19:02:22 #startmeeting infra 19:02:23 Meeting started Tue Jun 23 19:02:22 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:24 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:02:26 The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:02:27 o/ 19:02:30 #link agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 19:02:31 #link previous meeting http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-06-16-19.02.html 19:02:36 #topic Announcements 19:02:58 o/ 19:03:01 i have some announcements regarding core group changes 19:03:08 #info adding greghaynes to glean-core 19:03:11 exciting! 19:03:17 greghaynes is basically the co-author of glean; i think we're all kind of hoping it doesn't actually get any more patches 19:03:23 but in case someone want to add a new test, it will be nice for greg to be able to say "yes" 19:03:27 o/ 19:03:30 or "no" if someone wants to add a new feature 19:03:32 ;) 19:03:38 NO 19:03:44 just practicing 19:03:48 or if the stars align and we get to delete some code from it 19:03:49 mordred: thank you for demonstrating 19:04:04 fungi: a world of possibilities i didn't even consider! 19:04:19 #info adding nibalizer, yolanda to infra-puppet core 19:04:25 just as soon as i update my script to set up that group correctly 19:04:31 they have been doing great work on these puppet modules and i've been heavily weighing their input for a while 19:04:56 yay! 19:05:03 try not to break everything, at least until we get the func testing in place... then i guess it's okay ;) 19:05:10 awesome, thanks 19:05:32 #topic Specs approval 19:05:35 yep, i can't wait do fewer reviews of those repos ;) 19:05:38 o/ 19:05:40 hehe 19:05:44 first some specs that we should work on reviewing this week to get them ready for final approval 19:05:51 #link ci watch spec: https://review.openstack.org/192253 19:05:54 sdague has asked that we try to get agreement on this quickly; he is out next week, so if we can review/iterate on this this week, and get it on the schedule for next week, that would be good 19:05:55 oo yay im getting core 19:06:13 greghaynes: don't spend it all in one place 19:06:20 :) 19:06:22 o/ 19:07:01 jeblair: also, a question in there about technology choices, because I think a couple of folks would start hacking on prototypes if we knew where preferences were 19:07:16 * tchaypo waves 19:07:30 cool; i have not had a chance to look at it yet, but hope to today 19:07:39 ok 19:08:06 there are a number of other specs in the queue that are probably getting close 19:08:15 #link stackalytics spec: https://review.openstack.org/187715 19:08:42 i think re refstack crowd were also at the point where they're looking for final feedback 19:08:47 that one seems to be getting into shape; i'm a little concerned that we're not hearing as much from mirantis as i hoped 19:08:48 er, the 19:09:11 maybe SergeyLukjanov is busy? 19:09:21 ahh, yeah SergeyLukjanov was going to check back in with mirantis marketing 19:09:34 o/ 19:09:46 yup, we'd like to move forward on the spec as soon as we can 19:10:04 hogepodge: stackalytics or refstack? 19:10:17 * fungi hopes the answer is "both!" 19:10:23 ok, refstack, I jumped ahead. 19:10:29 ok, it's up next 19:11:37 anyway, we can proceed with _hosting_ stackalytics at stackalytics.o.o if we want; i'd prefer to have mirantis folks on-board though 19:12:14 should we try to ping SergeyLukjanov this week, and if he's too busy, find another contact? 19:12:36 that seems reasonable 19:12:38 Yea - they seemed like they had some requests for its usage there so they definitely need to be on board 19:12:47 ++ 19:13:03 perhaps one or more of the current stackalytics core reviewers would be good contacts on this 19:13:16 ya 19:13:35 pabelanger: let's try to track them down 19:14:01 anything else before we move on to approvals? 19:14:16 jeblair, sounds good 19:14:25 #topic Specs approval: RefStack Site Hosting (hogepodge, davidlenwell) 19:14:33 o/ 19:14:33 #link refstack site hosting spec https://review.openstack.org/188207 19:15:01 this seems to be ready for a vote yeah? 19:15:19 is there/win 22 19:15:22 I had a browse yesterday afternoon, looking good 19:15:27 some late minor revisions yesterday, but i don't think it's changed greatly in a while 19:15:42 * gothicmindfood "whoopses" 19:15:47 we had discussed whether to split api and ui across two domains 19:16:14 i think that can still happen later if it turns out to be needed 19:16:18 yesterday the team voted to use only one, in part to ease transition to refstack.openstack.org if that was in the cards for the future 19:16:57 co-hosting them on one server is probably simplest to start, and renders the question of how we'll tackle two https vhosts on one server moot 19:17:24 yeah, i think we can accomplish two if needed, but it should be done with some thought 19:17:47 so if we don't need it, sounds good to me 19:17:58 any concerns or comments, or should we open it for voting? 19:18:03 we're flexible.. wanted to make it easier for you guys 19:18:14 er, ch-hosting them in one vhost/at one dns name 19:18:38 i have no objections 19:19:02 #info refstack site hosting spec voting open until 2015-06-25 19:00 UTC 19:19:12 #topic Schedule Project Renames 19:19:26 we have one; i think we should wait for more :) 19:19:27 so soon? seems like we _just_ did this... ;) 19:19:56 fungi: you love it 19:20:06 morganfainberg: didn't keystone have one coming up for rename too? 19:20:16 maybe we can batch them once that's confirmed 19:20:32 * mordred hands fungi a wetter-than-normal +2 aardvark of renaming 19:20:58 #agreed wait for more renames and batch 19:21:00 #topic Priority Efforts (Migration to Zanata) 19:21:04 * fungi wonders what the critical hit roll is for that aardvark 19:21:22 so I'm stopped at how we handle infra-controlled service accounts in openstackid 19:21:46 I'll stash auth data in hiera, but we need an account associated with these kinds of things for openstackid itself 19:22:17 pleia2: after i saw the details, that this is just for authenticating a bot to push stuff into zanata, i think the easy way out (an account for hostmaster@o.o or something) is likely fine 19:22:47 fungi: we have a special role field for the account, we can set to a custom value too 19:23:01 mrmartin: oh, that's even better 19:23:20 in order to get an id, we need to do https://www.openstack.org/join/register 19:23:34 but it's a bot 19:23:50 fungi, pleia2: the infra-root@openstack account has a number of aliases, we can add 'translate@' if we want 19:23:55 we have the 'Group' table for that, and a 'Group_Members' table to assign groups to accounts 19:24:11 jeblair: wfm 19:24:21 mrmartin: so should we start by registering through the web like a normal user, or should we create it entirely behind-the-scenes? 19:24:29 jeblair: exactly 19:24:31 jeblair: that seems safer, agreed. reusing the same one for multiple services leads to trust boundary issues 19:24:39 mrmartin: er, which? 19:24:39 mrmartin: er, which one? 19:24:44 and add the Group manually both for openstackid-dev and openstack.o.o 19:25:06 and I guess on the admin interface - I saw it once - you can assign the custom role to the manually registered profile 19:25:09 ok, so register like a normal user, and then make some behind the scenes tweaks 19:25:13 yeap 19:25:37 #action jeblair set up translate@o.o infra-root alias 19:25:40 ok, so let's set up a translate@ alias and then I'll sign up with that 19:25:41 oh, admin interface. i don't think i've got access to the admin interface 19:25:46 and if we set properly the group assignment, we can filter out who is a human or who is a bot 19:25:47 :) 19:25:47 didn't realize it had one ;) 19:26:04 #action pleia2 sign up translate@ openstackid account 19:26:47 fungi: I guess the admin was integrated into openstack.org originally 19:26:55 aside from that, I fixed a restart bug in our puppet module and StevenK's zanata scripts have landed (just need account to hook into), so we're on track to deliver testing version to the translators in the beginning of july (probably after the 4th) 19:26:58 mrmartin: makes sense 19:27:20 #action fungi mrmartin pleia2 investigate "admin interface" for openstack id, get service account group assigned somehow 19:27:32 o/ 19:27:39 pleia2: let's celebrate with fireworks! 19:27:44 :D 19:28:06 it's that time of year where tourists on vacation are setting off fireworks every night here. starting to get on my nerves 19:28:28 let's celebrate with beer ;_ 19:28:37 fungi: you should retaliate with your own explosives 19:28:38 we don't have fireworks here, so we can exchange for a week 19:28:51 airbnb.openstack.org 19:28:56 hah 19:28:57 sorry 19:29:06 nice :) 19:29:07 #topic Hosting for Manila service image (u_glide, bswartz) 19:29:22 oh wait 19:29:26 this was left over from last time wasn't it 19:29:27 thos was from last week 19:29:30 this 19:29:34 #topic Open discussion 19:29:38 i think they havea way forward now 19:29:42 yep 19:29:59 fungi: do you have some info about this resource-server split-out from openstackid? 19:31:06 mrmartin: there's an open review smarcet proposed 19:31:12 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/178853/ 19:31:13 I guess we need to set up a separate instance to serve this new endpoint, maybe with all the things, including SSL, etc. 19:31:19 jeblair: greghaynes and SpamapS and I have a phone call on thursday with HP humans about the networking for infra-cloud 19:31:24 right, that would be next 19:31:27 mordred: horray 19:31:34 do we need a spec for that? 19:32:02 mrmartin: probably not unless it needs a whole separate puppet module, but i'll defer to jeblair on that 19:32:26 jeblair: we had talked about discussing hand-off of things like the infra-cloud servers from non-root to infra-root.. 19:32:35 mrmartin: the way i see it, there's code which is running on openstackid.org which we'd rather not run there, so it's moving to a second server using the same basic framework 19:33:01 mrmartin: and it already has a git repo, and the existing puppet module can probably just grow a class for the resource server 19:33:12 fungi: yeap, I did a test on the openstackid code with the removed resource server things, and it was working 19:33:29 https://review.openstack.org/178854 19:33:40 I think grafana.o.o is almost ready to be stood up. Could use some guidance on the current state of the puppet module. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/179208/ 19:33:54 currently the only manual task right now is to create an api_key in admin GUI 19:33:56 mrmartin: awesome. i missed that one 19:33:58 for grafyaml 19:34:15 can't figure out hashing of key in database ATM :( 19:34:24 so, manually injection won't work right now 19:34:27 fungi, mrmartin: agreed 19:34:49 SpamapS: yeah, let's talk about the infra-cloud thing for a minute 19:35:07 SpamapS: what needs to be handed off? 19:35:46 jeblair: I think the question is are we going to have the infra rooters do a full redeploy before it goes 'live' 19:36:02 jeblair: what he said 19:36:57 redeploy of the initial host? 19:37:01 (or hosts?) 19:37:02 jeblair: if its fine to just hand it to infra-root with a local hiera with 'nopassword' in all the secret slots, I'm fine w/ that too. Just not sure how pedantic we want to be about privileges given that these aren't vms you can burn easily. 19:38:29 how smooth (and fast) is a full redeploy at this point? 19:38:40 not enough data 19:39:04 i still don't know what we're talking about here, sorry. 19:39:09 can we stash ongoing documentation for the work you're doing somewhere (even if it's an etherpad?) 19:39:20 I can probably re-deploy the initial hardware-cloud node with a bare OS in 30 minutes. No idea how long it will take to morph it into a working cloud though. 19:39:24 it's not clear to me what specific moving parts are involved ehre 19:39:26 here 19:39:44 let's just see if we can manage to get on the same page talking to each other in irc first :) 19:39:45 jeblair: the concern is if we stand up infra-cloud, then just swap keys to the infra-rooter key, theres no guarantee of whether or not we have access or what code we put on those boxes 19:40:05 greghaynes: right, i'm just not sure exactly what things we're talking about 19:40:14 we have no puppet manifests or anything written yet 19:40:30 are we talking about what's needed to stand up the initial server, or the cloud itself, or what? 19:40:39 so as a starting point... there's a (maybe multiple?) bastion host accessible from the internet via ssh 19:40:48 sounded like two? 19:40:53 i think we were talking about 2 yes 19:41:34 jeblair: I'm talking about once we write those puppet manifests, and beat the cloud into submission, do you want to re-deploy the whole thing from scratch with only infra-root's credentials? 19:41:39 though actually https://review.openstack.org/180796 says one 19:41:55 fungi: we have one, the plan in the WIP docs is to have two bastion. 19:42:03 oh doh 19:42:09 well we'll fix that. :) 19:42:14 SpamapS: ah yes, absolutely. we want to be able to regularly redeploy the cloud 19:42:37 so i imagine that will involve any of the credentials for that being in our normal secret hiera file 19:42:49 and we run a script to do the deploy 19:42:56 okay, so that bastion exists today and has an operating system on it now and is able to reach a management network for all the rest of the hardware? 19:43:02 so i guess for hand-off, we can just change all those credentials 19:43:03 fungi: yes 19:43:14 Ok, so that means that what we really want is to have the baremetal cloud deploy a copy of itself, and then those two would be the bastions (with only one having all nodes enrolled and used to deploy the whole new cloud). 19:44:05 okay, so a pair of all-in-one control plane "clouds" which manipulate the remaining hardware as ironic instances 19:44:11 yes 19:44:20 how does a baremetal cloud deploy a copy of itself? 19:44:46 I think "copy of itself" is a misnomer 19:44:59 bare-metal-mitosis 19:44:59 I think there are 2 bare metal machines that are networked to the management network 19:45:12 jeblair: it deploys a bare box, and then we deploy a copy of it using our tools. :) 19:45:16 each of them can deploy operating systems to bare metal machines 19:45:25 and on those operating systems, we can run puppet 19:45:38 so, each of them can deploy an operating system to the other as well 19:46:01 mordred: ah, i see. 19:46:03 which means if we need to blow away and re-do either of them, we can use the other to accomplish the task 19:46:18 and one of the systems which we could deploy to a bare metal instance is... another all-in-one control plane 19:46:23 yes 19:46:35 okay, this is starting to make some sense to my poor noodle 19:46:53 SpamapS: can you update https://review.openstack.org/180796 to describe this? 19:47:19 we should really try to land that soon too 19:47:27 right now, SpamapS and greghaynes have logins and root on those machines 19:47:42 yeah I've been letting it languish as I get my hands dirty in a few of the early tasks. :-P 19:47:48 and lo, there must be changes. :) 19:47:59 yeah, it doesn't need to land perfect 19:48:00 once we're happy with the puppet for those machines, I believe we'll want to have infra root redeploy those machines using puppet _without_ SpamapS and greghaynes keys on them 19:48:11 let's try to land our plan, and then make changes to it; it's easier to patch that way :) 19:48:13 mordred: agreed 19:48:26 mordred: yup 19:48:35 and at that point, the next steps will largely be about using the cloud APIs of those clouds to operate the next level - which can have a similar process to go through 19:49:11 but root should no longer be needed on the all-in-ones 19:49:19 also - to be clear - we'll ultimately have 4 of these 19:49:23 2 per data center 19:49:32 right 19:49:34 though also, convincing greghaynes and SpamapS that they _want_ us to put their keys back on there so that they can help us manage those should stay on the table as an option ;) 19:49:40 fungi: :) 19:49:44 ok, all that will go into next patchset of the docs proposal 19:49:49 no take backs 19:49:49 w00t 19:49:59 hehe 19:50:38 SpamapS: crinkle had a great point in her review I really liked 19:50:49 SpamapS: which is that each of those bullet points should have a why 19:51:02 and yes, i agree a full redeploy of everything, if for no reason other than to validate the puppet and documentation, is a necessary step 19:51:08 SpamapS: which is likely SUPER useful so that we can remember why we decided that :) 19:51:09 mordred: ++ 19:51:54 end of infra-cloud topic? 19:51:58 :) 19:52:09 Yep, I think that is good enough for near-term 19:52:15 \o/ 19:52:17 pabelanger: back to your question about grafana: can the api key just be a random string? if so, we can just use openssl to generate it and put it in hiera. 19:52:32 crinkle: excellent point. 19:52:46 pabelanger: we have similarly 'pre-generated password' items for gerrit, etc. 19:53:03 jeblair, issue is grafana does a custom hash / salt of the key. No way to do it externally ATM 19:53:31 hopefully i'll have a first stab at using bindep to pre-cache distro packages uploaded for review 19:53:36 sometime later today 19:53:41 if stuff will stop breaking' 19:54:10 pabelanger: hrm. it would be great if we didn't need a manual two-step installation process for grafana 19:54:37 timrc: ^ maybe you could work with pabelanger on this? 19:54:39 jeblair, agreed. If people can help decode the hash / salt method, we could inject into database for now 19:54:49 pabelanger: is there a tool we can use to generate that password? 19:54:51 also created: https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/2218 just now 19:55:11 fungi, not that I know of. However, we could request upstream for it 19:55:24 pabelanger: is there an example? 19:55:35 jeblair, Hm yeah. I think we just generated a random string and put it in heira, pabelanger 19:55:45 yeah, that could be a solution, if grafana could supply a tool do perform the hashing 19:55:57 timrc, how do you get it into DB? 19:56:13 pabelanger, I think we specified it as a config option. Let me go see. 19:57:02 timrc, possible I over looked something 19:58:40 pabelanger, jeblair http://paste.openstack.org/show/317511/ 19:59:12 do we have a puppet-grafana repo yet? 19:59:14 pabelanger, jeblair Yeah we just created a random hash, threw it in hiera, and passed it down as a param which eventually found its way into the security block of the configuration class. 19:59:35 is this open discussion? anyway, like to work through people's thoughts on -> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/194477/ ; spec to get images closer to the dib ci test so we don't download them over internet 19:59:35 timrc, okay, so you are using the secret_key 19:59:41 let me test that out 20:00:08 jeblair, no, we are consuming an upstream puppet-grafana module directly 20:00:25 ah great 20:00:40 ianw: ack 20:00:44 thanks everyone! 20:00:45 #endmeeting