16:00:48 <eglute> #startmeeting interopwg 16:00:51 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 17 16:00:48 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is eglute. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:52 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:55 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'interopwg' 16:00:57 <markvoelker> o/ 16:00:58 <eglute> #chair hogepodge markvoelker 16:00:59 <openstack> Current chairs: eglute hogepodge markvoelker 16:01:05 <eglute> #topic agenda 16:01:21 <eglute> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropWhistler.4 16:01:30 <hogepodge> Hi! 16:01:35 <eglute> hello everyone, please review the agenda and add/update as needed 16:01:39 <georgk> hi 16:02:45 <mguiney> o/ 16:02:48 <eglute> #topic 2018.02 guideline 16:03:21 <eglute> I think we are looking good for the next guideline 16:03:55 <eglute> Just need to create the 2018.2.json, it is on my list 16:04:09 <eglute> as well as update the add-on programs 16:04:45 <eglute> thank you hogepodge for commenting on #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/521602/ 16:05:02 <eglute> if anyone has anything to add, please do so 16:05:45 <eglute> #topic NFV Vertical 16:06:09 <eglute> thank you georgk for updating #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/519732/ 16:06:18 <eglute> i have not had a chance to review updates yet 16:06:35 <georgk> eglute: I addressed your comments 16:06:44 <eglute> thank you georgk 16:06:58 <eglute> if no other comments on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/519732/ i think it can be merged, correct? 16:07:18 <georgk> eglute: I don´t have more questions and open comments 16:07:29 <eglute> :D 16:07:57 <eglute> #topic Scoring of networking-bgp project for NFV vertical 16:08:03 <eglute> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/527390/ 16:08:16 <eglute> this one looks good to me, but i am no bgpvpn expert 16:08:29 <eglute> if others could review as well, that would ehlp 16:08:34 <eglute> that would help 16:09:20 <eglute> any other comments on any of the NFV patches? 16:09:46 <eglute> It looks like we can present the NFV vertical to the board during the February meeting 16:10:13 <georgk> eglute: more content would be nice... sorry for that 16:10:27 <eglute> georgk so it would be all in advisory status 16:10:28 <georgk> there are more candidates I wanted to look at... 16:10:37 <eglute> georgk you still have time to add 16:11:04 <georgk> well, time is always scarse ;-) 16:11:20 <eglute> since it is end of february and they would be advisory anyways, if you want to continue adding, you should :) 16:11:21 <georgk> scarce 16:11:33 * eglute wonders where does the time go 16:11:54 <georgk> eglute: ok, thanks for the info 16:12:09 <eglute> markvoelker hogepodge do you think it would be enough for the vertical? 16:12:21 <eglute> well, for the first draft anyways? 16:12:43 <markvoelker> Well, it is pretty sparse...but we kind of need a forcing function to start gathering more feedback from the braoder community. 16:12:52 <hogepodge> For advisory? I honestly can’t say I know enough about the area to say either way. I’m kind of depending on the experts 16:13:36 <eglute> yes, feedback from the community would be great 16:13:43 <markvoelker> We still haven't added some of the stuff that NFV deployments probably expect from other projects (like, say, EPA stuff from Nova)...but perhaps it's enough to show folks where we're headed and help prioritize 16:14:10 <eglute> georgk if you add more, that would be great. if not, they can be added later 16:14:21 <markvoelker> I was kind of thinking maybe we might want to include a sort of roadmap or list of things we want to evaluate to help guide that discussion 16:14:48 <markvoelker> Just a plaintext file with a couple of bullets or something I suppose...but the mechanics aren't terribly important. 16:14:53 <georgk> markvoelker: there is a list of candidates in the scoring_nfv.txt document 16:15:14 <georgk> markvoelker: #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/519732/7/working_materials/scoring_nfv.txt 16:15:21 <eglute> markvoelker that sounds good 16:16:06 <markvoelker> georgk: yeah, I'm thinking maybe one more level of detail. 16:16:21 <markvoelker> But I think the text itself is useful. 16:17:05 <georgk> markvoelker: ok, so we should extend this file 16:17:56 <markvoelker> georgk: Right, the question is what level of detail is appropriate...e.g. what specific feedback do we want this to garner. 16:18:45 <markvoelker> (and, perhaps what gaps are there to address...e.g. do we have tests for things like huge page support) 16:19:38 <georgk> markvoelker: what about a light-weight scoring: how widely is soimething deployed + are tests available 16:20:51 <markvoelker> Yeah, something like that might work...honestly, if we could just plunk in some tests I think that'd be a great start (makes it very easy for vendors to see whether they offer those things and provide feedback, which in turn helps us evaluate criteria). 16:21:08 <markvoelker> (not a final test list, obviously...just some candidates) 16:22:25 <markvoelker> Anywho, I think we're on the right track, just trying to think about next steps with a deadline almost on top of us. =) 16:23:08 <georgk> is the board meeting before or after the PTG? 16:23:20 <hogepodge> georgk: it's on Monday 16:23:34 <eglute> It is during PTG 16:23:37 <georgk> hogepodge: ok, so, a little too early 16:23:54 <georgk> i was thinking about finallizing stuff during the PTG 16:24:22 <eglute> georgk we can start adding new things during ptg 16:24:40 <eglute> and get feedback on advisory capabilities 16:24:41 <hogepodge> February 26 16:24:56 <hogepodge> Kind of difficult to dig up the date. 16:24:58 <hogepodge> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/30Jan2018BoardMeeting 16:25:28 <georgk> hogepodge: thanks 16:25:36 <eglute> anything else on the NFV? 16:26:24 <eglute> #topic Heat Orchestration add-on 16:26:31 <luzC_> me waves - arriving late 16:26:44 * eglute waves to luzC_ 16:27:05 <eglute> luzC_ we just finished discussing NFV. let us know if you have anything to add 16:28:00 <eglute> For heat add-on, we have this patch that is just missing a response from ricolin #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529836 16:28:21 <eglute> i talked to him on IRC and I think he will update the patch 16:28:51 <eglute> if you have any additional comments, please comment on the patch 16:29:57 <eglute> #topic Dublin PTG 16:30:22 <eglute> please update #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropDublin2018PTG if you are planning on attending! 16:31:03 <eglute> regarding the schedule- since the board meeting is on monday, it would be hard for me to attend monday interop things 16:31:21 <eglute> so perhaps refstack sessions could be on monday? 16:31:34 <hogepodge> Me too, I'll reach out to diablo_rojo and see if we can get scheduled to not conflict. 16:31:52 <hogepodge> It would be better if all our work was on T-W instead of M-T 16:32:07 <eglute> hogepodge that would be ideal 16:32:20 <eglute> thank you hogepodge 16:32:50 <eglute> anything else on PTG? 16:33:30 <eglute> #topic open floor 16:33:35 <eglute> anything else for today? 16:33:53 <georgk> the summit CfP is open 16:34:10 <eglute> georgk thats right! i hope everyone submits sessions 16:34:13 <eglute> on interop :D 16:34:14 <georgk> does it make sense to think about something around the NFV vertical?! 16:34:30 <georgk> assuming we have more content :-) 16:34:50 <eglute> georgk i think so! might be a good place/time to gather feedback too 16:36:15 <eglute> anything else? 16:36:34 <georgk> eglute: I think so too, not sure however if we could fill a whole presentation 16:36:45 <georgk> I´ll try to make up my mind 16:37:22 <eglute> georgk i think you could, 16:37:30 <eglute> those sessions are not long 16:38:06 <georgk> eglute: ok, thanks 16:38:29 <eglute> anything else for today? 16:38:42 <eglute> Texas has been frozen over for the last couple days. 70F on Monday 17F today. and ice. So i hope you all are staying warm 16:39:10 <markvoelker> It's snowing like crazy here in NC at the moment. =p 16:39:27 <eglute> markvoelker but you normally get snow there right? 16:39:35 <eglute> Texas was closed yesterday 16:39:45 <eglute> all schools cancelled, roads closed 16:39:48 <eglute> much better today 16:39:52 <markvoelker> Not down in my part of the state (where I grew up in the mountains, yes, but Raleigh is only a few hundred feet above sea level and pretty mild) 16:40:12 <eglute> ah ok, then hope you dont have to leave the house much 16:40:56 <eglute> sounds like we are done for today- have a good one everyone! 16:40:59 <eglute> thank you! 16:41:02 <eglute> #endmeeting