19:02:31 <jeblair> #startmeeting infra 19:02:32 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 21 19:02:31 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:33 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:02:35 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:02:36 <jeblair> #link agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 19:02:37 <jeblair> #link previous meeting http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-07-14-19.02.html 19:02:51 <jeblair> #topic Specs approval 19:02:55 <jeblair> #topic Specs approval: Host trystack.o.o site 19:02:59 <jeblair> #link host trystack.o.o site spec https://review.openstack.org/195098 19:02:59 <jeblair> #info host trystack.o.o site spec was approved 19:03:11 <jeblair> er, sorry i forgot to push the aprv button on this until today 19:03:26 <jeblair> but it's merged, and specs.o.o will update when we get a node 19:03:45 <pabelanger> danke 19:04:32 <jeblair> i think this is a bad week to schedule renames with so many folks afk 19:05:04 <jeblair> are there any priority-effort related things we should talk about that didn't make the agenda? 19:05:51 <fungi> none spring to mind 19:06:04 <jeblair> #topic Puppet-httpd replacement of puppet-apache (pabelanger/nibalizer) 19:06:21 <nibalizer> so paul has made most if not all of these patches 19:06:34 <nibalizer> im shy to approve them 19:06:49 <nibalizer> since it has the potential to be disruptive 19:07:18 <pabelanger> for the most part, our puppet apply testing looks good 19:07:19 <nibalizer> im wondering how we should go about landing it 19:07:23 <fungi> pabelanger: thanks for working on those! 19:07:40 <pabelanger> but I agree, we should try and merge all in same window 19:08:13 <fungi> is there a review topic they're all under? 19:08:14 <jeblair> this is moving from the old version of puppet-apache to our fork, right? 19:08:18 <nibalizer> im also nervous about lettig these changes age too much and get conflicts etc 19:08:22 <nibalizer> jeblair: correct 19:08:37 <pabelanger> fungi: puppet-httpd 19:08:41 <fungi> pabelanger: thanks 19:08:55 <jeblair> they _should_ be noops, right? 19:09:02 <nibalizer> jeblair: yes 19:09:23 <jeblair> have we landed any of them yet? 19:09:31 <nibalizer> pabelanger: the top of the stack doesnt remove the apache module any more right? 19:09:38 <pabelanger> jeblair: I believe a some have been merged 19:09:40 <pabelanger> let me find one 19:09:48 <fungi> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+topic:puppet-httpd,n,z 19:09:48 <pabelanger> nibalizer: right 19:10:15 <jeblair> looks like etherpad has? 19:10:41 <pabelanger> jeblair: yup 19:10:46 <mmedvede> pabelanger: tangential - I have noticed you use fully qualified 'include ::<class>' on a few patches. Is that a new recommended way to do includes? or necessity for puppet-httpd. I want to know as I was asked to use same style on one of my patches. 19:10:52 <jeblair> huh, that was random, wonder why i approved only that one. ;) 19:11:10 <crinkle> mmedvede: yes that is preferred 19:11:19 <pabelanger> mmedvede: Ya, once we get our puppet-4 gates going, you'll need ::<class> 19:11:43 <mmedvede> crinkle: pabelanger: thank you 19:12:25 <jeblair> i think with the apply testing and at least one demonstrated success, we can probably approve them unscheduled. does that work, or would folks prefer to batch them on friday? 19:12:42 * anteaya has no opinion 19:13:01 <clarkb> unscheduled wfm as long as the approver is able to watch that service 19:13:37 <nibalizer> ya, agree with clark 19:13:41 <pabelanger> I can be around when ever it happens, but agree our puppet-apply testing coverged everything 19:14:04 <fungi> but _do_ keep an eye on puppetboard.o.o after approving, _please_ 19:14:16 <fungi> then they can at least be reverted if they cause issues 19:14:27 <pabelanger> feel free to ping me if any issues come up, I can look into the puppet side 19:14:29 <jeblair> okay cool, approve at will, and soon, then :) 19:15:27 <jeblair> #topic Open discussion 19:15:30 <nibalizer> sweet 19:16:11 <fungi> who's at oscon? pleia2 and i are at a table in the "e" area 19:16:27 <pabelanger> I'd like to talk about fedora22 dibs. For the most part, ianw has done great work getting diskimage-builder updated for it. 19:16:33 <clarkb> I am still at home but will likely wander over later today 19:16:38 <jeblair> drink a beer for me 19:16:39 <pabelanger> I have some puppet chances in our modules that could use some feedback 19:16:47 <fungi> jeblair: i already have, but i'll repeat the exercise 19:16:50 <pabelanger> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/186619/ 19:16:56 <jeblair> fungi: as many as it takes :) 19:17:06 <fungi> absolutely 19:17:08 <AJaeger> fungi: Take some extra for me ;) 19:17:11 <fungi> you got it 19:17:24 <clarkb> pabelanger is there a topic to review? 19:17:36 * anteaya is at the nova mid-cycle 19:17:44 <clarkb> and is the bulk of the work making our puppet v4 compat? 19:17:46 <pabelanger> clarkb: I can use fedora-22 19:18:01 <pabelanger> clarkb: well, for this we really only need changes to puppet-ntp and puppet-jenkins 19:18:07 <fungi> clarkb: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+topic:puppet-httpd,n,z 19:18:34 <fungi> oh, i guess he meant aside from those 19:18:41 <jeblair> yeah, and hopefully we can further reduce/eliminate puppet use on test nodes, but that's later 19:18:43 <pabelanger> but ya, I also wanted to talk about the puppet-4 effort that crinkle is doing, and syncing Gemfile / Rakefiles across our modules. 19:19:02 <pabelanger> If people don't mind the automatation, I want to do something like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/204172/ for all our puppet infra modules 19:19:03 <nibalizer> fungi: pleia2 I'm around pdx but won't be osconning until tomorrow 19:19:15 <pabelanger> should help keep them in sync for our gate checks 19:19:40 <clarkb> syncing gemfiles? 19:19:44 <fungi> pabelanger: speaking of dib and rpm-based platforms, i would love some way to turn on retaining the package cache in the yum element, if you feel like hacking on that. if not, i'll likely get to it in the next week, but right now we're not actually pre-caching any packages on those platforms 19:19:55 <nibalizer> ya something simple to keep the extra bits in the modules synced is ++ 19:20:00 <jeblair> pabelanger: yeah, i'm hoping that after the initial effort, we don't see a lot of churn here 19:20:09 <clarkb> dont these files never change? 19:20:17 <fungi> i _think_ we're caching debs now that my change merged over the weekend, but haven't checked back in on an image to confirm 19:20:24 <pabelanger> clarkb: they are changing now, for our puppet-4 support 19:20:28 <jeblair> clarkb: i think they are changing a bit right now as we enable puppet4 stuff 19:20:30 <nibalizer> clarkb: if we add a new lint-plugin thats a line in our gemfile 19:20:36 <crinkle> they do change sometimes, especially if we need to emergency-pin a gem in the gemfile 19:20:37 <jeblair> but after that's done, i think it would be great if they stopped changing :) 19:20:55 <clarkb> I see 19:20:55 <pabelanger> fungi: sure, I can look into it. Any info about how you want it to look like works for me 19:20:59 <jeblair> if they keep changing, we may want to see if we could do something like 'hacking' 19:21:15 <fungi> pabelanger: something like the envvar toggle that's implemented in the dpkg element 19:21:15 <clarkb> I thibk that is what the commit message should say then 19:21:23 <clarkb> rather than "syncing" 19:21:24 <jeblair> where there is something where we control the release, and that something depends on the rest 19:21:42 <fungi> pabelanger: a lot of it will be up to what the dib reviewers are willing to accept though 19:21:43 <crinkle> i think my preference would be not to automate until it becomes clear that these files are changing at an inconvenient pace 19:22:00 <pabelanger> fungi: okay, I can start looking into it. Expect some more questions from me about it 19:22:02 <clarkb> crinkle +1 19:22:33 <fungi> pabelanger: sure, and if it gets too black magic don't worry about it for now. i'll likely take a stab at it after i'm home from oscon 19:22:42 <pabelanger> okay, so in general people are okay with the sync of the files. If ran locally, then decide the future of the process 19:23:06 <nibalizer> I would like some assurance that the files are identical in all the modules 19:23:12 <nibalizer> but I don't care about the mechanism 19:23:25 <pabelanger> Ya, that is my main reasoning too 19:23:33 * crinkle afk but preference against automation until later is my stance 19:23:36 <pabelanger> to insure we gate the same way for all our puppet modules 19:23:44 <pabelanger> ensure* 19:23:55 <nibalizer> well its easy to write a test that just makes sure all the Gemfile, Rakefile md5s are the same 19:24:12 <nibalizer> i guess that would prevent you from landing a change to one though 19:24:21 * nibalizer shrug, not that big of a deal 19:24:25 <clarkb> it seems like massive overkill for a problem we havent had 19:24:50 <pabelanger> to be fair, we've never needed Gemfiles before 19:24:51 <nibalizer> well it is really annoying when two modules have different lint flags turned on 19:25:03 <nibalizer> thats a Rakefile thing, but its the same principle 19:25:06 <clarkb> we make them match now. then dont change them 19:25:14 <nibalizer> but yea we don't have that problem juts yet 19:25:17 <clarkb> that should be sufficiemr 19:25:49 <pabelanger> well, if we need to add new lint checks, then it has to change. Unless we centralize our lint checks outside of the module 19:26:24 <jeblair> good motivation to avoid frequently adding new lint checks :) 19:27:17 <pabelanger> Ya, only if puppet didn't introduce breaking changes between releases :D 19:27:38 <asselin> o/ 19:27:51 <jesusaurus> i think it would be good to enforce some sort of consistency in the tests across the puppet modules 19:28:20 <jeblair> yeah, i don't think anyone is arguing that we should be inconsistent 19:28:22 <pabelanger> this issue is really driving the sync: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/202884/ 19:28:29 <jeblair> just that a lot of automation in the area is not necessary at the moment 19:28:30 <pabelanger> since puppet 4 breaks on version checks now 19:28:59 <jeblair> so, let's stick with pabelanger's manual sync as we work through the puppet4 thing, and if it's a problem after that is complete, look into it further 19:30:28 <nibalizer> ok 19:30:51 <jeblair> anything else? 19:31:13 * anteaya has nothing else 19:31:27 <fungi> all set here 19:31:33 <pleia2> zanata testing is continuing at a good pace, good support from carlos at zanata 19:31:42 <anteaya> pleia2: yay 19:31:45 <pleia2> that's all really, happy over here 19:31:52 <anteaya> pleia2: wooooo 19:31:53 <jeblair> nifty! 19:32:11 <fungi> excellent 19:32:17 <AJaeger> And StevenK is working nicely on scripts! 19:32:36 <anteaya> yay StevenK 19:33:48 <asselin> for common-ci (downstream-puppet) we just have nodepool & a sample 3rd party script to tie them all together. Almost there! https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/common-ci-sprint 19:34:00 <anteaya> yay asselin 19:34:34 <anteaya> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/common-ci-sprint 19:35:23 <jeblair> cool, i'm going to wrap it up for this week and let oscon folks get back to their beer 19:35:25 <jeblair> thanks everyone! 19:35:30 <jeblair> #endmeeting