19:01:00 #startmeeting infra 19:01:02 Meeting started Tue Nov 10 19:01:00 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is fungi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:01:06 The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:01:09 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 19:01:14 *\o/* 19:01:14 #topic Announcements 19:01:15 0/ 19:01:20 nibalizer would like to identify himself as a potential mentor to anyone looking to get started with infra 19:01:23 o/ 19:01:35 o/ 19:01:41 nibalizer: i just introduced your announcement before you /join'ed 19:01:47 o/ 19:01:49 great, nibalizer ! 19:01:51 please elaborate 19:01:54 awesome 19:01:57 o/ 19:02:08 basically just if anyone is lurking and identifies as 'new' and would benefit from some mentoring, im available 19:02:13 o/ 19:02:17 i think it's admirable, and i hope we all aspire to mentor people getting started with infra work 19:02:22 i think we all want to help everyone, but there is a lot of noise 19:02:33 and work to do, etc 19:02:39 yep! 19:02:40 thats it 19:02:48 nibalizer: ++ 19:02:49 * ruagair is enroute to the airport and boarding during this meeting. So may be sluggish to respond. 19:02:52 so nibalizer is our go-to mentor! ;) 19:02:58 uh, nice... I would like some mentorship actually :) 19:02:58 Agreed. Infra has a high learning curve, anything we can do to help new people works for me 19:02:59 fungi: Sounds good... +2 :) 19:03:06 I'd like to help down the line but I'm not sure I know enough yet. 19:03:29 nibalizer: cool stuff :-) 19:03:31 maiteb: cool, after the meeting lets chat a bit 19:03:45 great nibalizer :) 19:03:53 #info Spencer Krum (nibalizer) has volunteered to mentor new contributors to the OpenStack Project Infrastructure team 19:04:13 nibalizer: I would like some mentorship actually, too :) 19:04:33 #topic Actions from last meeting 19:04:34 nibalizer is popular 19:04:38 there were none, all executed successfully! 19:04:43 haha 19:04:48 yay us! 19:04:56 * Clint golfclaps. 19:05:03 post-summit is always such an amusing time 19:05:09 #topic Specs approval 19:05:16 the cycle priority updates are now reflected on the specs page 19:05:17 i think 19:05:23 i had to retrigger the job 19:05:26 excellent 19:05:28 anyway, if they're not, they soon will be 19:05:34 #link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/#priority-efforts 19:05:40 #info Approved change to update priorities for the Mitaka cycle 19:05:47 phschwartz has a spec proposed to extend openstackci for downstream ci systems b 19:05:49 eyond just third-party ci strung from our (openstack's) gerrit instance 19:06:04 hrm, you can have the stray linefeed as a bonus 19:06:09 no extra charge 19:06:16 * nibalizer pockets 19:06:26 #link https://review.openstack.org/239810 19:06:28 fungi: I will take what I can get 19:07:08 just to confirm, this is ready for final council voting? 19:07:19 from my point of view yes. 19:07:26 i think so 19:07:39 I thought we already had a spec for this... 19:07:48 "make puppet modules reconsumable" 19:07:56 anyways carry on 19:08:08 clarkb: apparently this part was just in our heads :) 19:08:38 can't hurt to document the plan more thoroughly, as long as it doesn't contradict what we may have already said we would do 19:08:45 #info Council voting will remain open for the "Add extension to openstackci for next phase of work" spec until 19:00 UTC Thursday, November 12 19:09:18 #topic Priority Efforts: Gerrit 2.11 Upgrade 19:09:41 in case it seems like i was rushing through the first part of the meeting, it's because i expect us to spend a while today talking about this 19:09:47 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-infra-gerritdevelopment 19:09:52 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/test-gerrit-2.11 19:10:03 zaro: how are things shaping up for the upgrade next week? 19:10:41 (or anybody who's been working with zaro on the preparations i guess) 19:10:44 if zaro is unresponsive it may be because he is at gerrit hackathon today.... 19:10:51 aha! 19:10:56 very good point 19:11:05 zaro found the double // root of url openid redirect bug 19:11:09 I have a test 3rd party ci that's commenting 'noop' patches to review-dev 19:11:13 fix has been proposed upstream and is in place on review-dev 19:11:37 clarkb: oh, excellent. do you happen to have a link? i'm curious where it turned out being 19:11:37 someone said that zuul needed updates to handle new events? 19:12:05 i thought we merged those changes to zuul ages ago? 19:12:07 i assume something in the openid support bits was appending a / to the return url being sent with the authentication redirect 19:12:26 #link https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/72105/ 19:12:33 looks like that particular change was abandoned to move it to stable branch 19:12:51 I am guessing they will merge that back up into master? 19:12:58 i thought we at least merged new-in-2.9/2.10 events support in zuul and jeepyb prior to the upgrade attempt in may 19:12:59 on topic:gerrit-upgrade i see a fix for toggle-ci and a fix to jeepyb still pending. 19:13:08 fungi: agreed 19:13:21 fungi: the jeepyb change references 2.11 19:13:22 maybe they weren't installing from HEAD like we do 19:14:39 change screen 2 feedback has been mostly positive 19:14:57 mordred: have you written the db rollback yet? 19:14:58 anyway, hopefully all outstanding changes needed for the upgrade are using the gerrit-upgrade topic 19:15:05 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+topic:gerrit-upgrade,n,z 19:15:15 i wonder if we need 209906 for 2.11... 19:15:23 the sortkey pagination deprecation 19:15:40 let's all make sure staying on top of those is a particularly high priority so that we're ready in time for the maintenance a week from tomorrow 19:16:02 I will carve out time after lunch to get through the current list of changes 19:16:11 #action jeblair investigate whether 209906 is needed for gerrit 2.11 19:16:16 someone should probably send mail to the list about the upgrade? 19:16:25 I did that at the summit 19:16:27 or very nearly after 19:16:29 oh perfect 19:16:30 nibalizer sent an initial... maybe time for a followup? 19:16:35 ya followup would be good 19:16:40 maybe a 1 week notice tomorrow? 19:16:52 ++ 19:16:58 a reminder in time so that it comes into the weekly newsletter? 19:17:04 #action nibalizer send one-week reminder for scheduled maintenance on the 18th 19:17:13 if anyone can get in front of mordred finding out about the DB rollback prep would be good 19:17:18 since I know he wanted that done before the upgrade 19:17:29 ok 19:17:36 nibalizer: i can #undo if you don't want that one 19:17:51 fungi: im good with it 19:17:52 though continuity is fairly useful on those announcements 19:17:55 excellent 19:18:10 this reminds me to send mail to the list saying elasticsearch upgrade is (mostly) done 19:18:22 fyi my plans changed and I will be travelling for the downtime, but I still have the day blocked off to perform the upgrade 19:18:41 so it will be nibz-from-hotel instead of nibz-from-home (which should be transparent to this team) 19:18:56 as previously indicated, i'll be gone all next week (starting friday actually) so will miss all the fun 19:19:13 but i'm looking forward to returning to a brand new gerrit 2.11 world 19:20:31 oh 19:20:39 seems like we exhausted this topic much quicker than i anticipated 19:20:42 has anyone run git revie wagainst review-dev? 19:21:04 i did for 2.10 a lot but haven't tried with 2.11 yet 19:21:07 thats probably overly paranoid 19:21:16 I can go ahead and do that today when I am done reviewing changes 19:21:26 jeblair: seems to have posted new changes on nov 7th, so probably 19:21:39 clarkb: yeah, that's not a terrible idea 19:21:55 nibalizer: ? 19:22:01 #action clarkb double-check git-review interactions with gerrit 2.11 on review-dev.openstack.org 19:22:11 jeblair: have you run git review against latest review-dev deployment? 19:22:13 wait nevermind, I misread 19:22:16 nibalizer: you might be looking at updated rather than created 19:22:18 clarkb: nope 19:22:20 ya exactly 19:22:22 kk I will do it 19:24:08 okay, anything else on this topic? 19:24:21 not from me 19:24:39 #topic Priority Efforts: maniphest migration 19:24:46 ruagair has a bunch of updates in the meeting agenda, but i'll let him iterate through them if he's here. otherwise i can just cut and paste them into the meeting myself 19:24:58 I'm here 19:25:11 nearly at airport though. 19:25:14 awesome. anything there you need to highlight? 19:25:39 I would be curious to know if any progress was made on the auth front 19:25:42 I have done low priority changes that need more approve ers 19:26:01 A small amount Clarkb 19:26:03 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+topic:maniphest,n,z 19:26:16 Not as much as I expected. 19:26:30 ruagair: ok, I played with mod_auth_openid myself a bit and ran into what I think are ssl and dns issues 19:26:44 it appears that you need to have a fairly correct deployment for the id server to talk to you 19:27:11 I am expecting that today I'll have phab taking to openstackid via cauth. 19:27:18 neat 19:27:31 I thought that yesterday though. 19:27:40 :) I know the feeling 19:28:15 fwiw, the puppet-openstackid module should be sanely deployable on a test instance if you need to inspect the other end of the interaction 19:28:16 I've not yet started with mod-auth-openid 19:28:48 thanks fungi, I'll make use of that. 19:29:03 ruagair: if I get it working independently I can pass that info along 19:29:20 please do. 19:30:43 I'm in touch with a cauth contributor too, who's been helpful. 19:31:09 anything else to relay on this front? 19:31:26 No 19:31:37 hit me with a questions :-) 19:31:58 ruagair: have you had an updated spec for what people want from a task tracker? 19:32:11 No. 19:32:29 Had a long talk with ttx but no updated spec. 19:32:49 heh, okay, please update me if/when you get one! :) 19:32:53 that would be good to get nailed down so we have something to measure the deployment against as well 19:32:59 Will do. 19:33:00 thanks 19:33:07 exactly fungi 19:33:40 * ruagair is now purporting 19:33:52 airporting 19:33:52 okay, this was a remarkably short meeting. i'll switch to open discussion unless anyone else has last-minute topics they want to wedge in 19:34:27 short meetings are best meetings 19:34:37 greghaynes: ++ 19:35:02 #topic Open discussion 19:35:34 i sent an email summary about the gerrit user summit to the list 19:35:45 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/219372/ still lacks review 19:35:48 I took a stab at setting up the polygerrit app mentioned in jeblair's email http://polygerrit.nibalizer.com/q/status:open 19:35:55 nibalizer: and I upgraded elasticsearch to version 1.7.3 yesterday. Killing some long standing tech debt 19:36:02 #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-November/078945.html 19:36:12 #link http://polygerrit.nibalizer.com/q/status:open 19:36:17 nibalizer: which is way cool :) 19:36:22 taron: if you're looking for a template to use for announcing availability of http://codesearch.openstack.org/ you can consider cribbing from pabelanger's grafana.o.o announcement 19:36:29 #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-November/079082.html 19:36:36 ya, that needs a big 'I didn't write this, this is beta, teh source is ' sign on it 19:36:59 need to fix CORS for admin dashboards, fix e-r which is hitting pyelasticsearch bug, then next steps are updating logstash to current version, updating kibana, and doing rolling upgrades from precise to trusty 19:36:59 the puppet apply stuff is going really well 19:37:09 clear out a lot of the ELK cruft that has accumulated 19:37:14 nibalizer: large text saying "file bugs , submit fixes " 19:37:20 then maybe next cycle we update to ES 2.0 19:37:28 i believe i'm very close to being able to put a very limited number of nodes from bluebox and ovh into production 19:37:33 nibalizer: let me know if there is any other help you need for the puppet-apply stuff 19:37:34 jeblair: ! 19:37:39 jeblair: nice! 19:37:40 fungi: I really should have floated that by infra-roots before posting, sorry about that 19:37:54 like, not at 'big splash announcement heavy use' yet, but more 'dip toes into shallow end'. :) 19:38:26 also, in both cases, i think our cpu needs are going to end up causing us to have fewer nodes than we expected 19:38:56 but we'll see, things are still in flux 19:39:07 pabelanger: no worries. the announcement was fine and timely 19:39:22 thanks for working through that deployment! 19:39:33 pabelanger: yay! :) 19:39:39 np, was fun and learning experience 19:40:13 On that note... http://stackalytics.openstack.org is live too 19:40:31 for the moment, just doing some tuning of the server 19:40:39 jeblair: so the lesson here is that the cpu performance provided by rackspace and hpcloud are not actually representative of the broader ecosystem of public clouds? 19:40:52 but I think this are actually good after talking to ilyashakhat 19:41:06 pabelanger: yeah, might be good to fully understand the pegged uwsgi process before announcing? 19:41:18 pabelanger: no longer feeling the urge to rip out apache? ;) 19:41:23 fungi: I think it is more along the lines that rackspace and hpcloud have been around longer so they have larger infrastructure to provide more resources from 19:41:45 fungi: i think rackspace is exceptional, and hpcloud is par; i think the thing we're learning is actually more about private/public.... 19:41:46 fungi: Ya, might have been hasty on that 19:42:09 phschwartz: well, the performance per vcpu i mean 19:42:15 i'm going to write up some changes to the 'cloud requirements' thing to elaborate on that soon 19:42:31 We are currently working on adding some tests for puppet modules and fixing them as we find bugs. Is this important ? 19:42:55 writing tests and fixing bugs is always important 19:43:18 fungi, phschwartz: but really short version: if we are sole occupants, we are bad neighbors for ourselves, so we need less oversubscription; if we are distributed in a public cloud, we can handle more oversub. 19:43:18 I can say the thing that turned me off from reviewing many of those changes is they didn't seem to test how we/others use the modules 19:43:29 as long as the bugs aren't simply bugs because the tests say they are, but rather the tests are exercising the system in such a way as to expose legitimate issues 19:43:34 dramalho: for me at least I would like to see the tests focus on how people are using the modules to start 19:43:45 fungi: right 19:44:03 jeblair: that makes a lot of sense 19:44:14 jeblair: I think it was because we didn't fully index the data properly. And because we didn't have a fully data dump, it was reordering things every hour. However, going to watch it and try to a better reason 19:44:21 clarkb, actually these tests provided some value, discovering problems with races, or incompatibilities with different distros 19:44:42 yolanda: right but the focus should be on testing how its used first 19:45:04 bceause while getting support for $distro is nice if we aren't deployed on that distro the tests failing there is less important than actual functionality as deployed being tested 19:45:07 agreed, exposing portability issues doesn't necessarily mean you're finding bugs 19:45:42 what do you suggest? integration testing? 19:45:48 o/ 19:46:04 as it's a test with modules, the near we can go is providing default values that resemble more to system-config 19:46:06 porting a module to a different platform than it was originally written for is generally an effort unto itself 19:46:47 fungi, yes, actually that concern was raised by some members of the community , but that's a different topic 19:46:48 more of a feature than a bug fix 19:47:08 yolanda: I would suggest testing functionality we use 19:47:09 well, it's true that they discovered races, that you only can see when deploying a module for first time 19:47:24 for example in httpd module there were proxy tests written before "apply this vhost" tests 19:47:30 same for redirects iirc 19:47:41 the vast majority of our use of that module is "here is a vhost apply it" 19:47:42 that should be test 1 19:47:56 fungi: some of whats happening is the modules have been written for precise, but the tests run on trusty, so little things are different 19:48:05 i think thats what they are refering to when they say portability issues 19:48:08 dramalho and tw guys, is something you want to take care? 19:48:29 nibalizer yes, that was number one portability issue :) 19:48:30 nibalizer: yep, i would agree those are portability issues (precise and trusty are different platforms) 19:48:51 its not like we're trying to get the modules to work on solaris :) 19:48:54 however we want to port our use of those from precise to trusty, so testing them with trusty and fixing bugs discovered there is helpful 19:49:04 exactly 19:49:37 i thought most of that had been solved already, but i guess only for more popular modules 19:49:37 there was an special interest from RedHat community to make this module work on CentOS/RHEL, but that's a different topic that we should talk in another meeting. I proposed them to raise a topic on the agenda 19:50:22 if we're going to plan to "support" (whatever that means) a module on a given platform, we should test it on that platform 19:51:15 yes, i agree 19:51:46 so i wouldn't discourage TW team to do functional testing, but improve the ones they are doing 19:52:06 yolanda: my feedback would be to start with the most valuable tests first 19:52:32 even though it's tempting to start with the easiest tests to write first 19:52:40 (you could probably just copy pasta the relevant manfiest bits from the various manifests and put that in the beaker rspec fixtures) 19:53:30 yolanda: we need to see what tests we already did and the list of modules that we are thinking to write tests and see which one will be more valuable 19:54:14 so dramalho, glauco, have done a decent job there, testing the basic features of the modules is important. I agree that extending use cases, to properly test some features, is something we will need 19:56:16 thanks for working on that! 19:56:20 yolanda: for example, dramalho and I are now testing puppet-etherpad_lite, what do you guys think that we need to focus on? only basic testing? 19:57:14 from my point of view is important that all functional tests ensure the basic features of the module are working 19:57:15 maiteb: I would start from the openstack_project::etherpad manifest 19:57:22 services are up, files are created, cronjobs are on place 19:57:40 i think both things are valuable - minimal test using mostly default parameters (how someone new might be using the module) and using openstack_project in system-config (how infra actually uses it) 19:58:04 i agree with clarkb. we have example production use cases already written up in our system-config repo 19:58:33 in fact, we have two for that module (one for etherpad-dev as well) 19:58:43 fungi: Cool... sounds good... 19:59:15 crinkle: yes, that makes sense... 19:59:17 so basically, yeah, what crinkle said too 20:00:25 we're out of time--thanks everyone! 20:00:29 #endmeeting