16:01:11 <eglute> #startmeeting interopwg 16:01:12 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Mar 29 16:01:11 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is eglute. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:16 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'interopwg' 16:01:22 <eglute> #topic agenda 16:01:43 <eglute> Hello Everyone! Here is agenda for today's meeting: #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DefCoreRoble.17 16:02:25 <catherineD> o/ 16:02:34 <eglute> raise your hand if you are here for interop meeting :) o/ 16:02:38 <eglute> hello catherineD! 16:03:07 <mguiney> o/ 16:03:17 * catherineD waves at eglute: 16:03:24 * eglute waves to mguiney and catherineD 16:03:53 <eglute> please take a look at this and add things to agenda as needed: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/DefCoreRoble.17 16:04:23 <eglute> #topic 2017.08 guideline 16:04:39 <eglute> mguiney thank you for submitting the glance scoring, you are first! 16:04:48 <eglute> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/451167/ 16:06:05 <eglute> mguiney do you think there will be any new capabilities for glance? 16:06:25 <mguiney> it doesn't look like it, thus far 16:06:55 <eglute> thats good! there is only so much that glance does anyways. 16:07:08 <eglute> for interop purposes at least 16:07:13 <mguiney> i did push a patch for review, but I am not sure on a few things, so I would love to get peoples' opinions on it 16:07:22 <mguiney> yes, it does seem that way 16:07:35 <eglute> mguiney what things are you not sure on? 16:07:37 <luzC> o/ 16:07:54 * eglute waves at luzC 16:08:09 <mguiney> scoring for the two capabilities that are not required, specifically 16:08:32 <eglute> which ones? 16:09:15 <mguiney> remove and share 16:09:42 <mguiney> specifically, images-v2-^ 16:09:54 <eglute> they appear to be scored? 16:10:41 <mguiney> yes, I did end up scoring them, because it didn't appear as though they needed to neccessarily be changed from the previous year, but I wasn't sure 16:10:57 <mguiney> so I figured it was best to check in and get other points of view 16:12:15 <mguiney> apologies for the trouble 16:12:45 <eglute> no trouble at all! 16:13:07 <eglute> i am looking now and trying to remember if we had any discussion on those two 16:13:16 <eglute> catherineD luzC do you by chance remember? 16:14:10 <mguiney> i do know that share requires 2 users and therefore cannot be required, and delete currently has no tests 16:14:13 <catherineD> I don't remember :-) 16:14:14 <mguiney> as per the notes 16:14:27 <luzC> neither do I 16:14:46 <eglute> ok, looks like we have notes there 16:14:47 <eglute> https://github.com/openstack/defcore/blob/master/working_materials/scoring.txt#L198 16:15:11 <eglute> so yes, for share, i think no change since we still don't want two sets of credentials 16:15:32 <mguiney> that is what I figured as well. cool 16:15:35 <eglute> mguiney did you check whether remove has any new tests? 16:17:09 <mguiney> I did, and I didn't see any new ones, but I do plan on rechecking just to make sure 16:17:36 <mguiney> There didn't appear to be any, though 16:17:43 <eglute> thank you for checking mguiney! 16:18:00 <eglute> do you have any other questions about glance? 16:19:25 <eglute> in that case, lets move on! 16:19:30 <mguiney> nope! it looks as though the scoring for the rest of the capabilities was fairly straightforward 16:19:53 <eglute> thank you mguiney! 16:19:54 <eglute> is zhipeng around? 16:20:12 <eglute> doesnt appear that way, he was working on nova 16:20:39 <eglute> hogepodge also not around? 16:21:24 <mguiney> i think he is at kubecon 16:21:25 <eglute> Mark is out traveling, so no updates from him either 16:21:32 <eglute> mguiney oh thats right! 16:21:47 <eglute> no updates from me on swift yet either 16:21:56 * eglute wishes she was at kubecon 16:22:08 * luzC luz too 16:22:09 <eglute> luzC do you have any updates on keystone? 16:22:13 <mguiney> it does look pretty cool, from the pics i've seen 16:23:48 <luzC> not yet eglute I chat briefly with Lance and he mentioned still working on the list for v3, likely to be the same specially since there is no non-admin tests on tempest 16:23:53 <eglute> luzC, any updates? 16:24:04 <eglute> ah cool, thank you luzC! 16:24:43 <eglute> with that, i think we are out of updates for the next guideline. unless anyone have something to add? 16:25:41 <eglute> i think the rest of the topics were either Mark or Chris. 16:26:10 <eglute> if anyone has things to add on any of them, please let us know 16:26:35 <eglute> #topic patch on test names 16:26:39 <eglute> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/450346/ 16:26:44 <eglute> thank you catherineD for submitting this 16:27:03 <catherineD> eglute: yw 16:27:05 <eglute> I took a quick look, it looks good to me. 16:27:18 <eglute> will give a chance for others to review it as well 16:27:23 <catherineD> so basically, the FQN was just wrong .. 16:27:51 <catherineD> so I think we should just remove it from next.json because no one would have been ever tested it 16:28:06 <eglute> wonder why we didnt catch it before 16:28:29 <eglute> catherineD if you corrected the name, why do you think we should remove it? 16:28:59 <catherineD> maybe people only test using the required list ... these are in advisory 16:29:20 <catherineD> because no one can ever test with that name 16:29:40 <eglute> catherineD i think you are right... 16:29:40 <catherineD> the reason for alias to for backward and forward compatibility .. 16:29:59 <eglute> i think since you corrected the name, i am inclined to leave it 16:30:02 <catherineD> for this test no one can ever test it in the past nor in the future 16:30:49 <eglute> mistakes will happen, 16:31:02 <eglute> and you caught the error, so thank you! 16:31:15 <catherineD> depending on what we decide here .. I can just add it as alias or remove it in next.json ... but it is really dead code 16:31:58 <eglute> ok... we can leave it for next meeting to make final decission 16:32:26 <catherineD> sure ... this would be the first case ... so we could document the action for future reference 16:32:39 <eglute> catherineD true! 16:32:52 <eglute> catherineD would you update your PR with a suggestion to remove it? 16:33:19 <eglute> just the comments part 16:33:37 <catherineD> will do 16:33:42 <eglute> thank you catherineD! 16:33:51 <eglute> anything else for today's meeting? 16:34:33 <eglute> in that case, thank you catherineD, luzC and mguiney!! 16:34:41 <eglute> lets end early! 16:34:43 <Rockyg> bye guys!' 16:34:51 <eglute> oh hi Rockyg! 16:34:53 <eglute> bye Rockyg! 16:35:06 <catherineD> thank you! 16:35:17 <eglute> #endmeeting