19:00:02 <NobodyCam> #startmeeting Ironic 19:00:02 <NobodyCam> #chair devananda 19:00:03 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Dec 16 19:00:02 2013 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is NobodyCam. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:04 <NobodyCam> Welcome everyone to the Ironic meeting. 19:00:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:00:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 19:00:08 <openstack> Current chairs: NobodyCam devananda 19:00:18 <NobodyCam> Of course the agenda can be found at: 19:00:18 <NobodyCam> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic#Agenda_for_next_meeting 19:00:24 <NobodyCam> #topic Greetings, roll-call and announcements 19:00:25 <NobodyCam> Who's here for the Ironic Meeting? 19:00:28 <lucas-afk> o/ 19:00:29 <jdob> o/ 19:00:36 <GheRivero> o/ 19:00:37 <linggao> me 19:00:40 <NobodyCam> welcome all :) 19:00:51 <NobodyCam> devananda: is trapped in traffic today 19:00:53 <matty_dubs> Me! (Pretty new to Ironic, hi all!) 19:01:03 <NobodyCam> hi matty_dubs 19:01:04 <rloo_> o/ 19:01:19 <dkehn> me 19:01:27 <NobodyCam> :) 19:01:36 <yuriyz> + 19:01:45 <haomeng2> Haomeng:) 19:02:16 <NobodyCam> great to see everyone 19:02:34 <NobodyCam> one announcement 19:02:59 <NobodyCam> we want to start a new topic in the meeting 19:03:26 <vkozhukalov> o/ 19:03:32 <NobodyCam> to go over the BP, and bug reports targeted at the next release.. just make sure we are on track 19:03:49 <NobodyCam> (we'll get to that shortly) 19:04:15 <NobodyCam> ahh also.. no meeting next week 19:04:23 <NobodyCam> holiday and all 19:04:33 <rloo_> NobodyCam: is there a meeting the week after that? 19:04:46 <NobodyCam> humm 19:04:50 <rloo_> NobodyCam: Dec 30 19:04:57 <NobodyCam> that would be the 1st 19:04:59 <NobodyCam> oh 19:05:18 <NobodyCam> I'm not sure I'll be able to make that one 19:05:41 <NobodyCam> but we'll play it by ear and see how many folks are going to be around 19:05:44 <rloo_> NobodyCam: could you just make an action item to let us know when the next meeting is :-) 19:06:18 <NobodyCam> #action (nobodycam) find out when next meeting will be and update agenda with correct time 19:06:32 <lucasagomes> I will be on holidays after this week so I won't be able to make the next two meetings 19:06:40 <haomeng2> :) 19:06:40 <jdob> same 19:06:44 <NobodyCam> :) 19:07:07 <NobodyCam> rloo_: so first glance looks like no meeting 19:07:11 <NobodyCam> :-p 19:07:20 <rloo_> NobodyCam: so can we decide now that it will be Jan whatever? 19:07:26 <rloo_> Jan 6 19:07:35 <k4n0> I am here for Ironic meeting, sorry to be late 19:07:42 <linggao> I will be on vac. back on Jan 2nd. 19:07:55 <NobodyCam> ya 6th looks like it 19:08:11 <NobodyCam> but please check the agenda I'll make sure its updated 19:08:21 <rloo_> will do! 19:08:35 <NobodyCam> any announcements from any one else? 19:08:59 <NobodyCam> moving on. 19:09:00 <NobodyCam> #topic Outstanding, in-progress or Action Item updates 19:09:29 <NobodyCam> devananda: is working hard on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/instance-mapping-by-consistent-hash 19:10:03 <NobodyCam> we found a slight issue with the nova driver on friday 19:10:13 <romcheg1> I'm still working on tempest and infra 19:10:26 <NobodyCam> romcheg1: please check the mailing lists 19:10:27 <lucasagomes> NobodyCam, that's the problem with the http_client ? 19:10:45 <NobodyCam> devananda: said there was some good info from the last nova meeting 19:11:15 <NobodyCam> lucasagomes: ya 19:11:42 <kui> o/ 19:11:48 <romcheg1> NobodyCam: will do 19:11:52 <NobodyCam> :) 19:12:02 <lucasagomes> NobodyCam, right, I started reviewing the driver, didn't finish tho (it was almost end the day here) so I will post my comments tomorrow 19:12:15 <NobodyCam> lucasagomes: TY 19:12:59 <NobodyCam> ok lets jump in to the new section: Regular Topics 19:13:09 <NobodyCam> #topic Regular Topics 19:13:30 <NobodyCam> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic 19:13:56 <NobodyCam> lets take a few minutes and go over the Bp's and bugs 19:15:02 <NobodyCam> only looking at Essential and high priority 19:15:56 <NobodyCam> so: romcheg1 anything on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironimigration-from -nova 19:16:23 <romcheg1> NobodyCam: I started making a research on that 19:16:40 <NobodyCam> :) still on track :) 19:16:41 <romcheg1> There are no chassis in nova 19:17:16 <romcheg1> But in fact every node has it's chassis 19:17:27 <rloo_> NobodyCam: that link doesn't work for me 19:17:38 <jdob> rloo_: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/migration-from-nova 19:17:45 <rloo_> thx jdob 19:17:56 <NobodyCam> :) 19:17:58 <romcheg1> Currently I'm not sure how to handle that 19:18:51 <matty_dubs> j/win 3 19:18:54 <NobodyCam> romcheg1: lets hook up with devananda on that asap.. prob tomorrow morning by the time he's on line 19:18:55 <lucasagomes> romcheg1, yea, I think there's not much we can do in this case 19:19:01 <lucasagomes> nova doesn't have the chassis abstraction 19:19:07 <lucasagomes> so I would just put everything in one chassis 19:19:33 <rloo_> is the migration supposed to be automated? 19:19:49 <NobodyCam> rloo_: as much as posiable 19:19:51 <rloo_> and/or can info be collected first? 19:19:54 <NobodyCam> possiable 19:20:01 <rloo_> (like what chassis they'd like the nodes associated with) 19:20:25 <rloo_> otherwise, i'd go with lucasagomes' suggestion. 19:20:29 <NobodyCam> next one's are on devananda's plate so we'll a update when hes back on line 19:20:47 <NobodyCam> do we have Sun Jing here today? 19:21:36 <yuriyz> about bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1260099 I think we need "maintenance" provision state and save current state in target_provision _state 19:21:39 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1260099 in ironic "Can not take a node offline for maintenance" [High,Confirmed] 19:21:39 <NobodyCam> ok need to get a update on "use ipmitool to provide serial console access" 19:21:52 <linggao> She puts some comments in the BP 19:22:06 <linggao> She is working on it as far as I know. 19:22:19 <yuriyz> see my comment ^ 19:22:28 <linggao> I had some discussion last week. 19:22:32 <linggao> with her 19:22:47 <haomeng2> I can reach Jing tmorrow morning 19:23:06 <linggao> She said she'll use ipmitool + shellinabox first. 19:23:12 <NobodyCam> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic 19:23:30 <NobodyCam> haomeng2: great 19:23:30 <linggao> then use jbjohn's pyghmi. 19:23:47 <linggao> There should be two console implementaions 19:24:02 <NobodyCam> haomeng2: can you also check that she is still on track with that one 19:24:13 <linggao> one use ipmitools for use who choose ipmitool as the power driver 19:24:23 <haomeng2> sure:) 19:24:39 <NobodyCam> linggao: we only need one to meet graduation requirments 19:24:54 <linggao> and the other pyghmi for user who choose to use ipminative for the ipminative. 19:24:58 <haomeng2> got it 19:25:15 <NobodyCam> haomeng2: she can just up date the status on the bp as I know timming is tuff 19:25:15 <linggao> Yes, the other one can be done later after the icehouse release. 19:25:35 <yuriyz> IMO pyghmi is preferred, but not completed (no sensors, etc.) 19:25:41 <haomeng2> ok 19:25:52 <NobodyCam> lots of high level bugs 19:26:05 <NobodyCam> not sure we have the time to go thru each one 19:26:08 <haomeng2> :) 19:26:23 <NobodyCam> thou I beleieve we have every one here 19:26:31 <linggao> yuriyz, yes. We'll plan to add sensor support when jbjonso comes back in Jan. 19:26:40 <NobodyCam> is there anyone blocked on anything releated to the bugs? 19:26:58 <lucasagomes> yuriyz, +1 19:28:41 <NobodyCam> please if you are working on a critical or high level bug please update the status as best you can. we have several moving parts at this point are are workig towards release 19:29:04 <yuriyz> ok 19:29:11 <NobodyCam> If you help unblocking anything please reach out for help 19:29:16 <NobodyCam> gah 19:29:22 <haomeng2> ok 19:29:24 <NobodyCam> *if you NEED help..... 19:29:46 <NobodyCam> any question/ comments? 19:30:18 <NobodyCam> ok moving on. 19:30:20 <NobodyCam> #topic Integration and testing 19:31:02 <NobodyCam> romcheg1: you gave a quick update above .. anythig to add? 19:31:13 <romcheg1> NobodyCam: Nope 19:31:15 <NobodyCam> :) 19:31:59 <NobodyCam> just quick update on the dib element other then the issue we found friday (and this morning) things are moving along well 19:33:11 <NobodyCam> dkehn: can you give a up date on the neutrn intergration work? 19:33:59 <dkehn> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/60904 wait for final, in the middle of some neutron bugs, next on the list to get to neutron interface 19:34:14 <NobodyCam> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/60904 19:34:45 <vkozhukalov> Last week we were working on PoC functional testing scheme. We sent pull request https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62410/2 please have a look. We are open for critisism. By the moment we've made a couple of fake tests and a set of shell scripts which allow to run testing on ubuntu machine. Some comments are available in the beginning of the ironic/irci/README.md file. 19:34:56 <NobodyCam> dkehn: great.. just off the top of your head do you have a time frame for that(we wont hold you to it) 19:35:23 <dkehn> NobodyCam: hmm, let me think about that 19:35:29 <NobodyCam> vkozhukalov: ahh I missed the pull request... we'll take a look in a bit 19:35:49 <lucasagomes> vkozhukalov, added myself to the review list, I will take a look at it (probably tomorrow) 19:35:56 <NobodyCam> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62410 19:36:31 <vkozhukalov> lucasagomes, thanks. will wait for feedback. 19:36:58 <NobodyCam> awesome... good to move on? any Questios / coments? 19:37:21 <NobodyCam> moving on. 19:37:25 <NobodyCam> #topic Python-IronicClient 19:37:44 <NobodyCam> We need more tests around the client 19:38:14 <lucasagomes> NobodyCam, +1, specially on the shell part 19:38:45 <lucasagomes> romcheg1, https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-ironicclient/+bug/1235431 19:38:47 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1235431 in python-ironicclient "command-line shell lacks unit tests" [High,Triaged] 19:38:59 <NobodyCam> quick update: seems this patch unknowingly broke some of the client. https://github.com/openstack/python-ironicclient/commit/1fd3fcf59548ca53ea742a140457daabd579fe72 19:39:30 <NobodyCam> this was dissuced in channel this morning 19:39:55 <lucasagomes> NobodyCam, actually it didn't 19:40:11 <NobodyCam> :-p 19:40:13 <lucasagomes> the ironic driver on nova was using the libraries wrong 19:40:19 <NobodyCam> ahh :) 19:41:15 <NobodyCam> any other comments on client? 19:41:44 <NobodyCam> ok moving on 19:41:53 <NobodyCam> #topic Nova-driver 19:42:09 <NobodyCam> just quickly 19:43:00 <NobodyCam> we will prob start to break up the nova driver so that we are not tring to land a multi k line patch all at once 19:43:35 <NobodyCam> any Q / c on the nova-driver 19:43:40 <matty_dubs> May I ask a really dumb question here? What does 'Nova-driver' refer to? The Ironic driver for Nova? 19:43:49 <NobodyCam> matty_dubs: yep 19:44:02 <lucasagomes> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/51328/ 19:44:38 <NobodyCam> lucasagomes: quicker then I 19:44:45 <lucasagomes> :) I had it open 19:44:48 <haomeng2> inclouding scheduler? 19:44:48 <NobodyCam> hehehe 19:44:55 <matty_dubs> NobodyCam: Thanks :) 19:45:16 <NobodyCam> haomeng2: we should not need to change scheduler 19:45:35 <haomeng2> bm one. got 19:45:41 <NobodyCam> :) 19:46:04 <NobodyCam> good to move on? 19:46:22 <NobodyCam> #topic API discussion 19:46:25 <NobodyCam> lucasagomes: go 19:46:27 <NobodyCam> lol 19:46:29 <NobodyCam> :) 19:46:50 <lucasagomes> heh nothing much to say actually 19:46:56 <lucasagomes> there was two patches approved yesterday 19:47:03 <lucasagomes> but I had to rebase (and fix it) 19:47:12 <lucasagomes> so need to be reviewed again 19:47:18 <NobodyCam> :) 19:47:22 <lucasagomes> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57495/ 19:47:27 <lucasagomes> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/60299/ 19:47:34 <NobodyCam> lucasagomes: I'll take a look after meeting 19:48:00 <lucasagomes> I also started drafting the blueprint to abort the deployment of the node 19:48:08 <lucasagomes> I put some infos how the API would look like 19:48:29 <lucasagomes> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/abort-deployment 19:48:30 <NobodyCam> awesome 19:48:38 <lucasagomes> so I will add more stuff on that tomorrow as well 19:48:44 <NobodyCam> :) 19:48:59 <NobodyCam> any other questions / comments on the api 19:49:36 <NobodyCam> ok then for the final tan minutes: 19:49:38 <NobodyCam> #topic Food for Thought / Open Discussion 19:49:46 <NobodyCam> open floor! 19:50:00 <NobodyCam> any comments / questions from anybody 19:50:43 <matty_dubs> So, I'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1260337 and wonder if there's a good way to generate test data. 19:50:44 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1260337 in ironic "API objects to generate sample data for the auto-documentation" [Wishlist,In progress] 19:50:54 <matty_dubs> Maybe this just belongs in the main channel vs. this meeting though 19:51:12 <matty_dubs> Being new, I just worry I'd generate test data that didn't represent a real deployment. 19:51:13 * NobodyCam looks 19:51:24 <haomeng2> can we have bp to discover hardware server node? 19:51:57 <NobodyCam> matty_dubs: I would start by looking at the test fixtures 19:52:01 <matty_dubs> Right now I'm just creating nodes and the like manually 19:52:04 <matty_dubs> NobodyCam: Oh, good thinking. 19:52:10 <yuriyz> haomeng2 https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/discovery-ramdisk 19:52:14 <NobodyCam> haomeng2: do you have ideas on how to do that 19:52:25 <NobodyCam> :) 19:52:32 <NobodyCam> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/discovery-ramdisk 19:52:59 <haomeng2> ping ipmi port and try to get mac 19:53:12 <haomeng2> will try 19:53:21 <kushi_> NobodyCam: I'm kui, Is there some tips to speed up the setup of dev test for ironic ? e.g. http_proxy, and make use of pip-cache / deploy-kexec elements in dib 19:53:28 <NobodyCam> haomeng2: add comments to the bp yuriyz linked in 19:53:44 <haomeng2> that is in-band 19:53:48 <NobodyCam> kushi_: yes proxy helps a lot 19:54:09 <linggao> haomeng2, you can talk to Sun Jing on it. 19:54:18 <NobodyCam> kushi_: see footnotes at the bottom of: 19:54:20 <haomeng2> we need outofband maybe 19:54:20 <NobodyCam> #link http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tripleo-incubator/devtest.html 19:54:27 <haomeng2> ok 19:55:11 <haomeng2> linggao:thank 19:55:54 <NobodyCam> any thing else on anyone mind 19:56:19 <kushi_> NobodyCam: yes, I have set up one. 19:56:20 <linggao> haomeng2, np. we had discovered two kinds of hw discovery. One was discover through ramdisk. Otherer was autodiscovery and registration of beremetal nodes. 19:57:09 <haomeng2> lianggao:ok.will diss with jing 19:57:15 <linggao> discovered/discussed 19:57:46 <NobodyCam> we may want/need to use both methods 19:58:02 <linggao> NobodyCam +1 19:58:04 <lucasagomes> NobodyCam, +1 19:58:31 <NobodyCam> :) last two minutes 19:58:41 <haomeng2> yes +1 19:59:24 <NobodyCam> if I dont see you before the upcomming holiday's please have a great time and be safe!!! 19:59:46 <NobodyCam> great meeting everyone 19:59:49 <linggao> Have great holidays, everyone! 20:00:03 <haomeng2> getting back to my dream:) 20:00:07 <NobodyCam> anything we missed here we can go over in channel 20:00:13 <NobodyCam> thank you all 20:00:15 <linggao> haomeng2 +1 :) 20:00:16 <lucasagomes> haomeng2, thanks for coming :) 20:00:21 <NobodyCam> #endmeeting