19:01:04 <clarkb> #startmeeting infra 19:01:05 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 6 19:01:04 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is clarkb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:01:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'infra' 19:01:11 <clarkb> #link http://lists.opendev.org/pipermail/service-discuss/2021-April/000203.html Our Agenda 19:01:17 <clarkb> #topic Announcements 19:01:30 <clarkb> OpenStack is due to produce its final RCs this week. Being slushy is probably a good thing? 19:01:42 <clarkb> I believe that airship is also in a similar spot of their release process 19:02:04 <clarkb> I think we can still make changes if we need to but we should double check with the openstack release team and airship if we can before zuul restarts etc 19:02:42 <clarkb> #topic Actions from last meeting 19:02:53 <clarkb> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2021/infra.2021-03-30-19.01.txt minutes from last meeting 19:04:23 <clarkb> ianw had actions to propose planet retirement 19:04:31 <clarkb> I saw that email go out and haven't seen anyone complain. 19:04:45 <clarkb> The bulk of the posts there are superuser and they advertise them elsewhere so I suspect this is fine 19:04:58 <clarkb> ianw also had an action to propose changes to retire pbx which i haven't seen yet 19:05:03 <clarkb> #action ianw Propose changes to retire pbx 19:05:16 <fungi> i think he said he'd be out this week though 19:05:34 <clarkb> ya 19:05:44 <clarkb> #topic Priority Efforts 19:05:50 <clarkb> #topic OpenDev 19:05:55 <clarkb> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/784152 Upgrade Gerrit to 3.2.8 19:06:13 <clarkb> This change will help us keep up with upstream's release. I don't think this is urgent and likely one to wait for release work to finish up 19:06:19 <clarkb> but you can review it now :) 19:07:28 <clarkb> For account inconsistencies I retired 224 accounts last week 19:07:39 <fungi> that's a sizeable dent! 19:07:47 <clarkb> My plan was to let them sit for a few days then run the external id cleanup script against them. Probably tomorrow or thursday to run that script 19:07:58 <clarkb> that should hopefully get us about halfway through the external id conflict list when done 19:10:26 <clarkb> #topic Update Configuration Management 19:10:34 <clarkb> I'm not aware of any new items on this list. fungi are you? 19:10:45 <clarkb> I have seen the storyboard story related to this update occasionally 19:11:35 <fungi> yeah, i got a notification it had some updates, i haven't looked yet 19:11:39 <clarkb> k 19:11:46 <clarkb> #topic General topics 19:11:53 <clarkb> #topic Server Upgrades 19:12:16 <clarkb> The zk work sort of stalled out due to the zuul problems with memory leaks and the now release work. I did draft up a doc about our options though 19:12:22 <clarkb> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/opendev-zookeeper-upgrade-2021 discussion of options for zk upgrades 19:12:40 <clarkb> If infra-root ^ can look that over then give me opinions I will be grateful 19:12:45 <fungi> thankfully the semaphore leak on the scheduler seems to be cleared up now 19:12:52 <fungi> smooth sailing 19:14:11 <clarkb> #topic PTG planning 19:14:33 <clarkb> As mentioned previously I requested PTG time which I expect will be used for config-core bootstrapping and general office hours 19:14:43 <clarkb> I should send email to service-discuss about this and encourage people to join us 19:14:51 <clarkb> Thursday April 22 1400-1600UTC and 2200-0000UTC <- our blocks of time 19:15:50 <clarkb> The next two topic items largely depend on updates from ianw so I'll call them out but don't expect responses 19:15:58 <clarkb> #topic docs-old volume cleanup 19:16:10 <clarkb> Idea was to see if AJaeger had an opinion on this as a sanity check. 19:16:22 <clarkb> #topic planet.openstack.org retirement 19:16:38 <clarkb> As mentioned previously the email to propose retirement went out. The bulk of the posts are superuser 19:16:49 <clarkb> there are some other people getting aggregated there, but overall I suspect this is fine 19:16:57 <clarkb> #topic tarballs ORD replication 19:17:09 <clarkb> This happened. Initial sync was a bit slow (~2 days?) 19:17:29 <clarkb> fungi: you've switched the webserver from reading the RO replica again though and incremental updates are reasoable? 19:18:06 <fungi> yes 19:18:25 <fungi> incremental sync only seems to take a few minutes for reasonable size deltas 19:18:40 <clarkb> excellent, I suspect I can drop this item from next week's meeting agenda, but will dobule check with ianw first 19:19:05 <fungi> i haven't checked that the new replica is healthy 19:19:12 <fungi> been too many other fires 19:19:23 <clarkb> I guess reasonable release times don't imply that? 19:20:10 <clarkb> I tend to associate slow vos releases with either lots of delta or unhappy volumes 19:20:11 <fungi> i assume, but don't know for sure that afs isn't simply skipping ord for some reason 19:20:14 <clarkb> (maybe I shouldnt) 19:20:17 <clarkb> gotcha 19:22:06 <clarkb> #topic Open Discussion 19:22:32 <clarkb> I went through that quickly since it appears to just be fungi and myself. But feel free to bring anything else up now. (or continue previous topic discussion) 19:22:45 <clarkb> If we're quiet I'll stop the meeting at 19:30UTC 19:23:10 <fungi> sounds good. i can be quiet a little longer ;) 19:23:40 <clarkb> feedback on the zk stuff would be great. I can start prep work of booting new instances once we havedecided on the method we want to use 19:23:51 <corvus> clarkb: both of those zk options sound good; i don't really have an opinion 19:23:56 <clarkb> corvus: ok 19:23:59 <corvus> i'd say do whatever feels best to you :) 19:24:25 <corvus> (hopefully "i don't see a technical reason to prefer one over the other" is at least mildly useful input) 19:24:26 <clarkb> my preference currently is to deploy zk04-06.opendev.org and avoid any complicated manual syncing of data 19:24:41 <fungi> wfm 19:24:47 <fungi> i assume we have sufficient quota 19:24:54 <clarkb> since no one seems to object to that plan I'll proceed with that 19:24:57 <clarkb> fungi: I can cehck that too 19:25:00 <clarkb> I believe we do though 19:25:11 <clarkb> they are 4GB instances iirc so only need 12GB memory headroom 19:25:24 <clarkb> and I was doing that with the zuul executor replacements without issue 19:25:57 <clarkb> Then I guess if releases have moved along far enough try and start swapping things fridayish 19:26:44 <corvus> as long as it's you swapping and not the vms running out of ram :) 19:27:00 <clarkb> ++ :) 19:27:06 * fungi pages out for the day 19:27:35 <fungi> (no not really, i still have plenty of active memory) 19:30:27 <clarkb> I'll call it here. Thank you everyone. We'll see you here next week. Then may cancel the week after for the PTG (if people have conflicts, we'll see) 19:30:30 <clarkb> #endmeeting