19:03:35 <fungi> #startmeeting infra 19:03:36 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 4 19:03:35 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is fungi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:03:37 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:03:39 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:03:43 <fungi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 19:03:50 <fungi> #topic Announcements 19:04:07 <fungi> semi-announcement, i'll be travelling and mostly unavailable next week 19:04:25 <fungi> pabelanger has graciously volunteered to chair the meeting on the 11th 19:04:33 <fungi> thanks pabelanger! 19:04:41 <pabelanger> np 19:04:43 <fungi> as always, feel free to hit me up with announcements you want included in future meetings 19:04:51 <fungi> #topic Actions from last meeting 19:05:01 <jlvillal> o/\ 19:05:05 <fungi> #action fungi put forth proposal to flatten git namespaces 19:05:14 <fungi> still haven't gotten to that 19:05:25 <fungi> nothing else from last week 19:05:33 <fungi> #topic Specs approval 19:05:59 <fungi> i thought we might have SpamapS's zuul v3 sandboxing approach up in time 19:06:12 <fungi> should it be a last-minute addition or hold off? 19:07:34 <jeblair> it just got another revision, so maybe hold? 19:07:45 <fungi> okay, fair enough 19:08:00 <fungi> #topic Priority Efforts 19:08:25 <fungi> nothing called out specifically here this week, though i know zaro and clarkb have picked back up steam on the gerrit upgrade stuff 19:09:10 <fungi> and zuul v3 and storyboard activity are ongoing and making traction 19:09:20 <clarkb> yes, I'm tired of restarting Gerrit 19:09:29 <fungi> you and the rest of us ;) 19:09:51 <fungi> #topic Ipsilon integration for OpenStack ID (pabelanger) 19:10:01 <pabelanger> Ohai! 19:10:03 <fungi> i guess jeblair may have some input on this one 19:10:39 <pabelanger> I keep getting ping from trystack folks wanting to know who they can drop facebook as there auth backend and use the openstack foundation database. As I understand it, we need ipsilon for this 19:10:47 <fungi> is ipsilon integration preventing trystack.org from switching off facebook group auth? 19:11:08 <pabelanger> maybe? is there another option for them? 19:11:20 <fungi> is this oidc feature stuff missing from the current openstackid implementation, or something else? 19:11:52 <kambiz> we just need to know what options we have. old facebook code that doesnt work with newton and ocata. 19:12:04 <pabelanger> I am not sure honestly, I thought we in -infra wanted to move away from the current openstackid code base, to ipsilon 19:13:03 <fungi> well, not all of openstackid, just the openid/oidc provider interface... the backend would presumably remain as it is now 19:13:32 <clarkb> and I think plan was to run them side by side, and as long as they use same backend you should be able to migrate from one to the other trivially 19:13:41 <clarkb> at least initially 19:13:49 <fungi> that's at least how the idp.openstackid.org poc was set up 19:14:24 <pabelanger> so, I am not sure how to proceed with trystack.org and there openstackid integration. It is something they have been wanting to do for a while 19:14:33 <pabelanger> I'd like to help, but need some direction 19:14:34 <clarkb> (migration may involve updating root url of ids in a database like what we did with ubuntu one and gerrit recently) 19:14:44 <kambiz> are there docs available to do auth for an ocata install against idp.openstack.org ? 19:14:51 <fungi> have they tried using openstackid.org directly yet? 19:15:03 <fungi> curious what keystone needs which it isn't providing 19:15:15 <kambiz> also we need auto-provisioning of tenants / users based on whether they are members of e.g. a trystack group. 19:15:34 <mordred> kambiz: ah - so you need group membership from the idp? 19:15:45 <fungi> kambiz: at best, there may be documentation for configuring keystone to authenticate via openid in the general sense, and openstackid.org attempts to be a generic openid provider 19:15:49 <kambiz> mordred: correct. 19:16:36 <mordred> fungi: I think the gotcha will be openstackid not implementing (to my knowledge) the group-membership extension 19:16:50 <clarkb> why is group membership necessary? 19:17:01 <kambiz> fungi: want to minimize the administration. so basically users with openstackid creds would request access to a "trystack" group, and once they are granted access, when they login to x86.trystack.org they would be directed to the IDP and sent back to trystack (which would also auto provision their tenant / user, but only if they are members of the group 19:17:09 <fungi> group-based authorization isn't part of the openid 1.x spec as far as i understand, and is instead openid-connect (oidc) and openid 2.x (which ipsilon supposedly has already and openstackid has been working toward implementing but i don't know whether they finished) 19:17:46 <fungi> group administration would be yet another layer there, it sounds like 19:17:48 <notmorgan> uhm. yeah and is that an issue? wouldn't the group be something that would be added on the SP (service provider/consumer)? 19:17:57 <clarkb> I've worked around similar by maintaining the group membership on the application side fwiw 19:18:10 <kambiz> clarkb: *shrug* I guess it's not strickly necessary. Presumably someone with an openstackid account is already interested in openstack, so they get trystack for free. vs. the current setup which is facebook auth and requires membership in a trystack group on facebook. 19:18:15 <fungi> because you want some software to provide an interface for some unnamed admins to decide who can be in or out of the authorization group? 19:18:16 <notmorgan> clarkb: that is typically the way it works, the SP is usually responsible 19:18:40 <notmorgan> since the IDP otherwise might be leaking that data outside to another source (excluding Microsoft ecosystem and ADFS for various reasons) 19:19:07 <notmorgan> i would hesitate to lump that into the IDP itself. 19:19:19 <fungi> yeah, so trystack would need to grow a group authorization management interface 19:19:56 <notmorgan> fungi: depending on what trystack does, it may have that alread, not sure if it's just keystone undewr the hood or something else 19:20:00 <notmorgan> already* 19:20:02 <fungi> this is where my lack of understanding of keystone options rules me out of making good suggestions 19:20:29 <notmorgan> it might require a *very* new keystone. but it should work. (new as in Ocata or post Ocata) 19:20:39 <notmorgan> lbragstad: ^ cc for federated identity tech stuff. 19:21:26 <fungi> i think ultimately the desire is to allow people with an openstack foundation account (e.g. via openstackid.org openid login) to use per-account tenants autoprovisioned in trystack, which is a bog-standard rdo deployment? 19:21:46 <kambiz> fungi: gonna paste link to the auth stuff we added to liberty release. 19:21:49 <kambiz> (looking for it) 19:22:07 <wfoster> https://github.com/trystack/python-django-horizon-facebook 19:22:21 <kambiz> it's keystone insofar that once the user is authed, the user and tenant are created (with a dummy/random password) 19:22:48 <kambiz> users can then download the keystonerc_<user> from horizon and never look back to the facebook auth stuff. 19:22:58 <kambiz> (so they can run openstack cli commands) 19:23:00 <wfoster> fungi: that seems about right, more or less. 19:23:22 <fungi> okay, so really the openid auth is just needed far enough to get an api access account created and then they use the autogenerated keystone credentials moving forward? 19:23:43 <fungi> not actually doing keystone federation to an openid provider? 19:24:04 <fungi> or is the desire to move from the former to the latter? 19:24:11 <kambiz> fungi: yes, and just generally a replacement for facebook, and to use an IDP with a deployment in a manner that is prescribed / has wider adoption. 19:24:52 <kambiz> basically, is anyone doing federated authn/authz with auto-provisioning of tenants/users? 19:24:56 <fungi> okay, and so with facebook you got a group administrator role who could add/remove accounts in some group? 19:25:30 <kambiz> fungi: yep. users ask to join, and we take a quick 5 second glance at the request, and make a judgement call that they are real humans, and not spammers./ 19:25:32 <fungi> well, ids rather than accounts from trystack's perspective 19:25:39 <wfoster> trystack needs an oath or similiar identity provider to plug into keystone to auto create accounts after they've been approved, I think we'd defer to people just having an openstack.org account (or LP and signing the CLA?) so long as we have ability of revocation for abuse scenarios, the facebook auth piece just fits in so we can somewhat determine its indeed a human and we get out of business of 19:25:40 <wfoster> manually manauging accounts (even with tools its not scalable). 19:25:41 <kambiz> and once we allow them into the group, they get access to trystack. 19:26:18 <fungi> contributor license agreement sounds completely out of scope for using trystack, fwiw 19:27:13 <fungi> but anyway, i don't know that with either the current openstackid codebase nor switching to an externally (from trystack's perspective) managed ipsilon instance gets you any sort of group management interface 19:28:17 <fungi> it's possible the foundation site maintainers would be able to delegate access to the group management interface they use for www.openstack.org properties, but i also don't know how hierarchical that interface is 19:28:51 <notmorgan> fungi: CLA seems a bit heavy handed to require (so ++) 19:28:57 <fungi> as notmorgan and clarkb pointed out, you can always do group management on the trystack side of things 19:29:08 <notmorgan> and i highly recommend that model if possible 19:29:29 <notmorgan> it doesnt rely on the IDP to grow smarts or have someone manage internally 19:29:35 <jeblair> i keep seeing suggestions that maybe just having a foundation membership account is sufficient. if we can agree that's the case, then it doesn't seem like there should be any obstacles. 19:29:37 <wfoster> that would be ideal, using delegated group mgmt from openstack.org - we had looked at freeipa for this but i dont think it's ready with the self-service options currently e.g. http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Community_Portal#Self-Service_Registration. 19:29:58 <fungi> from something as basic as am htpasswd callout to a list of openid urls to as featureful as a custom-written web management interface or some off-the-shelf groupware 19:30:17 <wfoster> somehwere mod_auth_idc fits in, that's where my understanding of ocata/keystone fall short here. 19:30:28 <fungi> yeah, if just having an openstackid.org id is sufficient, then sounds like it might just work already? 19:31:21 <wfoster> our main thing is to just be sure it's indeed a human and to make sure we can take action in abuse scenarios if needed. it seems having an openstack.org id would be enough in my opinion, do you concur kambiz? 19:31:39 <fungi> clarkb: was mod_auth_openid the one you used in your etherpad authentication experiments? 19:31:49 <clarkb> fungi: yes, its not perfect but mostly worked 19:31:57 <fungi> so not mod_auth_idc 19:32:18 <clarkb> some of the issues were on openstackid's side of not exactly following the spec and otehrs are bugs in mod auth openid 19:32:19 <fungi> but you managed (after some fixes) to get apache mod_auth_openid working with current openstackid.org 19:32:26 <clarkb> the issues on openstackid side got fixed 19:32:30 <clarkb> yup 19:32:47 <kambiz> wfoster: *nod* that's what I said earlier as well, to clarkb's point 19:33:24 <kambiz> just not sure of mod_auth_openid is enough, since from what pabelanger and ayoung have mentioned in the past, there is no auto-provisioning of the tenant/user 19:33:35 <fungi> okay, so seems to me it's worth testing now to just authenticate against openstackid.org without any group membership requirements and see if it works 19:33:59 <fungi> whichever module you use at the client side 19:34:45 <fungi> i mainly wanted to make sure this isn't blocked on a production rollout of ipsilon (unless it comes with a set of developers eager to hack on getting that going infra-side) 19:35:01 <pabelanger> ya, I wasn't 100% sure of that either 19:35:56 <fungi> because movement there has been slow, so we'd either need more people dedicated to working on that or alternatives which can be used in the interim 19:36:54 <fungi> okay, any objections to testing using trystack.org with openstackid.org as described above, and then circling back around if there are issues identified? 19:37:22 <pabelanger> I'm happy people talked 19:37:24 <pabelanger> :) 19:37:40 * wfoster hands pabelanger a food truck coupon 19:37:51 <fungi> the openstackid.org devs are generally attentive and willing to fix implementation bugs when identified 19:38:16 <fungi> though at this particular moment they're busy flinging load tests at the openstackid-dev server i think 19:38:50 <ayoung> mod_auth_ is not enough for provisioning. Provisioning is outside the auth standards 19:39:34 <fungi> #agreed The trystack.org maintainers should test integration with current https://openstackid.org/ openid implementation (without oidc group membership lookups), and identify any shortcomings 19:40:00 <fungi> ^ that cover it for now? 19:40:24 <fungi> ayoung: thanks, and yes i'm guessing you need some automation for keystone account/tenant autoprovisioning regardless? 19:40:42 <fungi> ayoung: or is that a keystone feature? 19:40:47 <clarkb> right it doesn't sounds like using ipsilon or openstackid or any other openid backend is going to change that 19:41:00 <clarkb> something needs to do it and those tools don't solve that problem 19:41:15 <fungi> presumably something is already doing it for people logging in via facebook 19:41:39 <fungi> so i would guess that automation remains mostly the same anyway 19:42:09 <fungi> okay, 18 minutes remaining, so moving on 19:42:13 <wfoster> kambiz: fungi that sounds great to me, thank you. we'll also work on patching the fb auth bits in the meantime until we can cutover. we have a parallel newton we can upgrade to ocata to start testing openstackid. who should we ping about implementation questions after we've read up? 19:42:40 <fungi> wfoster: us but also smarcet and jpmaxman in #openstack-infra are the main openstackid maintainers 19:42:46 <fungi> #topic Stop enabling EPEL mirror by default (pabelanger/mordred) 19:42:55 <pabelanger> mordred proposed 453222 today, and would like to see if anybody objects. If not, I can help keep an eye on jobs failures for EPEL dependencies. 19:43:05 <pabelanger> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/453222/ 19:43:37 <pabelanger> today both puppet and tripleo have moved away from EPEL, since it was unstable and often broke 19:43:38 <fungi> opposite of objecting, i'm wholeheartedly in favor 19:43:39 <clarkb> someone should check if devstack needs it for anything 19:43:41 * mordred is in favor of it 19:43:49 <clarkb> ianw: ^ do you know? 19:43:49 <mnaser> just an fyi, kolla depends on it 19:43:51 <mordred> clarkb: we'll find that out very quickly :) 19:43:51 <mnaser> so we'll have to check 19:44:02 <mnaser> https://github.com/openstack/kolla/blob/master/tools/setup_gate.sh#L55-L57 19:44:03 * fungi realizes it's not a given that mordred is necessarily always in favor of changes he proposes 19:44:07 <jpmaxman> Happy to help wfoster tied up in a meeting but feel free to reach out 19:44:08 <ianw> i don't believe so 19:44:08 <mordred> mnaser: I believe kfox111 said he had a patch queued up for kolla-k8s 19:44:16 <pabelanger> mnaser: sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel 19:44:20 <pabelanger> is how to enable it 19:44:29 <mordred> fungi: I am happy to propose the patch so it can be debated - but in this case, I also like it 19:44:37 <mnaser> this was just gate code to use the mirrors 19:44:43 <mnaser> so we'll just have to drop the mirrors ill double check this kolla site 19:44:46 <mnaser> s/site/side/ 19:44:58 <pabelanger> we'll keep mirroring EPEL, but this means jobs now opt-in 19:45:04 <pabelanger> and understand, it might not be the most stable 19:45:13 <mnaser> gotcha 19:45:21 <fungi> also the enablement command should be idempotent, so you could start running it before we drop the default configuration presumably 19:45:40 <mordred> well - so mnaser/kolla have to do their own config since it's being done during container build in the containers 19:45:46 <mnaser> we already do yum install epel-release in kolla 19:45:51 <pabelanger> okay, good! This is something I've hope to do for a long time :) 19:45:53 <mnaser> but it just seds things around in the gate to point towards mirror 19:45:54 <mordred> which means nothing should change for that koll ajob 19:46:16 <mordred> this is only about the epel rpeo being enabled on the vm itself 19:46:24 <ianw> on CI images, epel-release should already be installed 19:46:25 <pabelanger> fungi: I'm happy to leave it with your to approve when you think we are ready 19:46:38 <pabelanger> you* 19:46:55 <mordred> ianw: yes. but not inside of containers being built on CI images 19:46:57 <mnaser> inside the docker images, we do yum install epel-release, but we also do a sed in there to point towards mirrors, which means if the epel mirrors stop the builds will fail (unless im missing something obvious *shrug* 19:47:09 <mordred> mnaser: yah - we're not stopping the mirrors 19:47:18 <mordred> mnaser: we're only stopping from enabling them by default in the CI images 19:47:21 <mnaser> oh 19:47:23 <pabelanger> ya 19:47:40 <mnaser> sorry 19:47:41 <mnaser> gotcha now 19:47:42 <fungi> sounds like kolla wasn't relying on that part regardless 19:47:46 <mordred> we should likely be extra clear with folks on this point :) 19:47:49 <mnaser> nope it wasn't 19:48:04 <pabelanger> I think puppet and tripleo were the biggest, and they were not affect with todays outage 19:48:27 <fungi> okay, sounds safe to roll forward in that case 19:48:50 <fungi> i guess let's give the ml thread a little more time to collect feedback unless this is urgent enough we need to move forward asap 19:49:06 <fungi> but i don't see any obvious blockers 19:49:08 <pabelanger> WFM 19:49:40 <fungi> mainly want to make sure nobody can say they were paying attention to the ml but were caught by surprise that we changed this 19:49:54 <fungi> or weren't given time to add that command to their jobs 19:50:27 <fungi> anything else on this? otherwise i can try to cram in a last-minute topic or two 19:50:54 <pabelanger> none, thank you 19:51:27 <fungi> #topic Mailman 2.1.16 fork or Xenial upgrade soon? 19:51:42 <fungi> i think jeblair asked this over the weekend 19:52:07 <clarkb> I think we should xenial soon. Upgrade is fresh and process should be very similar 19:52:16 <fungi> apparently there's some content encoding nastyness in the trusty mailman packages, fixed subsequentlt upstream and never backported 19:52:29 <jeblair> there was talk about looking into whether a backport was feasible (it's a one line patch). i don't know if anyone has done that. 19:52:36 <jeblair> but yeah, a further upgrade seems doable. 19:52:50 <pabelanger> I can look into the backport, if we want to stay. But also happy to xenial 19:52:58 <fungi> the version in xenial is apparently new enough not to suffer, but of course comes with its own new and as of yet unidentified bugs most likely ;) 19:53:31 <fungi> so sort of a roll of the dice, but on the other hand we'll need to upgrade it to xenial (or something else) eventually too 19:54:15 <fungi> i'm leaning toward going ahead and doing a second upgrade maintenance, but i don't have time to drive it so would need a volunteer regardless 19:54:35 <pabelanger> we know a few ubuntu packagers, we should atleast see if we can get the patches into -updates 19:54:45 <fungi> and i'll admit if ubuntu can sru that patch into trusty-updates, that's a lot less work for us 19:55:02 <jeblair> i'd prefer not to have to upgrade until after the summit. 19:55:10 <fungi> plus, that benefits people running trusty mailman packages besides us 19:55:22 <fungi> yeah, we're definitely getting close to the summit now 19:55:36 <pabelanger> I'll get an SRU request in place 19:55:46 <fungi> pabelanger: great, thanks! 19:55:53 <clarkb> ya, I'm just rarely hopeful those go through quickly (considering the python3 experience on a current LTS) 19:55:58 <fungi> jeblair: have a link to the defect report or upstream patch? 19:56:20 <fungi> well, mailman is much more of a "leaf" package than an interpreter would be 19:56:36 <fungi> a lot fewer reverse-depends to consider 19:57:20 <jeblair> fungi: i'll look it up 19:57:50 <jeblair> #link mailman bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/mailman/+bug/1251495 19:57:50 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1251495 in mailman (Ubuntu Trusty) "Lists with topics enabled can throw unexpected keyword argument 'Delete' exception." [High,Triaged] 19:57:59 <fungi> thanks! 19:58:18 <fungi> #action pabelanger Open an Ubuntu SRU for bug 1251495 19:58:38 <fungi> should just be able to add the ubuntu package as an affected project on that mailman bug and go from there 19:58:51 <pabelanger> sure 19:59:07 <fungi> #topic Open discussion 19:59:11 <fungi> one minute remaining 19:59:17 <mtreinish> firehose! 19:59:23 * cmurphy plugs topic:unpuppet-zuul-workers 19:59:28 <jeblair> i will be unavailable next week 19:59:34 <fungi> i was going to also try and work in a topic for requested repo renaming maintenance scheduling 19:59:39 <fungi> jeblair: me too! 19:59:45 <mtreinish> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open++topic:more-firehose 19:59:50 <jeblair> fungi: see you there! ;) 19:59:54 <fungi> sounds like it'll be a (quiet|busy) week for infra 20:00:07 <fungi> oh, and we're out of time 20:00:11 <fungi> thanks all! 20:00:16 <fungi> tc meeting, up next. stay tuned! 20:00:19 <mtreinish> also if an infra-root is available to help me push things into prod this week, that'd be nice :) 20:00:19 <fungi> #endmeeting