might want to defer cleanup of devstack/grenade/devstack-gate until we're ready to add juno to them. otherwise we lose some (particularly grenade-specific) logic in the scripts 19:51:03 <anteaya> agreed 19:51:08 <fungi> but the jobs are no longer running and have been removed from our configuration 19:51:26 <fungi> #topic How should 3rd party ci leverage new project-config? fork? branch? don't directly, just as reference? (asselin, 2nd half of meeting) 19:51:41 <anteaya> asselin: you here? 19:51:44 <asselin> Hi, that's my question 19:51:45 <fungi> asselin: you don't have much time left, but you're welcome to 8 minutes anyway ;) 19:51:47 <anteaya> yay 19:51:56 <krtaylor> go asselin ! 19:52:20 <asselin> so I'm looking at project-config, and not sure how best to leverage for third party ci 19:52:46 <mordred> asselin: which sorts of things do you think make sense for you in 3rd party land? jjb templates? 19:52:50 <asselin> fork it? create my own branch to store my 'private' jobs, or ?? 19:53:21 <mordred> like, are you wanting all of the infra jobs plus some jobs of your own? 19:53:33 * mordred wants to understand which pieces are compelling to leverage 19:53:46 <asselin> honestly, I was hoping to see if I can use project-config as a template to hook into the rest of the infra-config. i.e. to help setup zuul, nodepool, etc. 19:54:13 <asselin> sot he piece is really the layout, and maybe some of the scripts. 19:54:29 <mordred> gotcha. 19:54:40 <nibalizer> asselin: are you also running the openstack jobs, or totally your own tests? 19:54:56 <adalbas> asselin. i had a similar impression 19:54:59 <asselin> basically my own (copied and modified from openstack) 19:55:00 <mordred> I wonder if having a third-party-project-config repo which contains stuff that third parties would want makes sense 19:55:10 <fungi> i think maintaining a (very loose) fork is probably going to work best. the codiest bits are the nodepool prep scripts, dib elements, and jenkins slave scripts. maybe also some job definitions/templates/macros 19:55:13 <anteaya> mordred: it does to me 19:55:26 <adalbas> mordred, i think it would 19:55:35 <pleia2> I spoke with hogepodge last week and he said he was interested in making things more consumable for third party ci folks 19:55:36 <anteaya> can we fork it into a third party config repo 19:55:46 <pleia2> I can follow up with him to help out 19:56:13 <anteaya> it would help give a single point of focus 19:56:19 <fungi> i need to convince hogepodge to lurk in all the channels, now that he's at the foundation 19:56:20 <pleia2> anteaya: yeah 19:56:24 <anteaya> folks are trying hard to do the right thing 19:56:26 <krtaylor> we discussed that a few weeks ago ++ from me 19:56:28 <pleia2> fungi: yeah, he's in -infra but not here :) 19:56:38 <anteaya> they just get conflicting advice on what that is 19:56:51 <adalbas> anteaya, one point i have is that sometimes we need a hybrid of both upstream and our own scripts 19:56:52 <anteaya> so having one repo would really help everyone 19:57:05 <adalbas> so we would need both repositories, not only a fork 19:57:07 <anteaya> we need a place to hook in then 19:57:16 <wenlock> on forj redstone, general use scripts would certainly be allot better to maintain , +1 for that 19:57:18 <anteaya> so you can use your own scripts 19:57:24 <anteaya> "your scripts go here" 19:57:45 <nibalizer> so my plan for doing that in our 3rd party, is to build a tool that consumes the upstream layout.yaml, our private layout.yaml and generates the combination of both 19:57:58 <mordred> ooh. tools! 19:57:58 <adalbas> anteaya, that could work. or some way to also "override" one of the existing scripts 19:58:00 <nibalizer> but i haven't done any of that yet so its just a plan 19:58:05 <anteaya> adalbas: right 19:58:11 * mordred throws fluffy bunny at nibalizer 19:58:13 <anteaya> to minimize the need to fork 19:58:23 <asselin> yes, override is a good word... 19:58:30 <anteaya> and just use the thing, because the thing is designed for you to use 19:58:39 <clarkb> the way you override things is by passing ina different project-cofnig repo 19:59:04 <asselin> clarkb, right...so what's the best way to create your own project-config repo? 19:59:18 <anteaya> almost at time 19:59:26 <fungi> yeah 19:59:41 <krtaylor> but we want to stay as close to upstream as possible, a new repo becomes a problem 19:59:42 <anteaya> so maybe go around again 19:59:42 <asselin> ok, seems there's no answer, so I'll play around with it a bit. 19:59:42 <fungi> we can continue this in #openstack-infra, as usual 19:59:51 <anteaya> since I sense agreement in principle 20:00:00 <clarkb> the project-config split was done to facilitate all of this. all you should need to do is put your additional/different scripts in a repo that looks like project-config 20:00:00 <fungi> thanks everybody! 20:00:03 <fungi> #endmeeting