16:01:23 <eglute_s> #startmeeting interopwg 16:01:24 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jun 21 16:01:23 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is eglute_s. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:25 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:28 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'interopwg' 16:01:43 <eglute_s> Hello Everyone! if you are here for interopwg, raise your hand! 16:01:53 <eglute_s> #link agenda: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropVertigo.5 16:01:59 <eglute_s> please update agenda as needed! 16:02:02 <hogepodge> o/ 16:02:03 <eglute_s> #chair hogepodge 16:02:04 <openstack> Current chairs: eglute_s hogepodge 16:02:56 <eglute_s> Mark is not able to attend today 16:03:12 <eglute_s> anyone else besides hogepodge and mrhillsman here for interop? 16:03:36 <mguiney> o/ 16:03:44 * eglute_s waves 16:03:52 <luzC> o/ 16:04:17 <eglute_s> Hello Everyone! Once again, agenda is here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropVertigo.5 16:04:37 <eglute_s> #topic Denver PTG 16:04:57 <Rockyg> o/ 16:04:58 <eglute_s> Thanks hogepodge for confirming us for Monday/Tuesday! 16:05:13 <eglute_s> everyone, please book your travel to PTG. Hope to see you all there! 16:05:39 <eglute_s> we will start the agenda etherpad for PTG when it gets a little closer i think 16:05:52 <eglute_s> #topic 2017.08 Guideline 16:06:07 <eglute_s> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/472848/ 16:06:25 <eglute_s> everyone, please review the 2017.08 guideline 16:06:33 <eglute_s> #action everyone review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/472848/ 16:06:55 <eglute_s> we still have one outstanding patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/467528/ 16:07:16 <eglute_s> mguiney i guess it is failing on Jenkins? 16:07:39 <mguiney> yeah, i have a fix that i think will remedy that, i just have to finish testing it 16:07:57 <eglute_s> cool, thank you so much! 16:08:57 <eglute_s> so if this test gets added, are we still ok to add the test to the 2017.08? 16:09:09 <eglute_s> what do you think hogepodge 16:09:45 <eglute_s> and everyone else? 16:09:51 <hogepodge> I think so, yeah 16:10:02 <luzC> me too, 16:10:06 <mguiney> cool 16:10:07 <eglute_s> cool... thank you mguiney for working on this 16:10:29 <eglute_s> anything else regarding 2017.08 guideline? 16:11:23 <eglute_s> #topic 16:11:24 <eglute_s> Add tokens validate capability as 2017.08 advisory 16:11:31 <eglute_s> #topic Add tokens validate capability as 2017.08 advisory 16:11:38 <eglute_s> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/475906/ 16:11:45 <eglute_s> thank you luzC for submitting the patch 16:12:05 <eglute_s> I think it is missing actual patch to 2017.08? 16:13:10 <eglute_s> luzC? 16:13:11 <luzC> ah since Mark's patch is not merged yet I only modified next.json 16:13:19 <eglute_s> ah ok 16:13:26 <eglute_s> yeah that complicates things 16:13:37 <eglute_s> could you modify Mark's patch? 16:13:50 <eglute_s> i guess can be done after this one is merged 16:13:56 <eglute_s> thank you so much! 16:14:25 <eglute_s> #action everyone review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/475906/ 16:14:31 <luzC> and yes I can modify Marks's patch :) 16:15:28 <eglute_s> thanks! 16:16:08 <eglute_s> i will do proper review after the meeting, but there is a 2015.05 required date 16:16:12 <eglute_s> i think that needs updating 16:16:44 <eglute_s> anything else on this? 16:16:59 <eglute_s> #topic Fix html_last_updated_fmt for Python3 16:17:10 <eglute_s> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/475220/ 16:17:38 <eglute_s> Python 3 compliance patch. looks good to me, if no objections, i will merge it later today 16:17:51 <eglute_s> so please take a quick look and let me know if there are any issues there 16:18:59 <eglute_s> #topic Adding python35 support to jsontorst script 16:19:06 <eglute_s> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/475031/ 16:19:23 <eglute_s> another python 3 patch. thank you luzC! 16:19:31 <eglute_s> everyone, please review. 16:20:12 <mguiney> thank you! 16:20:18 <mguiney> or rather, ca do! 16:20:31 <eglute_s> great, thanks mguiney 16:20:32 <mguiney> scrolled up too far, sorry 16:20:37 <eglute_s> heheh 16:21:02 <Rockyg> ++ 16:21:20 <eglute_s> #topic 2.0 schema 16:21:32 <eglute_s> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/430556/ 16:21:58 <eglute_s> if you have not had a chance to review schema 2.0, please do so 16:22:09 <hogepodge> So, no reviews since last week. 16:22:14 <eglute_s> I think it looks good, except for a few minor things 16:22:29 <hogepodge> (well, not no, but just one from egle) 16:22:34 <eglute_s> heheh 16:22:51 <hogepodge> I'm going to get working on formalizing it. Please review asap so I can take your comments into account. 16:22:56 <eglute_s> I actually tried to think of what might be missing, 16:23:06 <luzC> I'll 16:23:07 <eglute_s> and came to the conclusion that we will find the missing things once we try to add the add-ons. 16:24:01 <eglute_s> i do like how simple it makes having add-ons or standalone programs 16:24:31 <eglute_s> any other comments on schema? 16:24:39 <eglute_s> we presented this draft to the board yesterady 16:25:03 <eglute_s> had good discussion, the board seems to be on board with this 16:25:27 <hogepodge> +1 16:25:50 <eglute_s> thank you hogepodge for working on the schema 16:25:55 <eglute_s> #Create rough draft of extension programs 16:26:10 <eglute_s> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/472785/ 16:26:27 <eglute_s> Same here. please review and let us know if you have any comments or issues 16:27:15 <eglute_s> any comments on Mark's draft? 16:27:24 <Rockyg> gotten through half of it. Will finish up after this meeting 16:27:51 <eglute_s> thank you Rockyg 16:27:59 <mrhillsman> same here 16:28:09 <eglute_s> thanks mrhillsman 16:28:23 <luzC> I think it looks really good, but since I'm familiar with all the context it makes sense... wondering about other teams in the community 16:28:33 <eglute_s> luzC good point 16:28:47 <eglute_s> i think it would be worth while to send it out to the community to review 16:29:03 <Rockyg> getting some on the tc to review. we'gve got two so far 16:29:12 <eglute_s> for me as well all of it makes sense, since we been talking a lot about it 16:30:05 <eglute_s> i dont think we sent these yet to dev/ops lists yet for review 16:30:12 <eglute_s> i can do that later today 16:30:32 <eglute_s> oh actually we did 16:30:57 <Rockyg> yup 16:31:28 <luzC> yes, Mark sent an email 16:31:28 <eglute_s> ok, then i will not be sending out again 16:31:43 <eglute_s> #topic Mandatory submission of test results 16:32:09 <eglute_s> so last week hogepodge said he will work on draft of what that might look like 16:32:13 <eglute_s> hogepodge any updates? 16:32:20 <hogepodge> no, not on that 16:32:51 <eglute_s> cool, 16:33:05 <eglute_s> not super urgent in any case 16:33:22 <eglute_s> #topic Vertical Programs 16:33:42 <eglute_s> So Friday morning we are invited to join OPNFV meeting 16:33:46 <eglute_s> if you can, please join. 16:34:17 <eglute_s> if you are interested in NFV, or are knowledgeable about it, it would be very helpful 16:34:20 <Rockyg> Can you send an invite with info? 16:34:34 <eglute_s> yes, i can forward invite to the mailing list 16:34:41 <Rockyg> Thanks. 16:34:46 <luzC> eglute_s: are you sending meeting details? 16:34:48 <Rockyg> I'll try to make it 16:34:53 <mrhillsman> it is on the agenda as well 16:35:16 <mrhillsman> but email does not hurt :) 16:35:23 <eglute_s> #action eglute_s to forward the invite to OPNFV to the ML 16:35:25 <luzC> mrhillsman: I see, thanks 16:35:34 <eglute_s> yes, i will forward. it is very early 16:35:42 <eglute_s> especially for those in PST time zone 16:36:02 <eglute_s> most participants are in europe i think, hence the early meetings 16:36:11 <Rockyg> dang. 16:36:28 <eglute_s> 6:00 AM PST 16:36:51 <eglute_s> any other comments on this? 16:36:54 <mrhillsman> coocoo clock :) 16:36:58 <eglute_s> heheh 16:37:12 <eglute_s> #topic Implementing "Defcore additional properties waiver" at RefStack 16:37:21 <eglute_s> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/370534/ 16:37:23 <Rockyg> I think I'll work from home that day =P 16:37:41 <eglute_s> luzC added this, 16:38:17 <eglute_s> everyone, please review 16:38:33 <luzC> yes, so the patch is not working right now ant I might take a while to fix it, since waiver time is almost gone 16:38:33 <eglute_s> luzC any additional comments on this patch? 16:38:35 <Rockyg> Yeah. What was the end of the waiver period? 16:39:04 <Rockyg> I think it will be gone by 2017.08? 16:39:12 <luzC> we were wondering if we should still pursue adding this into refstack or are we ok to drop the effort? 16:39:31 <eglute_s> is the waiver period already over? 16:39:42 <eglute_s> i imagine in the future there might be other waivers 16:39:46 <Rockyg> That's the 64k question! 16:39:48 <eglute_s> so might be useful 16:39:53 <hogepodge> I don't know who will be using it any more. eglute_s and Rockyg probably have the best insights as consumers of the waiver 16:40:11 <mrhillsman> what is "the waiver"? 16:40:18 <Rockyg> hogepodge, wich guideline did it get put on? 16:40:39 <eglute_s> if it is only 2 companies that asked for the waiver, then might not be worth the coding effort 16:40:45 <Rockyg> I know that latest releases for Huawei are passing, I *think* without waivers 16:41:06 <luzC> mrhillsman: Defcore committee approved a waiver that allows vendors who are using the Nova 2.0 API with additional properties to disable strict response checking when testing products for the OpenStack Powered program in 2016. 16:41:29 <mrhillsman> thx 16:42:05 <eglute_s> i think if the code is there, should probably be merged 16:42:35 <Rockyg> When 2017.08 hits, then, the waivers should be over. Last two rule 16:42:55 <hogepodge> Rockyg: I don't remember exactly, one of the older versions of Fusion Sphere I think 16:43:09 <eglute_s> unless someone asks for the same extension of the waiver? 16:43:21 <hogepodge> maybe the DT cloud? I'd have to consult my notes. 16:43:54 <mrhillsman> i do not know much about this but i guess i would ask could waivers exist in the future for other cases? 16:43:57 <Rockyg> Yup. That was a Juno version. I think the new one is ok. Did you see the waiver used on the latest cert? 16:44:29 <Rockyg> No, DT will qualify against 2017.01 next cert. 16:44:29 <hogepodge> we gave a year so that products could move off of it. 16:45:07 <eglute_s> a year starting when? do you remember hogepodge 16:46:01 <Rockyg> I suspect that if you used the waiver, it happened against a 2016, so recert would be no waiver. 16:46:28 <Rockyg> But maybe someone certified against current guideline with the waiver? 16:46:43 <luzC> https://github.com/openstack/interop/blob/master/working_materials/additional_properties_waiver.rst 16:47:23 <eglute_s> thank you luzC 16:47:24 <hogepodge> 2016.08 was supposed to be the last available guideline, so waiver will end in 2017.08 16:47:34 <Rockyg> thanks, luzC The waiver period is over 16:47:55 <Rockyg> once .08 is out ;-) 16:48:09 <hogepodge> because 2017.01 and 2016.08 are the current guidelines 16:48:19 <eglute_s> I think it is up to refstack team if they want to keep the code for wavers 16:48:37 <eglute_s> i am ok with the refstack supporting them 16:48:44 <Rockyg> so, someone could still get waiver if they submit with 2016.08 before the new release 16:49:11 <eglute_s> correct 16:49:31 <luzC> the implementation was very specific to this waiver not having generic waivers... 16:49:38 <eglute_s> ah ok 16:49:53 <luzC> but let me go back to refstack to see what is the consensus 16:50:05 <eglute_s> thank you luzC 16:50:18 <eglute_s> anything else on this? 16:51:40 <eglute_s> #topic open discussion 16:51:44 <eglute_s> anything else today? 16:52:18 <eglute_s> if not, we can end a few minutes early 16:52:21 <eglute_s> thank you everyone! 16:52:25 <eglute_s> #endmeeting