16:01:35 <eglute> #startmeeting interopwg 16:01:36 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep 20 16:01:35 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is eglute. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:37 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:40 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'interopwg' 16:01:52 <eglute> Hello Everyone! 16:01:57 <eglute> #topic agenda 16:02:08 <ildikov> o/ 16:02:08 <georgk> hi 16:02:09 <eglute> Please review+update agenda #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropVertigo.15 16:02:41 <markvoelker> o/ 16:02:41 <hogepodge> hi 16:02:42 <eglute> #chair hogepodge markvoelker 16:02:43 <openstack> Current chairs: eglute hogepodge markvoelker 16:03:11 <eglute> #topic Denver PTG 16:03:24 <eglute> thanks everyone that participated in Denver PTG! 16:03:46 <catherineD> o/ 16:04:17 <mguiney> o/ 16:04:17 <eglute> PTG notes are linked from main etherpad: #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropDenver2017PTG 16:04:46 <Rockyg> o/ 16:05:12 <hogepodge> I tried to collect all of the action items at the top of that pad, and have transferred them to the meeting agenda so we can track them. 16:05:29 <hogepodge> Please make any additions or corrections that you feel are appropriate 16:05:34 <eglute> thank you hogepodge!!! 16:06:23 <eglute> lots of action items! 16:07:02 <eglute> i think everyone in this meeting participated in the PTG 16:07:45 <eglute> so i will not provide any additional summaries unless there are questions? 16:08:52 <georgk> fine with me 16:08:53 <eglute> I think most action items will get worked as part of the agenda items 16:09:03 <eglute> any other comments on PTG? 16:09:42 <eglute> #topic board meeting 16:10:03 <eglute> The board has approved the new guideline as well as extension programs 16:11:06 <eglute> we didnt get as much discussion as i was expecting. Only concern is dilution of the program with too many add-ons 16:11:20 <eglute> so need to keep an eye on that 16:11:32 <eglute> #topic OPNFV CVP/Dovetail 16:11:39 <eglute> ildikov go ahead! 16:11:44 <ildikov> eglute: thanks! 16:12:29 <ildikov> I wanted to give a heads up on the OPNFV certification program 16:13:04 <ildikov> as most of you know we are collaborating with them in that area and also helping them to put together their program and being able to check OpenStack as part of the OPNFV reference platform 16:13:23 <ildikov> in this sense our program and tests are referenced in some of the documents 16:13:57 <ildikov> you can find reference to RefStack and the OpenStack Powered program in the CVP addendum 16:14:07 <ildikov> #link http://artifacts.opnfv.org/dovetail/docs/testing_user_cvpaddendum/index.html 16:14:46 <eglute> great, thank you ildikov!! 16:15:15 <ildikov> I would like to draw the attention to the note in the 'Scope of the Danube-release of the CVP' section on having tests covered from the OpenStack Powered Compute program does not imply OpenStack certification granted 16:15:34 <eglute> #action everyone please review #http://artifacts.opnfv.org/dovetail/docs/testing_user_cvpaddendum/index.html and provide feedback to ildikov 16:15:42 <ildikov> please check the wording of it and raise if you find any issues to georgk and/or me 16:15:45 <eglute> #action everyone please review #link http://artifacts.opnfv.org/dovetail/docs/testing_user_cvpaddendum/index.html and provide feedback to ildikov 16:16:18 <ildikov> you can also find DefCore references replaced with 'OpenStack Interoperability tests and guidelines' in a patch under review 16:16:21 <ildikov> #link https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/41601/ 16:16:29 <eglute> thanks ildikov I will review and let you and georgk know about any feedback 16:16:39 <kgarloff> dito 16:16:44 <ildikov> eglute: sounds great, thank you 16:17:01 <ildikov> you can find all the documents on the OPNFV Dovetail wiki in case interested 16:17:07 <ildikov> #link https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/dovetail/Dovetail+%28Danube%29+Documentation+for+Review 16:17:16 <eglute> thank you! 16:17:24 <ildikov> georgk: is there anything I missed and would be worth mentioning? 16:17:46 <georgk> nothing I am aware of 16:17:55 <ildikov> georgk: cool, thanks 16:17:58 <georgk> if there are any questions, just reach out 16:18:08 <eglute> thanks georgk and ildikov! 16:18:10 <ildikov> eglute: that would've been my quick update unless there are questions 16:18:31 <eglute> thanks! no questions from me right now 16:18:43 <ildikov> cool, thanks! 16:19:03 <eglute> #Ideas to simplify Interop process 16:19:07 <ildikov> I'm also available for any questions after the meeting if anyone has any 16:19:16 <eglute> thanks ildikov! 16:19:31 <eglute> So this is something I would like everyone to start thinking about 16:19:57 <eglute> right now, we have weekly meetings with continuous scoring+updates to the programs. 16:20:23 <eglute> it takes a lot of time+coordination, and I think we need to make this simpler+easier 16:20:56 <eglute> if you have any ideas, please share 16:21:07 <eglute> i will also start a separate etherpad 16:21:32 <eglute> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/SimplifyInterop 16:22:24 <eglute> any ideas right now? 16:22:49 <hogepodge> eglute: what were your initial thoughts on simplification? 16:23:26 <eglute> I think the scoring+updating new guidelines takes a lot of time. with more programs, even more time 16:23:52 <eglute> I am not sure where to start though to make this process simpler 16:24:40 <eglute> i need to give it more thought! 16:24:53 <eglute> perhaps there is not much we can do 16:25:03 <eglute> but thats why i need everyone's input here 16:26:03 <markvoelker> I think the most time-consuming ones are the early-phase projects. The existing Powered programs seem like they're taking less time since we're not adding/removing a lot of stuff nowadays and have the division of labor down. 16:26:11 <markvoelker> Not to say there isn't room for improvement of course. =) 16:26:24 <eglute> in any case, just wanted to get the conversation started and getting eveyrone thinking about this 16:26:37 <eglute> and markvoelker is right 16:27:46 <hogepodge> Offloading some work to projects will help. Trusting them to spec out their own interop requirements will go a long way. 16:28:02 <eglute> hogepodge true 16:28:06 <eglute> i like that idea 16:28:58 <eglute> #action everyone to think about how to simplify the process and update ehterpad #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/SimplifyInterop 16:28:58 <georgk> for the NFV-related program, OPNFV folks should be able to take some of the load 16:29:06 <eglute> thanks georgk! 16:29:26 <georgk> with some initial guidance, of course :-) 16:29:39 <eglute> georgk of course! and we are glad to help 16:30:04 <eglute> talking of NFV, i think time for next topic 16:30:24 <eglute> #topic Vertical Program Update 16:30:26 <hogepodge> nice segue eglute ;-) 16:30:36 <eglute> markvoelker, any updates there besides ildikov's update? 16:31:36 <markvoelker> Not yet--I have an AI to boil down the stuff in our pads from the PTG into an API list and scoring worksheet, but I just got back at 1am Monday so not much there yet. =) 16:31:55 <eglute> markvoelker understood! and thank you! 16:32:03 <georgk> i have started to compile a list of OpenStack APIs used by OPNFV projects 16:32:10 <georgk> it is far from being complete yet 16:32:22 <georgk> i need a bit more time, but i am working on it 16:32:24 <eglute> georgk great, glad to hear it 16:32:43 <Rockyg> cool. 16:32:50 <eglute> georgk i am looking forward to seeing the list! 16:33:43 <eglute> anything else on NFV? 16:34:05 <markvoelker> FWIW, ONAP multi-vim has given me a similar API list too, so we're headed in the right direction. =) 16:34:42 <eglute> markvoelker excellent! 16:34:43 <Rockyg> ++ 16:34:55 <ildikov> +1 16:35:17 <markvoelker> Folks may also want to take note of this if they're unaware (I'm sure georgk is): 16:35:24 <markvoelker> #link https://github.com/opnfv/dovetail/blob/master/docs/testing/developer/testscope/index.rst dovetail test list 16:35:45 <georgk> :-) 16:37:00 <eglute> looks like georgk started that doc :) 16:37:38 <eglute> anything else on this topic? 16:38:23 <eglute> #topic Scoring 2018.01 guideline 16:38:43 <eglute> thanks everyone that volunteered to score for the new guideline 16:39:58 <markvoelker> Note for posterity since I volunteered to handle Neutron: 16:39:59 <eglute> since we have slightly less time than usual, i think the timeline for scoring should be a bit compressed 16:40:07 <markvoelker> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/502308/ New Neutron PTL (not quite official yet) 16:40:11 <Rockyg> ++ 16:40:18 <markvoelker> ++ 16:40:24 <eglute> hogepodge markvoelker how much time do you think we need 16:40:43 <eglute> thanks markvoelker 16:41:25 <hogepodge> eglute: I don't know 16:41:48 <eglute> 2 weeks enough for initial scoring? 16:41:54 <markvoelker> Personally I'm hoping to have patches up this month, because next month is sort of bananas for me. 16:42:24 <eglute> thanks markvoelker 16:42:36 <eglute> me thinks that this year in general is fruity 16:43:05 <hogepodge> Two weeks is not enough. I'm still catching up on my PTG backlog this this week is out for me. 16:43:17 <eglute> hogepodge ok, 1 month then 16:43:27 <eglute> would that work? 16:43:39 <Rockyg> well, it's better... 16:44:11 <markvoelker> For the Powered program, that might work. I suspect the add-ons and verticals might need a longer comment period. 16:44:50 <Rockyg> agreed 16:44:59 <eglute> ok. i am sure it will work out 16:45:21 <hogepodge> Can we mock up a schedule in the meeting etherpad like we've done before? 16:45:53 <eglute> hogepodge sure! I will do that. but the schedule used to rely on 6 month cycle, so will need to compress it a bit 16:46:16 <markvoelker> eglute: that'd be good...a concrete proposal is always easier to consider 16:46:18 <hogepodge> sure 16:48:24 <eglute> ok, so i started the schedule. Based on the schedule, we should aim to get scoring done at the first half of October 16:48:39 <eglute> but I would be happy if we get it done before the summit 16:48:49 <Rockyg> That's a month... 16:49:49 <Rockyg> how about initial target mid oct, then going thrugh them as they land and trying to finalize all by summit? 16:50:00 <eglute> Rockyg i think that will work 16:50:24 <eglute> Summit -1 months (October 6): Score Capabilities 16:50:50 <eglute> but it doesnt say whether thats when we start or finish ;) So i would like to aim for mid october and finish before the summit 16:51:34 <eglute> we can also move the guideline approval to February. i need to see if there is a planned meeting in February 16:51:35 <Rockyg> so, the10/6 is submit drafts by...aprove scores by is summit 16:52:23 <eglute> correct 16:52:38 <Rockyg> and the new pregrams can exrend approval to end of nov/start od dec? 16:52:59 <Rockyg> blech. one hand typing 16:53:02 <eglute> Rockyg what do you mean? scoring for new programs? 16:53:37 <Rockyg> opnvv, etc. They should have more time for discussion 16:54:23 <eglute> Rockyg yes, any new programs can have as much time as needed. 16:54:39 <Rockyg> a formal review session with the OPNFV team/interested parties 16:54:52 <eglute> it just means they might miss being approved at a certain date, but thats ok 16:55:22 <eglute> 5 min left for today's meeting 16:55:34 <eglute> #topic Future project consultation 16:55:42 <eglute> any updates on those projects? 16:55:58 <markvoelker> Not from me (see earlier comment about just getting back) 16:56:06 <eglute> i know it is immediately after PTG, so I am not expecting any 16:56:16 <markvoelker> I did speak a little with a couple of Senlin folks and they seem ammenable. 16:56:25 <eglute> thanks markvoelker 16:56:26 <markvoelker> Just casual over lunch though 16:56:44 <eglute> if you can document that at some point, might help in the future 16:56:53 <Rockyg> any chance you talked to dragonflow? 16:57:13 <markvoelker> Rockyg: not I 16:57:15 <eglute> Rockyg i think there was talk of cloudkitty not having enough contributors 16:58:30 <Rockyg> I think we could use a timeline of project first releases in the o.o website. Make our lives easer ;-) 16:58:49 <eglute> everyone, as you talk to different projects, please document the discussion so that we know the status. even an email to ML would be helpful 16:59:28 <eglute> almost out of time today 16:59:31 <eglute> any last words? 16:59:53 <Rockyg> word 17:00:11 <eglute> lol! 17:00:21 <eglute> thanks everyone!!! 17:00:24 <eglute> #endmeeting