16:00:51 <eglute> #startmeeting interopwg 16:00:53 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Apr 18 16:00:51 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is eglute. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:54 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:57 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'interopwg' 16:01:04 <markvoelker> o/ 16:01:09 <eglute> #chair markvoelker hogepodge 16:01:10 <openstack> Current chairs: eglute hogepodge markvoelker 16:01:15 <eglute> #topic agenda 16:01:32 <eglute> hello everyone!! Hope everyone is enjoying spring without snow. 16:01:33 <ricolin> o/ 16:01:40 <eglute> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropWhistler.11 16:01:47 <eglute> please review and update agenda as needed 16:02:55 <hogepodge> hi 16:03:28 <eglute> I just added Vancouver to the agenda, 16:03:33 <eglute> #topic Vancouver Summit 16:03:58 <eglute> i dont think we have any sessions right now, I have not looked yet into getting a WG session 16:04:13 <hogepodge> I've signed us up for a WG session 16:04:15 <eglute> hogepodge do you know what they are doing for working sessions this time? is it just forum? 16:04:22 <mguiney> 3o/ 16:04:24 <eglute> oh thats great thank you hogepodge 16:04:34 <mguiney> whoops extra 3 16:04:34 <hogepodge> Jimmy reached out a few weeks ago. 16:04:36 <eglute> is schedule set for working sessions yet? 16:04:50 <hogepodge> I don't know 16:04:52 <eglute> thanks hogepodge, i must have missed it 16:05:29 <hogepodge> eglute: Wed 23, 2:40pm - 3:20pm Vancouver Convention Centre West - Level Two - Room 217 16:05:56 <eglute> cool, thanks. 40 min is rather short, do we want to ask for more time? 16:05:57 <hogepodge> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2018/summit-schedule/events/21678/interop-working-group-session 16:06:04 <eglute> or another session? 16:06:18 <hogepodge> we missed the forum deadline 16:06:58 * eglute needs to get better at reading emails 16:07:19 <hogepodge> I have an SDK session proposed, but nothing else related to interop 16:07:34 <eglute> ok... anyone else have interop sessions? 16:07:39 <eglute> this time, i didnt propose anything 16:07:44 <kgarloff_> eglute: In Vancouver? 16:08:02 <georgk> sorry, I joined late 16:08:09 <eglute> kgarloff_ yes, do you have any sessions? 16:08:18 <kgarloff_> eglute: Sorry, not this time :-( 16:08:21 <georgk> is the call for sessions still open? 16:08:21 <eglute> :) 16:08:27 <eglute> georgk no, 16:08:28 <kgarloff_> georgk: long closed 16:08:36 <georgk> thought so 16:08:51 <georgk> :-( 16:08:51 <eglute> we are discussing the workign group session, https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2018/summit-schedule/events/21678/interop-working-group-session 16:09:36 <georgk> eglute: ok, thanks 16:09:41 <eglute> I created agenda etherpad for vancouver: #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropVancouverMay2018 16:10:50 <eglute> if you already have some topics to discuss in vancouver, please update the etherpad 16:11:02 <eglute> anything else regarding vancouver summit? 16:11:31 <eglute> #topic Creating orchestration.2018.02.json guideline 16:11:44 <eglute> thanks for reviews, after final recheck it was merged today 16:12:30 <eglute> #topic gate check 16:12:33 <eglute> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/562002/ 16:13:07 <eglute> thanks hogepodge for creating the gate checks 16:13:16 <eglute> everyone, please review so we can merge 16:13:34 * mguiney nods 16:13:40 <mguiney> will review :) 16:14:15 <eglute> it makes Zuul unhappy right now 16:14:18 <eglute> for some reason 16:15:12 <eglute> #topic Move next.json to schema 2.0 16:15:31 <markvoelker> ...which also makes Zuul unhappy right now for some reason. =p 16:15:35 <hogepodge> The orchestration file wasn't there, it should work on recheck now. 16:15:37 <eglute> talking of unhappy Zuul, markvoelker have you had a chance to look into #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/554395/ 16:15:46 <eglute> thanks hogepodge 16:16:15 <markvoelker> Unfortunately not...forgot to check out a local copy of the branch before I got on a plane for transatlantic flights last week. 16:16:53 <eglute> cool, hopefully no Southwest flights 16:17:20 <hogepodge> tox.ini needs to be updated to verify against 2.0 schema instead of 1.x 16:17:21 <markvoelker> The failure was in pep8, so I'll have to go pick through it a bit...almost looked like something entirely unrelated to the doc itself at first blush. 16:17:36 <eglute> ok 16:17:38 <eglute> thanks hogepodge 16:17:43 <eglute> thank you markvoelker 16:17:44 <markvoelker> hogepodge: yep, that's pretty much where I was headed 16:17:56 <hogepodge> it's all schema, all the time with me :-) 16:18:06 <markvoelker> =p 16:18:34 <eglute> ok, anything else on this? 16:19:04 <eglute> #topic Missing/renamed tests, 16:19:24 <eglute> i think markvoelker and/or mguiney were going to look into creating a patch 16:19:42 <eglute> any chance either of you had the time to look into it? 16:20:02 <markvoelker> Yeah, I think we got this settled after the last meeting: nothing is actually neded. 16:20:20 <markvoelker> Check out line 33-36 on the etherpad 16:21:27 <eglute> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/interopwg/2018/interopwg.2018-04-04-16.01.log.html#l-83 16:21:56 <eglute> ah ok thank you markvoelker 16:22:07 <eglute> i missed the update 16:22:16 <eglute> ok, so we are good there then 16:22:21 <markvoelker> eglute: yeah, after the sammich I realized nothing was actually needed and made some additional notes and pinged folks. We're good. 16:22:51 <eglute> great, thank you markvoelker!! 16:22:55 * eglute really needs to work on her reading skills 16:22:56 <markvoelker> Oh, FWIW: we have (at least) one product that's showing 2018.02 compliance on the marketplace now. Presumably at least one more in the pipe. =) 16:23:10 <eglute> nice! 16:23:19 <mguiney> nice! 16:23:21 <luzC_> cool! 16:23:26 <hogepodge> they're rolling in 16:23:45 <hogepodge> oh hi luzC_! haven't seen you in a while... 16:23:58 * eglute waves 16:24:12 * luzC_ waves back 16:24:13 <eglute> is there a way to filter by guideline on marketplace? 16:25:50 <eglute> ok, so we are good on the not missing tests 16:25:52 <markvoelker> Don't think so 16:25:57 <eglute> #topic Build Gate Job against Tempest 16:26:18 <eglute> hogepodge this was different from gate checks correct 16:27:12 <hogepodge> Yes, making sure interop and tempest remain in sync 16:27:23 <hogepodge> half-finished wip 16:27:46 <eglute> cool, thank you hogepodge 16:28:19 <eglute> #topic Scoring 2018.08 16:28:51 <eglute> has anyone started scoring their components? 16:29:09 <markvoelker> I have started digging into the neutron stuff, but no patches yet 16:29:41 <luzC_> no yet, I signed for Nova, but wanted to check with markvoelker first 16:29:49 <mguiney> it fell to the bottom of my stsck, but i have started looking into the existing caps 16:29:59 <hogepodge> I'm swamped until the summit 16:30:36 <markvoelker> luzC: I've been working on neutron first, so if you have bandwidth for nova right now, go for it! 16:30:51 <eglute> ok.. i have not looked yet either 16:30:51 <luzC_> markvoelker ok, I'll 16:31:13 <eglute> thank you luzC_ 16:31:25 <eglute> ricolin you added head interop test repo 16:31:33 <eglute> is that new? 16:32:09 <ricolin> eglute, hi 16:32:19 <ricolin> eglute, it's not yet created 16:32:32 <eglute> do you have estimated time frame? 16:33:13 <ricolin> eglute, heat will help to maintain it, but I would like to ask you guys if you like to be the owner or us? 16:33:52 <eglute> i think we want the project teams to be owners of their tests. 16:33:57 <eglute> and their repos 16:34:28 <luzC_> ricolin eglute: that is for a heat tempest plugin, right? 16:34:37 <ricolin> eglute, cool, that will also keep those tests under TC is governance 16:35:15 <ricolin> luzC_, a separate repo to put all heat tempest tests for interop 16:35:44 <ricolin> s/TC is/TC's/ 16:36:26 <ricolin> Also we will add gate job in heat to make sure we not breaking those tests anytime 16:36:28 <eglute> ricolin i think i am confused... this would a completely separate tempest test repo just with the interop tests? 16:36:43 <ricolin> eglute, yes 16:38:20 <kgarloff> most projects don't have separate repos, do they? 16:38:22 <eglute> why not just keep the tests where they are now? i think they are here now? https://github.com/openstack/heat-tempest-plugin 16:39:42 <ricolin> eglute, that will cause extra maintain works for other tempest tests 16:40:02 <eglute> ricolin would separate repo not cause extra work? 16:40:10 <ricolin> eglute, also we have to identify interop tests, because we should not touch those tests 16:40:35 <ricolin> eglute, that will be easier work to do IMO 16:40:46 <markvoelker> eglute: I think this goes back to the long discussion with the TC in Dublin and new resolution after 16:41:02 <eglute> ok, makes sense 16:41:27 <eglute> yes, in that case, i think the Heat team should own and maintain the test repo 16:41:47 <markvoelker> #link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/resolutions/20180307-trademark-program-test-location.html Newest TC resolution on interop test location 16:42:05 <ricolin> we will make sure interop team, tempest team and heat team got authZ on that repo 16:42:31 <eglute> thanks markvoelker 16:42:39 <eglute> thank you ricolin 16:42:43 <ricolin> eglute, NP 16:43:46 <eglute> any other questions or comments on the heat repo? 16:45:21 <eglute> anything else on the 2018.02 scoring? 16:46:25 <eglute> #topic open discussion 16:46:30 <eglute> anything else for today? 16:47:20 <eglute> in that case, thanks everyone!! 16:47:26 <eglute> #endmeeting