19:01:30 <jeblair> #startmeeting infra 19:01:30 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 8 19:01:30 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:01:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:01:41 <jeblair> #link agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 19:01:41 <jeblair> #link previous meeting http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-09-01-19.01.html 19:01:58 <jeblair> #topic Specs approval: Artifact Signing Toolchain (fungi) 19:02:04 <jeblair> #link Artifact Signing Toolchain https://review.openstack.org/213295 19:02:23 <mordred> o/ 19:02:24 <jhesketh> o/ 19:02:25 <jeblair> fungi warned us this would be coming up this week :) 19:02:34 <fungi> i've addressed everyone's comments so far, so assumed it was time to punt it to a vote 19:02:38 <mordred> I, for one, welcome our Artifact Signing overlords 19:03:16 <fungi> just a reminder, this is only securing one piece of the publication chain, but i'm trying to leave it open to flexible solutions for the other parts later 19:03:35 <jeblair> ++ 19:03:46 <fungi> primarily this should make post-publication tampering obvious 19:03:46 <anteaya> you are so accomodating that way 19:04:29 <jasondotstar> o/ 19:04:30 * jhesketh has had it on his review radar but hasn't had a chance yet. I'll do that today (more than happy to see it go to vote) 19:04:36 <fungi> anyway, i have nothing really to say which isn't already said in that change 19:04:54 <jeblair> no one is screaming, so let's put it to a vote! 19:04:56 <mmmpork> o/ 19:04:59 <jeblair> #info Artifact Signing Toolchain voting open until 2015-09-10 19:00 UTC 19:05:02 <fungi> thanks! 19:05:08 <anteaya> thank you 19:05:08 <jeblair> fungi: thank you! 19:05:11 <jeblair> #topic Schedule Project Renames 19:05:26 <ociuhandu> o/ 19:05:29 <jeblair> we have some renames scheduled for friday 19:05:30 <anteaya> I've created an etherpad to organize the patches for friday 19:05:39 <fungi> thanks anteaya!!! 19:05:41 <pleia2> thanks anteaya 19:05:43 <fungi> link? 19:05:44 <jasondotstar> nice 19:05:46 <anteaya> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/project-renames-Septemeber-2015 19:05:57 <anteaya> who wants to drive the renames 19:06:06 <pleia2> oh good, ansible is on there this time :) 19:06:06 <anteaya> I'll co-ordinate with whoever drives 19:06:23 <anteaya> I can do the legwork and get them into shape 19:06:35 <anteaya> when are we no longer accepting additions to the list 19:06:41 <anteaya> so I can start the rebases 19:06:59 <fungi> it went well the last time i wasn't involved, so i'm happy to see another infra root who isn't me take point, but can if there are no volunteers 19:07:07 <anteaya> fungi: ha ha ha 19:07:22 <anteaya> pleia2: I'm going with you are a bit frazzled with last week and zanata 19:07:25 <mordred> I may be around - or I may be stupid jetlagged and asleep - or I may be stupid jetlagged and AWAKE 19:07:29 <mordred> so consider me a wildcard bonus 19:07:42 * fungi doesn't want to steal maintenance opportunities from new recroots 19:07:48 <mordred> fungi: ++ 19:07:48 <anteaya> jhesketh: driven a rename yet? 19:07:54 <anteaya> jhesketh: it's lots of fun 19:07:58 <jasondotstar> does it have to be a root? 19:08:02 <anteaya> and you will get help 19:08:05 <anteaya> jasondotstar: yes 19:08:09 <jeblair> anteaya: we did schedule it for jhesketh's saturday morning 19:08:11 <pleia2> anteaya: yeah, I can help but I probably shouldn't be driver this time 19:08:15 <jasondotstar> anteaya: ack. 19:08:27 <anteaya> jhesketh: what a fun way to spend a saturday 19:08:29 <anteaya> :) 19:08:30 <pleia2> lol 19:08:31 <fungi> go ahead and put me down to coordinate 19:08:35 <pleia2> thanks fungi 19:08:38 <anteaya> fungi: thanks 19:08:46 <anteaya> I'll get it in shape so you can push go 19:08:46 <clarkb> sorry I am here and intend on being there 19:08:58 <clarkb> if fungi wants a break I can drive 19:08:58 <jeblair> i will also be around 19:09:01 <jhesketh> No I haven't yet. But I'll be travelling to the QA sprint from Friday 19:09:04 <anteaya> fungi: I'll will let you do your own etherpad with the db changes and steps and so on 19:09:11 <anteaya> jhesketh: ah that's right 19:09:20 <jhesketh> (everything takes so long to get to from here!) 19:09:22 <anteaya> or clarkb 19:09:27 <anteaya> jhesketh: ha ha ha 19:09:31 <jhesketh> Otherwise would love to help 19:09:53 <anteaya> so the expected renames, two are not in governance 19:10:04 <anteaya> move them to the stackforge wikipage? 19:10:11 <anteaya> other action? 19:10:35 <jeblair> anteaya: sounds good to me 19:10:41 <fungi> i think we decided we don't want to incorporate non-big-tent renames in this maintenance, so yeah 19:10:43 <anteaya> okey dokey I will move them 19:10:58 <anteaya> and try to track down the patch author if possible 19:11:04 <anteaya> no promisies though 19:11:14 <anteaya> that's all from me on this 19:11:45 <jeblair> regarding oct 17; what needs to be done? probably an analysis of how many projects are on the lists.... 19:11:58 <jeblair> and then writing some scripts to automate the actual change.... 19:12:05 <anteaya> I can start an etherpad on that to co-ordinate 19:12:07 <jeblair> mordred: think we can ansible it? 19:12:08 <fungi> which will become immediately out of date within hours, but is probably at least good for an estimate 19:13:01 <anteaya> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Stackforge-Namespace-Retirement 19:13:07 <mordred> jeblair: we can ansible it 19:13:30 <jhesketh> We can ansible anything? :-) 19:13:33 <mordred> there is a WIP patch up if anyone want to help me test it 19:13:40 <anteaya> mordred: link? 19:13:41 <jeblair> mordred: should we try it friday? 19:13:42 <mordred> one sec- link coming 19:13:55 <anteaya> I'll add it to the etherpads 19:14:08 <fungi> i would like to see it at least get a test drive before we use it on potentially hundreds of repos at once 19:14:19 * anteaya agrees with fungi 19:14:24 <jhesketh> I like the idea of the trying it 19:14:28 <jasondotstar> fungi: +1 19:14:32 <mordred> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/105057/3/modules/openstack_project/files/ansible/rename.yaml 19:14:35 <jhesketh> +1 19:14:40 <fungi> though that implies more mordred involvement in the maintenance window this week... were you planning to be around? 19:14:49 <mordred> would be great to get other eyes/hands on that _before_ friday 19:14:55 <anteaya> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/105057/3 19:15:01 <anteaya> needs a bit of love 19:15:19 <mordred> fungi: _maybe_ - I will have just travelled to europe, so I'm not sure what my level of brain vs. jetlagbrain will be 19:15:34 <mordred> so I'm not comfortable being counted on for important decision making 19:15:58 <fungi> mordred: sounds like your usual shrödinger's brain conundrum 19:16:02 <anteaya> anyone able to spend time on this patch working with mordred before friday? 19:16:12 <mordred> but if someone else is interested in the topic - I'd be thrilled to connect this week before friday on looking at the playbook and stuff 19:16:35 <jeblair> this is a good opportunity for a non-root to pitch in on the rename if they are familiar with ansible and/or can be around friday 19:16:40 <mordred> (also, I tink that playbook needs to be rewritten a little bit) 19:17:04 <mordred> as it should probably have several places where it iterates over a list of dicts - but whoever is interested we can chat about that 19:17:19 <Clint> i'm intrigued by the juxtaposition of -rf and -fr 19:17:21 <anteaya> I will if noone else will but not sure if I can finish it by friday 19:17:25 <clarkb> mordred: its also easy enough to iterate in bash 19:17:36 <clarkb> mordred: in fact I find that is preferable to me based on the d-g work 19:17:39 <fungi> really, the biggest benefit would be github automation 19:17:43 <clarkb> ansible is bad at branching logic 19:18:01 <anteaya> fungi: so focus on getting the github pieces to work first? 19:18:07 <jasondotstar> jeblair: I can help w/ that (the non-root activities) 19:18:11 <fungi> moving directories on the filesystem and updating database tables takes nearly 0 time and effort to custom-automate 19:18:17 <clarkb> fungi: I don't think the current change talks to github 19:18:33 <clarkb> also doesn't talk to the db 19:18:43 <mordred> clarkb: actually no 19:18:48 <anteaya> but github still requires renaming via the gui, yes? 19:18:50 <mordred> I tink you want to iterate in ansible very specifically 19:18:55 <mordred> but we can have that argument later 19:18:56 <jeblair> last i checked the github api didn't expose the transfer function 19:19:00 <fungi> i've actually stopped generating database and filesystem update commands manually anyway 19:19:08 <mordred> (there is no branching logic needed in this playbook) 19:19:20 <clarkb> mordred: there is if its a transfer vs rename 19:19:22 <clarkb> mordred: for github 19:19:33 <mordred> there is no github api support for renames 19:19:34 <clarkb> but I think thats the only place that cares 19:19:36 <mordred> so it doesn't matter 19:19:47 <jeblair> someone should double check that though 19:19:50 <mordred> ++ 19:19:57 <anteaya> great, the biggest piece we need automated 19:19:57 <fungi> got it. and yeah that's going to be the time-consuming part for "the big rename" 19:19:58 <clarkb> that really ruins the benefits of automating this imo 19:20:05 <clarkb> right 19:20:07 <clarkb> anyways 19:20:21 <mordred> I feel like I have a much better version of that somewhere too 19:20:47 <jeblair> i have no script to do any of this. i think it's great that fungi has a script to do part of it. but really it would be awesome if as much as possible were automated and checked into system-config. 19:20:55 <pabelanger> sorry, irc proxy died 19:21:01 <mordred> jeblair: ++ 19:21:26 <jeblair> and yeah, a lot of it could be done in bash, but we know that there are cross-host coordination issues, so at least orchestrating it should be in ansible (even if it ends up calling bash) 19:21:35 <clarkb> jeblair: I am not suggesting it be done in bash 19:21:46 <anteaya> if folks can add bits to https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Stackforge-Namespace-Retirement I will do my best to summarize 19:21:55 <clarkb> jeblair: I was merely saying instead of passing in a giant hash of projects that ansible should do in one go we can exec ansible many times for each project 19:22:20 <jeblair> clarkb: sure, as long as we only reindex once. 19:22:40 <mordred> and I'm saying that I believe that's missing the point of ansible and we might as well just use bash and some ssh commands 19:23:13 <mordred> and that this is a bounded enough problem that learning how to actually use the tool would be great 19:23:15 <clarkb> ya we don't need to argue this here, its just a thing I have observed when trying to condense d-g further 19:23:22 <mordred> agree 19:23:23 <clarkb> it becomes almost unreadable as soon as ansible is encoding logic 19:23:24 <fungi> yeah, the cross-host orchestration part does make this tempting 19:23:56 <jeblair> who wants to double check the github api? 19:24:06 <clarkb> jeblair: I can look at that today 19:24:08 <mordred> clarkb: I tnk the d-g mix gets worse as we do more complex playbook things for sure 19:24:20 <jeblair> #action clarkb see if github api supports transfers yet 19:24:36 <jeblair> #action mordred look into better version of https://review.openstack.org/105057 or improve it 19:24:55 <jeblair> #action jasondotstar help mordred with ansibly things 19:25:29 <jeblair> anything else? 19:25:52 <anteaya> just are we having a cut off for adding projects to friday's list 19:26:18 <jeblair> anteaya: is friday morning enough time for you? 19:26:25 <anteaya> it will be 19:26:27 <anteaya> thank you 19:26:35 <anteaya> what utc time is friday morning? 19:26:42 * mordred wishes he could find his better version he already wrote :( 19:26:51 <asselin_> o/ 19:27:13 <fungi> anteaya: i would just pick a time before you expect to sit down at your computer 19:27:22 <anteaya> before 1300 utc 19:27:29 <jeblair> #info cutoff for friday renames friday 1300 utc 19:27:35 <anteaya> thank you 19:27:53 <jeblair> #action anteaya prepare rename patches for friday renames 19:27:56 <jeblair> anteaya: thank you 19:28:03 <jeblair> #topic Priority Efforts (Migration to Zanata) 19:28:20 <jeblair> this is, like, imminent, yeah? 19:28:20 <fungi> it's upon us 19:28:30 <anteaya> a few hours from now I think 19:28:46 <jeblair> is there an etherpad or something? 19:28:52 <pleia2> tonight! https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zanata-deploy 19:28:56 <fungi> it's now imminent and will soon be eminent 19:29:00 <jeblair> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zanata-deploy 19:29:28 <anteaya> can standers by be of any use? 19:29:36 <anteaya> or should I stand back in awe? 19:29:53 <jeblair> heh, stand by or stand back. 19:30:01 <pleia2> we'll be doing some testing once we complete all the steps in the etherpad 19:30:21 <pleia2> may be useful to have a few folks around to log in and poke at things a little, but not required 19:30:37 <fungi> that's verging into drinkytime for me, so i'll pitch in on anything i am unlikely to be able to break 19:30:50 <anteaya> heh 19:31:05 <jeblair> i have a meatspace commitment so probably can't be around for most of it :( 19:31:07 <pleia2> always fun with time zones for translations things 19:31:08 <anteaya> I can do the poking at things 19:31:15 <anteaya> wooo time zones 19:31:22 <pleia2> I think we're pretty much all set though 19:31:26 <anteaya> yay 19:31:29 <anteaya> good work all 19:31:32 <clarkb> it would likely be good for infra roots to login sometime soon so we can bump their privs 19:31:35 <jeblair> pleia2: cool, thanks! 19:31:40 <clarkb> by soon I mean after it all heppns 19:31:48 <jeblair> oh ok. 19:31:51 <mordred> clarkb: so not soon like right now 19:32:08 * jeblair closes tab 19:32:14 <anteaya> ha ha ha 19:32:16 * mordred backs away from the zanata 19:32:22 <pleia2> mordred: it's ok, you have one :) 19:32:24 <clarkb> well now would be fine too since we are moving the users 19:32:30 <jhesketh> I'll be around if needed 19:32:33 <clarkb> but I don't think it needs to happen yet if you want to do other things 19:32:35 <pleia2> thanks jhesketh 19:32:39 <anteaya> jhesketh: yay 19:33:14 <fungi> huh... so its openid integration is... interesting 19:33:17 <fungi> anyway, done 19:33:24 <jhesketh> I'm hoping I'm not needed though because I'm not that familiar with the work 19:33:44 <jeblair> fungi: ? 19:33:48 <jeblair> fungi: what's interesting about it? 19:34:05 <fungi> it doesn't actually ask the openid server for name, e-mail address, et cetera 19:34:09 <fungi> just re-prompts for them 19:34:31 <fungi> something which can probably be improved later 19:34:32 <jeblair> oh, interesting. and indeed, you said it was interesting. 19:34:48 <pleia2> we were just satisfied with "it actually works" for now 19:34:51 <jeblair> i shoulda just believed you. 19:35:06 <fungi> pleia2: totally 19:35:09 <fungi> i would have been too 19:35:11 <anteaya> pleia2: yay it works 19:35:24 <pleia2> (it did require an openstackid patch to get this far) 19:35:38 <fungi> anyway, i seem to be account 433 19:35:44 <anteaya> lucky you 19:36:10 <fungi> it's prime 19:36:10 <jeblair> sounds like we're set; pleia2: thanks again! 19:36:19 <pleia2> fungi: oh, translate or translate-dev? 19:36:20 <anteaya> ha ha ha 19:36:22 <fungi> and has digits which add up to 10 19:36:28 <jeblair> #topic Priority Efforts (Maniphest) 19:36:38 <fungi> pleia2: oh, good point, i logged into production. i guess that won't do any good 19:36:56 <jeblair> mordred: what's the scoop here? 19:36:57 <pleia2> fungi: right, we're moving stuff from -dev (and dropping all else) 19:37:07 <mordred> so ... 19:37:11 <mordred> I need some help 19:37:12 * fungi just realized that when you asked 19:37:47 <mordred> next step on this is for $someone to stand up a maniphest $somewhere with cauth configured in apache in front of it 19:38:00 <mordred> this will involve $someamount of figuring out exactly what's needed to get that to happen 19:38:04 <Clint> what happened to mhu? 19:38:07 <mordred> but is a pre-req for encoding that in puppet 19:38:27 <jeblair> mordred: have the necessary changes to cauth itself to support openid happened? 19:38:31 <mordred> Clint: mhu wrote the openid support into cauth for us - is he also planning on helping with the puppeting of the cauth interation? 19:38:34 <mordred> jeblair: yes 19:38:40 <Clint> mordred: http://docs-draft.openstack.org/72/219372/5/check/gate-infra-specs-docs/625a32a//doc/build/html/status/maniphest.html 19:38:51 <Clint> unless i halucinated that 19:38:52 <mordred> oh! neat! 19:39:01 <mordred> then maybe I do _not_ need help 19:39:06 <Clint> l 19:39:12 <jeblair> mordred: or more correctly, maybe you already have it! 19:39:16 <mordred> in any case- that is the current thing this is waiting on 19:39:17 <mordred> jeblair: ++ 19:39:25 <fungi> you already have that which you seek! 19:39:48 <anteaya> who has contact with mhu? 19:39:50 <jeblair> Clint: what timezone is mhu in? and do they irc? 19:39:56 <anteaya> does he know about infra meetings? 19:40:00 <anteaya> he/she 19:40:21 <Clint> i'm guessing he's in europe, and he's in #openstack-infra 19:40:43 <jeblair> cool, we should ask him to lurk in -meeting 19:40:59 <anteaya> I just pinged in -infra 19:41:53 <jeblair> Clint, mordred: i feel like "hey we linked to a web page that shows someone is working on this" is an outcome second only to "oh this has already been done". 19:42:03 <ttx> mordred: hah, the death of your Phab instance means my mockup for task tracking is no longer up :/ 19:42:22 <ttx> The one in case (3) at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Phabricator 19:42:23 <jeblair> Clint, mordred: so... cool. :) 19:42:26 * ruagair is fashionably late 19:42:27 <Clint> jeblair: to be fair, it shows that two other things aren't being worked on 19:42:57 <mordred> ttx: oops 19:43:04 <jeblair> Clint: yah.... #3 looks like it has #1 as a prereq, yeah? 19:43:08 <Clint> presumably 19:43:08 <jeblair> mordred: ^? 19:43:26 <mordred> yes 19:43:31 <mordred> #3 has #1 as a prereq 19:43:36 <jeblair> #2 is ripe for someone to pitch in on though. 19:43:37 <mordred> or might wind up being part of #1 (unsure) 19:43:55 <mordred> #2 is great - it may require rooter collaboration 19:44:09 <jeblair> for what? 19:44:13 <mordred> since it involves someone importing storyboard dbs into a db, then running the migration script 19:44:24 <jeblair> mordred: ah, providing a sb dump? 19:44:27 <mordred> yeah 19:44:46 <jeblair> i would be happy to hand a sb db dump to someone wanting to work on that. 19:45:17 <jeblair> probably just need to omit the auth tokens table. 19:45:21 <Clint> are there success criteria for migration accuracy? 19:45:30 <fungi> yeah, that's the only remotely sensitive bit in there 19:45:38 <mordred> Clint: I'd _love 100% accuracy 19:46:12 <clarkb> and if we can preserve the old bug numbers like we did with lp to sb that would be double awesome 19:46:16 <mordred> so - honestly, this will involve the actor in question setting up a phab instance that they can run on top of the db (not that hard, there is puppet) so that the data in the UI can be verified 19:46:27 <mordred> clarkb: the script currently does that 19:46:31 <clarkb> yay 19:46:51 <fungi> just like ragu... it's in there 19:47:00 <mordred> the script shoudl mostly work 19:47:11 <jeblair> i think it would be swell if one of the new infra folk wanted to jump in on this. 19:47:32 <mordred> however, last time I spot checked the UI, there seemed to be things missing - which might have been because I picked poor data to spot check - or that ther eis a bug in the script 19:47:34 <jeblair> if you do, let me know. 19:47:47 <mordred> things to look at especially are things with mutliple tasks 19:49:04 <jeblair> anything else on this? 19:50:16 <jeblair> #topic Open discussion 19:50:21 <tchaypo> jeblair: If one of the new infra people wants to jump in on this, I’m guessing they should ask in -infra if they need help getting started? 19:50:27 <yolanda> so, i need extra help with reviews of puppet changes 19:50:31 <fungi> tchaypo: yes 19:50:41 <yolanda> several of them waiting with a +2 19:50:56 <yolanda> and the patches i submit, normally only have +1 19:50:56 <clarkb> the git backends are now all centos7 19:51:05 <anteaya> clarkb: yay! 19:51:08 <yolanda> i'd like if more infra cores can give help on it, please 19:51:11 <clarkb> just a general FYI and do mention weirdness if yo usee an 19:51:28 <clarkb> I should probably make a new git.o.o at some point so we can stop centos6ing there too 19:51:37 <mordred> yolanda: sorry - I said i'd do that and then I didn't 19:51:40 <anteaya> clarkb: just what eantshev (?) mentioned on monday after the third-party meeting 19:51:50 <yolanda> mordred, i was thinking about you, yes :) 19:51:52 <clarkb> anteaya: unfortunately there really wasn't any info there and I was weekending 19:51:58 <anteaya> clarkb: but fungi couldn't confirm weirdness in logs 19:52:02 <anteaya> clarkb: /nod 19:52:02 <clarkb> anteaya: the connection failed, but I didn't see any source IPs 19:52:04 <yolanda> so more eyes are needed, so we can move these patches faster 19:52:07 <clarkb> so hard to track down 19:52:15 * ruagair is interested Jeblair, tchaypo, just not fully functional this early. 19:52:18 <anteaya> clarkb: fair enough, that was all I have heard about though 19:52:25 <yolanda> i also normally cannot approve due to the timezones, so i'll need extra help for approval as well 19:52:44 <mmedvede> re f21 job stability, would it be a good idea to ask for the f21 job to be made voting on devstack project? I want to make sure before bringing it up in qa. It has been relatively stable recently. 19:53:00 <jeblair> ruagair, tchaypo: cool, i think mordred or i can help you bootstrap; chat with one of us in -infra when you're ready 19:53:06 <clarkb> mmedvede: I think thats purely a question for qa 19:53:13 <fungi> also etherpad.openstack.org is running on ubuntu trusty with distro node.js packages, latest etherpad develop branch tip and websockets enabled. seems to be performing well now, but please report any strangeness there! 19:53:17 <clarkb> mmedvede: we run the jobs, whether or not qa wants it voting is up to them 19:53:32 <anteaya> fungi jeblair thanks for fixing that this morning 19:53:35 <ruagair> noted jeblair. 19:53:37 <mordred> jeblair, ruagair, tchaypo: ++ 19:53:43 <fungi> taron mentioned that there's a change in review which gets us closer to hound 19:53:43 <mmedvede> clarkb: cool. I remember there was discussion in infra about f21 stability, that is why my question, thanks 19:53:44 <fungi> #link https://review.openstack.org/211640 19:53:49 <clarkb> mmedvede: also I think ianw and pabelanger are working to replace f21 with f22 whihc may or may not be a thing to consider 19:54:32 <pabelanger> also, centos7 firewalld is still failing. I think https://review.openstack.org/#/c/219031/ should fix that now 19:54:48 <clarkb> pabelanger: ianw ya I need to test that on hpcloud again 19:55:00 <pabelanger> Ya, some dnf downloadonly issues still with fedora22 19:55:11 <clarkb> pabelanger: ianw I will try that today, but it may take time as I haveto figure ut netowkring there each time I do it 19:55:43 <ianw> i think we can bring up f22 nodes, regardless of caching ATM, and work that out 19:55:59 <pabelanger> Ya, was going to suggest that too 19:56:07 <pabelanger> don't see many things using it right now 19:56:11 <mmedvede> pabelanger: before f22 comes along, is it ok if I ask to make f21 voting (given it is stable)? 19:56:15 <ianw> it would be better for us to be monitoring things like puppet4 compatability than waiting for perfection. 19:56:28 <ianw> mmedvede: on what project? 19:56:35 <mmedvede> ianw: on devstack 19:57:07 <pabelanger> mmedvede: I wasn't tracking devstack specifically. This was for some other reasons, -infra jobs maybe puppet 19:57:55 <mmedvede> ianw: pabelanger: my interest here is that we use f21 for our third-party CI, and making it vote at least on devstack would prevent some regressions 19:58:02 <ianw> so i do not think we want it voting on devstack, because i don't think there are enough people to fix issues. if it breaks, and urgent devstack changes need to get through, we could be in a world of gate-pain 19:58:25 <mmedvede> ianw: :( 19:59:24 <mmedvede> ianw: I might still ask in qa, just in case 19:59:43 <sdague> mmedvede: also, f21 has been 100% fail on devstack for a while, so I'm not sure what your definition of stable is 20:00:09 <ianw> sdague: i believe afazekas has sorted that out 20:00:10 <mmedvede> sdague: it has been good a couple of days #link http://ci-watch.tintri.com/project?project=devstack&time=7+days 20:00:26 <mmedvede> sdague: more time needs to pass though 20:00:28 <jeblair> time is up 20:00:30 <jeblair> thanks all! 20:00:32 <jeblair> #endmeeting