16:01:45 <eglute> #startmeeting interopwg 16:01:45 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Aug 8 16:01:45 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is eglute. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:46 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:48 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'interopwg' 16:02:05 <hogepodge> hi 16:02:15 <eglute> #chair hogepodge 16:02:16 <openstack> Current chairs: eglute hogepodge 16:02:17 <eglute> hello! 16:02:27 <eglute> I do not see Mark online 16:02:51 <eglute> Anyone else here for the interop meeting? 16:02:57 <eglute> #topic agenda 16:03:07 <eglute> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropWhistler.16 16:04:17 <eglute> Well, looks like it is just the two of us hogepodge 16:04:21 <eglute> do you have any updates? 16:04:39 <chandankumar> hogepodge: hello 16:05:27 <eglute> hello chandankumar 16:05:36 <chandankumar> eglute: Hello 16:05:43 <tosky> hi 16:05:51 <eglute> hello! 16:06:04 <hogepodge> We should add rolling refstack into interop wg into the agenda 16:06:18 <eglute> hogepodge would you like to put that at the top? 16:06:22 <hogepodge> sure 16:06:29 <eglute> ok go ahead! 16:06:36 <hogepodge> #topic refstack 16:07:06 <hogepodge> ok, so the team working on refstack-server and refstack-client is basically me now, and is being removed as an official openstack project 16:07:33 <hogepodge> We're looking at rehoming it as interop-wg project, but that leaves the question of what do do with python-tempestconf 16:07:55 <hogepodge> chandankumar: tosky: have you all given some thought to it with your team? 16:08:30 <chandankumar> hogepodge: I spoke with QA team, but the answer is as usual np 16:08:34 <chandankumar> *no 16:08:41 <tosky> to be honest, not so much discussion about what to do 16:08:52 <tosky> but as you know the TC showed us the possible ways 16:09:13 <hogepodge> I'm disappointed that QA isn't accepting of it. 16:09:22 <tosky> the easiest one would be fold us too into the interop wg; the difference is that we wouldn't partecipate to the TC election 16:09:41 <hogepodge> yeah, that's my concern 16:10:15 <tosky> but TC said that we can changed the decision later (like going as independent project, with a PTL, or unofficial project, or part of some other WG or SIG, either related to TC or community) 16:10:31 <chandankumar> Once we move to the interop wg, how are things going to work? 16:11:02 <hogepodge> chandankumar: nothing will really change, you'll keep the autonomy over the project and code review/etc will continue as it's been going 16:12:24 <chandankumar> ok 16:12:45 <chandankumar> tosky:so I think we are good with interop wg then? 16:13:34 <tosky> chandankumar: I still don't know if the interop wg is fine with getting us :) 16:13:48 <eglute> Yes we will take you :D 16:13:55 <tosky> oki 16:14:24 <eglute> hogepodge is there anything official that needs to be migrated? 16:14:38 <hogepodge> Some project repository updates 16:15:06 <eglute> ok, who needs to do those? 16:15:06 <hogepodge> in the infra/governance repositories, mostly formalities 16:15:10 <eglute> ah ok 16:15:26 <hogepodge> One of us, it's just a code review 16:15:26 <eglute> hogepodge is that action item for you or for tosky and chandankumar 16:15:33 <chandankumar> hogepodge: for tempestconf and refstack one i can do that 16:15:46 <tosky> I do apologize, but I need to leave 16:15:48 <hogepodge> chandankumar: cool, thanks. fungi can probably point out the right place for it. 16:15:59 <tosky> I will read the logs though 16:15:59 <hogepodge> tosky: no problem, I understand it's late there. thanks or your time 16:16:02 <tosky> thanks for moving this forward 16:16:12 <hogepodge> s/or/for 16:16:59 <eglute> #action hogepodge tosky chandankumar will update tempestconf and refstack infra/governance repositories 16:17:55 <eglute> welcome to interopwg tosky and chandankumar! 16:18:00 <hogepodge> :-) 16:18:31 <eglute> anything else on refstack topic? 16:18:38 <hogepodge> no 16:19:26 <eglute> #topic PTG 16:19:46 <eglute> We need to start planning for PTG topics. hogepodge are you planning on having any refstack topics there? 16:20:30 <eglute> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropRefstackPTGDenver_2018 16:20:34 <chandankumar> hogepodge: eglute python-tempestconf team will be there 16:20:35 <hogepodge> If folks are there we can have a single planning session, I don't think we need much more. 16:20:57 <hogepodge> chandankumar: excellent, let's make sure you have sessions for your team also 16:21:05 <chandankumar> I will let the team know to add the topic there also 16:21:29 <fungi> oh, thanks, yes happy to provide guidance 16:21:47 <fungi> (on the python-tempestconf topic) 16:22:28 <eglute> Yes please update ehterpad :) https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropRefstackPTGDenver_2018 16:24:19 <eglute> #topic Build Gate Job against Tempest 16:24:30 <hogepodge> hey, that's mine, and it's stalled 16:24:46 <eglute> hogepodge lack of time or some other reason? 16:24:48 <hogepodge> (as is all my interopwg work) 16:25:02 <hogepodge> lack of time, I've had a lot of responsibility shifts in the last six months 16:25:26 <eglute> understand 16:25:29 <chandankumar> eglute: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/541273/ will addjob running tempest tests using refstack tests 16:25:43 <chandankumar> it is coming with the python-tempestconf integration 16:26:11 <eglute> thanks chandankumar! 16:26:11 <chandankumar> but it is based on devstack, if any modification is needed we are happy to help 16:26:34 <eglute> hogepodge is that what is needed? I am not familiar with the gates 16:27:42 <hogepodge> what we need is something different 16:28:02 <hogepodge> something that checks the tests listed in intopwg guidelines are actually the tests in tempest 16:28:28 <hogepodge> and same on the other side 16:28:33 <eglute> chandankumar would you have some time to help hogepodge wiht the interopwg gate job? 16:28:47 <hogepodge> this will make sure tests aren't accidentally moved or renamed without being reflected in interopwg 16:28:52 <chandankumar> eglute: I will take a look to make that happend 16:28:54 <hogepodge> (or removed) 16:29:08 <eglute> chandankumar that would be awesome, thank you so much 16:29:27 <hogepodge> So these jobs would live in interopwg repository and in tempest repository 16:29:53 <chandankumar> hogepodge: one of the thing on tripleo side I am working on running refstack tests on each python-tempestconf patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/570719/ 16:30:05 <chandankumar> I would love to get your feedback also there 16:30:10 <eglute> #action chandankumar and hogepodge will work on interopwg gate job 16:31:40 <eglute> hogepodge i think the rest of the topics depend either on you or mark 16:32:04 <eglute> there are also 3 outstanding reviews needed 16:32:19 <hogepodge> reviews for the next guideline? 16:32:22 <eglute> please review: 16:32:24 <eglute> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/585772/ 16:32:34 <hogepodge> ah, I can take a look at those 16:32:34 <eglute> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/585606/ 16:32:45 <eglute> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565878/ 16:32:52 <eglute> the last one needs updates too i think 16:32:57 <eglute> cinder scoring 16:34:14 <eglute> if chandankumar and tosky want to get involved in the scoring, we would welcome some help :) 16:34:21 <eglute> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/InteropWhistler.16 16:35:32 <eglute> hogepodge if no other updates, we can end the meeting early 16:35:43 <hogepodge> sounds good to me. 16:35:48 <hogepodge> thanks eglute 16:35:59 <eglute> thank you hogepodge chandankumar and tosky! 16:36:04 <eglute> #endmeeting