19:06:00 <jeblair> #startmeeting infra 19:06:01 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 27 19:06:00 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:06:03 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:06:05 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:06:15 <cody-somerville> \o 19:06:26 <jeblair> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 19:06:55 <jeblair> #link previous meeting http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-01-20-19.02.html 19:07:14 <asselin_> hi 19:07:20 <krtaylor> o/ 19:07:24 <mmedvede__> o/ 19:07:29 <jeblair> #topic libc CVE reboot 19:07:52 <jeblair> so first, as a public service announcement, we are in the process of rebooting all of our affected hosts due to a vulnerability in libc 19:08:14 <jeblair> we've completed nearly all of the hosts running precise, and are awaiting updated packages for our centos hosts 19:08:23 <jeblair> trusty is apparently not affected 19:09:00 <clarkb> have we confirmed that? I know I inferred it because it didn't have new packages yet 19:09:41 <pleia2> the security announcement said only 10.04 and 12.04 were impacted 19:09:47 <pleia2> http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2485-1/ 19:09:54 <nibalizer> the cve said that it was fixed but the security implications were not recognized at that time 19:10:16 <fungi> right, patch to fix it landed a couple years ago 19:10:20 <clarkb> oh good usn has it now 19:10:22 <jeblair> so it seems plausible that the version in trusty is simply new enough. i have not indepedently confirmed that 19:10:41 <clarkb> I see so thats nice 19:10:46 <pleia2> yep 19:10:50 <clarkb> we should probably put more effort into the tusty all the things effort 19:11:26 <jeblair> clarkb: maybe? but i don't think this is a reason to do so 19:12:12 <clarkb> jeblair: ya this particular thing isn't a reason, but it does illustrate why having newer packages can be a good thing 19:12:28 <fungi> we could just as easily be faced next time with a bug which was only present on trusty 19:12:34 <clarkb> yup 19:12:51 <jeblair> clarkb: in this case, yes, but quite often older packages are too old to have new bugs. things fall on both sides of the knife 19:13:11 <fungi> if anything, newly-introduced security vulnerabilities are much more frequent than long-fixed newly-discovered ones 19:13:21 <jeblair> so, yeah, we should move to trusty because it will be supported further in the future than precise 19:13:46 <fungi> which we are doing, here and there at least 19:13:55 <jeblair> #topic Schedule next project renames 19:14:14 <fungi> i'm open this weekend, or on friday if we want to do a friday afternoon thing 19:14:22 <jeblair> we still only have attic moves, but some have been pending for a while 19:14:37 <clarkb> I can do saturday or friday but sunday is MURICA day lite 19:14:45 <clarkb> I will be watching football and smoking meat 19:14:48 <anteaya> I know annegent_ was asking about the ones she is advocating for 19:15:14 <annegent_> please don't let sportsball stop you :) 19:16:18 <fungi> indeed, i had forgotten. the joys of not watching commercial television 19:16:39 <jeblair> friday then? 19:16:43 <clarkb> wfm 19:16:50 <fungi> sure 19:17:04 <fungi> 1900 utc? earlier? later? 19:17:47 <jeblair> 1900 wfm 19:17:51 <clarkb> 1900 wfm 19:18:08 <jeblair> #agreed rename gerrit projects at 1900utc friday jan 30 19:18:25 <jeblair> i'll send the email 19:18:50 <jeblair> #topic Priority Efforts (Swift logs) 19:19:20 <clarkb> I haven't seen jhesketh this morning so I can update here 19:19:49 <clarkb> jhesketh wrote a change to look for a magic number in the console log to know when the console log is complete when uploading to swift 19:20:17 <clarkb> unfortunately it went into an infinite loop because jenkins didn't appear to serve any additional bytes on top of what it originally served 19:20:45 <clarkb> current workaround for that is to try 20 wget attempts and upload whatever it gets at that point. still need to figure out why it wasn't serving any more data thouhg 19:21:05 <clarkb> the other thing that went in recently was better index file generation you should start seeing that today on swift logged logs. 19:21:08 <jeblair> that is highly weird 19:21:32 <fungi> wondering if there's a jetty-side cache or something 19:21:38 <clarkb> ya din't get much time to debug it last night and now libc. Hopefully we can figure it out soon 19:21:52 <jeblair> clarkb, jhesketh: thanks! :) 19:21:53 <fungi> didn't seem to be apache causing it at any rate 19:22:11 <jeblair> #topic Priority Efforts (Puppet module split) 19:22:19 <jeblair> Reminder for Sprint: Wednesday January 28, 2015 at 1500 UTC 19:22:35 <fungi> for those without calendars, that's TOMORROW! 19:22:57 <jeblair> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/VirtualSprints#Schedule_of_Upcoming_OpenStack_Virtual_Sprints 19:23:02 <jeblair> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/puppet-module-split-sprint 19:23:09 <jeblair> please sign up on the etherpad ^ 19:23:17 <jeblair> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:module-split+status:open,n,z 19:23:43 <asselin_> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/302 19:23:49 <asselin_> Remember to add yourself here too ^^ 19:23:55 <asselin_> link is in etherpad 19:24:19 <jeblair> asselin_: thanks for your prep work! 19:24:38 <asselin_> jeblair, you're welcome 19:25:12 <fungi> i'm looking forward to reviewing (and possibly breaking/troubleshooting) all the things 19:25:19 <jeblair> and we'll see everyone tomorrow and hopefully end the day with a bunch of new gerrit repos :) 19:25:19 <nibalizer> \o/ 19:25:23 <clarkb> should be good fun 19:25:36 <jeblair> #topic Priority Efforts (Nodepool DIB) 19:25:53 <clarkb> no updates since last week on this. I was out most of last week. 19:26:03 <jeblair> mordred: anything blocking you? 19:26:14 <clarkb> I did however notice rax snapshot image builds for centos and precise were broken so that should be sorted with the next round of rebuilds 19:26:15 <mordred> I mean 19:26:19 <mordred> other than openstack? 19:26:21 <jeblair> mordred: anything we can help with? :) 19:26:34 <mordred> jeblair: keep me from killing our cloud providers out of rage? 19:26:43 <mordred> jeblair: I'm honestly getting quite close, which is why I'm ragey 19:27:03 <mordred> but I've discovered a new way in which the rackspace catalog is broken but current tools have been hiding it 19:27:30 <clarkb> I hope to start work on moving away from unittest specific slaves as soon as the fires go away. I really don't know what the scope of that work is yet though (do we do it for stable branches? etc) 19:27:41 <mordred> oh - also - any infra-core who isn't watching the shade repo for reviews please do 19:27:47 <fungi> gotta love breakage swept under the rug by tooling 19:28:16 <jeblair> mordred: and anyone with an interest in nodepool 19:28:20 <mordred> I'm hoping to have a first-pass nodepool patch up today 19:28:41 <fungi> clarkb: i'm guessing it's coming up with a new job macro which installs the additional packages we don't install on the devstack workers 19:28:43 <jeblair> since we want to have shade be good enough to present a sensible interface to nodepool 19:28:43 <mordred> it will not work - but will be something worth commenting on approach with 19:28:43 <yolanda> mordred, i've been taking a look at that shade project. Mostly i'm missing tests , but maybe is that at an early stage? 19:28:59 <mordred> yolanda: yes - it's massively missing tests ... I'd love help :) 19:29:19 <clarkb> fungi: ya which is a non trivial set. which means we need to cache on the images first, etc 19:29:23 <mordred> however - I have a question for folks on that ... 19:29:30 <fungi> clarkb: yep 19:29:34 <clarkb> fungi: since devstack isn't exactly the set of things you need 19:29:39 <mordred> any thoughts on how to test that interactions with rackspace and hp public clouds as they exist in the wild work? 19:29:54 <mordred> because I can test against devstack all day long without surfacing any of the issues we've been battling lately 19:29:57 <clarkb> mordred: spin up a nodepool 19:30:00 <fungi> mordred: we could do it pretty easily with flaky jobs 19:30:07 <clarkb> mordred: or do ou mean generally? 19:30:11 <mordred> I mean generally 19:30:18 <fungi> false negative rate would be pretty high 19:30:28 <mordred> like, how do I functionally test shade to tell that it works with the real public clouds 19:30:32 <yolanda> mordred, have testing accounts on that providers and launch tests against them instead of fake providers? 19:30:42 <mordred> I suppose a set of massive fakes that return manually grabbed data as the clouds return it? 19:31:05 <nibalizer> puppet does that kind of testing, it turns into a massive workpile whenever the universe changes 19:31:12 <jeblair> mordred: have you seen mimic? https://github.com/rackerlabs/mimic 19:31:28 <jeblair> mordred: glyph mentioned it to me a while ago 19:31:39 <mordred> neat! 19:31:43 <mordred> maybe we shodl use that 19:31:50 <mordred> I wonder if it's bug-for-bug compatible with rax? 19:32:12 <jeblair> mordred: heh, yeah, there's a thought. :) 19:32:17 <jeblair> "Mimic is an API-compatible mock service for Openstack Compute and Rackspace's implementation of Identity and Cloud Load balancers. It is backed by in-memory data structure rather than a potentially expensive database." 19:32:40 <mordred> worth looking at 19:32:57 <jeblair> i'm kind of divided on this -- part of me is like "why is the word rackspace in there, why can't we have nice openstack things" but then, part of me says "hey, it's an implementation, it still may be worth testing against as-is" 19:33:15 <jeblair> since, after all, we _actually_ want to use shade with rackspace :) 19:33:27 <mordred> yah 19:33:31 <mordred> that's kinda where I'm at 19:33:45 <mordred> that rackspace may or may not be an openstack at this point is not the point 19:33:56 <mordred> the point is that it's one of my clouds and I need to use it 19:34:31 <jeblair> of course, if we have to write a patch to mimic to enable an hpcloud weirdness, that will be... instructive 19:34:52 <jeblair> or even a normal openstack behavior that rackspace doesn't exhibit 19:35:03 <yolanda> jeblair, mordred, and how can you be aware of any weirdness? 19:35:03 <mordred> yah. well, I'd hope we can do that with devstack 19:35:12 <mordred> yolanda: when it breaks my local tests :) 19:35:22 <yolanda> empiric testing :) 19:35:26 <mordred> I currently test with a set of very bad scripts in my homedir that I point at rax and hp accounts 19:35:56 <jeblair> mordred, yolanda: so maybe shade should have a test against devstack using a dsvm node, and a test against mimic 19:36:01 <mordred> jeblair: +1000 19:36:52 <jeblair> so, land of opportunity here :) 19:36:59 <jeblair> anything else on nodepool dib? 19:37:06 <clarkb> not from me 19:37:20 <jeblair> #topic Priority Efforts (Jobs on trusty) 19:37:49 <fungi> dhellmann has graciously started a thread on disabling py3k gating for oslo.messaging and oslo.rootwrap 19:37:55 <fungi> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-January/055270.html 19:38:03 <fungi> so far discussion seems to be accepting 19:38:14 <mordred> yay 19:38:16 <clarkb> I have pointed them at the bugs in question and answered a couple of the things that came up 19:38:22 <fungi> if there are no major concerns raised by friday, we can go ahead and cut over 19:38:55 <fungi> i was running a full recheck of all the projects currently successfully gating on 3.3 against 3.4 but lost my held nodes in the great reboot of 2015 19:39:05 <fungi> so in the process of restarting them right now 19:39:23 <jeblair> whoopsie 19:39:36 <fungi> but will know before the day is out if there are any new projects which are failing and have slipped through the cracks 19:39:43 <nibalizer> fungi: did you reboot the servers or just restart services? 19:39:55 <fungi> and plan to go ahead and whip up the change to switch them later this week 19:40:14 <fungi> nibalizer: we rebooted all ubuntu precise servers after updating glibc on them 19:40:36 * nibalizer nods 19:40:47 <fungi> anyway, nothing new on that front otherwise 19:40:59 <jeblair> fungi: thanks, progress! 19:41:00 <jeblair> #topic Priority Efforts (Zanata) 19:41:08 <fungi> eta on getting fixed python 3.4 in trusty seems to be sometime in march probabkly 19:41:17 <jeblair> pleia2: anything we can unblock? 19:41:50 <pleia2> I don't think so, just sorting out dependency issues now 19:41:59 <pleia2> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/147947/ 19:42:08 <clarkb> pleia2: I said I would review when in a layover thengot distracted by image building and things 19:42:16 <clarkb> pleia2: will try to review that change sometime this week 19:42:32 <pleia2> I'll make a note in the review about what the order should be 19:43:00 <jeblair> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/147947/ 19:43:32 <jeblair> #topic Options for procedural -2 (jeblair) 19:43:51 <jeblair> zaro: have you had a chance to look at the current status of the wip plugin? 19:44:12 <zaro> jeblair: sorry, i have not. will do this week for sure 19:44:21 <jeblair> zaro: thanks! 19:45:13 <jeblair> #action zaro look into the current status of the wip plugin and find out if it is ready for use in gerrit 2.9 and could be used for procedural -2 19:45:24 <jeblair> #topic Upgrading Gerrit (zaro) 19:45:52 <zaro> zuul-dev is still in a broken state. need it working to continue testing. 19:45:57 <fungi> we've got an ubuntu trusty review-dev built 19:46:01 <zaro> fungi: says he's gonna take a look. 19:46:04 <jeblair> what do we need to do to fix zuul-dev? 19:46:15 <fungi> and yeah, i'm looking at zuul-dev errors this afternoon 19:46:32 <jeblair> ok. so we're at "identify problem" stage with zuul-dev 19:46:32 <zaro> i think something wrong with apache setup. 19:46:32 <fungi> i assume the idea is to test gerrit 2.9.x with zuul 19:46:52 <zaro> yes, that is the purpose 19:47:01 <clarkb> note 2.10 just released right? is it worth moving the target for any features we want/need? 19:47:03 <jeblair> zaro: you can run your own zuul locally to test 19:47:08 <fungi> it's almost certainly just apache 2.4 syntax issues with the vhost config 19:47:14 <jeblair> that's actually usually what i do 19:47:16 <clarkb> if not I don't think we go to 2.10 simply because its there 19:47:21 <fungi> but i haven't looked yet 19:47:22 <jeblair> i usually reserve zuul-dev for testing zuul 19:47:34 <zaro> jeblair: yes, but need to fix zuul-dev anyway right? 19:48:01 <zaro> yeah, i would hold off on 2.10 until users get to 'break it in' 19:48:07 <jeblair> zaro: i mean, it wouldn't hurt, but i don't think we need to block the gerrit upgrade on it 19:49:14 <jeblair> #topic Open discussion 19:49:23 <zaro> understood. i may take that route. 19:50:46 <pleia2> nibalizer and I are presenting at fosdem on bits of infra this weekend (so airplanes and things coming up) 19:51:03 <mordred> pleia2: enjoy! 19:51:10 <mordred> pleia2: also, don't forget to drink ALL THE BEER 19:51:11 <fungi> hoping to hack on a nodepool bare-debian dib image later this week or next to see if we can run all our python 3.4 jobs successfully on it, and then that opens us up to be able to test other things on debian if we like 19:51:26 <pleia2> mordred :D 19:51:39 <jeblair> pleia2, nibalizer: yay! let us know if there's a video 19:51:43 <jeblair> fungi: ++ 19:51:54 <pleia2> will do 19:51:57 <anteaya> pleia2: safe travels 19:52:00 <anteaya> nibalizer: youtoo 19:52:06 <nibalizer> thanks 19:52:13 <fungi> best of luck on your presentations. break several legs or something 19:52:17 <clarkb> also eat at toukoul 19:52:19 <nibalizer> :D 19:52:50 <nibalizer> i'll be at the puppet contributor summit after fosdem, so can bring up bugs directly with developers, if we have any nonstandard ones lingering 19:52:52 <fungi> remember to remind the entire audience that we need them to come hack on and review our code ;_ 19:53:21 <zaro> looks like proposal to add a seperate notification channel in gerrit is dead: https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/63259 19:53:46 <zaro> not sure if we want to do anything further to get it upstream? 19:54:05 <fungi> that's unfortunate 19:55:20 <fungi> i'm not quite following why sven abandoned that change 19:55:39 <fungi> it seemed to be active as of yesterday 19:56:09 <zaro> i think he's basically thinks that it's fruitless to continue. 19:56:27 <clarkb> dave borowitz does seem to shoot it down pretty hard with comments yesterday 19:56:51 <jeblair> he also said 2 weeks ago "I'm glad this feature is getting implemented." 19:56:57 <fungi> https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/58283 seems to still be open though 19:57:14 <fungi> looks like maybe it's just continying there? 19:57:17 <fungi> er, continuing 19:57:23 <zaro> it's just the same change. sven only split it up into multiple changes. 19:58:05 <zaro> 58283 was the one i worked on with David O. such wasted effort. 19:59:19 <zaro> 58283 was the original change, it was too big so sven split it up into 4 smaller changes. 6259 is one of the smaller change. 19:59:21 <jeblair> it seems like the gist of dave borowitz's comments were about the specificity of the data 19:59:45 <jeblair> zaro: perhaps you could discuss with dave what kind of data he would be comfortable having in the db 20:00:07 <jeblair> zaro: because i don't think we need everything in there -- job name, result, and link are pretty universal 20:01:21 <jeblair> and even his last comment is a suggestion 20:01:45 <jeblair> zaro: anyway, i hope you find a way to continue, and thanks for trying regardless 20:01:59 <jeblair> we're out of time, thanks everyone 20:02:00 <jeblair> #endmeeting