19:01:15 <clarkb> #startmeeting infra 19:01:16 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 11 19:01:15 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is clarkb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:17 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:01:19 <ianw> o/ 19:01:19 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:01:27 <clarkb> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-infra/2020-February/006599.html Our Agenda 19:01:27 <zbr> o/ 19:01:33 <clarkb> #topic Announcements 19:01:44 <clarkb> I'm going to use this topic to give a quick tldr on our current fires 19:02:29 <clarkb> virtualenv>=20.0.0,<20.0.2 by default installs "seed" packages: pip, setuptools, wheel, and probably something I'm forgetting via symlinks to a common user dir 19:02:32 <diablo_rojo> o/ 19:02:49 <fungi> easy_install 19:02:54 <clarkb> This causes problems if you then copy the virtualenv to someplace else or if you run software out of that venv as a user other than the user that created it and can't follow the symlinks due to permissions errors 19:03:18 <clarkb> The first issue hit zuul due to its use of bwrap and the second is hitting opendev's test node images because we have root create venvs for bindep and os-testr 19:03:36 <clarkb> then the zuul user can't access the files in /root/.local/some/path to resolve the symlinks in the venv 19:03:57 <fungi> seemed like a great idea at the time 19:04:08 <clarkb> The fix has been to use virtualen --seeder=pip which installs the seed packages normally using pip. But virtualenv==20.0.2 just released like 10 minutes ago to change the default to a file copy not symlink 19:04:18 <zbr> the seed issue painful than the incompatibility with six that was introduced. 19:05:06 <clarkb> right there is a seprate issue that affects you if you use new virtualenv with old six (possibly from distro packages) 19:05:12 <clarkb> as old six isn't compatible with new virtualenv 19:06:03 <zbr> mainly neither of the versions of six shipping with centos-8 or centos-7 are compatible with virtualenv 20.x, but somehow that virtualenv gets installed without upgrading six. 19:06:21 <clarkb> zbr: virtualenv probably doesn't specify a lower bound for six 19:06:25 <zbr> obviously that overriding the system installed six is another sensitive issue. 19:06:26 <clarkb> so the installed version is seen as sufficient 19:06:47 <mordred> o/ 19:06:50 <clarkb> overall it seems we have a handle on things and if we get new images (which I've triggered builds for) we'll settle down and be happy 19:07:02 <clarkb> there is also a base jobs workaround that mordred wrote which we should revert once the dust settles 19:07:24 <mordred> yeah. although I think we can go through the normal base-test process to verify it 19:07:28 <fungi> https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/blob/master/setup.cfg#L46 19:07:36 <fungi> six>=1.12.0,<2 19:07:52 <fungi> it's in the install_requires 19:08:38 <fungi> i suspect some jobs are installing distro packages overtop it 19:08:39 <zbr> i know it does, but I also know what I seen in the wild. newer virtualenv complaining about that import from six. 19:08:57 <clarkb> at this point I think we want to double check any new reports to nesure they aren't different bugs and if not encourage patience, however jobs that start after now (mordreds workaround landing and its fix landing) should be good to go 19:09:16 <frickler> queens and rocky u-c also install six==1.11.0 19:09:31 <clarkb> oh right devstack has some pin virtualenv changes to land, thank you frickler 19:10:11 <fungi> pip also probably still doesn't catch when you incompatibly downgrade a dependency in a separate command 19:10:22 <clarkb> fungi: it does not 19:10:40 <mordred> the main thing that triggers that conflict seems to be pip installing tox on a system where python libs are otherwise installed via distro packages 19:10:42 <fungi> afaik its dependency resolver still doesn't track dependencies for already-installed packages 19:10:43 <clarkb> (that is something the dependency resolver work in pip should address) 19:10:51 <mordred> so - I think the contraint bump on six fixes the symptom 19:11:14 <mordred> but people should take this as an opportunity to go look at whether they can stop pip installing tox on systems where they install six via packages 19:11:34 <mordred> because that _will_ break again if not addressed 19:11:48 <fungi> or switch to the tox-venv plugin if they only test python3 19:11:49 <zbr> and how about systems where tox is not packaged? 19:11:50 <mordred> might mean someone making a good usable rpm for tox even 19:12:11 <clarkb> zbr: then six and tox should probably both come from pypi and not be mixed 19:12:14 <mordred> zbr: yeah - I'm not saying I know waht the solution is - just that the people who are in that circumstance should look at the options 19:12:21 <mordred> fungi's is a good one 19:12:22 <zbr> fungi: i wanted to propose we intall tox-venv by default with tox, it could help us avoid that .... virtualenv issue. 19:12:23 <clarkb> mordred: ++ 19:12:36 <mordred> although tox still has to get installed 19:12:45 <fungi> zbr: i use it heavily for python3-only projects outside openstack 19:12:55 <mordred> so there's still the issue that tox+six exposes 19:13:25 <mordred> I'm not going to dig in to it any further - just more a warning that whoever is in the distro-six+pip-tox is _going_ to be broken again in the future 19:13:47 <clarkb> ++ anything else on this? I don't think we should solve all the problems here, but I wanted to do a sumamry to ensure we all had a rough picture of what was going on 19:13:51 <clarkb> as we are getting many questions 19:13:51 <mordred> ++ 19:13:54 <zbr> anyone against adding tox-venv? 19:14:25 <clarkb> zbr: I don't think so but we may have to sort out what that means for python2 ? something to figure otu in review likely 19:14:33 <mordred> yeah. I think it's worth exploring 19:14:40 <fungi> it's a good point, `pip install tox` still installs virtualenv whether or not you use it (but if you use tox-venv then virtualenv is not invoked at least) 19:14:42 <mordred> it still might not solve our issue though 19:14:45 <mordred> because of that ^^ 19:14:46 <zbr> clarkb: it means nothing, tox-venv on python fallback to virtualenv 19:15:12 <clarkb> ya we can debug further after the meeting 19:15:15 <mordred> ++ 19:15:19 <zbr> it is clearly documented that on platforms where venv is not available, tox-venv will let tox use virtalenv. 19:15:21 <fungi> but yeah, we can likely move on with the meeting 19:15:44 <clarkb> My other last minute announcement is that I have to pop out of the meeting early in order to get kids from school. If we aren't done at about 19:45 fungi has volunteered to take over the chair duties 19:15:56 <clarkb> Just a heads up that I'll be popping out in about half an hour 19:16:00 <fungi> so let's wrap up in 30 minutes ;) 19:16:09 <fungi> otherwise you have to deal with more of me 19:16:14 <clarkb> #topic Actions from last meeting 19:16:22 <clarkb> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2020/infra.2020-02-04-19.01.txt minutes from last meeting 19:16:30 <clarkb> There were no actions. 19:16:36 <clarkb> #topic Priority Efforts 19:16:40 <clarkb> #topic OpenDev 19:17:00 <clarkb> mordred: where did we end up with the upgrading gitea stack (if we ignore that landing changes right now might be difficult) 19:18:01 <clarkb> iirc there was a 1.10.3 upgrade that should be safe, then on top of that a 1.11.0rcX change and then on top of that a roll out master for git cache 19:18:15 <clarkb> I expect we can land 1.10.3 real soon now then evaluate test results for the other changes? 19:18:48 <clarkb> (I think mordred is distracted) 19:19:09 <mordred> yes 19:19:13 <mordred> 1.10.3 is safe to land 19:19:23 <mordred> 1.11 I should go WIP - there are template changes that need to be updated 19:19:42 <mordred> however - we're in good shape broadly because 1.11 and master both at least _build_ 19:19:48 <clarkb> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/705804/ upgrade gitea to 1.10.3 19:19:57 <mordred> it's worth noting that 1.11 is using npm directly - so we have to install that into the builder image 19:20:26 <clarkb> mordred: nodenv might make that easy then we can rm -rf the virtualenv? 19:20:42 <mordred> clarkb: doesn't matter - it's in the builder image 19:20:48 <mordred> we don't use that image in the final output 19:20:49 <clarkb> oh right we build in a throwaway 19:20:52 <mordred> yup 19:21:41 <clarkb> even if we don't land those right away we'll at least be ready when those releases are cut 19:21:49 <clarkb> seems worthwhile, thank y ou for that 19:22:09 <clarkb> (1.12.0 adds the git commit cache to gitea which should speed up rendering time for large repos like nova) 19:22:18 <clarkb> Anything else on the opendev topic? 19:23:27 <clarkb> #topic Update Configuration Management 19:23:27 <diablo_rojo> Have you given thoughts to the docs question I posed in the TC patch? 19:23:32 <diablo_rojo> Too slow lol 19:23:37 <clarkb> #undo 19:23:38 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #topic Update Configuration Management 19:23:54 <clarkb> diablo_rojo: were there new ones or the ones about user guide? 19:24:24 <diablo_rojo> the one about the infra manual also being moved out and having openstack specific things extracted into the contrib guide 19:24:28 <fungi> i suspect we're all in agreement the infra manual is going to need a bit of an overhaul and splitting/deopenstacking 19:25:39 <mordred> ++ 19:25:42 <mordred> dopenstack 19:25:44 <clarkb> diablo_rojo: I guess from openstack's perspective the contributor guide and infra-manual openstack specific bits might be redundant? 19:25:52 <clarkb> diablo_rojo: and so it doesn't make sense to keep infra-manual the repo under governance? 19:25:59 <fungi> a bit of dope'n'stacking yes 19:26:18 <clarkb> if that is the case we can remove it from the yaml file then next time we do a repo renaming move it into opendev/ and work to dopenstack it 19:26:48 <diablo_rojo> the definitely are redundant which is why I think it would make sense to move the infra manual out and keep the openstack specifics to the contributor guide and keep the opendev stuff to the infra manual 19:27:01 <diablo_rojo> Agreed :) 19:27:06 <clarkb> diablo_rojo: ok, in that case I'll push up a new ps 19:27:12 <diablo_rojo> Woot! 19:27:14 <clarkb> any objections to ^ 19:27:21 <corvus> sgtm 19:27:37 <fungi> i'm on board 19:27:50 <fungi> thanks for the great suggestion, diablo_rojo! 19:28:05 <diablo_rojo> Double woot :) 19:28:07 <clarkb> alright next up is config mgmt 19:28:10 <diablo_rojo> glad I spoke up :) 19:28:15 <clarkb> ++ 19:28:17 <diablo_rojo> thanks clarkb! 19:28:22 <clarkb> #topic Update Config Management 19:28:43 <clarkb> mordred: I think despite fires there has been good progress on gerrit ansible+docker? 19:28:48 <clarkb> including addition of LE? 19:29:38 <mordred> yes! fungi made a great comment which I didn't see 19:29:56 <fungi> i'll try to make my comments more visible in the future 19:29:59 <mordred> until earlier today - which is that we should also grab the LE stuff for the .openstack.org versions so we can do the redirects 19:30:19 <mordred> so I've got the LE dns records in place for review and review-dev in rackspace dns 19:30:23 <fungi> cutting over without the review.openstack.org redirect would have been not great 19:30:27 <mordred> and have updated the stack to include the redirects 19:30:38 <fungi> and now it's failing a puppet4 job 19:30:45 <mordred> that stack needs a good recheck after this morning's fun 19:30:51 <fungi> (in case you haven't seen) 19:30:52 <mordred> (eyah - that's a virtualenv based issue) 19:30:58 <fungi> got it 19:31:13 <mordred> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/707214/ <-- 19:31:18 <clarkb> I filed a bug upstream in voxpululi but ^ works around it for us 19:31:19 <mordred> that should be the fix for the virtualenv issue 19:31:34 <clarkb> https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-python/issues/534 if curous 19:31:35 <mordred> puppet askbot will also be borked 19:31:47 <clarkb> mordred: can probably use a similar workaround there? 19:31:59 <mordred> probably 19:33:06 <mordred> that said ... 19:33:25 <mordred> assuming the puppet patch works and the gerrit stack goes green - a) it's ready for review :) ... 19:33:32 <clarkb> ++ 19:33:34 <mordred> b) we should talk about how we want to do the actual review.o.o 19:33:53 <ianw> i should move that afsmon call to mirror-update.opendev.org anyway 19:33:58 <mordred> (cant' remember if I mentioned, but review-dev.opendev.org is running from the tip of the previous rev of that stack - minus the redirects) 19:34:19 <clarkb> mordred: is this on xenial or bionic (the new stuff) 19:34:24 <mordred> xenial 19:34:32 <mordred> because review.o.o is xenial 19:34:33 <clarkb> ok so we don't have to create a new server and cut over if we don't want to 19:34:36 <mordred> nope 19:34:42 <clarkb> but that may still be a good idea just to start clean? 19:35:15 <corvus> do we feel like we need to do the new ip notification dance? 19:35:18 <mordred> nah - I think let's go with what we've got for now - new server and cutover is a bunch more work 19:35:39 <clarkb> mordred: got it and good point corvus (we probably would want to do that at least for a week or two) 19:36:01 <mordred> we've got decent runway on xenial right? 19:36:03 <corvus> in which case, yeah, let's keep the existing :) 19:36:24 <mordred> the container shift should protect us from userland impacting needs for upgrading for a while longer 19:36:27 <clarkb> mordred: ~14 months 19:36:48 <mordred> yeah. that's awesome. we should be able to get firmly onto 3.x and be happy with our container workflow in that time :) 19:37:13 <clarkb> and bionic is 10 yaers of support so we can just park there and retire :) 19:37:21 <clarkb> alright anything else or should we move on? 19:38:13 <fungi> i got nothin' 19:38:17 <clarkb> #topic General Topics 19:38:30 <clarkb> First up, we've been asked if we will want space at the Vancvouer PTG 19:38:42 <clarkb> I plan to be there and expect that fungi does as well 19:38:48 <fungi> yup 19:38:55 <fungi> it's a swell place 19:39:09 <clarkb> if we have more than 2 I'll fill out the form and request a spot 19:39:16 <clarkb> so let me know if you think you'll be there 19:39:25 <fungi> could be opendev or openstack infra i guess 19:39:42 <clarkb> ya I think the overlap will still be large and won't try to be specific to one or the other 19:40:12 <mordred> I imagine I'll be there - but I'm still in "I don't want to travel anywhere ever again" mindset ... 19:40:13 <clarkb> I have about 3 weeks to answer so no rush but sooner is probably better for diablo_rojo 19:40:57 <clarkb> Next up is server upgrades. I'll start with a quick refstack update then ianw and fungi can add wiki and static updates 19:41:20 <fungi> mordred: at least it's within the same conference? 19:41:31 <fungi> er, same continent 19:41:40 * fungi struggles with words 19:41:40 <clarkb> With refstack apparently some of the board is still interested in running that service. The foundation is going to ask around and see if any of that translates to willingness to maintain the software 19:41:45 <mordred> fungi: I did my due-dilligence on amtrak 19:41:51 <fungi> fair 19:42:02 <clarkb> I pointed out that I don't think it is significant amounts of work, but someone does need to do it. 19:42:11 <clarkb> Until then I'll sit on my dockerfied refstack stack 19:42:19 <clarkb> fungi: any wiki updates? 19:42:22 <fungi> yeah, if the board is interested in running the service, then the board should run th eservice 19:42:47 <fungi> no new updates since just prior to fosdem. i've gotten little done in the post-fosdem hangover fog 19:43:02 <fungi> still need to test plugins now that we have content loading 19:43:57 <clarkb> ianw: any thing new on static? 19:44:09 <fungi> it's basically done except for tarballs, yeah? 19:44:18 <ianw> umm, i wouldn't say so unfortunately 19:44:18 <fungi> also i suspect we didn't actually need to migrate the logs site 19:44:22 <ianw> https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:static-services 19:44:27 <ianw> is ready for review 19:44:45 <clarkb> ah ok need the modified afs vos release toolchain 19:44:46 <ianw> there are changes to publish tarballs to AFS in parallel 19:45:08 <ianw> i have also proposed as clarkb mentions some changes so we can make a dashboard for vos release 19:45:34 <ianw> because i'm a little concerned this will be the biggest volume by far in that path 19:45:36 <fungi> clarkb: have you #chair'ed me? you need to scoot now, right? 19:45:42 <clarkb> ya I need to scoot 19:45:45 <clarkb> #chair fungi 19:45:46 <openstack> Current chairs: clarkb fungi 19:46:00 * fungi cackles maniacally with power 19:46:07 <clarkb> thanks! and I'm out 19:46:43 <fungi> i agree, having good stats around vos release timing should be helpful 19:46:49 <ianw> there's still releases after this, and then a few other straggler sites 19:47:21 <fungi> though hopefully the updates to that volume are not high-impact, as they're generally incremental and append-only 19:47:34 <fungi> (tarballs i mean) 19:47:56 <ianw> yep -- i certainly hope that's the case and we see no issues at all :) 19:48:01 <fungi> it's not like the mirror volumes where we add and delete (far more) data 19:48:57 <ianw> there's also the option to serve directly from the r/w volume, at, AIUI at cost of much more network traffic ... but given the loads on the server it may be acceptable 19:49:10 <fungi> also i'm complicating matters by adding docs.airshipit.io into the mix 19:49:47 <ianw> anyway, i'll chase up on things as the virtualenvopolypse settles 19:49:53 <fungi> but it's at least helping me better understand the tooling around all of this 19:50:07 <fungi> i should be able to review the rest of the vos release stack after the meeting 19:51:30 <ianw> thanks; happy to babysit it as appropriate 19:52:12 <fungi> okay, on to... 19:52:14 <fungi> New Arm64 cloud (ianw 20200211) 19:52:59 <ianw> i think that is, as they say, fully operational now 19:53:28 <ianw> we had some teething problems with routing and storage, but we migrated nb03 to the new region and it appears to be working 19:53:30 <fungi> i appreciate the death star reference 19:54:02 <ianw> kevinz fixed ceph on the london side so our orphaned images disappeared yesterday afternoon my time 19:54:12 <mordred> woot 19:54:40 * corvus tries to remember tarkin discussing teething problems 19:54:40 <fungi> though an upshot of that is we discovered an unresponsive provider will block the image cleanup thread from processing old images in other providers on the same builder 19:54:54 <fungi> corvus: the "fully operational" line 19:55:01 <ianw> so, i'm not aware of any outstanding issues 19:55:16 <corvus> fungi: i'm going to pursue the teething line of inquiry 19:55:38 <fungi> moff corvus 19:55:39 <ianw> note we have "check-arm64" for anyone who would like to add jobs but is a bit shy to put them in their main gate 19:56:07 <ianw> i think we can promote that more now that we have a bigger cloud, and as it proves itself people can promote jobs to main gates 19:56:22 <fungi> what's the rough quota now? 19:56:25 <corvus> this is our second region, right? 19:56:35 <fungi> second but, as i understand, much larger? 19:56:43 <ianw> yes, i think it's 8 nodes in london, and about 48 in US 19:56:57 <fungi> that is substantial, yes (6x) 19:57:18 <fungi> so lon may as well not exist, by comparison 19:58:07 <fungi> if we see significant uptake and then usa falls offline, lon isn't going to make much of a dent in the backlog 19:58:49 <fungi> we have like a minute to talk about the airship cloud 19:59:00 <fungi> and clarkb isn't here to fill us in 19:59:05 <fungi> but sounds like it's up and in use 19:59:17 <fungi> there's been some confusion over the naming 19:59:42 <fungi> to be clear, it's resources provided by ericsson at the request of airship by purchasing capacity in citycloud 19:59:57 <fungi> so ultimately it's in citycloud, hence the name 20:00:18 <fungi> though it's supposed to also provide some general resource quota for our overall pool too 20:00:43 <fungi> in addition it has some very large (including 32gb) nested virt flavors 20:01:04 <fungi> which airship requested for their integration testing 20:01:21 <fungi> and we're over time 20:01:37 <fungi> i can entertain questions (as far as i'm able) in #openstack-infra though 20:01:40 <fungi> thanks all! 20:01:46 <fungi> #endmeeting