======================= #opendev-meeting: infra ======================= Meeting started by clarkb at 19:00:47 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/infra/2025/infra.2025-03-18-19.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * LINK: https://lists.opendev.org/archives/list/service-discuss@lists.opendev.org/thread/YM5MZF2IHG6P4FFTRVMNVLJHYOIBVFUD/ Our Agenda (clarkb, 19:00:55) * Announcements (clarkb, 19:02:30) * Zuul-launcher image builds (clarkb, 19:05:44) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/943104 Add the DFW3 region for Rackspace Flex (fungi, 19:06:53) * Updating Flavors in OVH (clarkb, 19:08:01) * LINK: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ovh-flavors (clarkb, 19:08:15) * Container hygiene tasks (clarkb, 19:09:45) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/944799 drop python 3.10 image builds (clarkb, 19:09:51) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/944789 rebuild python 3.11 and 3.12 base images (clarkb, 19:10:30) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22opendev-python3.12%22+status:open Update images to use python3.12 (clarkb, 19:13:11) * LINK: https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/uwsgi (fungi, 19:14:31) * Dropping uWSGI (clarkb, 19:19:26) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/lodgeit/+/944805 lodgeit granian container update (clarkb, 19:22:12) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/944806 lodgeit system-config deployment update (clarkb, 19:22:23) * LINK: https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman is the mailman containers. they're arranged a bit differently from how we usually do our container images (fungi, 19:26:40) * Upgrading old servers (clarkb, 19:33:19) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/944867 fix nodepool image export cron (clarkb, 19:35:14) * Running certcheck on bridge (clarkb, 19:41:26) * Working through our TODO list (clarkb, 19:42:07) * LINK: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/opendev-january-2025-meetup (clarkb, 19:42:11) * Packaging updates for bindep (clarkb, 19:43:16) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/938570 Drop requirements.txt (clarkb, 19:43:40) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/940711 Drop auxiliary requirements files (clarkb, 19:43:45) * Open Discussion (clarkb, 19:47:39) * LINK: https://review.opendev.org/944893 docs: Switch a mailing list to default moderation (fungi, 19:50:54) * LINK: https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/L4OG3TJ5JBVS4IS7KCQKXER736PWEITB/ [administrivia] Recent change in moderation for new subscribers (fungi, 19:51:16) Meeting ended at 20:00:13 UTC. People present (lines said) --------------------------- * clarkb (123) * fungi (32) * frickler (17) * corvus (9) * tonyb (4) * opendevmeet (3) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4