19:00:31 <devananda> #startmeeting ironic 19:00:31 <adam_g> o/ 19:00:32 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Oct 13 19:00:31 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is devananda. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:33 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:00:35 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 19:00:41 <pensu> o/ 19:00:44 <devananda> #chair NobodyCam 19:00:44 <openstack> Current chairs: NobodyCam devananda 19:00:49 <lucasagomes> o/ 19:00:52 <devananda> #topic Greetings and Announcements 19:00:54 <mrda> o/ 19:00:55 <harshada_kakad> o/ 19:01:16 <jgrimm> o/ 19:01:16 <rameshg87> o/ 19:01:19 <devananda> our agenda is, as usual, up on the wiki here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic 19:01:53 <devananda> I hope everyone had a great weekend :) 19:02:15 <devananda> hm, haven't seen NobodyCam yet? 19:02:52 <devananda> my only annoucement from last week is that we tagged a second release candidate 19:03:09 <lucasagomes> I marked a bug as potential-rc after the release :( 19:03:14 <devananda> d'oh 19:03:21 <devananda> #topic Juno status 19:03:25 <devananda> lucasagomes: link? 19:03:25 <lucasagomes> well I haven't found it before 19:03:30 <lucasagomes> 1sec 19:03:46 <lucasagomes> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1379705 19:03:47 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1379705 in ironic "DRAC Driver can't continue the deploy" [High,Fix committed] 19:04:10 <lucasagomes> basically the DRAC driver is broken because it has no vendor interface (and it uses PXE for deploy) 19:04:21 <linggao> o/ 19:04:31 <lucasagomes> s/is/was the fix is merged in K 19:04:37 <devananda> oh 19:04:55 <lucasagomes> yeah it's a silly one 19:05:13 <devananda> crap. yes, that's broken 19:05:38 <devananda> ok... I can set up an RC3 for the end of this week 19:05:54 <devananda> anyone else find critical bugs since we opened Kilo? 19:05:58 <lucasagomes> cool thanks 19:06:04 <devananda> or things serious enough to need backporting to juno? 19:06:19 <rameshg87> devananda: for juno, we would like to add some documentation for ilo drivers - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/127161/ . does it come under mention here ? 19:06:21 <GheRivero> 7- 19:06:53 * GheRivero moves the cat to another room 19:06:56 <devananda> rameshg87: doc update like that affects the website immediately (once it lands) so it doesn' tneed backporting 19:07:01 <devananda> GheRivero: :) 19:07:26 <rameshg87> devananda: thanks. 19:07:27 <dtantsur> GheRivero, :D 19:07:35 <NobodyCam> o/ 19:08:08 <devananda> any other comments on Juno? 19:09:01 <devananda> ok, well, please continue to test RC2 and tag any potentially critical bugs with juno-rc-potential. I'll spin another rev thursday, so we have a few days still 19:09:21 <devananda> #topic kilo planning 19:09:38 <devananda> this sort of has two parts that I'd like us to chat about 19:09:40 <devananda> summit and specs 19:09:54 <devananda> I dont have any more news about the design summit than I did last week 19:10:17 <devananda> are there proposed sessions that folks want to talk about now? 19:10:32 <mrda> devananda: have you got a url? 19:10:48 <devananda> ditto for specs -- and I assume theyll be related. if there's a big topic, it probably also has a related spec (or should!) 19:10:53 <devananda> mrda: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XBKdeDeGfaRYaThjIIoYRwe_zPensECnxsKUuqdoVmQ/edit#gid=0 19:10:56 <mrda> ta 19:11:06 <lucasagomes> we have many potential sessions proposed on the spreadsheet 19:11:16 <jroll> so we've been voting for a week... I don't see a ton of votes :/ 19:11:24 <lucasagomes> maybe we should set a date so people can vote and the most voted ones are selected to become a session? 19:11:34 <jroll> yeah, maybe just end of day friday 19:11:39 <NobodyCam> lucasagomes: ++ 19:11:45 <jroll> and make a ordered list for next mtg 19:11:55 <lucasagomes> jroll, that would be good 19:12:04 <devananda> jroll: sure, sounds good 19:13:00 <devananda> as a reminder, we have 4 official slots on wed, 1 on thur, and a half day unconference on friday 19:13:30 <NobodyCam> and the pod all week? 19:13:30 <lucasagomes> for the unconference day there's no "format" for it right? 19:13:56 <devananda> yes, we should have a "pod" all week 19:14:10 <jroll> lucas, right 19:14:26 <lucasagomes> I liked what we did on the last mid-cycle, remember the topics on the whiteboard? 19:14:29 <devananda> which basically means a dedicated meeting point where a few folks can gather any time 19:14:36 <lucasagomes> we should do something similar to that on friday maybe 19:14:36 <devananda> but it probably won't be useful beyond ~10 ppl at once 19:14:52 <devananda> lucasagomes: that's my plan for friday, yes 19:15:10 <lucasagomes> awesome 19:15:13 <NobodyCam> for some of the smaller intress topics that should be good 19:15:16 <jroll> we should come up with those topics in advance 19:15:26 <jroll> so we don't spend half the time arguing over what to argue about :) 19:15:27 <devananda> so, here's my thinking 19:15:28 <lucasagomes> jroll, +1 yeah the spreadsheet :) 19:15:33 <jroll> yep 19:15:41 <devananda> everyone votes on the spreasheed this week 19:15:44 <mrda> so we need to decide which topics get "official" slots and the rest we do like mid-cycle? 19:15:53 <jroll> mrda: yes 19:15:57 <mrda> cool 19:16:17 <devananda> friday morning I'll tally things, assign 5 to official slots, and pick several "big ticket items" taht we should prioritize discussion of on friday 19:16:37 <devananda> then on Monday, let's go over that and adjust as necessary 19:16:46 <NobodyCam> devananda: that sounds good +1 19:16:56 <devananda> and during the week, lets use the pod for any impromptu hacking sessions that folks want to hve 19:17:02 <jroll> +1 19:17:08 <lucasagomes> devananda, sounds like a plan 19:17:34 <devananda> #action devananda to review votes on the session spreadsheet on Friday, come up with prioritized list for Monday's meeting 19:17:46 <devananda> ok. about specs for a minute -- 19:18:03 <devananda> I want to remind everyone that Kilo is open 19:18:21 <devananda> but specs do not automatically move -- you need to rebase and update your spec if you submitted it during Juno 19:18:45 <devananda> #info specs submitted during Juno need to be updated for Kilo template, and moved to /kilo/ directory 19:18:56 <devananda> (posting that ^ for the minutes for anyone not here) 19:19:18 <pensu> jroll: devananda: We should really try to add this to kilo planning: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/102405/ 19:19:45 <devananda> are there specific specs folks would like to talk about today? I'll cap at 10 minutes but we should pick a few to start working on next week 19:20:24 <devananda> pensu: ++ 19:21:28 <lucasagomes> should we abandon the open specs for juno? 19:21:32 <lucasagomes> just to clean up the queue? 19:21:59 <devananda> lucasagomes: lets wait another week. 19:22:10 <NobodyCam> lucasagomes: I say a week or so after the conf for something like that 19:22:18 <lucasagomes> right 19:22:29 <devananda> lucasagomes: also if you're using gertty, it's easy to hide them 19:22:57 <jroll> pensu: is that not on the spreadsheet? /me adds 19:23:05 <lucasagomes> it's not that the author can't restore it and submit a new one for kilo... it's just that when you open a list of open patches for ironic-specs there's a bunch of juno specs there and it's hard to sort between juno and kilo 19:23:06 <lucasagomes> but yeah 19:23:11 <lucasagomes> devananda, yeah I've to start using it 19:23:17 * lucasagomes writes it down 19:23:48 <devananda> lucasagomes: yea, using the web UI that would be challenging. in gerrty, my list for ironic-specs is .. about 10 unreviewed specs 19:23:55 <devananda> and I dont see anything else :) 19:24:05 <NobodyCam> :-p 19:24:22 <lucasagomes> :) yeah I'm setting up gertty heh 19:24:26 <Shrews> I would start using gertty, but then I'd have to push something else out of my brain in order to learn it 19:24:38 <devananda> Shrews: I pushed the gerrit web UI out of my brai 19:24:39 <devananda> brain 19:25:11 <devananda> I have just two words: keyboard shortcuts 19:25:29 <devananda> anyway, if folks dont have specific specs to talk about, let's move on 19:25:35 <lucasagomes> for those interested 19:25:37 <lucasagomes> #link https://github.com/stackforge/gertty 19:25:53 <devananda> #topic subteam status reports 19:26:00 <devananda> adam_g: hi! how's CI? 19:26:19 <adam_g> okay--the parallel tests seem to be mostly stable, with the exception of one failure jroll reported today that i'm looking into 19:26:48 <adam_g> our sideways grenade test is a bit jammed right now pending some grenade issues, but will hopefully be resolved this week and running again when stable/juno is up 19:27:02 <adam_g> i'm working on ensuring the grenade juno -> kilo/master job is ready for that as well 19:27:12 <NobodyCam> awesome :) 19:27:15 <devananda> fantastic 19:27:42 <devananda> dtantsur: hi! how's our bug backlog looking? 19:27:52 <dtantsur> Open: 88 (-1). 3 new (-1), 21 in progress (0), 0 critical, 9 high (0) and 4 incomplete (0) 19:28:05 <dtantsur> everything calm, but I'm concerned by number of in progress 19:28:18 <dtantsur> I'll probably start poking people next week 19:28:22 <dtantsur> * this week 19:28:40 <NobodyCam> I was going to ask do we want a bug swatting day? 19:28:48 <devananda> adam_g: on the parallel job, let's not change anything before Juno final (end of this week) but if you are comfortable with it, I'd like to make it voting any time after that 19:28:55 <devananda> NobodyCam: that might be a fun thing to do in person at the summit? 19:29:03 <dtantsur> ++ for in person 19:29:09 <NobodyCam> for our pod area !!! 19:29:10 <devananda> pick a couple hour window when there aren't other things going on, gather in our POD and hack on bugs? 19:29:43 <NobodyCam> ++ i'd buy that for a dollar (/me watched robocop this weekend) 19:29:44 <devananda> who else'd be up for that? 19:29:46 <lucasagomes> :) sounds good 19:29:50 <adam_g> devananda, im okay with it voting under the assumption that people are okay with having to an occasional recheck if it fails for some non-obvious bug. we should start tracking those with elastic-recheck, if they happen 19:29:50 <mrda> +1 19:30:02 <devananda> dtantsur: want to organize that? 19:30:05 <devananda> adam_g: exactly 19:30:05 <jroll> ++ for bug day 19:30:17 <dtantsur> devananda, likely yes 19:30:32 <dtantsur> (though it's my first Summit and I barely imagine how thigs work there :) 19:30:56 <devananda> dtantsur: ahh. lucas? 19:30:59 <NobodyCam> dtantsur: its a mad house no matter how much you plan :-p 19:31:02 <jroll> dtantsur: talks, code, and chaos 19:31:10 <dtantsur> lol 19:31:18 <devananda> dtantsur: not knowing the format will make it a bit challengign for you. chaos is a good way to put it :) 19:31:23 <lucasagomes> yeah I can give a hand fo sure 19:31:31 <devananda> great, thanks 19:31:32 <dtantsur> cool :) 19:31:36 <lucasagomes> dtantsur, we can do a hangout and come up with some ideas 19:31:41 <jroll> "when other things aren't going on" is going to be hard due to various interests, we should identify a few slots and collaborate 19:31:43 <dtantsur> right 19:31:55 <devananda> jroll: there is never a time when all of us will be free 19:32:05 <devananda> but I suspect things like that will work fairly well on tuesday 19:32:16 <devananda> it's mostly cross project workshops that day 19:32:20 <jroll> right... I mean we should identify the best 19:32:34 <jroll> tuesdya might be fine 19:32:48 <devananda> I'll be in and out of several of those, but chances are more of us will be free then than on Wed (ironic and nova) and thu (ironic and nova ...) 19:33:00 <jroll> yeah 19:33:39 <devananda> GheRivero: hi! I think we missed you last week -- thanks for volunteering to continue to be oslo liason. 19:33:50 <GheRivero> you are welcome. 19:34:03 <GheRivero> A couple of announcements for today: 19:34:04 <devananda> GheRivero: aside from the deprecated incubation libraries, which it looks like you and lucasagomes are already on top of (cheers!) 19:34:10 <devananda> any thing else? 19:34:26 <GheRivero> we are using oslo.serialization (jsonutils) landed this weekend 19:34:52 <GheRivero> synces libraries and new config and policy API is on the way (thx to lucasagomes and dims ) 19:35:11 <GheRivero> and oslo.logging is on is way... someday 19:35:32 <GheRivero> s/dims/Roman/ 19:36:06 <GheRivero> nothing else 19:36:40 <lucasagomes> thanks GheRivero 19:37:17 <devananda> thanks much, GheRivero ! 19:37:41 <devananda> on to drivers -- jroll, linggao, wanyen, lucas! Hi! any news/questions/updaets on your respective drivers? 19:37:55 <jroll> I don't believe I do :) 19:38:01 <NobodyCam> do we have an offical DRAC contact? 19:38:03 <rameshg87> nothing much to report from ilo driver team. no open items for juno except documentation of the drivers. we are working on few specs for kilo, will post them for review soon. 19:38:10 <lucasagomes> only that DRAC problem 19:38:20 <lucasagomes> NobodyCam, I volunteered to be the contact 19:38:27 <NobodyCam> ++ 19:38:27 <lucasagomes> I'm not the expert on it but since I've worke don it 19:38:37 <NobodyCam> thank you lucasagomes 19:38:37 <lucasagomes> and I have access to a DRAC box I think it may make some sense 19:39:19 <devananda> rameshg87: thanks 19:39:29 <devananda> I do have one announcement in this section 19:39:46 <devananda> mirantis has spun up a project a whiel back to track the status of drivers in OpenStack 19:39:49 <devananda> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/DriverLog 19:40:06 <devananda> they reached out to me to seed the content for Ironic last week -- it's now up, starting around this line 19:40:13 <devananda> https://github.com/stackforge/driverlog/blob/master/etc/default_data.json#L880 19:40:46 <lucasagomes> oh awesome 19:40:47 <devananda> if there are any errors (wrong contact, misspelled name) it's entirely my fault, but please correct it 19:40:48 <jroll> oh, I need to add others to the agent maintainers list 19:40:59 <devananda> you can submit directly to the project in gerrit 19:41:03 <jroll> yep 19:41:03 <devananda> stackforge/driverlog 19:41:09 <jroll> devananda: what does "vendor" mean? 19:41:22 <jroll> e.g. for iLO, is HP the vendor because they make ilo? 19:41:27 <jroll> or because HP folks work on it 19:41:28 <devananda> jroll: what company is responsible for contributing/maintaining it, I think 19:41:37 <jroll> hmm, ok 19:41:47 <rameshg87> thanks devananda 19:41:52 <jroll> I'd argue all in-tree drivers are the community responsibility, but ok :) 19:42:10 <devananda> well 19:42:22 <devananda> there've been several lengthy discussions in nova, neutron, and cinder as well 19:42:33 <devananda> about who is responsible for ensuring / attesting to the quality of drivers 19:42:46 <devananda> when the community at large has no access to such hardware 19:42:50 <lucasagomes> heh in part it's but if nobody can test it it's hard to know whether it's working or not 19:42:51 <jroll> ah, true 19:42:58 <devananda> ironic falls into the same boat 19:43:11 <devananda> I would make a case taht IPA is community, since anyone can test and validate it 19:43:16 <jroll> right 19:43:23 <devananda> but iLO is the responsibility of HP, since they manufactor the hardware and contributed the driver 19:43:36 <devananda> tho DRAC gets murky since dell didn't contribute the driver... 19:43:38 <jroll> that's why I asked, makes sense :) 19:44:16 <devananda> moving on then 19:44:21 <devananda> #topic open discussion 19:44:44 <lucasagomes> i've a question here... so when I was porting the config to use the oslo libraries 19:45:03 <lucasagomes> I thought it would be a good idea to split the sample config file in 3: all configs, api configs, conductor configs 19:45:21 <lucasagomes> do you guys think that splitting it makes sense? or should we only have one sample config with all the configs ? 19:45:37 <NobodyCam> i did n't add to the agenda but wanted to gague what folk thought about targeting provisioning to a device other then sda! 19:45:40 <lucasagomes> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/128005/ 19:45:55 <jroll> hmm, I think 3 may be tough, because folks will need to merge them later 19:46:04 <devananda> lucasagomes: I dont see a strong reason for us to put in the effort to maintaining that split. 19:46:07 <jroll> and how do you automatically decide, in code, which service it belongs to 19:46:10 <NobodyCam> i like single file easy to grep 19:46:11 <jroll> yes, +1 deva 19:46:33 <devananda> lucasagomes: and as an operator, if there's no reason to separate the configs, then it only complicates things if I think I need to 19:46:36 <lucasagomes> right I haven't a strong opnion on that later, I just saw other services (glance) doing that and thought it may be useful 19:46:45 <lucasagomes> devananda, right yeah I agree with that 19:47:19 <devananda> lucasagomes: I would ask how this benefits operators. if it does -- great. if not, we shouldn't do it 19:47:41 <lucasagomes> devananda, ML? 19:47:47 <devananda> lucasagomes: sure 19:47:57 <lucasagomes> right I will fire an email later to the ML asking 19:48:13 <jroll> one data point: we use the same configs on api and conductor hosts 19:48:21 <lucasagomes> but for the next patchset I will just have 1 config (it's easy to break into multiple ones if needed) 19:48:33 <lucasagomes> jroll, oh right, that's good to know 19:48:35 <devananda> NobodyCam: using arbitrary devices for '/' partition is going to introduce a host of complications 19:48:58 <devananda> NobodyCam: for one, the boot partition may be requried to be on a specific device which is not the user-selected one 19:49:02 <NobodyCam> i have had a customer ask that question 19:50:19 <lucasagomes> NobodyCam, right, can u say what was the use case? 19:50:24 <devananda> NobodyCam: I could see that being part of the deploy info (assuming we separate boot & deploy), but I'd like to understand the use-case better 19:50:50 <devananda> Shrews: you posted something to the agenda as well - want to raise it? 19:50:56 <Shrews> So, those hacking errors listed on the agenda are the remaining ones we are ignoring b/c they exist in our code. Does anyone feel strongly about keeping any of those? 19:51:06 <NobodyCam> lucasagomes: the customer had data on sda that they wish to keep, so they install the OS on to sdb 19:51:24 <lucasagomes> NobodyCam, ephemeral partition? 19:51:37 <jroll> Shrews: IMO we should fix them all 19:51:38 <devananda> NobodyCam: they want to use ironic with pre-existing data w/o destroying it? 19:51:44 <lucasagomes> they can use the preserve_ephemeral flag 19:51:45 <mrda> Shrews: How compliant are we? ie. how much work will be required to bring the code up to scratch? 19:51:46 <NobodyCam> sda is TB in size 19:52:07 <Shrews> mrda: good question. there are A LOT of the E12? errors, but very few of the others 19:52:10 <lucasagomes> oh diff disks hmmm 19:52:11 <jroll> Shrews: though they are all indentation things... I tend to think our indentation is ok 19:52:23 <NobodyCam> they asked the question as that is wha there current deploy is doing 19:52:57 <Shrews> jroll: this is an example of the E111 error: https://github.com/openstack/ironic/blob/master/ironic/drivers/modules/drac/management.py#L50 19:52:58 <mrda> If we could knock off the majority and leave the indentation ones, without much work, I'd say do it 19:53:12 <jroll> Shrews: right, I think that's fine 19:53:37 <lucasagomes> Shrews, (as author) heh I don't mind that 19:53:46 <jroll> Shrews: I think E113, E129, and (maybe) E265 should be fixed 19:54:02 <devananda> Shrews: ugh, E111 is really annoying to me. actually all of the E1** are annoying but not a big problem 19:54:21 <devananda> mrda: E1** are all indentation related 19:54:22 <Shrews> devananda: luckily, that was the ONLY E111 problem :) 19:54:32 <lucasagomes> Shrews, you have any example of E265 handy? 19:54:40 * mrda needs to wake up 19:54:53 <Shrews> lucasagomes: something like: #NOTE(Shrews): blah blah 19:55:04 <jroll> lucasagomes: I've only ever seen those with """ style comments 19:55:06 <Shrews> instead of: # NOTE(Shrews) blah blah 19:55:07 <lucasagomes> oh missing the space 19:55:14 <Shrews> yeah 19:55:14 <lucasagomes> well... hmm 19:55:18 <jroll> Shrews: really? 19:55:22 <jroll> oh 19:55:23 <lucasagomes> I like that space, but as it's a comment I wouldn't really care much 19:55:24 <jroll> that 19:55:37 <jroll> let's do this 19:55:42 <jroll> clearly none of those matter a ton 19:55:50 <Shrews> right. this is all nitpicking at this point 19:55:50 <lucasagomes> failing on gate because of a space after # in a comment seems too much 19:55:59 <jroll> if someone feels strongly about them, they can do the work to get rid of them 19:56:01 <devananda> jroll: yes. '# NOTE(deva)' is correct. '#NOTE(deva)' is not. also, '""" NOTE(deva)' is not. 19:56:02 <Shrews> i fixed the major ones already 19:56:07 <NobodyCam> this could be a great batch of lhf 19:56:31 <devananda> so, this is stylistic sugar that will get someone easy commit stats 19:56:34 <lucasagomes> devananda, we use some """ <blah> """ in the api 19:56:44 <lucasagomes> as "docstrings" for the attributes 19:56:44 <devananda> lucasagomes: that is actually a doc string 19:56:48 <devananda> not a comment 19:56:48 <devananda> :) 19:56:49 <lucasagomes> right 19:56:50 <jroll> like, I would love to have all of those enabled, but I don't think anyone should do work to do this, unless they really care 19:56:51 <devananda> that's fine 19:56:58 <devananda> jroll: ++ 19:57:05 <lucasagomes> yeah well I'm worrying if E269 would see it as a comment 19:57:15 <Shrews> jroll: devananda: all but the E12? errors will be very easy to fix 19:57:25 <jroll> someone will come along and think our code is horribly wrong because we ignore them, and they'll fix it 19:58:06 <NobodyCam> *two minute bell* 19:58:25 <devananda> NobodyCam: I think the answer is "not at this time". 19:58:39 <NobodyCam> ack :) 19:59:24 <jroll> sounds like we're done... thanks everybody :) 19:59:26 <devananda> NobodyCam: that they use /dev/sda for durable-state, and we use /dev/sda for operating system, was a design choice. We could make that a configuration option but then it runs into hardware limitations (eg, if the host requires /dev/sda to be bootable...) 19:59:36 <devananda> cheers, thanks all! 19:59:39 <lucasagomes> thanks 19:59:48 <NobodyCam> Thank you all :) great meeting 19:59:48 <devananda> #endmeeting