19:00:43 <NobodyCam> #startmeeting Ironic 19:00:43 <NobodyCam> #chair devananda 19:00:43 <NobodyCam> agenda found at: 19:00:43 <NobodyCam> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic#Agenda_for_next_meeting 19:00:44 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Oct 7 19:00:43 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is NobodyCam. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:45 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:00:46 <NobodyCam> #toplic Greetings, roll-call and announcements 19:00:48 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 19:00:48 <NobodyCam> Greetings everyone, who's here for the Ironic Meeting? 19:00:49 <openstack> Current chairs: NobodyCam devananda 19:00:58 <lucasagomes> o/ 19:01:01 * devananda waves 19:01:03 <dkehn> hi 19:01:03 <romcheg> o/ 19:01:11 <NobodyCam> hey all :) 19:01:23 <yuriyz> hi 19:01:30 <NobodyCam> hi yuriyz 19:01:33 <NobodyCam> Ok the offical announcement: Hoodies.. "are in progress!".. w00t! 19:01:43 <lucasagomes> NobodyCam, nice! 19:01:44 <romcheg> w00t! 19:01:45 <linggao> hi 19:02:01 <devananda> :) 19:02:20 <NobodyCam> We're looking good on Our call for summit papers! 19:02:27 <NobodyCam> :) 19:02:27 <martyntaylor1> howdy! 19:02:34 <NobodyCam> hey martyntaylor1 19:02:46 <devananda> re: summit proposals, i would like to point outthat there are several overlapping sessions proposed 19:03:19 <NobodyCam> I'me good with squishing them down to one 19:03:21 <GheRivero> o/ 19:03:31 <NobodyCam> o/ GheRivero 19:03:36 <devananda> i'm happy to help coordinate between folks, and/or just pick the one that seems to have the most detail in teh description 19:04:15 <devananda> i'm also thrilled to see that folks have similar (but slightly different) ideas about al lthese things :) 19:04:22 <NobodyCam> We're a small enough group at this point I thing we can merge them down 19:04:34 <devananda> yes -- and we have to. we only get 5 slots 19:04:55 <NobodyCam> :) 19:05:11 <devananda> so far I havent seen any bad proposals. but I'll have to merge a few, so dont take that as a rejection 19:05:13 <NobodyCam> when do we have to have that done by? 19:05:38 <devananda> lemme check.. i think it's basically the-day-before-summit 19:05:52 <NobodyCam> ahh ok 19:06:17 <GheRivero> nice 19:06:40 <NobodyCam> anyone have anything else on summit paper while deva looks that up? 19:06:41 <rloo> are the summit proposals avail at that 'view proposed Ironic talks here' link in agenda? 19:07:06 <romcheg> Who is going to arrive to HK earlier? 19:07:07 <NobodyCam> that gives me a forbidden 19:07:16 <dkehn> me 2 19:07:18 <NobodyCam> use the other link and sort by topic 19:07:22 <rloo> yes, that's why I'm asking ;) 19:07:26 <NobodyCam> lol 19:07:38 <dkehn> its the lemming effect 19:07:47 <NobodyCam> :) 19:08:01 <NobodyCam> i tied to look in to that 19:08:21 <NobodyCam> but seems that what happens after the talks are accepted 19:08:26 <NobodyCam> ???? 19:08:33 <NobodyCam> so thats all I have 19:08:36 <NobodyCam> on theat 19:08:39 <NobodyCam> *that 19:09:20 <NobodyCam> devananda: do you know what the ironic TALK that was accepted is? 19:09:24 <NobodyCam> :-p 19:09:34 <NobodyCam> and is there a updated link? 19:09:58 <devananda> k, wiki has nothing on closing-dates for the design summit. Let's assume 1-week-before to be safe 19:10:41 <devananda> NobodyCam: there is a talk on baremetal provisioning by me 19:10:42 <NobodyCam> #action nobodycam to add agenda topic to discuss summit papers 19:10:59 <devananda> NobodyCam: and a talk by some other folks at HP about their work with baremetal on moonshot 19:11:17 * devananda finds links 19:11:21 <NobodyCam> :) 19:11:48 <NobodyCam> going to move on while you get those 19:11:57 <devananda> #link http://openstacksummitnovember2013.sched.org/event/24f97e7cbb87119571f7b120e3d52e12#.UlMHdIaJBOU 19:12:02 <NobodyCam> :) 19:12:03 <devananda> #link http://openstacksummitnovember2013.sched.org/event/84364e80c063035bde40253a344fdbc7#.UlMHeIaJBOU 19:12:09 <NobodyCam> awesomeness 19:12:27 <NobodyCam> ok to move on? 19:12:42 <NobodyCam> #topic Outstanding, in-progress or Action Item updates 19:12:42 <devananda> sure 19:12:43 <NobodyCam> I've got a couple of older ones on the list. 19:13:04 <NobodyCam> romcheg: your almost the entire list 19:13:13 <NobodyCam> lol several are old 19:13:49 * NobodyCam 9/30/2013): romcheg to propose a non-gating job to -infra 19:13:49 * NobodyCam 9/30/2013): romcheg to add python-ironicclient to devstack install scripts 19:13:52 * NobodyCam 9/16/2013): devananda to think about a Transifex project for Ironic 19:13:55 * NobodyCam 9/16/2013): romcheg looking at Ukrainian and Russian transifex translations 19:13:58 * NobodyCam 9/16/2013): romcheg Check how i18n conplient we are 19:14:18 <romcheg> ok, about i18n 19:14:27 <NobodyCam> :) 19:14:58 <devananda> i'm pinging clarkb to see where I dropped the ball on transifex. I'lll get that going again 19:15:07 <NobodyCam> w00t 19:15:29 <romcheg> In the most of the code we use gettext so we can start translating as soon as we got a project on transifex 19:15:55 <romcheg> After the project was created we will need an infra job for translation 19:16:00 <devananda> any LOG or exception messages not using gettext should be considered a bug and fixed 19:16:44 <lucasagomes> and -1'd on reviews :) 19:16:49 <romcheg> +1 19:16:50 <NobodyCam> devananda: do we want one "make ironic i18n compliet bug or per find bug 19:17:26 <NobodyCam> :-p or one bug per find 19:18:14 <romcheg> NobodyCam: only if someone needs Launchpad karma to live :) 19:18:19 <lucasagomes> one bug per find sounds overkill 19:18:26 <NobodyCam> si 19:18:39 <NobodyCam> :) 19:18:48 <NobodyCam> ok to move on then 19:19:22 <NobodyCam> #topic Integration and testing 19:19:22 <NobodyCam> oh.. I've updated the dib walk thru 19:19:30 <NobodyCam> anything on the Devstack side? 19:19:47 <romcheg> Regarding my other action items: I'm still working on tempest and infra. As I mentioned in the #openstack-ironic, I'm trying to catch up on that 19:19:58 <NobodyCam> oh I'm sorry romcheg 19:20:05 <romcheg> NP 19:20:13 <NobodyCam> :) 19:21:16 <romcheg> Even using tempest on my local machine I found several bugs :) 19:21:17 <NobodyCam> anything on testing (or action items) :-p 19:21:24 <NobodyCam> awesome 19:21:26 <NobodyCam> :) 19:22:19 <NobodyCam> did you file bugs for what you've found so far? 19:22:41 <romcheg> I filed one to Ironic and uploaded the fix today 19:22:48 <romcheg> The others were in devstack 19:22:48 <NobodyCam> :) 19:23:13 <romcheg> it looks like nobody reads bugs in devstack so I just uploaded patches 19:23:38 <NobodyCam> lol... awesome romcheg :) 19:24:05 <NobodyCam> go to move on? 19:25:10 <NobodyCam> ok moving on to: 19:25:13 <NobodyCam> topic Python-IronicClient 19:25:20 <NobodyCam> #topic Python-IronicClient 19:25:43 <NobodyCam> awesome work lucas 19:25:48 <NobodyCam> and everyone 19:26:06 <lucasagomes> yea on the client I think all the basic stuffs are already implemented 19:26:07 <NobodyCam> we have a working cli client 19:26:37 <NobodyCam> so that leads me to : Are we ready for nova bindings? 19:26:45 <lucasagomes> we need to add some other things to the client lib, like vendor_passthru (when it's sorted out) 19:26:56 <lucasagomes> NobodyCam, I think so yea 19:27:00 <devananda> vendor_passthru would only be needed for the PXE post-back 19:27:05 <devananda> not the nova driver 19:27:16 <devananda> we'll need to sort the nesting / namespacing of driver options 19:27:23 <devananda> changing that will affect teh noav driver 19:27:35 <devananda> so may as well fix the nesting in ironic first 19:27:45 <lucasagomes> yes, but it's on ironic 19:28:06 <devananda> the option names and API calls to set them will change, no? 19:28:56 <lucasagomes> it's the options that goes in the driver_info, so currently you can add whatever you want there 19:29:07 <NobodyCam> devananda: can we put up the basic framwork for the nova driver? 19:29:14 <lucasagomes> the driver will validate it, but off the top of my head there's no changes on the api or client 19:29:51 <devananda> lucasagomes: right. so the parameter names that the noav driver uses (when it sends the PXE info to ironic) will need to match the ironic pxe driver 19:29:57 <devananda> NobodyCam: yep! I can do that 19:30:07 <devananda> #action devananda to write framework for noav-ironic driver 19:30:12 <NobodyCam> :) 19:30:14 <NobodyCam> awesome 19:30:16 <NobodyCam> ness 19:30:33 <lucasagomes> :), I will work on the bug you filled today as well 19:30:38 * lucasagomes getting the link 19:30:46 <devananda> anyone stood up a dev environment and had success with ironic powering on a VM or doing a deploy yet? 19:30:53 <lucasagomes> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1236533 19:30:54 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1236533 in ironic "driver options should be namespaced and documented" [Medium,Triaged] 19:30:59 <devananda> *a tripleo devtest environment, using ironic element 19:32:19 <NobodyCam> not yet here.. but much closer 19:32:56 <devananda> k, that's also on my list -- at this point, I think it should work 19:33:04 <devananda> ah! docs for the CLI 19:33:10 <NobodyCam> anything else on the cli / python cliet 19:33:18 <NobodyCam> ahh yes 19:33:20 <lucasagomes> ^ docs missing yea 19:33:21 <devananda> eg, how to patch netsted resources, change power state, etc 19:33:22 <uvirtbot> lucasagomes: Error: "docs" is not a valid command. 19:33:53 <lucasagomes> yea give me one action on that 19:34:01 <lucasagomes> I think it makes sense to me to document it 19:34:07 <NobodyCam> :) 19:34:16 <devananda> #action lucasagomes to add CLI docs to ironic developer doc pages 19:34:51 <devananda> we should also get something up here at some point: 19:34:53 <devananda> #link http://docs.openstack.org/api/api-specs.html 19:35:39 <NobodyCam> our api been changing so fast 19:35:49 <NobodyCam> it would outdate quickly 19:36:26 <lucasagomes> yea I will take a look on the how to contribute link, idk how to add things to that page 19:36:43 <NobodyCam> that leads me to : 19:36:45 <NobodyCam> #topic API discussion 19:37:52 <NobodyCam> there were questions on vendor_passthru? 19:37:56 <lucasagomes> so I think that our new epic discussion on that topic would be the vendor_passthru 19:38:18 <NobodyCam> heheh 19:38:20 <lucasagomes> yuriyz, raised a question last week, whether vendor passthru should return a response body or not 19:38:54 <yuriyz> i agree that not at this moment 19:39:09 <lucasagomes> currently it doesn't because we are doing a async call, and we dont want to have any monitor object returned 19:39:18 <lucasagomes> anyone has any thoughts on that? 19:39:45 <NobodyCam> hummm 19:39:47 <devananda> one challenge with vendor_passthru is it is trying to enable "anything a vendor wants to do", and right now, we dont have vendors telling us what they want 19:39:59 <devananda> our only initial use is pxe driver post-back 19:40:04 <devananda> from the deploy ramdisk 19:40:12 <lucasagomes> so the idea is that, if u want to monitor the state of the node after a vendor_passthru call, you can keep pooling the node-show <id> and look at the states there 19:40:31 <devananda> and that ^ makes sense for task-like requests 19:40:44 <devananda> but not for informatiion requests 19:40:47 <devananda> ahh 19:41:10 <devananda> lucasagomes: any reason why vendor_passthru could not do this 19:41:27 <devananda> return a body for GET (and do a synchronous interaction with conductor) 19:41:47 <devananda> return 202 for POST/PUT/etc and do an async cast to conductor 19:42:13 <lucasagomes> devananda, we can def return a body for GET 19:42:25 <lucasagomes> but how we need some identifier no? 19:42:50 <lucasagomes> s/how// 19:43:03 <devananda> what are you thinking needs to be identified? 19:43:18 <devananda> GET /nodes/{UUID}/vendor_passthru/{some_resource} 19:43:32 <yuriyz> and new method name 19:44:02 <lucasagomes> like you make a call POST /nodes/{UUID}/vendor_passthru/something 19:45:28 <devananda> ah 19:45:42 <lucasagomes> so hmm that is not returning anything 19:45:59 <lucasagomes> so once you do a GET on the same url, it should return what? the status of the previous something call? 19:46:10 <devananda> right 19:46:26 <lucasagomes> so that means that we can only call one something per time 19:46:35 <devananda> so the question seems to be, can a vendor have resources that are distinct from the node, and dont have a 1:1 relationship 19:46:59 <devananda> POST /nodes/{UUID}/vendor_passthru/unicorns 19:47:23 <NobodyCam> *pink Unicorns 19:48:05 <devananda> do that a few times,a nd the node should have a few unicorns. but then, how do you GET those? ... GET /nodes/{UUID}/vendor_passthru/unicorns -> returns the set of unicorns 19:48:21 <devananda> that doesn't really work :( 19:48:33 <devananda> the POST should be returning the resource identifier :( 19:48:40 <lucasagomes> yea, for that we might need to have POST to return some id 19:48:42 <lucasagomes> yes 19:49:01 <NobodyCam> yep 19:49:09 <yuriyz> or some links 19:49:45 <devananda> is it reasonable to require vendors not to have any resources of their own that do not have a 1:1 node:resource relationship? 19:50:02 <lucasagomes> I think at least for v1 it's reasonable 19:50:04 <NobodyCam> I like single id or single link to status for tranzx 19:50:29 <lucasagomes> because we don't know yet what are their use cases 19:50:36 <NobodyCam> devananda: +1 right now its do what nova BM does 19:50:38 <lucasagomes> so we have to assume something 19:51:09 <devananda> so if we impose that, then I think synch GET, async POST is fine. it's not ideal -- POST is a black hole that will eat your data and never tell you if it fails 19:51:27 <devananda> but that could at elast be improved via the validation call 19:52:00 <devananda> (and there's a note in there that I need to fix the race condition between validatea nd do) 19:52:48 <NobodyCam> ok 8 minutes left 19:52:48 <devananda> well 19:53:00 <devananda> let's d othis for now, and hopefully we'll get manyd iscussions with vendors about this at the summit 19:53:02 <lucasagomes> ok maybe on this http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/97 design session 19:53:15 <lucasagomes> we should try to raise some question about the vendor_passthru? 19:53:46 <NobodyCam> lucasagomes: ++ 19:53:53 <yuriyz> we need vendor feedback 19:53:53 <lucasagomes> because vendors will be there 19:54:04 <NobodyCam> yes! 19:54:13 <lucasagomes> so that would be a good oportunitty to talk to them directly 19:54:20 <devananda> i can also add that to the release path session: http://summit.openstack.org/cfp/details/139 19:54:33 <lucasagomes> that would be great 19:54:40 <NobodyCam> ok for last 5 min 19:54:50 <NobodyCam> #topic open discussion / Food For Thought 19:55:30 <lucasagomes> how is the coffee driver? 19:55:37 <NobodyCam> i wanted to hank everyone for the awesome progress this last week 19:55:51 <NobodyCam> we where running low on time 19:56:06 <NobodyCam> and I have no reall progress to speak of :-p 19:56:29 <NobodyCam> on the coffee driver I will get back in to that this week 19:56:40 <lucasagomes> :) 19:57:27 <NobodyCam> any thing else 19:57:54 <devananda> not here 19:57:58 <devananda> thanks everyone! 19:58:08 <NobodyCam> great meeting Thank you all 19:58:09 <NobodyCam> ! 19:58:13 <lucasagomes> sounds more related to ceilometer, but this thing is pretty cool: http://linux-ha.org/source-doc/assimilation/html/index.html#autoconfiguration 19:58:57 <NobodyCam> #endmeeting