19:01:01 #startmeeting infra 19:01:02 Meeting started Tue Oct 13 19:01:01 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is fungi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:01:05 The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:01:12 o/ 19:01:15 #topic Announcements: Stackforge namespace retirement 19:01:20 o/ 19:01:27 #info Stackforge namespace retirement maintenance will commence this Saturday, October 17, at 18:00 UTC 19:01:33 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Stackforge_Namespace_Retirement 19:01:41 #topic Actions from last meeting 19:01:50 #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-10-06-19.01.html 19:01:53 o/ 19:02:03 jeblair send followup reminder to lagging stackforge projects about namespace retirement 19:02:08 done! 19:02:09 i believe i saw that happen? 19:02:13 excellent 19:02:21 fungi start maintenance plan etherpad for stackforge retirement 19:02:43 i didn't do that, but will get going on it today now that i've been sufficiently shamed 19:02:50 wonderful 19:03:07 o/ 19:03:08 (looks like a few changes have happened to the wiki since i sent the email) 19:03:15 yes, yay 19:03:49 looks like 6 19:04:06 o/ 19:04:09 o/ 19:04:10 still get to retire 72 19:04:11 o/ 19:04:21 wooooo 19:04:24 #topic Specs approval: StoryBoard Worklists and Boards (SotK) 19:04:43 looks like we have no council votes on the spec 19:04:46 #link https://review.openstack.org/202989 19:05:08 fungi: i think it just got a new PS to fix a merge conflict 19:05:14 seems it got updated, yep 19:05:15 indeed 19:05:46 i'll approve it now since i said i'd approve it after thursday, but i may be the only council vote on it 19:05:53 thanks :) 19:06:06 unless anyone else wants to scramble and vote in the next few seconds 19:06:28 it is after thursday, so you are holding true to what you said 19:06:48 #info approved "StoryBoard Worklists and Boards" spec 19:07:04 \o/ 19:07:09 I scrambled, just because. 19:07:26 #topic Summit planning 19:07:37 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/infra-mitaka-summit-planning 19:08:04 the topic list is much more plentiful than last week 19:08:24 i'll need to present thingee with our choices in the next few days 19:08:56 why does thingee have a role here? 19:09:07 * anteaya is clearly missing part of our workflow 19:09:08 because he's doing the coordination this time 19:09:13 for the conference 19:09:14 ah wonderful 19:09:18 oh my 19:09:27 * anteaya notes to buy thingee a drink 19:09:28 well, for the design summit 19:09:39 since ttx is travelling 19:09:45 nicely done, ttx :) 19:09:48 ah 19:09:49 ha ha ha 19:10:12 anteaya: will update the Gerrit development/upgrade to drop the 'upgrade' portion because it's no longer blocking. 19:10:18 so anyway, what's the best way to get some consensus on 2-4 workroom topics and 3 fishbowl topics? we can leave the sprint topics to an unconference style like we've done in the past since that's worked well 19:10:28 zaro: sure, and is it in the right place 19:10:49 fungi: we could vote in the etherpad or setup a condorcet poll or just do it in this meeting 19:10:50 zaro: I thought last week you moved it (or said you were going to move it) to workroom from fishbowl 19:10:55 should we add a "would attend" line to each topic and get people to vote by putting their nicks on those? 19:11:18 fungi: that sounds reasonable to me 19:11:24 wfm 19:11:25 \o_ 19:11:56 i can tally up the nicks, sort them and see if there's any tweaks/overlap before narrowing for the final selection 19:12:00 anteaya: i thought it was in work room last week but now it apparently is in fishbowl. it should be in workroom 19:12:16 i didn't move it 19:12:20 cody-somerville: your humanoid man emoji seems to be drowning 19:12:25 zaro: can you switch it back to workroom? 19:12:31 zaro: I agree that is the best place 19:12:34 er, waving humanoid emoji 19:12:35 fungi: frequently feels that way. :) 19:12:44 got it 19:12:56 anteaya: done 19:12:56 fungi: do proposers need an explicit would attend? 19:13:03 :) 19:13:13 zaro: thank you 19:13:21 clarkb: I am putting my name down for my sessions 19:13:25 clarkb: can't hurt? ;) 19:13:30 cross me out if I shouldn't be doing that 19:13:48 it looks like the fishbowl ttx proposed is very similar in theme to my storyboard workroom; might be worth combining them? 19:13:51 i mean, i would attend all of them, so i guess i'm interpreting this slightly differently :) 19:13:54 proposers aren't necessary leading or possibly even advocating for their proposal after all 19:14:24 fungi: can you put how many fishbowl and how many workroom we have on the etherpad? 19:14:29 (mine's listed as 'task tracker status' but I know more about the storyboard side of things, haha) 19:14:48 anteaya: it's at the top 19:15:00 ah thanks, so it is 19:15:19 anteaya: it's 2-4 workrooms depending on if we decide to combine any slots there for a double-length session 19:15:26 ack 19:15:30 in case my comment on that line is unclear 19:15:43 I am clear 19:15:45 who is the person in green i'm arguing with on the containers/baremetal thing? 19:16:04 jeblair: me 19:16:04 clarkb? 19:16:08 o/ 19:16:23 jeblair: I don't recall the v3 spec saying "reimplement drivers for virsh/docker/containers/" 19:16:27 but maybe I am mistaken 19:16:43 (reimplement because nova does those things already) 19:16:44 jeblair, yes, i also didn't understand in that way 19:16:53 we have 4 proposals for workrooms, can we just accept all 4? 19:17:18 fungi: can i make that motion? 19:17:20 I guess I read that as mediate via ironic/openstack 19:17:27 anteaya: we can unless there's so little interest for one that we want to give another more time 19:17:28 fungi: I move we accept all four workroom proposals 19:17:35 jeblair: rather than write our own pxe implementation 19:17:35 ah fair enough 19:17:37 if the intention of zuul v3 is to construct nodepool in that way that is quite flexible and we can extend, i think our concerns are covered 19:18:04 mordred: oh, making my motion void 19:18:07 clarkb: goodness no. it has a thing about supporting static inventory. 19:18:27 mordred: ttx has that proposed in fishbowl 19:18:37 jeblair: right but thats very different htan what yolanda is proposing 19:18:50 jeblair: yolanda is proposing drivers/plugins do talk to virsh/pxe/docker/etc 19:18:55 yep 19:18:58 mordred: Title: Launchpad / Maniphest / StoryBoard: the Mitaka edition currently line 80 19:19:08 or was as of me typing so 19:19:27 anyways we can have a session to hash it out :) 19:19:49 yolanda, clarkb: i think that makes sense, but i think it should be done as part of zuulv3. 19:19:58 i do not think we should do that with the current nodepool 19:20:09 jeblair i see that as a good addition yes 19:20:12 sure, personally I would say nodepool talks to openstack 19:20:14 we need to land the 2 big things that are outstanding on nodepool and zuul, and then get started on v3. 19:20:21 which means make shade talk ironic/nova/magnum 19:20:28 and don't reinvent those wheels because they exist already 19:20:34 clarkb: yeah, that makes sense. 19:20:52 ++ 19:20:52 jeblair, clarkb, but then it limits you to the providers supporting that 19:20:57 clarkb, yolanda: i agree that we could have a session to hash out details, as long as we're on the same page about building on zuulv3. 19:20:58 and this is not a reality right now 19:21:07 jeblair: yup zuulv3 19:22:00 fungi: see any patterns yet? 19:22:03 I just wanted to point out that I don't believe we need any summit time to discuss infra-cloud. 19:22:07 fungi: or do you need more input? 19:22:17 We're low on resources, but not on planning. We know what to do.. just aren't spending much time on it. 19:22:18 SpamapS: awesome 19:22:41 SpamapS: instead we can start every session with a public service announcement: "infra cloud needs you!" 19:23:03 (to get some work done) 19:23:15 I am spending time on it... 19:23:19 I would like to sit with greghaynes and crinkle and see if we can get a little high bandwidth progress made, but that's like, a 2 hour back-of-the-room thing during a work session. 19:23:23 crinkle: yay you 19:23:26 * mordred hands crinkle a cookie 19:23:57 crinkle: you can make us a cloud, and then we will bake you a cake. 19:24:23 i think i've seen that movie 19:24:27 i'll tally up the nicks tomorrow and do a follow-up thread on the infra ml with the probable lineup, to give people some time to finish hashing out their debates on some of the proposed topics 19:24:47 yolanda: I think it would be possible for you to deploy a magnum/ironic/nova if you have those types of resources available to you then point nodepool to it 19:24:57 yolanda: anyways don't need to derail meeting anymore can chat after if you like 19:25:07 clarkb, sure, not the time for that now 19:25:08 though we can continue to use some dedicated time in this meeting for discussion of summit session proposals as well 19:25:18 SpamapS: add me to the list of helpers. Just point me in the direction 19:25:20 i can also write some lines on an etherpad 19:25:54 pabelanger: at the bottom of the etherpad, there's a sprint session proposed with me, greghaynes, and crinkle 19:25:58 pabelanger: join us! :) 19:26:06 he won't be at the summit 19:26:11 i am also heartened that almost nobody feels the need to discuss infra council progress and pain points. means we're liking it well enough we don't need to waste summit time refining 19:26:11 awwww 19:26:16 ya, only remote this time 19:26:17 neigher will ianw 19:26:25 neither 19:26:25 fungi: well actually 19:26:30 ACK 19:26:45 fungi: yes, well actually I'm not sure what the solution is 19:26:48 fungi: I do have to say for myself having dropped off the face of the earth right around when all that happened I hav eno idea what is actually expected of me in relation to that 19:26:57 heh 19:27:02 fungi: but I don't think that needs a session, I just need to sit with people and figure it out 19:27:14 clarkb: conveniently documented here: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/project.html#teams 19:27:31 I think folks are picking things that have a possible fun outcome and are not interested in the hard bits 19:27:36 funny that 19:27:56 clarkb: gets easier to grok after a few beers 19:28:01 Zara: i do tend to agree that your workroom session and ttx's fishbowl session might be good to combine 19:28:36 fungi: I actually think mordred's workroom and ttx's fishbowl is a clearer combination 19:28:42 jeblair: fungi I think the specific thing that breaks in my head is the state before council vote and whether or not we should ACK/NACK on details or whether or not the idea itself is good 19:28:48 i'll consider votes for either of them together and possibly just roll them into one fishbowl if they seem sufficiently popular (unless you object) 19:28:52 I haven't been able to pick up on the social cues there I think 19:29:03 but again thats not really needing a session I don't think 19:29:06 clarkb: I don't think we have social cues 19:29:14 clarkb: sounds like it'd make a good one, actually :) 19:29:14 fungi: I thought mine was better suited to a fishbowl in the first place, just picked a workroom becuase there were lots free and no fishbowls at the time:) 19:29:24 clarkb: as more than 70 people in a new group is hard to create those 19:30:04 anteaya: oh, perhaps Zara's and mordred's workroom sessions present two sides to ttx's fishbowl debate 19:30:19 fungi: that is a perspective that has a argument 19:30:29 clarkb: do you still want your multinode session? it's in cross-project 19:30:31 I can stand behind that perhaps 19:30:40 jeblair: it is for sure? 19:30:44 jeblair: nope it can be cross project 19:30:50 cross project is better I think 19:30:53 yay 19:31:07 clarkb: do you want to remove it? 19:31:19 anteaya: I struck it out 19:31:22 anteaya: as sure as is currently possibl; if it isn't after this TC meeting, i'll be sure to let you and clarkb know. 19:31:25 thanks 19:31:34 jeblair: ah thank you 19:32:16 I'm happy to roll the three sessions into one if that suits other people. As long as I know what's going on with the migration, I'm happy. :) 19:33:18 the proposal from fbo and tristanC might work well as a broader discussion including planning for puppet-openstackci and the downstream-puppet effort 19:33:18 pleia2: it looks like the zanata session is in i18n track, yeah? 19:33:22 hrm should I strike out ya that 19:33:30 jeblair: ^ 19:33:30 yay 19:33:35 clarkb: ++ 19:33:41 fungi: I agree with that assesment 19:33:55 fungi: may want to consider 19:33:55 Tuesday, October 27 • 4:40pm - 5:20pm 19:34:08 fungi: that for conflicts ^ (i18n tooling session) 19:34:44 jeblair: thanks for the heads up. i'll try to gravitate topics away from likely overlap with other teams' conflicts 19:35:45 fungi: if we can get maniphest as a workroom that should give us containers, repo creation and infra council as fishbowls 19:39:00 that sounds sane. if the result of the maniphest workroom is "give up", we can regroup during the sprint time. (hopefully it will, instead, be a list of items with people assigned to them) 19:39:26 * anteaya also hopes for a list of items with assignees 19:39:40 i think i like containers if it's containers in a zuul v3 world 19:40:30 still not convinced the infra council session is critical, but it might make a good lure for people from other teams to see what we're doing governance-wise 19:40:41 which was the main reason i proposed it 19:40:55 I think we should have the space 19:41:10 we do need to at least discuss the process 19:42:44 anyway I am interested in the other items on the agenda 19:42:45 okay, if there's no other burning session discussion, i'd like to give some time to a few gerrit-related topics 19:42:50 thanks 19:43:11 ahh thought we might run out of time. 19:43:15 anybody know if rugair is coming ot the summit? 19:43:27 #topic Upstream Gerrit Issue Fixed (zaro and anteaya) 19:43:29 ruagair: ^? 19:43:33 mordred: I believe he is 19:43:37 lifeless: awesome 19:43:37 #link https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/71380/2 19:43:48 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/I0eV4IgkZS 19:43:52 it's fixed! 19:43:55 woot! 19:43:56 yay! 19:44:03 it sounds like we're clear to move forward preparing to upgrade soon post-summit 19:44:11 so now i think we can decide on next gerrit version 19:44:21 yay! 19:44:22 zaro: what choices do we have? 19:44:23 i have 2.11 on review-dev.o.o 19:44:25 zaro: you were going to upgrade review-dev to latest release, yeag? looks like that's done 19:44:26 Ruagair is definitely coming 19:44:28 c'mon close connection 19:44:35 #link https://review-dev.openstack.org/ 19:44:50 my vote is to move to 2.11 19:45:05 so we should solicit feedback from our users on the new change screen? 19:45:17 so we mostly just need to figure out if we (as a community) can stomach 2.11 or need to stick with an already obsoleted 2.10 because of the old change screen going away 19:45:17 ah 2.11 has new screen only? 19:45:23 anteaya: yes 19:45:25 because i don't want to see bugs for old change screen and new change screen 19:45:25 old view has disappeared 19:45:49 * anteaya pauses 19:45:56 and upstream's not gonna fix any old CS bugs anyways 19:46:00 jeblair: how is gertty adoption? 19:46:22 zaro: do you want to draft an e-mail to the -dev ml about this and see what sort of reception we get? 19:46:30 anteaya: i can check review.o.o logs 19:46:37 fungi: sure, i can. 19:46:38 (it has a user-agent) 19:46:42 jeblair: awesome, thanks 19:46:49 jeblair: cool 19:47:07 yeah, I think we need input from devs 19:47:20 at the very least so that losing old screen isnt' a surprise 19:47:29 #action zaro send a discussion starter to the openstacl-dev mailing list for feedback on Gerrit 2.11 19:47:44 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/test-gerrit-2.11 19:47:45 we should also make sure that people konw that at _Some_ point the new screen seems inevitable 19:47:51 #action zaro send a discussion starter to the openstack-dev mailing list for feedback on Gerrit 2.11 19:47:54 #undo 19:47:55 Removing item from minutes: 19:47:58 #undo 19:47:59 Removing item from minutes: 19:48:02 #undo 19:48:03 Removing item from minutes: 19:48:06 so rather than "do you like it" perhaps feedback on blocker issues 19:48:06 #action zaro send a discussion starter to the openstack-dev mailing list for feedback on Gerrit 2.11 19:48:06 so far 2.11 looks pretty good with overall systems from review-dev.o.o prespective 19:48:12 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/test-gerrit-2.11 19:48:17 zaro: https://review-dev.openstack.org/#/c/5331/2/driver.py,unified fails fwiw 19:48:21 zaro: nice checklist 19:48:22 (sorry about the noise for a typo) 19:48:34 fungi: np 19:48:38 mordred: good point 19:48:43 mordred: yeah, honestly, i think when we decided to track upstream, we decided to go with what they give us 19:48:54 jeblair: yup 19:49:03 mordred, zaro: so i think we should be looking for serious blocker issues, not 'nice to have' things. 19:49:06 main feedback I'd be interested in is "zomg I cannot do X can we fix that" 19:49:08 yah 19:49:22 jeblair: right like unified diffs not working 19:49:23 (if you want something that's nice to have, send a patch to upstream gerrit) 19:49:27 see link about for example :) 19:49:35 s/about/above/ 19:49:49 agreed. it seems like we're not going to convince them to build an old change screen equivalent, so barring people suddenly getting really excited about doing something like that with vinz we're back to forking or taking what's there and improving where possible 19:49:56 yeah, /me is looking. 19:49:58 clarkb: define fail? that link works for me 19:50:07 i get internal server error 19:50:10 mordred: I get internal server error 19:50:15 doesn't work for me either 19:50:18 I get a unified diff 19:50:27 java.lang.ClassCastException: com.google.gerrit.server.AnonymousUser cannot be cast to com.google.gerrit.server.IdentifiedUser 19:50:27 WEIRD 19:50:28 mordred: huh are you using firefox or other? 19:50:31 ah 19:50:35 I'm logged in 19:50:38 contributions to that Gerrit 2.11 etherpad would be helpful. if you've got areas you think you might like to verify put them on there and i'll take a look. 19:50:40 probably only happens to anonymous 19:50:41 zaro: ^ 19:50:43 oh super weird 19:50:50 zaro: ya. that's probably a bug :) 19:51:23 yup, works when logged in 19:51:51 noted in ep. 19:52:01 i think known issue there it's got something to do with not having an email address or having same emails assigned to multiple accounts. 19:52:07 zaro: thank you 19:52:20 zaro: wonderful 19:52:50 jhenner: ruagair: i'm going to skip your gerrit load troubleshooting topic. i think we may want to limp it along, upgrade as soon as possible, and see if it's fixed before we spend too much time digging deeper 19:53:00 sorry jhenner! jhesketh ^ 19:53:13 noted. 19:53:43 I think we are in agreement to target Gerrit 2.11, correct? 19:53:54 if we're set for next steps with the upgrade, then i'd like to take a couple minutes to check for concerns in preparation for saturday's maintenance 19:54:01 fungi: np 19:54:03 zaro: sounds like it 19:54:13 yep 19:54:33 fungi: I would like project config frozen at 13:00 utc friday 19:54:33 #agreed Infra is planning to upgrade to Gerrit 2.11 soon after the Mitaka summit, barring serious blocker bugs 19:54:54 unless there are objections, in which case could you offer a better time? 19:55:14 #topic Stackforge namespace retirement maintenance planning 19:55:24 when is the move/retire list frozen? 19:55:34 Clint: last monday 19:55:34 anteaya: (313 unique ip addresses used gertty to access review.o.o since sept 20. that's almost certainly well more than the number of users, especially if mordred used it) 19:55:43 anteaya: 13:00 utc friday sounds fine to me. i can lock that wiki article 19:55:45 jeblair: ha ha ha 19:55:50 jeblair: :) 19:55:51 fungi: thank you 19:55:59 ya 1300 lockdown wfm 19:56:19 jeblair: it will be interesting to track that number after the new view is in place 19:56:22 anteaya: i don't think it's frozen yet? 19:56:30 jeblair: the deadline has past 19:56:40 but yes wikipage not frozen yet 19:56:52 anteaya: it's a wiki page, and i don't think we set a deadline after which people could not edit it. 19:57:12 i think it makes sense to just consider 1300 utc the deadline 19:57:22 oh 19:57:25 when do we anticipate running the script to generate our changes? 19:57:29 freeze wiki, freeze project-config, run script to generate change 19:57:32 I was hoping to clear the list prior 19:57:43 if it's 13:00 utc, then i can lock the page at that time 19:57:45 clear the list? 19:57:47 well I would like to practice with the list starting tomorrow 19:58:08 clear the list, practice, get used to the expected list without new changes 19:58:14 that's fine, but considering this is automated, why not run it with updated inputs? 19:58:16 on practice patchsets 19:58:25 that is fine 19:58:38 if we are agreed on friday 1300 for freeze 19:58:42 yeah, it seems unnecessary to lock the page down to perform test runs (or to wait for teh page to be locked to do those test runs) 19:58:44 in practice, i doubt there will be very many changes 19:58:48 fungi: okay 19:59:01 jeblair: well that is true, there were 6 since your last email 19:59:15 doubt we will have more than 2 late additions at this point 19:59:28 okey dokey 20:00:23 #info the Stackforge_Namespace_Retirement wiki article will be locked and non-maintenance-related project-config changes frozen at 13:00 UTC this Friday, October 16 20:00:48 pabelanger: timrc: i'll talk to you in a bit about the grafyaml thing 20:00:54 need to hand the channel over to the tc 20:00:57 thanks all! 20:00:58 thank you 20:01:00 #endmeeting