19:02:08 <fungi> #startmeeting infra 19:02:09 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 20 19:02:08 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is fungi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:02:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:02:21 <jhesketh> Morning 19:02:26 <anteaya> stevemar_: yeah, no kidding 19:02:29 <ruagair> o/ 19:02:30 <fungi> #topic Announcements 19:02:47 <ianw> o/ 19:03:06 <pabelanger> o/ 19:03:07 <nibalizer> o/ 19:03:08 <zaro> o/ 19:03:13 <fungi> i think lots of people are travelling this week, so while i'm happy to hold a meeting, be aware we're short at least a few council members and there's unlikely to be much of importance decided 19:03:30 <fungi> #topic Actions from last meeting 19:03:58 <fungi> oh, our agenda! i almost forgot to link it 19:04:07 <olaph> o/ 19:04:10 <fungi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting 19:04:19 <fungi> no idea where my head is today, clearly not here though 19:04:43 <fungi> and as for the last meeting's minutes... 19:04:49 <fungi> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-10-13-19.01.html 19:04:59 <fungi> the only action item we had was: 19:05:04 <fungi> zaro send a discussion starter to the openstack-dev mailing list for feedback on Gerrit 2.11 19:05:12 <anteaya> that happened 19:05:13 <mordred> o/ 19:05:15 <fungi> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-October/076962.html 19:05:23 <zaro> hey, i think we can say that everybody looks forward to 2.11 19:05:37 <fungi> it's been a lively discussion too. some mix of excitement and armchair development of gerrit 2.12 ;) 19:05:47 <anteaya> zaro: I got that feeling 19:06:12 <fungi> anyway, let's not dwell on the action item other than to thank zaro: he's up momentarily with updates on it in the priority efforts portion of the meeting anyway 19:06:19 <fungi> but thanks for starting that zaro! 19:06:25 <jasondotstar> zaro: +1 19:06:30 <fungi> #topic Specs approval 19:06:49 <fungi> #info Approved: StoryBoard Worklists and Boards spec 19:07:01 <Zara> \o/ 19:07:03 <fungi> #link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/storyboard_worklists_boards.html 19:07:28 <fungi> looking forward to talking about storyboard and its possible futures at the summit 19:07:38 <Zara> :) 19:07:56 <fungi> we seem to have no proposed specs for today's agenda, which is just as well since we probably shouldn't vote on more until we summit next week 19:08:24 <fungi> #topic Priority Efforts: Gerrit upgrade 19:08:28 <fungi> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/test-gerrit-2.11 19:08:45 <fungi> zaro's been a busy bee 19:09:11 <fungi> anything we need to know about this before we have our sessions next week, zaro? 19:09:12 <zaro> ahh yes,. 19:09:29 <zaro> gerrit upgrade is a thing again. #link https://review.openstack.org/237701 19:09:51 <zaro> these were the items i had slated for testing: #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/test-gerrit-2.11 19:10:00 <anteaya> I have a point here 19:10:23 <zaro> it's mostly working as expected, just need to test these following things: gerritlib, zuul pipelines, manage projects and migration. 19:10:26 <anteaya> last time we upgraded we needed to give some folks 4 weeks heads up to change ip things in firewalls 19:10:43 <anteaya> do we need that again this time, if so can we give them the ip addresses now? 19:10:52 <fungi> anteaya: that's been when replacing servers (like for an distro upgrade) 19:11:02 <anteaya> fungi: ah okay thanks 19:11:05 <fungi> we don't necessarily need to do a side-by-side upgrade for this one 19:11:09 <zaro> I'm a bit concerned with regards to fiasco last time so i'm wondering if we need to have a rollback script before trying again? 19:11:11 <anteaya> so we don't need to distro upgrade again 19:11:14 <anteaya> okay thanks 19:11:22 <fungi> though that's certainly worth discussing as we get closer to a maintenance 19:11:43 <anteaya> sure I just didn't want to agree to a time and then have to wait another few weeks 19:11:57 <zaro> I also attempted a migration of prod data yesterday. done on my local laptop but it was way too slow. 19:12:13 <fungi> zaro: a start to a rollback script wouldn't hurt. most of it was really mordred unwinding the db migrations (including some implicit migrations) 19:12:17 <zaro> took all nigth and only got thru ~600 projects out of ~780 19:12:39 <zaro> fungi: i'll look at it but might need some help with that. 19:13:05 <zaro> now i'm planning to try the migration again with a beefy 12cpu VM. 19:13:17 <anteaya> yay, I hope you have better results 19:13:18 <zaro> 16 GB ram 19:13:25 <anteaya> zaro: let's make notes there? 19:13:35 <fungi> zaro: as for a proper migration test, it's reasonable to backup the review-dev db/repos, and then place them with the redacted prod copies and see what sort of timeframe we're looking at on a more representative system 19:13:35 <zaro> where? 19:13:48 <fungi> having a timeframe estimate would be great before jumping into a maintenance 19:13:54 <anteaya> zaro: in an etherpad about what resouces you use for a successful migration 19:14:19 <zaro> fungi: yeah, i was planning to capture time as well 19:14:37 <anteaya> zaro: so if 12cpu and 16 GB ram work 19:14:51 <zaro> i'm guessing that the VM flavor i picked is representivite of what we have for review.o.o 19:15:07 <fungi> zaro: checking now 19:15:10 <zaro> although i plan to use local mysql 19:15:39 <fungi> zaro: we're using 7 vcpus and 30gb ram 19:15:57 <fungi> er, 8 vcpus 19:15:59 <zaro> cool, close enough i guess. 19:16:12 <zaro> though 7 was kina odd 19:16:19 <fungi> it's next to the 8 ;) 19:16:31 <zaro> anyways that's all for now. 19:16:36 <fungi> okay, anything else urgent on this? we have a fairly full agenda 19:16:45 <fungi> thanks zaro! 19:16:57 <fungi> we'll get into more details in person next week too 19:17:04 <zaro> ahh yeah, priority effort topic is 'gerrit-upgrade' 19:17:27 <fungi> #topic Priority Efforts: Maniphest (craige / ruagair) 19:17:38 <fungi> #link https://review.openstack.org/235802 19:18:05 <ruagair> Not much more to add beyond my update in the agenda. 19:18:07 <fungi> what's blocking you on this ruagair? or just a quick status update? 19:18:53 <fungi> so you've got a test instance running, you've gotten the migration script working, snf you're futzing with auth now (cauth?) 19:18:54 <ruagair> Currently bnutting out a Phsbricator auto configuration issue 19:19:07 <fungi> got it 19:19:12 <ruagair> yes. 19:19:37 <ruagair> you can experience it at os01.mcwhirter.io 19:20:10 <ruagair> any eyes or thoughts welcome. 19:20:16 <fungi> #link http://os01.mcwhirter.io/ 19:20:32 <fungi> okay, well we've got a task tracking fishbowl slot in tokyo next week if you're going to be there, and if not we'll get some additional details 19:20:47 <fungi> thanks for working on this! 19:20:59 <tchaypo> Was the plan to use a plugin in front of phabricator to redirect to the opened provider and get auth info from it? 19:20:59 <fungi> #topic Stackforge namespace retirement 19:21:00 <zaro> ruagair: not much to experience there 19:21:09 <ruagair> I'm there for those sessions. 19:21:24 <zaro> ruagair: it says auth failure 19:21:31 <fungi> just a reminder that we did complete the stackforge namespace retirement maintenance over the weekend 19:21:40 <fungi> thanks to everyone who was involved! 19:21:42 <ruagair> yes zero :-) 19:21:46 <jasondotstar> fungi++ 19:21:58 <fungi> AJaeger has a couple cleanup patches proposed but it's basically behind us now 19:22:08 <tchaypo> Experience the failure (of phabricator, not stackforge) 19:22:14 <fungi> there was one straggler repo which will need to get moved in a future rename maintenance 19:22:38 <fungi> it's on the renames list in the agenda already but needs a project-config change proposed to do the actual renaming 19:22:52 <anteaya> kevinbenton: ^^ 19:23:07 <anteaya> I'll work with kevinbenton to get it into shape 19:23:12 <anteaya> and I'm sure AJaeger will too 19:23:33 <fungi> thanks again for a smooth maintenance, everyone 19:23:47 * AJaeger doubts that thre's anything to do after anteaya helped ;) 19:23:48 <fungi> it went surprisingly quickly given the hundreds of repositories involved 19:23:51 <zaro> why the straggler? 19:23:54 <anteaya> AJaeger: ha ha ha 19:24:07 <fungi> zaro: the maintainers of the repo misread the announcements 19:24:16 <anteaya> zaro: I don't even, I"m so... 19:24:29 <anteaya> I even asked in -neutron on the wednesday prior 19:24:36 <anteaya> anyway 19:24:37 <kevinbenton> here is the project-config change https://review.openstack.org/237753 19:24:56 <anteaya> kevinbenton: thank you 19:25:01 <kevinbenton> i was copycatting so i'm not sure if it's correct 19:25:04 <fungi> anything else on the stackforge namespace retirement? anyone aware of anything that got missed or issues which have cropped up since? 19:25:21 <asselin> o/ 19:25:30 <zaro> we planning to move openstack-infra projects too? 19:25:46 <anteaya> zaro: oh please no 19:25:49 <zaro> or i mean do we have plan to 19:25:52 <nibalizer> noooo 19:25:55 <anteaya> I have a hard time finding what I want now 19:25:56 <AJaeger> zaro, there's little move from openstack-infra to openstack, so no need IMHO 19:25:57 <fungi> i don't think so at this stage. it would likely be a lot more disruptive to all the other projects if we did 19:26:14 <anteaya> zaro: I have no plan to 19:26:27 <zaro> ok, just wondering 19:26:35 <anteaya> zaro: yup, fair 19:26:37 <fungi> and the stackforge namespace retirement work was driven by a specific technical committee resolution 19:26:51 <fungi> okay, moving on 19:26:58 <fungi> #topic Summit planning 19:27:16 <fungi> as i mentioned on the ml(s), the schedule is up 19:27:26 <fungi> #link http://mitakadesignsummit.sched.org/type/Infrastructure 19:27:52 <fungi> this is down to the wire, but if you happen to spot any _serious_ schedule conflicts i didn't take into account, please speak up asap 19:28:28 <fungi> i'm working on getting the etherpads for them fleshed out and will add them to the schedule and to the etherpads list on the wiki within the next day or two 19:29:12 <fungi> anyone have any burning questions or issues related to our summit planning? 19:29:30 <nibalizer> nope 19:30:01 <zaro> looks good 19:30:13 <fungi> note that the work session names are generic intentionally (for all tracks, not just infra's) to deter random walk-ins 19:30:24 <fungi> so you need to hover or click them to see which ones are which 19:30:57 <anteaya> if you can bother to click, chances are higher you will get something from the session 19:31:19 <anteaya> and have something to contribute 19:31:49 <fungi> also clarkb had some good tips about the print view working well for custom schedules 19:32:15 <anteaya> oh I missed those 19:32:20 <fungi> no idea if he's around at the moment 19:32:24 <anteaya> was it in channel? 19:32:29 <anteaya> I'll find them 19:32:31 <fungi> i don't think he mentioned them in public, no 19:32:45 <fungi> i'm just putting him on the spot if he's around, or at least crediting him 19:33:06 <nibalizer> im proxy for clarkb 19:33:14 <fungi> perfect 19:33:19 <anteaya> nibalizer: what are the tips? 19:33:25 <fungi> anyway, there's a little printer icon up in the top right there 19:33:31 <anteaya> ah 19:33:33 <nibalizer> "if you click print in sched.org, there is a persobal schedule pribtout" 19:33:54 <zaro> nice~ 19:33:57 <anteaya> nibalizer: cool, thank you 19:34:01 <anteaya> nibalizer: thanks clarkb 19:34:29 <fungi> i'm going to print mine and bring it with me, because we're not guaranteed there will be paper schedules available at the venue (i know, we ask for it every year, but paper is scarce or something) 19:35:01 <fungi> (in seriousness, the organizers already to an awesome job and i can understand how paper schedules might be a little tough to squeeze in on our short scheduling timeline) 19:35:14 <anteaya> fungi: yes, I can see that 19:35:24 <anteaya> awesome work organizers 19:35:47 <fungi> so anyway, bringing a paper backup is good since we've had sched.org reachability/outage issues or even general conference network issues regularly in the past 19:35:52 * zaro loves paper 19:36:01 <anteaya> zaro: ha ha ha 19:36:15 <anteaya> or if they think we are all ddosing the site 19:36:20 <fungi> it might not be completely up to date if someone tweaks something at the last minute, so prefer the electronic version if you have access, but paper is still handy 19:36:30 <anteaya> ah memories of hong kong 19:36:42 <ruagair> no ical exports? 19:37:00 <fungi> memories of just about every venue until vancouver honestly. that was the first time our networks and schedule access have been really, really solid 19:37:20 <fungi> ruagair: i think the smart phone app might do that? not sure 19:37:28 <anteaya> fungi: yay vancouver 19:37:33 <ruagair> it did in Paris 19:37:56 <fungi> interesting. i'll ask my more foundationy cohorts 19:37:59 <mordred> hey all - back online - what did I miss? 19:38:07 <fungi> mordred: just the meeting ;) 19:38:19 <fungi> your requested topic is up next actually. i put it at the end 19:38:42 <mordred> yay! 19:38:52 <anteaya> mordred: oh and zaro something something gerrit db migration rollback plan 19:39:04 <mordred> yes. we should hav eone of those 19:39:12 <anteaya> mordred: he'd like your help 19:39:15 <mordred> because we had to come up with one suddenly last time 19:39:19 <mordred> I would like to help 19:39:22 <anteaya> yay 19:39:34 <fungi> cool. okay, i think we're as prepped on the summit scheduling topic as can be, so i'll move on to the last item on the agenda 19:39:51 <fungi> #topic Release the Hound! (mordred, taron) 19:39:59 <taron> oh hello 19:40:00 <zaro> mordred: yeah, was wondering how you cobbled that together so quickly last time. 19:40:04 <fungi> mordred: so what's all this then? 19:40:05 <anteaya> taron: hey! 19:40:09 <mordred> so I dropped a hound link into the keystone meeting as an answer to a question 19:40:16 <mordred> and then people were like "zomg what's that??" 19:40:18 <anteaya> mordred: ha ha ha 19:40:23 <mordred> which made me think "we should make it a thing" 19:40:24 <nibalizer> users! 19:40:27 <stevemar_> mordred: can you blame us? 19:40:28 <taron> indeed 19:40:34 <taron> it is quite shiny 19:40:41 <mordred> and I notiecd it still had a bunch of stackforges in it 19:40:44 * AJaeger loves hound 19:40:47 <mordred> so maybe we need to restart something post rename 19:40:55 <anteaya> mordred: yes, it doesn't self update on renames 19:40:56 <taron> I still haven't figured out why the config.json is still causing puppet to complain 19:40:58 <mordred> which I htin we agreed would be ok from a process perspective 19:41:16 <mordred> so - my questions are ... should we consider the current one "live"? 19:41:24 <anteaya> which is the current one? 19:41:25 <mordred> and shoudl we restart hound so that it picks up the renames? 19:41:32 <taron> current one is hound.o.o 19:41:43 <taron> which does not run my puppet, but that can be changed once I've sorted the config issue 19:41:44 <anteaya> if taht is waht it takes to pick up the renames, yes 19:41:45 <fungi> mordred: the current one is not puppeting according to puppetboard, so i don't consider it live 19:41:53 <mordred> ah. kk 19:41:58 <anteaya> yeah, I'm not a fan of what mordred is running 19:42:05 <anteaya> it isn't current with code in git.o.o 19:42:06 <mordred> so we're still waiting to roll out taron's puppet 19:42:12 <anteaya> mordred: no offense 19:42:15 <anteaya> I am waiting 19:42:15 <mordred> cool. 19:42:17 <mordred> no me neither 19:42:19 <mordred> :) 19:42:25 <fungi> also, it would be nice to rebuild it from scratch at least once more to make sure the deployment config management is doing the right thing 19:42:25 <anteaya> the issue was a failing test taron was debugging 19:42:32 <taron> no idea what's going on with my puppet, so I'm going to spin up a test vm and see what happens 19:42:39 <mordred> ossum 19:42:40 <anteaya> taron: do ask for help 19:42:47 <anteaya> taron: so that you don't stay blocked 19:42:57 <anteaya> taron: I was looking for you to ask, but I never saw you in channel 19:43:02 <mordred> I nominate nibalizer to help if it goes south ... I hear he understands puppet 19:43:08 * mordred is excited 19:43:09 <nibalizer> sure 19:43:10 <taron> ha, I was just about to poke him 19:43:10 <anteaya> taron: keep coming back to channel, please 19:43:16 <taron> I never leave :P 19:43:21 <anteaya> taron: good thank you 19:43:32 <anteaya> taron: I'm looking forward to us running your code 19:43:34 * mordred hands nibalizer and taron some parts of a very nice salmon 19:44:09 <taron> nibalizer: I shall have some questions about how resources work later 19:44:23 <nibalizer> sure thing 19:44:25 <fungi> i always have questions about how resources work 19:44:25 <taron> probably write them down and then poke you on thursday 19:44:34 <anteaya> taron: etherpad? 19:44:39 <anteaya> taron: then we can all look 19:44:43 <taron> good point 19:44:50 <fungi> or just a code review even 19:45:07 <fungi> sometimes code is the best means of communicating these things 19:45:19 <fungi> whatever works for you 19:45:22 * taron nods 19:45:25 <fungi> anything else hound-related? 19:45:26 <anteaya> even psuedocode 19:45:38 <anteaya> then folks can comment in line 19:45:58 <taron> come to think of it I don't have anything to do at work at the moment, so I'll start drawing that up now 19:46:11 <anteaya> taron: okay great 19:46:17 <fungi> your job sounds like mine! ;) 19:46:17 <anteaya> taron: thank you 19:46:29 <fungi> they never give me anything to do, so i just hack on openstack instead 19:46:38 <mordred> that's all I had 19:46:44 <taron> heh 19:46:48 <fungi> #topic Open discussion 19:47:33 <fungi> heads up, i'll be absent (in body, not just mind for a change!) for nearly two weeks in the middle of next month. call it november 12-23 19:47:41 <anteaya> fungi: nice 19:47:51 <anteaya> fungi: I hope you are schduling fun things 19:48:11 <fungi> yeah, messing around in boats 19:48:17 <anteaya> nice 19:48:30 <nibalizer> fungi: sweet 19:48:32 <fungi> yucatan coast (southern mex and central-am) 19:48:35 <nibalizer> have fun 19:48:43 <anteaya> oh I like it down there 19:48:58 <anteaya> the mex part, never been to the central-am part 19:49:15 <anteaya> that does sound like fun 19:49:27 <fungi> i expect so 19:50:00 <fungi> internet access is pricey on the ship, so i expect to hack offline on some personal projects and as such won't be around 19:50:32 <anteaya> fungi: good call 19:50:59 <anteaya> fungi: are you deputizing anyone in case of needing to make a decison on anything while you are away? 19:51:09 <ianw> a request for any nodepoolers -> moving f22 nodes to fedora-minimal builds : https://review.openstack.org/237389 19:51:12 <anteaya> or shall we do our best to devine your will? 19:51:29 <anteaya> divine 19:51:33 <ianw> tihs will help me getting f22 up and f21 gone... 19:51:33 <fungi> i think my will is your will, so you can all get by without me 19:51:42 <anteaya> fungi: okey dokey 19:52:20 <zaro> would be nice to get ball rolling with Gerrit 2.11 builds, just need this patch series https://review.openstack.org/#/c/236010 19:52:41 <fungi> i doubt things are going to be crazy a couple weeks after the summit anyway, so seemed like a good opportunity for some downtime 19:53:18 <anteaya> fungi: good call 19:53:39 <anteaya> fungi: if I can get enough folks together I might do the rename in your absence 19:53:47 <anteaya> fungi: I'm guessing you would be okay with that 19:53:51 <zaro> ahh, we had some discussion of planning a Gerrit cleanup which should happen before upgrade and happen seperate from the upgrade. 19:53:54 <fungi> more than okay with it ;) 19:53:59 <anteaya> fungi: heh 19:53:59 <zaro> should we leave that for another meeting? 19:54:13 <anteaya> zaro: we have a few minutes 19:54:19 <anteaya> zaro: what gerrit cleanup? 19:54:32 <fungi> zaro: yeah, we can talk about it now and/or in our channel, and/or in tokyo 19:54:41 <zaro> cool. 19:54:47 <fungi> anteaya: some ancient cruft from older renames/deletions years back 19:54:53 <zaro> anteaya: gerrit git folder and db are out of sync 19:54:55 <anteaya> ah okay cool 19:54:58 <nibalizer> anteaya: before our project rename procedure was good we left cruft in the db 19:55:01 <fungi> before i think we had entirely nailed down what's involved 19:55:02 <anteaya> zaro: okey dokey 19:55:11 <anteaya> nibalizer: yup, getting the picture 19:55:22 <anteaya> do we need downtime for the cleanup? 19:55:29 <fungi> yeah 19:55:38 <anteaya> how about when the renames are scheduled? 19:55:40 <zaro> anteaya: yes, but minimal 19:55:42 <anteaya> there are only 3 19:56:04 <anteaya> so 3 renames and gerrit cleanup in a gerrit downtime window a few weeks after summit 19:56:05 <fungi> it'll likely be quick: 1 stop gerrit, 2. backup database, 3. run cleanup query, 4. reindex lucene, 5. start gerrit and test to make sure it's okay 19:56:07 <anteaya> yeah? 19:56:34 <zaro> fungi: ugh! always forget the reindex. 19:56:49 <zaro> that might be slowish 19:56:54 <fungi> it might make sense to not mix the cleanup with the rename maintenance just in case something goes wrong and we need to roll back 19:57:03 <zaro> ++ 19:57:09 <ruagair> ++ 19:57:17 <anteaya> fungi: ah okay, yeah that would make sense 19:57:58 <zaro> i'll have an good esitmate from my testing though 19:58:08 <fungi> thanks zaro! 19:59:38 <fungi> well, if nobody's got anything else, i'll go ahead and close the meeting 19:59:49 <anteaya> thank you 19:59:50 <fungi> all -> #openstack-infra 19:59:58 <zaro> yes sir 20:00:02 <fungi> thanks again everybody! 20:00:06 <fungi> #endmeeting